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Everything posted by Othin

  1. It seems to be battles taking place in the fifth battle mode, which has been inaccessible. I believe it updates every hour.
  2. Are most Bluestacks users having problems? I haven't had any issues with it.
  3. Linde is brutal, especially on the lava map. I had a deathless streak going until I encountered a Linde+Azura team there today, put my attention away from them for just a bit too long and suddenly ended up trapped and having to let her kill Merric.
  4. Don't know about 4* or total, but I've pulled seven 5*s using almost all the free Orbs available so far. I think that's been about 260 Orbs spent, for a total of ~85 summons?
  5. 5. For all three difficulty levels, there's one Orb mission, one Dueling Crest mission, one Stamina Potion mission, and one Light's Blessing mission, with the Normal one giving 1, the Hard one giving 3, and the Lunatic one giving 5, for a total of 9. The other four missions give shards, one for each color: I think the Normal shard missions give 500, the Hard ones give 1500, and the Lunatic ones give 2500. So by completing all monthly missions on all difficulty levels, you get a total of 9 of each "utility" item and 4500 of each shard.
  6. If the character is lv20 or higher and not 5*, you can go to the Unlock Potential screen to preview what their stats would be at lv1 in their next upgrade level, even if you don't have enough badges/feathers to actually do it. Then you can compare those to their lv1 stats for that upgrade level. Edit: Whoops, this was already taken care of.
  7. I've had a ton of success with 5* m!Robin in the arena, so I definitely recommend him, especially if you think he might be a particularly good fit for your team.
  8. I don't think it's zero free Orbs, but a very small number. It looks like there's one free Orb every week as the Sunday weekend log-in bonus, 9 per month from quests (1 Normal, 3 Hard, 5 Lunatic), and 9 per set of Focus Paralogues every couple of weeks. I think we can count on those to continue for a while, at least as long as we keep getting regular monthly quests and Focuses with new characters appearing in Paralogues.
  9. Nah, buffing up my arena score is the whole reason I want Hector so that would be very counterproductive. I already have plenty of good lv40 5*s, just not ones with ratings as high as I'd like. Although I'm not sure what Olivia's rating is, so that might also be counterproductive. As for Catria, I trained her up for the special event but she's been very effective and fun to use, so that's why I've been thinking of upgrading her and adding her permanently. Bows are annoying but I can handle them; m!Robin can take every Takumi the arena can throw at me. Sharena is the other option, but I'll have to see how things look when I actually have the feathers to do it.
  10. Yeah, I've thought about that. I don't have Azura, but I have a 4* Olivia, which is a further complication for the whole Catria thing because to use Olivia in the Arena, I'd want to upgrade her to 5* first.
  11. Yeah, that doesn't sound too bad. I do have m!Robin, but I like having a second blue for fighting all the reds. I'll have to see what my team needs by the time I can get another 10k feathers, though. I've been trying to fit Hector in for the higher rating, but I've had trouble making teams with him that can maintain a deathless record.
  12. I'm picking Sharena. She and Alfonse are the only ones I have, and they're both almost lv40, with Sharena being better positioned because of both stats and weapon triangle. And I figure a lot of other people are in a similar position.
  13. I've been having a lot of fun using Catria for the bonus, but it's annoying how she drags my team's score down since she's only 4*. I could save feathers to upgrade her to 5*, but it seems like it could be a waste since it's possible to get her as a 5* naturally and I could use those feathers to get a 5* that's only available that way like Sharena or Olivia instead.
  14. It's annoying, but I do like how it adds weight to battles so you're encouraged to try your hardest on every attempt. Plus, my stamina potions were able to get me through the points when I was using the most stamina with plenty to spare.
  15. Gotta give people something to look forward to, I guess? No sense in having every popular character at the beginning, and it's not like they'd done the poll before they decided when they were going to release him.
  16. I'm sure they planned the first several Focuses ahead of time, including his.
  17. I've started to save up feathers for a 5*. Was thinking Olivia, but Sharena might be handy for the event, since she seems well-positioned and I don't have any of the returning characters involved. Also, having a feather reserve will be nice if I end up wanting specific 4* characters; it was frustrating wanting to get Oboro to 4* for the lance mastery event but not being able to get the necessary feathers in the available timeframe. (I ended up sticking with 3* and using two Light's Blessings to beat Hector.)
  18. It doesn't save a total score, just the highest you've gotten from one battle that week. The thing is that if you can keep winning battles up to a 7-win chain, you add the scores from the previous battles in that chain to your score, so you can get a score up to 7 times what you'd get from an individual battle. So if you want to improve your score after getting one 7-win chain, you'll need to do another 7-win chain and do better with that one. It's not explained well; I was confused at first too.
  19. I'm not sure Lekain is likely to be in the game in the first place. The thing is that the Lords so far have had some personal ultimate weapon, but Micaiah doesn't have one. The only real precedent for that is the Robins, who don't have any personal weapons at all so they just use new special weapons in this game.
  20. I'm guessing Rexaura as well. Thani isn't an ultimate weapon; it's like a Rapier.
  21. Between the free Matthew at the beginning and the two free Felicias from the Hero Battles, the only way to not have a dagger user is to throw away your last copy of a character not just once, but at least twice. Which is a good example of why it's important to not do that.
  22. I think it might be a matter of the rounding taking place at a different time. For example, if you have 23 Attack, 20% of your Attack is 4.6, which rounds down to 4, so you get +4 with WTA and -4 with WTD.
  23. According to this, if you defeat a team with four 204 units while using a bonus character (if it's even possible to face such a team while using a bonus character), you'll get 708 points. If you somehow did that 7 times in a row, you'd get 4956 points. So if all that is true, it's completely impossible to get a >5k score legitimately.
  24. Maybe the final Battle mode will contribute something whenever they finally release it? And it's possible there will be March Arena quests at some point, even if it's released mid-month like February.
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