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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Indeed. Any truly bonus content as DLC can only be a net positive, however small.
  2. Like bows, Dragonstones run on Str but activate Holy Shield. Sol, Luna, Astra, Aether, Magnificent Flame, Vengeance, and Lethality are all incompatible: you can only activate one at a time, with the ones with lower activation rates having their chance first. This is, to my knowledge, the only instance of separate skills not stacking in FE13.
  3. NSMB2 DLC procedure has been to release several maps at once but keep them available for separate purchase. I see no reason why this would be any different. Granted, you can also buy them in packs, but the packs are dependent on release date, not the series themselves, and you don't get a discount. Also, the individual items are "smaller" and cheaper, anyway.
  4. FE11's difficulty is far lower, but yes, with Casual Mode available, there should be nothing to worry about.
  5. 1) Yes, but aside from Chrom and MU, don't expect them to go far. Not as field units, anyway. Combat classes can be great for adding Double bonuses, but that's still support, not direct fighting. Of course, also considering Cries, there are a lot of options for support, so weaker characters tend to be important that way. 2) Fire tomes appear at the top of the tomes category when accessing the item list, and therefore require the least scrolling to move to characters' inventories in bulk. For this reason, I tend to use fire spells a lot for easy postgame missions once I've amassed ridiculous amounts of items. Otherwise, yes, they're useless.
  6. Or Nn or Chambray, for that matter. Only one or the other, depending on the parent, of course. or tiki
  7. On higher-difficulty runs, it tends to happen because anything else is too much trouble. So you can just do those and blame the game to get it in the support library with your conscience clear.
  8. Been a while, but from what I remember, high-pitched and screechy.
  9. My first thought was male but I don't know any way to confirm from appearance, voice, etc. Does anyone have any dialogue clues?
  10. That one random Knight isn't anything special as to say anything other random enemies wouldn't.
  11. There is a support viewer, but no other dialogue viewer. And aside from characters, classes, skills, and generic stuff gained there, the game doesn't interact with DLC content outside of the DLC maps. You can replay the maps anytime to view the conversations again, though.
  12. Regardless, it should follow the Japanese pattern closely enough, maybe without as many delays later on. Free Marth should be the only thing they offer Day 1.
  13. Well, in addition to the delay from waiting to be ready to challenge a chapter with enemies around LV10 promoted, the chapter itself is the slowest in the game. Unless you've got an army of Slime spammers, you have to wait for all seven doors to open, making for a minimum turncount of like 9. That's a lot, especially on this scale. And then there's the part where if you're soloing chapters with MU on a higher difficulty level, you're going to want Iote's Shield before becoming a Dark Pegasus in the first place, and you need another 15 levels from there to actually get Lightning Speed. And I should mention that on my untimed Lunatic run, I held off on that chapter until I had already unlocked the Final. It wasn't bad at that point and I'm sure you could do it earlier, but... yeah. For comparison, I took on the first RvB right before Ch21; even with the doors buying time, taking on the enemies was hell. No way I could've done the third at that point to get the skill.
  14. If you want a character to be in one specific class with skills from three others, that final class and the classes that grant those skills are primary concerns, even if the others aren't.
  15. Saying anything is irrelevant is just saying you don't understand the train of thought that lead to it and therefore need to stay out of the way. This music is beautiful, and having it online is great. But does anyone know of a shorter version? Not necessary at all, but they do tend to be convenient.
  16. OP is discussing best couples in terms of the most prominent gameplay implications: children. If you want to discuss other standards of a "best couple", I'm sure no one will stop you. Unless you keep whining in the process of doing so. Then we'll keep telling you to shut the fuck up, because your tantrums are frankly quite tiring.
  17. There is no mix-up. One person just happened to bring up a few numbers as one aspect of his musings. Stop whining.
  18. I've enjoyed Double the most so far, although the DLC and world map get honorable mentions.
  19. Yes. Or Brady, if Chrom goes with Mariabel.
  20. Sounds about right. It's not automatic, though. Post-Ch3, when you can access the Wireless menu, you can choose to add your file's MU to the list if you haven't already, or to update them if you have.
  21. That's not quite right. I had a failed attempt at a Lunatic run that ended around Ch5, and I found the MU from that file in the Unit List on other files even after deleting the original file where he appeared.
  22. Well, that's not quite what I meant by "correct". Both must be accurate representations of the hair Noire can have without MU. Yet for some reason, her hair is changed in the ingame version. That's the strange thing. For the record, with Henry as her father, Nn's hair has the same yellowish color as Noire's.
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