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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Yes. That's supposed to be one of the draws, but the artwork hasn't really been living up to that. Personally, I think the maps themselves are much bigger draws than any aspect of the characters joining after them.
  2. The characters that appear as enemies on that map are: Navarre Gharnef Camus Katarina Hardin Jamka Eltoshen Alvis Trabant Aless Ishtar Julius Cyas Mareeta Ray Narshen Zephiel Lloyd Linus Jaffar Ursula Nergal Marisa Selena Lyon Oliver Petrine Ashnard Black Knight Sephiran The ones that actually appear to be in his more specific SpotPass team are: Camus Eltoshen Ishtar Trabant Narshen Lloyd Linus Ursula / Selena Oliver Petrine Not clear which of Ursula and Selena is on his team and which is on their own respective game's team, but it's one or the other. All of the other characters similarly should be recruitable through their own games' teams.
  3. That was my suggestion. It seems likely that LvD1 shows everyone in the Villains team, but because we don't know the full FE7/8 lists, it's sometimes not clear whether the characters are in one place or the other, while we've already seen the full teams to know for sure. There were three unclear spots in the Villain list, and the only plausible candidates seen in LvD1 from FE7/8 were Lloyd, Linus, Ursula, and Selena. Lloyd and Linus were obvious together and therefore both on the Villains list since one of them had to be, but it's harder to say between Ursula and Selena. I suggested Selena was the more likely candidate for the last slot because of better balance between the games, but on her own, Selena seems like a more plausible candidate for the regular game list. We'll find out for sure when we see the full FE7 team in RvB, which should be revealed on Thursday and come out a week later - so we may get a clue in a few days or just tell for sure in a week. Also, I expect we'll see just the 10 characters on the Villain team as NPCs in LvD2 to confirm that team, but that's certainly going to take longer to come out. Ephraim appears as an enemy Soldier with his SpotPass art in ST2 and ST3, but as an NPC Great Knight with his DLC art in LvD1, where he joins in the same class. We should see Ephraim again with his SpotPass art in LvD2 and LvD3, so we'll have to see what class he takes there.
  4. That's not really fast unless you grind a lot or really focus on it, which isn't so easy early in the game. And it requires the characters you want to pair them with to even exist before that point, although I think that's only a huge issue for Henry.
  5. No, you can't. There is no world map time between Olivia's joining time and the pairing lock time. Even if he's Doubled with someone else so he can't get the other one for Dual Attacks, he'll still get bond points for just being next to them when either of them fight.
  6. Well, you also need him to avoid all the other females up to that point, since any bond points he gets with Olivia have to outweigh the bond points he has with any of the others.
  7. It's an excellent quantitative starting point. Obviously not definitive, though.
  8. Hmm. https://www.google.com/search?sugexp=chrome,mod=15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=yuno+name https://www.google.com/search?aq=f&sugexp=chrome,mod=15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=juno+name https://www.google.com/search?aq=f&sugexp=chrome,mod=15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=jodel+name https://www.google.com/search?sugexp=chrome,mod=15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=yodel+name Number of results put legitimacy in favor of Juno and Yodel.
  9. Yeah, she could. It's not just about Dancer being a special class; it's about it being Dancer. Same reason Lord can't be inherited by Krom's other kids, although that's more for storyline reasons than for being completely broken. For Manakete and Taguel, you can pass those down to kids as well, although Mark is the only character who has the option of whether or not to be descended from a character with the class in the first place. Also, I added some notes on the growths being inherited to my previous post.
  10. There's still not really an indication of SpotPass Ephraim being a Soldier, just that the Ephraim that appears in the ST maps with his art is a Soldier. I suspect in the later LvD maps, we'll see him again with his SpotPass art, but still as a Great Knight.
  11. Not quite. http://serenesforest.net/fe13/children/lucina.html See, it says Lucina inherits the Myrmidon and Pegasus Knight classes, but that's it. Dancer is listed under "Unique inheritable Skills": she can inherit one of those skills due to Olivia being a Dancer, but she can't access the class herself. Noire's Mag seems to be find regardless of her father; I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure Henry would help her out once she becomes a Dark Mage, but he has his own issues. Being a Thief would help his Spd issues, but then in turn cause other problems due to being a caster with no experience with swords. Edit: Looking at things, Noire's base Mag growth would be 33 with Gaia and 40 with Henry. Not a huge change, and then Dark Mage gives +15 while Sorcerer gives +20.
  12. No one can inherit the Dancer class. It's really not easy to get characters into radically different classes unless you do a lot of grinding. If you want Noire to get thief skills, you're probably better off pairing Saria with Gaia.
  13. I can't see them adding a special version of the Sol Katti for no reason, especially when we don't even have the original yet. It's worth noting that no DLC characters thus far have unique consideration with regard to that: DLC Marth can use the Falchions, but so can the SpotPass versions. Now, it's possible that Lyn might have that special consideration for her SpotPass version as well, but not likely because she's not Marth, and Marth gets special treatment. Also, her SpotPass version would almost certainly be a regular Swordmaster, making it redundant. Celice is a Swordmaster: his outfit leaves no question about it. The question is, why does he have the class as opposed to Lyn? Lyn, assuming she's included, is the obvious choice if they're going with one each, while Celice was changed so much to become a Swordmaster and could just as easily be changed into a Bow Knight or something if that was their plan. But for some reason, things didn't work out that way. Unless they had something else planned for Lyn's class, I can't imagine why they wouldn't make her a Swordmaster. Well, we should find out in two and a half days anyway.
