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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I was lucky enough to pull Hector, but even with him, Gwendy, and Draug, that's only three. Maybe there will be some new Hero Battles with others?
  2. I decided to last-minute dump a bunch of crests into completing the last Arena quest for maximum feathers. And to be able to say I've continued completing every quest so far that didn't require a Focus character.
  3. Really? I felt like she wasn't obnoxious enough to be as fun as I'd hoped. Her voice sounds too serious. As for the characters, I want all of them. Even the ones I don't like.
  4. Thracia is pretty neat. Has a lot of issues, but I'm really optimistic about the likely remake in a few years.
  5. His skills are listed in the announcement notification. He has a legendary weapon that reduces his special count, and his special skill is Blazing Light. I don't remember his passive skills, but you should be able to check.
  6. I've been using them to get at least one of each character up to at least 3*, and been working on getting as many as possible up to 4*. Haven't done any 5* upgrades yet; I don't plan to work on saving up for that until I run out of 4* upgrades to make.
  7. While I prefer Dime Thunder as well, I've been trying to go with official localization names. Dire Thunder will probably still be its name in the inevitable FE5 remake, although we've probably got about five years until that happens.
  8. Xander is probably a ways away, since unlike Narcian/f!Robin/Ursula/Navarre/Camus/Michalis/Zephiel, he appears repeatedly throughout the story and is specifically loyal to Veronica. I doubt we'll get him until the rest of those have been released, and possibly more story as well.
  9. Brave ranged weapons seem a lot easier to make use of than Brave melee weapons. With that in mind, Dire Thunder looks exciting, and I'm hoping I pull one of the pair.
  10. 4456 offense gets 9876 rank. Hope this doesn't change too much in the next few hours.
  11. Narcian isn't the strangest choice, since he was already in Chapter 9 and he was one of the 10 characters on the villain SpotPass team in Awakening. He's one of the biggest secondary antagonists in the series.
  12. It should be either one bane and one boon or two banes and two boons. Or none of either.
  13. You're making up arbitrary criteria. Micaiah is the main character of Radiant Dawn.
  14. The two characters they picked to represent Elibe in the first Focus round were Lyn and Roy. Being involved in multiple games is not a requirement: they just picked the most iconic main male and female characters from the continent as a whole. For Tellius, that's Ike and Micaiah.
  15. It's more that the main story doesn't have a resolution. Veronica is still continuing her war just like at the beginning of the story, and there's the whole arc with Zacharias and finding out what his deal is with like presumably being the mystery guy and figuring out how to resolve that. That doesn't seem like the sort of "side story" thing that would get reserved for Paralogues.
  16. It's probably expecting her to have skills yours doesn't have yet (and might not be able to learn until after becoming 5*), like her highest weapon upgrade.
  17. I don't think they'd put multiples of one character in one Focus, or that many of one weapon type. They don't want to put all their eggs for a given Focus in one basket like that, even for Ike fans. It's also worth noting that while the anti-Robin Focus was an exception, the "main" Focuses have all been gender-balanced. In addition, while the Black Knight has been briefly playable, he seems like more the sort of character that would be available through a Grand Hero Battle like Narcian (and presumably other antagonists like Ursula and Zephiel) than be available through regular summoning.
  18. My 4,300 score from earlier this week has fallen to rank 21,585. Hoping I might be able to do some last-minute improvements to that with my revised team. I'd been going Marth/Robin/Hector/Odin, but after training Narcian and Catria up to 40 as well, I decided to try Marth/Robin/Merric/Catria and it's been going much better. Merric's lower rating than Hector means I'm not getting quite as many points per perfect win, but having him back on my team has been making it a lot easier to reliably get those perfect wins. Catria's rating isn't quite as low as Odin's, which helps offset that a bit, and she's been easier to use and to keep alive.
  19. It'll probably be more main characters, to replace the Eirika/Ephraim/Seliph/Julia group rather than supplementing them. My guess is Ike and Micaiah alongside another pair of Jugdral characters.
  20. I actually like how I'm ending up with a different roster than everyone else, having to figure out how to do things my own way with the characters I've happened to pull rather than saving up for the best ones. Although I understand that people with worse luck with pulls might not feel the same way.
  21. I was under the impression that skills like that do not stack.
  22. I have Marth, so I think I could have him just keep taking out Hectors and then running away to heal. Keeping my other team members alive might be difficult, though, depending on the map. Four Takumis could be annoying since my Robin can only survive fighting 2-3, but between Hector and Marth, I think I could manage.
  23. Just keep at the Training Tower. It can be hard to find good battles sometimes, but it'll work out.
  24. I've had a lot of fun using Matthew, although I don't know how his effectiveness compares to others.
  25. I've fought double Takumi teams recently. Never had to fight a triple, but I can handle two just fine.
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