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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Female MU Noire (if Saria was paired with male MU, Donny, or Gaia) Mark (if Saria was paired with male MU) Granted, not a likely option for the kids. It could be one of female MU's better options, though. But that's still a solid +6 Spd without supports, and Falcoknights give an even more solid +7 - and a Dark Pegasus who's learned Lightning Speed will likely reclass to Falcon Knight anyway. And of course Double is not the only method of getting buffs with the option of Rainbow Cry and Speed Cry and Speed Potions and more. Team support is a key part of FE13, and a bit of it can go a long way.
  2. Honestly, bases are more of the concern for me with Brady than growths are. But maybe it's just an issue of me not using his parents enough for him to get good bases. I paired Frederick with Mariabel, but neither one was really keeping up at that point.
  3. Inverse and Fauder seem to be the main antagonists together. I'm not sure why Fauder dies first, but it looks to me like it's because of a certain gambit he tries to pull off in Ch23. Do note that you fight Inverse first, but she survives. It does seem that Inverse throws Gangrel under the bus early in the game. But that's not all there is to it. See, Gangrel doesn't join during the main story. He joins in a bonus sidequest available through SpotPass after completing Ch25 to unlock the Final. As far as I can tell, he does die during the main story, but he's back for some reason, and Krom is able (and willing) to recruit him. Same story with Valhart, who joins in the second bonus sidequest that was made available, although both appear as enemies in their respective maps, and you have to actually defeat Valhart after having Krom fight him in order to get him to join. The thing is, they aren't the only ones. Three other characters who die during the main story are also set to join in those maps, although their maps haven't been released yet: Emelina, Renha, and Inverse. I'm not sure why even Inverse is willing to join you, but apparently she is. There's also a sixth character whose identity isn't known and doesn't appear in the main story, but his name seems to be Paris. I suspect he's a certain character mentioned in the story who died some time before, but we'll have to see. Just seven more weeks, if the pattern holds. As for the children characters, there's no deadline. Krom gets automatically paired with his closest option during the story, but anyone else can wait. For the rest, you can hold off to make their pairings as late as endgame / postgame and unlock and play the sidequests however late you want. So as long as you don't get your MU paired up with anyone else before then, yeah, you'll be able to pair her with Chambray when you want and get male Mark as a Taguel.
  4. It's been announced for Europe, which means a high likelihood of an American release as well.
  5. 12/14 is not a remotely typical endgame level: my best characters were all past LV20 promoted. Furthermore, characters are not reliant on their exact stats, because of the prominence of buffs. Griffin Knights may not have an innate Speed bonus, but a Dark Pegasus with 30+ Spd will offer +6 Spd in Double, or up to +8 with an A support. This entails giving up Saria's own +1 Move, but the Dark Pegasus can contribute with her flight mobility every turn due to Lightning Speed, moving the pair as far as 14 squares while still ending the turn with Saria in front. And no, I don't say this based on one playthrough with a blessed Saria. I say this because of getting this experience with Saria over my two playthroughs and Westbrick getting that same experience with Sorcerers over the course of his four playthroughs. Sounds to me like the conditions needed for this are rather likely.
  6. That doesn't relate to my question in the slightest.
  7. I'm not sure I follow why a draft is the only way to test it, why several regular playthroughs aren't enough. Besides, it seems to me that the real question here is, how well can people adapt to replace Nosferatu and get that same destruction through other means? It seems to me that a draft without it may test that better than a draft with it.
  8. MU should do about as well as Saria, and Miriel shouldn't be too far off, either. Both could also become Dark Mages by the time Saria joins, although they would have a harder time becoming Sorcerers by that point like she can at base level. I don't know about Tiamo, but she would probably have more troubles due to her lack of innate magic focus and therefore having to start from scratch with Tomes. Tiki doesn't have Dark Mage as an option at all, just regular Mage. What I can say is that Henry is most certainly not capable of that sort of destruction. He's way too slow. I have him at endgame on my HM file as a 12/14 Sorcerer with 13 Spd. A random enemy Great Knight has 20 Spd. An enemy Falcoknight has 34 Spd. Granted, he's screwed in Spd by about 4 points, and he fell behind a bit because of being terrible. So let's say he was keeping pace a bit better and was 12/20 instead, and was at his average Spd at that level, which is like 21. He'd still have enough trouble avoiding getting doubled, let alone actually doubling anything other than the slowest enemies. For comparison, Saria is a 10/20/8 Sorcerer (might be a bit higher, she might have gained a level or two before promoting) with 33 Spd. With Ronku backing her up for +10 Spd, she just barely manages to double the fastest enemy on the map, a Swordmaster with 38 Spd. Although looking over things, that's 20 points gained in 26+ levels with a 60% growth... that's a bit on the high end. Hmm. So no, Nosferatu is not broken on everything. But what is it broken on? Those are the Gen 1 units that can become Dark Mages, yeah. What about Mark? Does it depend on his/her starting class? What about Selena, or Loran, or Noire? If Brady happened to pick up Dark Mage as a reclass option from his father, would he be broken with it? I just don't think this is the sort of thing we can easily address on a character-by-character basis.
