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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I can't see with them going with Lyn/Eliwood and Ike/Elincia over Alm/Cellica. Especially with Cellica having already showed up as a DLC boss, while neither Lyn nor Eliwood has. That distribution of DLC classes would also be somewhat odd, with one FE7 character getting a unique class but the other not. Makes sense. Checking it, the kanji match up for Longbows.
  2. Even in spite of that, I think it's the most plausible theory, since with them making such a big deal out of him, he has to show up somewhere. We don't have the information to make sense out of him otherwise, from the way it looks. And really, given MU's pairing options already, I'm not sure it would be any stranger.
  3. Interesting. Are dark magic and Longbows the same way?
  4. He's certainly not good by any meaningful standard. In fact, I'd still say he's terrible. But he is usable, and he has his own appeal.
  5. The problem is, Myrmidon is an unpromoted class. We saw unpromoted characters joining following the ST maps, but the rest of the sets are set at a much higher level. RvB, the most likely place for Lyn to join, has all promoted enemies and has Elincia join at a LV6 Falcoknight. I was thinking over the possible implications of two more new classes. Alm's class introduced the missing axe/tome combination. The remaining missing combinations are lance/bow, bow/tome, and bow/staff. With Lyn having to use swords and Cellica having to use tomes, this could work out by having Lyn use swords/bows/staffs and having Cellica use lances/bows/tomes. Neither combination would be any stranger than Alm going from swords/bows to swords/axes/tomes, I think, and it would allow both classes to add more options to the characters with them to extend their overall options. The most obvious option for Cellica is swords/tomes/staffs, mirroring her FE2 abilities, but characters already can use swords/tomes, swords/staffs, and tomes/staffs. Combining them like that just wouldn't bring a whole lot of new, interesting stuff, and giving her lances/bows/tomes would make her an interesting counterpart for Alm, sharing tomes but using the other two physical weapon types.
  6. http://bbs.fireemblem.net/read.php?tid=224190&fpage=1 Base growths Donny HP 50 Str 45 Mag 15 Skl 40 Spd 45 Luck 80 Def 35 Res 15 Krom HP 45 Str 40 Mag 10 Skl 40 Spd 40 Luck 70 Def 35 Res 20 Total growths in base classes, and with Good Growths Donny HP 105 Str 75 Mag 35 Skl 65 Spd 70 Luck 100 Def 50 Res 40 Krom HP 85 Str 60 Mag 10 Skl 60 Spd 60 Luck 70 Def 45 Res 25 If I'm understanding it right, those growths are fantastic. Hmm. As a Villager 10 / Mercenary 10 / Hero 2 on my file, he has 41 HP and 30 Luck. This fits if he gained 19 HP and 19 Luck over his 19 levels. His HP growth is 115 as a Mercenary and as a Hero, but that's not a whole lot: it's quite plausible that he would stick to the basic +1 HP over that time. Overall, as a Mercenary, his growths go up to the following: HP 115 Str 85 Mag 35 Skl 85 Spd 85 Luck 100 Def 50 Res 40 Uh, wow. Growths in this game are high, but... wow. Okay, my only complaint now is his lack of Cavalier as an option. Or a Glass Sword.
  7. I know the tower is like that, but it's all the way unlocked by that point. Don't know of any indication of the ruins being the same way, with only two chapters left in the game when it's unlocked. I don't think the extra characters are too big of a concern.
  8. Stat booster that adds +2 Move. There's usually one in each FE game, but FE8 allowed you to randomly get more in Lagdou Ruins. People eventually found a way to manipulate the RNG so the first floor would have the enemy set containing it every time, to get them in unlimited quantities and max out every character's Move. As another game with a world map for unlimited play, and with unlimited quantities of other items, even so much as unlimited ultimate weapons which FE8 lacked, it makes sense that FE13 might have unlimited Boots as well. On a largely unrelated note, I just had an idea for an FE8 draft where you turn around after Ch19, say "fuck saving the world", and head right into Lagdou Ruins with the goal of completing it rather than completing the actual story. Anyone know if this has been done before?
  9. "He wanted Playstation" isn't an explanation. Why he wanted Playstation is an explanation.
  10. That and Assassin as a thief class just doesn't suit Lyn in the first place. If she was going to have a class without regard for Sol Katti access and just get it anyway, I'd expect her to be a Bow Knight. But yeah, it just doesn't fit. It's also worth noting that Dark Blessing already existed ingame: Inverse uses it to equip Goetia as a Dark Pegasus, and she's going to be playable anyway. Meanwhile, we haven't seen any such skill for Amatsu and Sol Katti, and they just don't seem important enough anyway. --- Edit: Wait. There's only one FE2 team, yet both Alm and Cellica have already appeared as bosses. It makes sense, since they're the two main characters and it wouldn't make sense to designate one as the team leader over the other, but it means there are 13 team leaders to consider now. I'm not sure what the implications of this are.
  11. You can return to lower levels easily enough in any class because of Change Seals so it isn't too difficult to set up the skill, but regardless, that +15 Hit/Avo isn't actually some huge change in the first place. Not on the level of other skills, at least, and just not very important on the scale of Donny's terribleness.
  12. It's not clear if recruitable SpotPass Ephraim joins as a Soldier. He just shows up as an enemy like that, using his art as if he was SpotPass, but not necessarily in his definitive SpotPass form. We should note that the three Lords actually released so far in SpotPass, Marth, Sigurd, and Roy, all join at very high levels: the latter two are LV20 promoted, while Marth is near the top of his single-tier Star Lord class. So far, they've all joined as they were in LvD, as opposed to as they were in ST. There's a good chance we'll see SpotPass Ephraim similarly as he was in LvD, as a Great Knight.
