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Everything posted by Othin

  1. You've completed the game four times. I'm at the end of my second playthrough. You tell me. That said, I think a universal 5 should be enough, raised to 8 or 10 for Selena's map. Not sure what the actual limit is for the fastest she can talk to Holland.
  2. As I said, not perfect. What you're really ignoring here is the gap. Nosferatu users can't do nearly as much as Seth, you're right. However, because of the otherwise much tougher enemies, the rest of FE13's cast also can't do nearly as much as the rest of FE8' cast. So perhaps the way I should put it is that the gap between Seth and the rest of FE8 is akin to the gap between an FE13 character with Nosferatu and the rest of FE13. What you ignore is the link between defense and offense. Because a Nosferatu user can survive a charge into enemies (while obliterating them), they can move faster than other characters. If you can show me a way to keep non-Nosferatu users alive around FE13's terrifying enemies while moving that fast or faster, be my guest, and perhaps such a day will come. In the meantime, though, I'm sticking with what I've seen as possible.
  3. Now that you mention it, that makes the perfect thing to test. We've seen the effect of unlimited Nosferatu use, and we know that whatever is the case, it's not what we want here. So now we can see if limiting it to just the few tomes you pick up in game progress does enough to change that, and either way, we should find out what we want for future drafts.
  4. Definitely something going on here. Remember how I theorized that maybe Paris is the first Holy King? I think I'm sticking to that theory. And maybe it's just me, but this makes the first Holy King sound like an outsider, perhaps...?
  5. I did suggest that, but that's not the whole story. Lack of Wt means its users can stay able to double, and its users tend to be very bulky. What may be even more significant is the buffs you can give characters: normally quite fair, but when they let you patch up the few holes in a Nosferatu user's path to immortality, it gets very ridiculous. So that might or might not be enough.
  6. Nosferatu to FE13 = Seth to FE8 Not a perfect comparison, but yeah. The thing is, it's not so much character-based, because MU can become a Dark Mage and use it on anyone's team. While there could be merit and interest in drafting FE13 with Nosferatu, it's a very different matter from drafting FE13 without Nosferatu, and it's really just a matter of which version we want to try this time.
  7. They say those lines the first time they enter battle with any Dark Warlord, regardless of which one. It's also worth noting that they're clones. You still have the same 12 as in Ch22, but now there are duplicates to make the total number of 36: I'm guessing there has to be at least one of each, but otherwise, it seems random. Each Warlord has set stats and skills, but their weapon is random. Only exception is the boss in the middle: always an Eins with a Gradivus, and always stationary, unlike all the rest. Edit: Okay, not at least one of each. My most recent run of the map had no Drei. Quite fortunate.
  8. Well, now I'm confused. Is Velvet saying those Taguel still exist in distant lands, but she's the only one remaining in Iris? Or is she saying there used to be Taguel like those, but they're all gone now?
  9. Well, I remember the theory existed before IDW was released, relating to the ones in the main story. Maybe there was some indication of it? Either that or it was just a logical conclusion.
  10. All the characters have some line when they first fight any of the enemies. I think the only conversation otherwise is between Krom and the Dark Warlords before and after the map.
  11. Donny, last I recall, Haar's been banned in some FE10 drafts. So not the best analogy? Perhaps this is just a matter of us considering FE13 without Nosferatu just more interesting that FE13 with Nosferatu. You're also not considering all the options with Double. Let's say I have Saria as a Sorcerer with Nosferatu and Serge as a Griffin Knight with Carrier. I have Saria jump on Serge, Serge flies 10 squares and swaps Saria in front, landing in the middle of a crowd of enemies, which Saria proceeds to disintegrate. If the way is clear, Saria can then swap Serge in front the next turn after moving 7 squares due to her slight Move boost, to then move 10 squares the next turn. It's really not comparable to rescue-dropping at all. Lightning Speed can work the same way. Tiamo flies 8 squares, kills something, flies another 8 squares, swaps Saria in front. Of course, Lightning Speed takes a while to get in the first place, requiring attaining LV15 in a promoted class. In any case, though, the "placing a Sorcerer in front" is key because otherwise, the flier is going to die. Enemies are vicious in this game: you can't just have fliers go in and blast everything to bits like you could with Thany or Haar, not unless you've done a lot of grinding that obviously would not be part of a run like this. The flier needs to use the Sorcerer as a shield, something only possible with Double. Banning Nosferatu from all drafts might not be necessary, but it would eliminate the high threat level of the enemies that I think helps to make FE13 much more exciting than most of its predecessors. So maybe it's really just that we think an FE13 draft without Nosferatu would be more interesting than one with it. Only one way to find out for sure, though. Making supports also gives items and Exp from the chapters. That is part of the ingame reward for making supports. Where is the problem? The game gives you items and Exp for each mother you use. That is part of what you get out of using them. Why should we limit that? To get people to not draft mothers for a legitimate advantage of using them? If the mothers become so important, they'll just get drafted first, and we just arrange it so that each player could get the same number. Or we draft the mothers separately with that arrangement so each player definitely gets the same number.
