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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Just that whoever is her father in the screenshot, it's one of the set fathers, not MU.
  2. Well, the confession images have to be accurate. It's not like you could pair MU with Sarya and then with her daughter.
  3. There's some stupid stuff in Lunatic+, but it's a great mode.
  4. It's not, actually. I paired Sarya with Henry on my third file, and looking at them side by side, Noire's hair definitely has a yellowish tint that Henry's lacks.
  5. It also depends on the difficulty level. On lower difficulty levels, characters can do fine outside of Double, so you can work faster by keeping them that way. On higher levels, you don't have that luxury.
  6. Meanwhile Thracia has stats that go up to 20 and Awakening has stats that can go past 50. Thracia also has scrolls that give massive bonuses to growth rates. It's all relative. Making statements like "every character is good and enemies are weak" is just idiotic when you have such a weak understanding of the game. Frederick as good as Seth? Go on, show me something that can one-round Seth. Anything. Frederick? I had to stop bringing him in my Lunatic run because he eventually couldn't survive a single round with any enemy. And this was one of the characters that I held onto for most of the run up to that point because he was one of the best I had.
  7. Donny is a terrible unit. The growths are just what add some fun for your trouble if you decide to go for it. I'd be impressed if you could 0% growth any difficulty. Final allows 16 units; other story chapters allow up to 15. I guess ~14 again if you're going by the amount you can deploy? Which is just a good idea. And yes.
  8. I don't think there is a technical term.
  9. You keep it. You need to re-activate it through the Wireless menu, but there's no delay like when you're actually downloading it.
  10. So it's a girl's name if the character is a planet who mated with the sky to produce a ton of titans and monsters, then?
  11. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/
  12. Oh, how did I forget. No. That is NOT FUCKING PERMITTED. The NoJ names are wrong. Anyone who had the slightest understanding of name translations was saying this ever since we heard of them, and now that we're seeing the actual names, we're confirming that obvious truth. However, not everyone is paying close attention. They may see these odd, fake names and mistake them for the actual ones. They are not. They are WRONG AND LIES. Posting them ANYWHERE is merely a perpetuation of misinformation. You and anyone else who has ever used them to refer to the characters as if it was an actual name needs to edit them out THIS FUCKING INSTANT, as well as an explanation of the mistake so that you do not confuse anyone. No arguments. Do it. Now.
  13. Sort of, and I was including that in "changing the content". But there's another issue: you can't just stick the characters anywhere, as KvK is male-only and RvB is female-only, in terms of the class and new characters you get from the series. So Roy couldn't join in RvB, no matter what. They could swap Lyn and Micaiah, but then art accuracy becomes an issue: Lyn's art is specifically promoted, as a Swordmaster, while Micaiah's is specifically unpromoted, as a Dark Mage. If Lyn was changed to join as a Myrmidon and Micaiah was changed to join as a Sorcerer so that they'd be at appropriate levels for those maps, their art would no longer match their starting class. So even then, that's really not an option.
  14. They didn't in the first, and it seems that way here as well.
  15. Changing the order would also mean changing the content. Of the 12 Talisman maps, Lyn's is the 4th-highest in enemy strength, and Ike's is the highest. So in order to release those two any earlier, they'd need to either screw with their sensible bottom-up order for difficulty (very bad idea) or make those characters become associated with lower-level DLC one way or another. And really, it makes sense for the most important DLC to also have the most recognized characters. Changing the SpotPass order could make sense except for the part where they really can't push those characters' SpotPass any earlier without pushing their DLC earlier because of the constraint of SpotPass being later than corresponding DLC, a sensible consideration that they'd be foolish to change. The main reason they can't change the order is because of the specific maps Lyn and Ike have: the finales of the third and fourth of the four map sets, respectively. What could possibly be rearranged to happen after them? Not earlier maps from their own map sets, of course, and not anything from the lower map sets, as those would have to conclude before the higher ones. So the most that could be done would be to push the LvD maps behind Lyn, with nothing to do for Ike. Of course, they could just increase the rate of DLC release now that the maps are already designed. That would probably be a wise choice.
  16. Mark, like all non-Lucina children, joins only through a sidequest only accessible after pairing their parents. So no.
  17. They're in the blog post Vincent linked to. http://ameblo.jp/g-ig-i/entry-11394216108.html
  18. Gimle-possessed MU is Fauder's buddy who shows up in Ch13. Something about him showing up is what messed with original MU's memories before the Prologue.
  19. Technically, there are only two. It's just that one is in two places at once, thereby effectively making three.
  20. Lucina can be defeated, but with her appearing so much in the story, I assume she just retreats. Same with other key characters like Frederick and Liz.
  21. Sarya's back bugs me. I can't make sense of it. She seems to be both standing up and bending over at the same time. No new map announced for next week, looks like. Strange.
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