  14. Decent, but nothing special. 6/10
  15. Therefore being slightly relevant, but really not a whole lot. And would you care to elaborate on your insistence that Dagda should be given higher priority for kills than Halvan when all is equal except who gets the Exp?
  16. BlueLore, I understand where you're coming from as your points make sense in theory, but the reality of the game is a bit different. As NeonZ noted, ST3 really isn't on the same level as KvK, despite being set at the same number of stars. The ST cast has much the same stats across the three maps, increasing only slightly with each successive one. This fits with the slight ascension in Marth's, Roy's, and Micaiah's starting levels. The main reason ST3 is listed as 2-star is because you fight all the enemies from the two previous maps, and with better weapons such as Ragnell. Meanwhile, while ST's cast hovers around LV10, KvK's cast hovers around LV20, with many enemies being promoted. As far as I can tell, unlike in ST, the enemies' stats in KvK are constant: they retain their levels and stats between the first two maps, and I suspect the same is true for the third, although I can't confirm that just yet. So with the enemies being at this level, Leaf joins as a LV1 Trickster, right around where your team might be to be able to challenge these foes. Meanwhile, Alm joins as a LV21 Demon Fighter, which is in fact the exact same level. For all purposes of Exp gain, promoted units are counted as being their level +20, while single-tier units are simply counted as being their own level. If either one of them were to use a Change Seal from base, they would both have 10 internal levels stored to affect their future Exp gains, and both of them would have to gain 9 levels in order to access promoted classes with a Change Seal. So if this pattern continues, I suspect we will see KvK3's larger and probably better-equipped cast still at those same levels and stats, and still with Celice retaining the same joining level to join as a LV1 Swordmaster. So fitting with this pattern, I would also expect RvB units to join at LV6 promoted or LV26 single-tier, like Elincia, and I would expect LvD units to join at LV20 promoted or LV40 single-tier, like Ephraim. Now, of course, LV40 is impossible for single-tier units, which could hypothetically cause problems for a character in a new class, but I don't think it does. After all, they could simply join at LV30 with stats akin to those of a LV40 unit: they would be just as strong and their level would be just as maxed out. This all then leads into my suspicions about a lack of 5-star stages. See, LvD as a 4-star stage has gone about as far as you could go. The enemies, allies, and the character who joins all do so at maximum level with fantastic stats and skillsets full of the game's best skills, and the characters on the field have most of the best weapons in the game. You're also fighting against the villains of the series, and the later maps, the heroes as well. On Lunatic, the enemies go so far as to have most of their stats capped. LvD3 should elevate a map with those same characters to a 5-star level by having all of them and no allies, and perhaps some weapon improvements. But with this in mind, what else could 5-star maps possibly do, to not be simply an expanded 4-star map? I mean, I'm sure we'll see a 5-star monster map with some of its own tricks, but that's another story. I do think we may see some 13th character map, because we've been seeing the 12 team captains as bosses, but we saw both Alm and Cellica as bosses from the FE2 team, so that's an extra unless they replace someone. But I really don't know what to think of it, because it's both necessary and doesn't make sense. Also, 5 monster maps and 12 character maps would be 17 total maps. I hate the number 17.
  17. I'm talking about map sets, not individual maps. Look at the pattern: Spirit Talisman: First two are 1-star, final is 2-star (unpromoted characters join) King vs. King: First two are 2-star, final is 3-star (promoted characters join) Red vs. Blue: First two are 3-star, final is 4-star (promoted characters join) Light vs. Dark: First two are 4-star, final is 5-star (promoted characters join) The zombie maps are outside of the map sets and don't involve characters joining, so they don't count. Looking strictly at this pattern, the only remaining DLC maps we will see with characters joining are a 3-star map, two 4-star maps, and a 5-star map, all of which are far above the level of having unpromoted characters join. The only way they could have another map at a level where it would be appropriate for an unpromoted character to join would be to break away from the map sets completely or insert another full map set redundant with another map set's difficulty level. And no, there is no sense whatsoever in having her join at an inappropriate level. The DLC characters join only after the map is completed, so Lyn's joining level would not impact the map difficulty at all: it would only make the DLC completely fucking pointless to buy because by the time you would be able to complete it you'd get a character who was completely worthless.
  18. All the characters who have showed up in the DLC maps, including the villains in Ephraim's map and elsewhere, are almost certainly playable. It's the only way to explain the 12th team. So no worries about that.
  19. Wow, so he does. Did they just not think that through?
  20. Random thought: if we assume the water level has been falling the whole time, maybe the northern continent really is Magvel after Grado collapsed but the sea just fell further and eventually caught up to it?
  21. I've really never yet had a reason to care much about caps and their modifiers for any character other than Sol, and even for him it was mostly when he was squashed into an unpromoted class. They're so high they're just not very relevant. Observe that even in a map as far past the main story stats as LvD, 38 Spd is enough to double Hardin and not get doubled by Camus, at least on Normal. Although 35 Spd is not enough to not get doubled by Camus, so I guess it matters there. I dunno; I haven't really been using Generals and my characters all spent most of that time buffed by Rainbow Cry anyway. The real question is, why is Lyon's Spd so horrible?
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