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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Doesn't mean it'll be a big deal when they do play it. Most people here haven't played the game up to the points where war starts with Plegia and Varm, but we have no qualms about mentioning those without tags: they're just events in the story.
  2. That and fancy terrain mobility is more Trickster domain. Indeed.
  3. SpotPass Tiki uses Nono's outfit, so it sounds like Mark would, as well. Unfortunately.
  4. His portrait is the Black Knight. However, as a playable character, his battle model has a visible face, and it's based on Zelgius's real appearance.
  5. You can only forge weapons that have a non-zero cost (and not Slime). So no ultimate weapons like the ones you list. Sol Katti is good, but Amatsu is absolutely outclassed in postgame. And not really, unfortunately. Once you've gotten all the skills you want and maxed your stats, Assassin is really just better. But then, the difference isn't one you'd notice; I tend to leave most of my characters as Swordmasters just because I prefer the class. I know.
  6. A minor and kind of obvious revelation from six chapters in is not a spoiler.
  7. On all difficulty levels, her only skill is Dual Attack+.
  8. What's Anna saying in the new one, anyway? If she's a non-generic on the map, she might be even stronger than the Berserker...
  9. Fielded Chrom, MU, and the six SpotPass. Conversation options showing up: Chrom/Emm Renha/Paris Valhart/Paris Inverse/Gangrel Emm/Gangrel Nothing with MU, oddly, but this is excellent regardless. Haven't looked into interactions with other characters yet.
  10. Uhh no. Those were conclusions to 4-star map sets, while UT as a whole is a 5-star set. They were never even close. And we saw UT4's regular enemies in the same video that announced FoD in the first place; there was never any question that something this absurd was coming.
  11. Holy shit. Not getting OHKOed means having 80 HP and 40+ Def, and that's without taking Counter into consideration - which means either using a weak thrown weapon or bouncing off holy Shield. A bow with 90 Mt does just 13 damage to him, if you can even get that high. Good thing he can't move. And what the hell's Anna up to? Her having a custom class makes it even more concerning... Yeah. This is beautiful. Anyone have translation from the stuff? It sounds like it's saying it's the Path of a Grandmaster finale and off the difficulty scale, but all I can do is guess.
  12. Doesn't look like it. Like in SoB, it just has some Bond Seeds and a ton of shiny tiles. HoB also has the shiny tiles, but just the Master Seal as a drop. There's some pre-map notification about Swordmasters - just like the ones for UT bonus characters. I don't think it means much, though. The enemy Swordmasters all stand still in their pools for a while, impossible to reach by foot without Acrobatics. It looks like it's saying they stay like that for seven turns and then start moving from Turn 8 on? I'm mostly guessing here; can anyone verify one way or another? And holy shit I take back what I said about it for the higher difficulty levels. On Lunatic, the enemy Swordmasters have 43 Spd, once-forged Brave Swords as backup weapons, and five skills. Also, there are way more enemies to begin with - 36 instead of 26, and the new ones are all promoted. Granted, so were the old ones, except the few Revenants, which actually puts it quite a bit ahead of SoB, and the promoted enemies are tougher to begin with. But on Lunatic it's absolute insanity. Definitely looks to be harder than any of the KvK maps, which go up to 3-star, and on my Lunatic run, I didn't finish the last of them until after Ch20. It's no postgame map, but it's quite impressive.
  13. And it's out! The enemies are about as weak as last time with no real tricks, although the enemy Swordmasters have Swordslayer Swords. The boss is another Swordmaster with Amatsu; he and an Entombed on the map drop Bond Seeds, again similar to the previous one.
  14. Every character has a base class. Frederick, for example, has Cavalier, as evidenced by him having Cavalier skills. The screwy one is Emelina, since she has Mage skills, but doesn't actually have access to Mage, so I'm guessing she counts as a Cleric regardless. Also Paris, since he doesn't have any Tier 1 skills, but he's obviously a Mercenary.
  15. It makes sense. I mean, we can assume that UT4 will be the first 6-star map. And who stops at six stars rather than going all the way to seven? It does sound like it indicates another map set beyond it. I expected it to be FoD or a part of it, but even though it's not, that's not off the table.
  16. Only if we're talking about Normal mode.
  17. Well, 10 points of Skl only translates to a difference of 15 Hit. So such a small differences as those contained in caps wouldn't make much of a difference anyway, if you would even reach the caps. I guess having really abysmal Skl like enemy Barbarians and Berserkers would cause problems, but otherwise, I didn't have many issues with hitting things as long as I was using high-leveled characters and the enemies didn't have Slayer skills. At least, from what I remember.
  18. Loran gained five years from the time displacement, apparently switching him from being one of the younger children to the oldest. He's explicitly stated to be older than Lucina now.
  19. I act a lot of ways! Picking apart stories is fun! I'm a much more positive and rational person than I was a year ago, anyway. Seems to me internet posts have a statute of limitations of like six months, tops.
  20. shut up shut up shut up if you're so disgusted with the game don't read stuff about the game don't talk about the game aaaaaaaaaaa
  21. Only room for three weapon icons on the stat screen. It's just as well. No point in adding a class that only serves to obsolete others so decisively.
  22. It's also something that wasn't even made until months later, by all indications. So it was a question of either buying it separately or not getting the maps at all. I assume you understand that the way things stand is the best you could possibly ask for.
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