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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Looking at the image - that's definitely Magic Cry. It's easy to get confused because they're both blue, but Defense Cry is noticeably lighter than that. Also, it's ordered before Speed Cry in her skill set, while Defense Cry would be ordered after it. Characters like her with highly custom skill sets always initially follow the ingame skill order like that.
  2. And of course, with every promoted class having a normal Luck cap of 45, any character can get that much with Limit Breaker without needing any buffs at all.
  3. It sounds like: Beat Hero and crazy enemies: Get Katarina Beat Anna and batshit insane enemies: Get Katarina and Ultimate Emblem
  4. Holy shit. With Divine Weapon, that's a 65% Aether activation rate, and of course you have to fight her from range. And you need 66+ Spd to not get regular doubled, which means you need buffs, because only Mark can do that without them. And she moves? Hmm. Doing the calculations, if you avoid Counter and her Brave Lance by attacking at range, you avoid being doubled by having 66+ Spd, and you have 80 HP, you still need 52+ Def to not die to Aether. Which, granted, is reasonable on this scale, but still. And if she really does move, you need to throw a bunch of these supercharged characters at her at once to obliterate her in one turn, while she heals with Aether. And probably deal with other enemies at the same time? Every Anna in the game other than the one in S4 is a different Anna from the recruitable one. Even the one in S2 is different.
  5. Oh wow. Fascinating. So Anna really is the ultimate boss? Do you have any info about her combat abilities?
  6. The Strongest One's Name is the fourth Ultimate Training map, and UT is only supposed to have four maps based on the initial promotional video. As that finale to the series, it's one difficulty level above the others, so MAX as opposed to the five-star maps.
  7. Hmm. So any info on how to fight Anna (and presumably the Berserker) and "completely" beat the map?
  8. The UT bonus characters don't have conversations like the ST ones do.
  9. what did i fucking tell you Hmm, yes. The map itself suggests otherwise, being "MAX" and all, yet the fact that it's called the "Series 2" finale rather than the overall DLC finale is intriguing. Perhaps we'll hear more within the next couple of weeks? The Series 2 announcement came a week and half after the Series 1 finale, if I'm remembering right.
  10. Stop the whining no one cares about it You've already lost being worth punctuation don't make me stop using capitals too
  11. So has anyone actually fought the Berserker and/or the Anna and thereby found out anything about the circumstances and potential winnings? Specifically, she looks almost exactly like the one FeMU I've made. I did a double-take when I first saw her icon.
  12. I answered "no" to everything and ended up with the following waves: Round 1: Generals and Battle Clerics Round 2: Battle Monks and Dragonmasters Round 3: Snipers, Generals, and Bow Knights Round 4: Dark Pegasi, Falcon Knights, Dragonmasters, Griffin Knights Round 5: Heroes, pretty much everything else Other than the first wave, where the Battle Clerics are just a pair off to the side, and the last wave, where everything is blended together, they're in sets of five of that class, creating sub-waves, which is interesting and makes it more reasonable. Still absurdly tough if you're not properly prepared, though. I haven't actually even played to the end yet. I went in with a team that mostly filled Limit Breaker caps yet was incredibly ill-prepared for anything it couldn't curbstomp with brute force; by the start of the fifth wave, I had lost 10 of the 20 characters I brought, so I had to reset anyway, and I wasn't going to get any farther. Even killing a single other enemy with their enormous defenses and mass Fortify support would've been difficult. So yeah, despite not finishing it, I made it to what seems like it's supposed to be the end, yet I didn't encounter the Berserker or Anna, either, so I'm very confused. Maybe they're linked to some other reward? Say, for anyone who tried it, how does the midway stop work? Can you resume from there later or is it Tower of Valni style?
  13. There's a character who appears on the map's icon, just as every other UT map and every single Talisman map did with the redesigned character who joined. So yes, it's a safe bet that there is. I just don't yet know who she is. Although it appears that I must now vanish for the time being. I'll bring news when I get back home, tonight or tomorrow.
  14. Looking at NM, all the enemies have capped stats already. Round 1 only has seven enemies: five Generals and two Battle Clerics. The six generics are like the Battle Cleric we saw: their modifiers go up to +10, and they have Vengeance, Evil Dragon scale, a Lunatic+ skill, and some fourth class skill. One of the Generals is the first boss, with somewhat higher stats: Other-Worlder General 20 80 75 55 66 50 60 65 50 5+1 Lance A, Axe A Silver Lance++ Movement +1, Defense Cry, Vengeance, Evil Dragon Scale, Great Shield I'll post progress as I begin and move through the map. I should also point out that the map allows for fielding 20 units, like LvD F.
  15. UT4 is out! There's a new character, featured on the icon, but I'm not sure who she is. She's got purple hair; that's all I can see from here. But we'll just have to find out who she really is the hard way, won't we?
  16. Sac a unit? You mean the character that joins from the DLC? If you complete a DLC that would give you a character you already have, you just have to pick one version of them to keep. No conflict necessary.
  17. I noticed, but I don't see a reason to care.
  18. What's this nonsense you people are going on about. Wood looks great.
  19. They're pretty much what you'd expect and what you find by poking around a bit. Is there anything in particular you were wondering about?
  20. You have a very bad definition of "hint". However cute it is that you think her gender is remotely a secret, I'm not changing it.
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