  13. So he is. That's definitely an added cape, though, which is more than the usual differences between map sprites within a class.
  14. Yeah, Sol Katti and Ragnell showing up in ST3 was pretty big. Julia also used Holy Tome Naga in that map, but that was an FE4 weapon and therefore likely planned anyway. Sol Katti and Ragnell seem to be special cases. It may be worth observing that those two seem to replace their character weapon: Eliwood has Eliwood's Steelsword, Hector has Hector's Rageaxe, and Micaiah has Micaiah's Divineflame, but Lyn and Ike just use their own weapons brought in from their game. I've been rethinking Lyn's class. I'm now quite confident in the 12-character list, but that means Swordmaster would be the only repeat. Lyn has to be a Swordmaster, but at the same time she has to not be a Swordmaster. Eliwood would be just as redundant as a Paladin, and it's one of the two: I'm really betting on Lyn at this point. But either way, there's the duplicate issue. Now, let's look at the release schedule. We'll probably see RvB2 as the only update next week. That's kind of strange, isn't it? The only times they've had just a single release in the past were to introduce ST and RvB. Furthermore, every past week has introduced a set or concluded a set. They can't keep that up forever by just adding more sets, of course, but that one update seems kind of strange. After all, they could have swapped it with Celice' DLC to pair it with apparently more important weapon DLC, while leaving KvK3 as the standalone. This indicates we might see something special in RvB2, and a new class is very much special. I don't think Lyn will introduce the female DLC class as just some Swordmaster clone. The female class still seems like it must belong to Cellica when she joins, almost certainly in LvD2. So I think Lyn's class will be available to all classes. I'm guessing the class will continue the three-weapon pattern with swords, bows, and staffs. Lyn has never used staffs, but Alm had never used axes or magic, either. The class, of course, should also get counted as a Myrmidon/Swordmaster for the sake of accessing Amatsu and Sol Katti, which could make it seen as even more powerful than the already excessive Demon Fighter class, but I don't think it'd be too big of a deal, especially if they tone down the skills a bit. Whatever is the case, we should find out on Thursday. --- And suddenly it occurs to me that the characters being chosen for DLC bosses are each of the 12 SpotPass team leaders, each getting one turn in the spotlight. They just tend to be associated with being DLC characters; it doesn't actually matter whether or not the characters are DLC or not. So this should confirm 12 DLC characters.
  15. It may be worth mentioning that certain characters aren't necessarily overlooked. The Cain, Abel, and Jagen tend to be showing up as Paladins in the main character's SpotPass team, with stats adjusted as appropriate. Those teams tend to represent the characters' full initial teams, and while some of the characters on those teams reappear on their own, I guess they feel like they didn't need to represent them entirely. For example, the Paladin with Gaebolg on Sigurd's team couldn't really be a replacement for Cuan despite representing him just because of how important Cuan is, but if Leaf's team includes a Hero with Othin's Handaxe and Wrath, it'll be hard to complain about my own namesake's lack of inclusion when such representation is appropriate for his relevance while leaving room for other characters. Although Othin's Handaxe is kind of a weak weapon in this game, and the Lord teams are much higher-leveled. He could use a Tomahawk, but that wouldn't be nearly as interesting. It may be worth noting that the Sniper on Roy's team does not use Wolt's Medicinebow, but then Wolt is SpotPass himself, so maybe he'll just use it on his own map.
  16. So it turns out the SpotPass characters sell one copy of each weapon their team uses. They only have one of each, but once you buy that one and they disappear, you can just summon them again and buy it again. So it's actually really easy to buy as many Tomahawks or Slime spells or other stuff as you want. Only works with weapons that actually have a price, though. You can't buy Holsety from Sigurd or Excalibur from Merric or anything like that. With this combined with the newly announced 4-star monster DLC giving copies of ultimate weapons in exchange for a tough battle, it seems like just about everything is getting to be infinite, which is nice as something to not have to worry about, at least in postgame stuff. What you can't get in unlimited quantities is Boots. You can get one in a Ch17 chest and one for getting a lot of Fame, but no others. I suspect they'll show up as a price for the 5-star monster DLC.
  17. Some unique class: his sprite looks nothing like any existing character. He has a shield and cape, but I can't see his weapon from the silhouette to tell what it is. I should note that his hair does not look at all spiky, despite spikes in other characters' hair tending to impact their map sprites' outlines and Ike's hair being spiky.
  18. Ah, because when revisiting a past character, they must be a simple, exact port, with no effort to look at what any aspect of them might mean in the context of another game, right? We also have several villains who weren't playable at all, and then you advocate for Medeus himself. I guess being playable isn't that big of an issue?
  19. Am I the only one who thinks weird changes like Nephenee as a General are actually really cool, as a new perspective on the characters?
  20. It makes him less of a special case in terms of his double appearance, but not in King Marth's lack of a DLC counterpart. So yeah, that's what I'm saying.
  21. Actually, that was caused by code tags made for precisely this purpose. My intent was not to show the spoiler tags in use, but to show the code anyone could use to apply them. Which is also available in quotes, but I feel that this method is easier than explaining that.
  22. You know, Donny could just become a Demon Fighter at LV10. Takes a while to be ready to clear Alm's map to get the scroll, though.
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