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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I tried it with animations off the first time because of the low activation rate, but trying it again, yeah, it does. For tomes, the part where the spell is cast and launches the attack towards the enemy is normal, but then when the attack makes contact with the enemy, the screen turns red with the blood splatter effect. I couldn't see much of the splatter because it was a long-range attack so the enemy was at the edge of the screen, though. I assume it works the same way with bows. I used him a bit on my first playthrough to not a whole lot of success. His defenses are great for the earlygame, though, especially when he's using Double to provide bulk to an ally. His ability to grant a huge Def boost is especially valuable on Lunatic, but his combat prowess on the front lines suffers because everything doubles him for heavy damage, and there are more Hammers to cause trouble for Frederick.
  2. SO MANY PAIRINGS TO MAKE Dammit I want to pair with him and Gangrel and Valhart but endgame pairings are so hard to justify.
  3. Specifically, one character can potentially be set up to have a Str or Def cap of 61 in specific classes. So it's not an easy scenario, but yeah, possible. Even enemies can break 50, although it's rare and almost never by much.
  4. Lightning Speed is amazing. If there are a lot of enemies around, killing a second important one with more freedom in moving is still extremely useful. Definitely the best skill next to Rainbow Cry. Testing it with Sol as a Demon Fighter, Lethality works just fine with tomes, and I know Astra works with anything. So any combination should work.
  5. They're not bad, per se, but it's hard to justify raising bows from E rank, and a bit of a chore because you don't have an enemy phase to work with and gain WExp. I found that Viole and Noire as innate bow users did fine, though. Haven't tried it, but Snipers can activate Astra while using bows, and Dark Knights can activate Astra while using tomes, so I assume any skill/weapon combination is possible. --- Okay, actually trying it now, Lethality works with tomes, so it should work with bows as well.
  6. Each gender has a set of five options, but the last choice for each gender is mute, so it's only eight voice actors plus silent, I think. Might be another ambiguous overlapping option or two.
  7. Physical game: FE3 FE4 FE5 FE6 FE13 Berwick Saga Emulator only (so far): TearRing Saga FE12 Mother 3 (brief)
  8. Yes. It also has smaller effects on other stat growth rates, as listed here: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_growth_m.html Similarly, it has some effect on the MU's personal caps for different stats, a new feature shared by all units but variable for MU. For base stats, though, only the best and worst are affected.
  9. You create the character by selecting various characteristics. You pick a gender, one of three body sizes, one of five faces and one of five haristyles depending on the body size and gender, one of 20 hair colors, and one of five voices depending on gender. You also get to input a name and birthday, and choose a best stat and worst stat.
  10. I tried this, and it worked. It's hard to believe moving quickly could work well on these maps, but after how often it helped in Hard, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I used the Killing Edge a lot in the past couple of maps, but I didn't need it here, since the rest of my team was following along to clear out the rest. I still had three uses of Chris's Home-Made Sweets, so I used one on Frederick to help him survive. He wasn't dodging everything, but he was able to withstand the damage he took and wound up with just a bit of his boosted HP remaining at the end, so it looks like that was worth it. I did need some luck on the last enemy phase though, with MU dodging the Fighter so he could survive the hit from the boss, and with the Archer attacking Ronku instead of MU... and with Ronku dodging that Archer, because I hadn't checked the damage and he would've been OHKOed. I'm sure I could have worked things out to avoid that on a second attempt if things didn't go so well, though, so the general strategy was solid. Now, as for Krom being lucky enough to land a Dual Attack on pretty much every single Dracoknight that attacked Frederick, that might have been some more significant chances in my favor.
  11. MU is the only character able to support everyone, but most opposite-gender pairs of Gen 1 characters all have supports, and the same goes for opposite-gender pairs of Gen 2 characters. So yes, Krom and Sumia are just weird. Kids other than Mark, specifically.
  12. Anna is a special case; she doesn't have any kids specific to her and can only pair with MU. Same story with Sairi, Tiki, Basilio, Flavia, and the bonus characters. Krom's only possible pairings are female MU, Soiree, Sumia, Mariabel, and Olivia. I'm not entirely sure why.
  13. ...Or we just accept the story and characters as they were purposefully set up?
  14. They're each just one line; I suspect they're just along the lines of the FE10 ones.
  15. As far as I know, no. The only impact I've ever seen the other parent have is hair color. Even when MU is paired with a Manakete or Taguel and Mark inherits the characteristics and transformation option, he/she does not get a changed appearance correspondingly, despite Chambray and Unn, the former similarly have-Taguel and the latter half-Manekete, do have the appearance, like pointed ears.
  16. That would be magnificent. Here's where you were confused: reclass options aren't class-based like in FE11/12. They're unique for each individual character. Unfortunately, Donny gets the worst set of options here. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/class_set.html As for Krom, yes, he promotes through a Master Seal. He can also use Change Seals to access the Cavalier and Archer classes and their promotions.
  17. He can. And yes, I too plan on getting all the pairings. In the meantime, I'm using my two completed files (NM with male MU, HM with female MU) to get all the non-special-requirement supports up to A rank so I'll have a mostly complete Support Library, as well as getting whatever other supports are available - parent/child ones and random unneeded S ranks between the children.
  18. Doesn't work that way. The conversations are always two-way and can be triggered on either character's profile. I'm looking at Krom's support list right now on my game and it has: MU Sumia Lucina Frederick Liz Gaia Mark (son) Soiree Mariabel Olivia
  19. That, I think, would be more reasonable. Cavalier. That's really all he needs. Even if it was in place of one of his other options, it would be enough.
  20. Improvements like taking out the highest difficulty? I highly doubt they're going to needlessly develop and program an entire class, one that wasn't planned to exist anyway. Do note that that would require rearranging the original Villager class into a standard first-tier class, with possible impacts on generic Villagers - I don't remember any being set to above LV20, but if they are, it would be an issue. Then there's the lack of skills for the promotion, as well.
  21. And if you go with female MU, she can pass it to male Mark, if you wait that long. Same story with Olivia, Liz, and Mariabel: they can all pass it to their sons, but again, that'll require waiting a while to get levels for all of them before playing the sidequest where you recruit the kids. Note that the kids inherit the last skill from each parent, and inheritances are set the first time you go to the sidequest. If you leave and go back later, they'll still have the skills they got the first time. Like Cynthia, Selena always has Pegasus Knight as a reclass option. As for Degel, Noire, and Unn, they'll inherit Pegasus Knight as an option if their parents are paired with Gaia, Donny, or male MU. So the only kids who can't potentially have the skill are Loran, Jerome, and Chambray.
  22. I'm not sure priority actually exists.
  23. Other characters can wait as long as they want. Sumia is just weird: the rest of the main "Gen 1" cast can all pair with each other. The later characters either don't have normal pairings, only being able to pair with MU, or are children characters, being able to pair with each other but not having kids that way. Or like the others, they can pair with MU and have Mark for time screwery.
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