  12. That's just the Dark Mage outfit. And no, not just the female Dark Mage outfit.
  13. Yeah, you need to let Selena talk to that Villager. Speaking of weird class swaps that worked, my first playthrough I made Tiamo a Mercenary --> Bow Knight. She had some issues with weapon levels, but teaming and pairing with with Vake for his Str helped with that. She's back to Dark Pegasus now, though; my plan was to just to get Bow Slayer for better flying, but that never worked out until postgame. Have you been having Brady grind to help his stats? That can fix any such issues, of course; it's just that he can't make it in the last third of the main story with stats all starting around 10. Unless you really did get that to work somehow?
  14. Any bonus (StreetPass, SpotPass, and DLC) units you get are added to the storage if they aren't there already. The storage is maintained between all your files, and you can add an MU to it any time after you've unlocked SpotPass by going to the bottom of the list. I was able to add my MU from my Lunatic file right before Ch5 to the list, then see him on the list in my other files, although he wasn't exactly worth hiring. The option is only there if your file's MU is not yet on the list: if you've leveled up your MU since then and want to save an updated version, you just select them from the list and select the third option. You can do this with any SpotPass or DLC units you have, as well. The second option hires the unit: if you already have the unit on that file as a bonus unit, you'll be prompted to choose one of the two versions to keep. You can't hire your own file's MU back onto that same file. The first option when selecting a unit on the list is only available for MUs, and lets you view some info about their playthrough such as pairings made. StreetPass generated MUs don't have anything to show, though. The fifth option erases the unit from the list. Not sure what the fourth option does. It's mainly useful because you can only have 20 bonus units "active" in a file at a given time, so you can save the others there.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the explanation necessarily indicated that they didn't have human forms, just that they didn't need to use them. It would be a bit strange for them to suddenly gain the ability to take that form when their power was drained.
  16. My main thinking about Lucina is her weapon, especially its impact on the final boss. The difference between one and two characters being able to do substantial damage to a tough enemy is a pretty big one in terms of time spent on the Final.
  17. I don't think that really all fits within a 400 year gap.
  18. Or we just let people rate units the way they want for whatever reasons they want and stop whining about it or placing weird rules.
  19. Having fun doesn't mean making fun of the ratings.
  20. Making supports gives children, and the possibility of Exp and items from the sidequests. Those are entirely ingame conditions, and I have not proposed anything that would add any other incentive. where are you pulling this from Somehow, your statements have become completely detached from reality, and you've found yourself arguing complete nonsense. I'm not sure what reasoning you have in mind for your statements, but I know there isn't the slightest bit of truth to it. Take a step back and explain exactly your reasoning for how you got to where you are so I can help you figure out where you got so mixed up.
  21. I see no requirement about sufficient justification, nor should any requirement exist. I'm not arguing sincerity. Only he can tell us if he is sincere. What I am saying is that if he was sincere, that must be regarded as sufficient justification for the rating.
  22. With the exception of Brady, they all have very high stats for their level compared to Gen 1 characters, but that may be more due to their base stats. Overall, though, they tend to not stand out much because good stats for their level are not necessarily good stats for when they join.
  23. Not much. I used him a bit in postgame to pair with Olivia; all I can really say is that at similar levels to Serena with both as Heroes, Serena was about 10 points ahead of him in every stat. To be expected of children characters, but it was still really funny.
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