  9. Can we focus on the present, please? My arguments do not come with a warranty that I will stand by them months later. What I will say is that I've used Saria as my main frontline unit for much of my NM and HM files and I don't remember her ever dying unless an enemy with Counter was involved. I should also mention that I cannot say the same for other frontline units I've used. Also, using Saria as a boss killer doesn't have to be necessary once she's done the longer and more difficult task of clearing out the rest of the enemies, and she's not the only possible Dark Mage anyway.
  10. タグエル - Taguel Hmm, doesn't seem that similar beyond the グ, even though other sounds are shared.
  11. Have enemy hit rates ever been just a literal bit lower than ally hit rates? And of course, doing the same damage as the enemy is a minimum, but it should come as no surprise that the damage comparisons tend to be more favorable than that minimum. Then there's the matter of the skills the Sorcerer class has. Vengeance can easily get an activation rate above 50%, and it increases damage based on the amount of HP that's been lost, so if a Sorcerer falls behind, they can catch up with that. The Tome Slayer skill also acts to weigh the odds against magic enemies with its massive Hit/Avo boost against them. Hard to miss when you have +50 Hit.
  12. Well, the Holy King showed up 1000 years after FE1/2/3, and FE9/10 happen 800 years after the Great Flood. So if Ike did not time travel and the Holy King is someone from around his time, whether him personally or a close descendant, that would place the Great Flood at sometime in the timespan of 200 years following FE1/2/3. That's a little odd, especially since FE13 has the water levels go down compared to in FE1/3.
  13. It's worth noting that switching to Demon Fighter can be a bit troublesome because as a single-tier class, it can only reclass to promoted classes at LV30, which is 15 levels higher than its best skill. On the other hand, you gain unpromoted Exp, at least at low levels, while having promoted stats, weapons, and caps, so like similar single-tier classes, it's really powerful in that way.
  14. You're no fun. Regardless, there seems to be plenty of controversy. Enemy phase healing helps with a lot with avoiding net damage. Just means doing twice as much damage as she takes, which she can do by doing equal damage per hit and doubling. That's if all attacks hit, and it should be no surprise that enemy attacks tend to miss a bit more often. A basic forged Silver Bow has 51 Mt against a flier, and those are a common weapon for enemies for the last third of HM. I don't think Serge is going to fare well against those, especially with axes having limited 1-2 range. A Carrier Griffin Knight carrying another Griffin Knight has 11 Move and can't use it because they'll die to bows if they rush out ahead of the team. Fliers tend to push ahead by flying up and swapping a non-flier in front because they're less likely to die. There's no way to negate bows' effective bonus against fliers in this game, so they're going to hurt. All FE13 objectives are either Rout or Defeat Boss, so killing things and getting a good fighter to move through the map are always the primary objectives.
  15. Worth noting that you can replay Alm's map to get more scrolls to get as many characters as you want in the class. Like a Change Seal, though, they need to either be LV10+ or promoted. I'm sure they will; it's the only reason why it would be male-only. The question is what and when. I'm seeing Cellica get the class whenever she joins, which will probably be a bit of time. Demon Fighter added the previously unseen combination of axes and tomes, so as a mage with physical weapons, I'd imagine Cellica might use lances, bows, and tomes, filling two more of the remaining combinations and just leaving bows/staffs.
  16. Not that I know of, but they're the generic Corpse Soldier portraits for their respective classes.
  17. Personally, I like the extra resistance FE13 puts up in terms of enemy strength. And for me regarding this, that's really what it comes down to. Again, it's not like playing FE13 with heavy Nosferatu use is bad. In fact, it seems to me that it would look a lot like the sort of stuff that's possible in the rest of the FE series. But personally, I like FE13 more than those other games, and I like it more mainly because of its unique traits and strategies, which Nosferatu spam takes away from. And no, this isn't very objective. It's not meant to apply to everyone. I'm sure there will eventually be plenty of FE13 drafts with free Nosferatu use, maybe most FE13 drafts will be like that, and that's okay. But I don't think I'd find those quite as interesting, and I don't think I'm the only one.
  18. Because I've spammed Nosferatu for two playthroughs already and I'm interested in trying something else. Look, I have been moving expediently. I've been playing casually, but I've been avoiding taking longer than necessary, and on HM, moving faster tends to be a good idea anyway to keep reinforcements from causing problems. And in the process of all that, I've found that using Nosferatu more tends to be key to moving more quickly. Other characters have to hold back because they'd get killed if they tried to move as fast as they could in other games. Sorcerers don't.
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