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Everything posted by Othin

  1. At LV20, you can use a Change Seal to return to LV1 in the same class. If you aren't considering this to be reclassing, you should be fine. Also, the easiest reclassing to do can be within the same class branch, which isn't nearly as extreme, and you might find that to be more okay.
  2. Renha is most definitely on MU's support list. We identified Gangrel, Valhart, Emelina, Renha, Inverse, and the mystery guy, in that order.
  3. Ah, that's convenient. So that's why you listed their classes now. Hopefully we'll get more info about them as well.
  4. Huh, so this explains the variation in Basilio's and Flavia's stats from the ones you got initially. Say, how'd you get Emelina's stats?
  5. Astra works with anything, as far as I can see. I've had Loran trigger it with Arcfire fighting as a Dark Knight, and I've had Noire trigger it as a Sniper. I haven't tried it with a Manakete or Taguel, but I assume it's just as usable there. Weapon Saver indeed works with tomes. Having Tiamo strike enemies 12 times with Elfire and with ~25 Luck, she burned through 6 uses. From what I hear, though, it doesn't work with staffs, which makes sense: infinite Fortify or Hammerne would be ridiculous. I don't know if it works with Dragonstones or Beaststones, though. Speaking of the stone weapons, I saw an enemy activate Holy Shield against a Manakete's attack. I assume Great Shield similarly works against Taguel attacks.
  6. Works on any shitty unit, at least for being "good" strictly in terms of the post-grinding timeframe. Seems increasingly difficult on the higher difficulties, though.
  7. Well, I'm certain we'll get Ike, Cellica, Sigurd, and either Lyn or Eliwood in some form, so it's not like they're going to replace them entirely. It's possible we might see a standalong 5-star map or something like that, where a 13th character could very well join: if so, I'd imagine it would be Camus due to his boss status in LvD1, and I'd imagine he'd join there instead of in LvD itself. It would be strange not to get a character from the Dark team in LvD, but the most likely place would be LvD1, where you actually fight the Dark team: aside from Marth and Ephraim, all DLC characters have been enemies in the map where they join.
  8. For player characters? You're sure? That's bizarre. I know that for SpotPass, the characters lose their boosted stats when they join. They even display their unboosted stats if you check them in the interaction screen before going to the map.
  9. Well, I decided to do the chapter the hard way. Relatively speaking. A main issue was that the two characters who had been my best on my main team, Sol and Saria, were in sub-optimal condition: Sol had reclassed to Myrmidon after finishing with Demon Fighter, making his stats severely limited by the class's pitiful caps. Meanwhile, Saria was a Sniper to learn Accuracy +20, but was really weak in that class. I used some skirmishes to get them back to their best classes, Swordmaster and Sorcerer, and returned to fight some villains. I wound up using Saria and Alvis as my front line: I'm not sure this map is even possible without Nosferatu and/or Inverse's Darkness for healing. Fortunately, most of the enemies came through just two paths, which they were able to block off. Other enemies caused more trouble by bypassing that: Jaffar and Lloyd with Pass, and Trabant, Narshen, and Ashnard with their flight. Trabant always hurled himself into the center area early to kill an NPC, leaving him open to be dispatched easily enough, while Ashnard took a while to charge, giving me time to prepare, but Narshen was real trouble. I made Valhart a Griffin Knight, and as my best non-Sorcerer character at the moment, I had him fly around to go after particularly threatening enemies like Narshen. Sol didn't have the others' survivability, but he was great at eliminating choice enemies that weren't in danger zones, at least the ones without Sword Slayer. Noire, Liz, and Jerome supported those four with sniping, healing, and Rainbow Cry spamming, respectively. Krom, Lucina, and MU spent most of their time in Double. After quite a number of attempts, it worked out. After winning, I decided to take a look at the map on Lunatic. Unsurpringly, the enemies' stats were about as high as they could get: Sephiran in particular had every stat capped except Str, which he didn't even need. A lot of enemies also had forged, even some on Brave weapons, but surprisingly even enemies with the lower-rank Killer weapons and Nosferatu only forged the basic +4 Mt / +10 Hit, rather than going for the hacked +8 Mt / +20 Hit that I've seen even on Lunatic's early skirmishes and elsewhere. Skills appeared unchanged, and aside from being forged, the weapons weren't changed either. Interestingly, the NPCs got similar bonuses, although I sense they'd die even faster on Lunatic if I were to actually try it. I guess it's because they keep those stats as enemies in the future maps. Their weapons did not change, even to pick up a forge bonus.
  10. Krom and Liz have A/B rank growths for Luck, yet their growths in that stat are definitely below 100%. So unless the rankings are different for different stats, which I doubt, they're definitely personal growth rates. That it is.
  11. Certainly possible. Thinking about it, Lyn does make sense as getting in over Ike, and skipping Eliwood would make Sothe less lonely as the only ST male ignored for DLC, as well as helping gender balance. Lyn's presence could also even thinks out as a boss. Consider what we've been seeing: ST1: Fight Cellica, get Marth ST2: Fight Marth, get Roy ST3: Fight Ike, get Micaiah KvK1: Fight Sigurd, get Leaf KvK2: Fight Alm, get Alm RvB1: Fight Micaiah, get Elincia Aside from Camus, the bosses are other DLC characters. So who would be the bosses for RvB2 and RvB3? Roy and Eliwood? Sounds a bit redundant. As for Camus, looking at it from this perspective, he in fact may be a DLC possibility. I was focusing on the ST cast previously, but that's just part of the Light team. If they were planning on releasing other characters that they couldn't put on the Light team, it makes sense that they wouldn't show up there. My point wasn't that they would just release LvD, but if we look at it: First they introduced ST, a 1-star map. They finished the set later, but in the meantime, they introduced KvK, a 2-star map, then RvB, a 3-star map, then LvD, a 4-star map. Each set seems to have two maps at that level and then one at a higher level, so LvD3 will be a 5-star map. So while it makes sense for them to finish KvK and RvB, what other actual sets might they do? They could drop down a level or keep going, and I'm not sure how much material they'd have left to work with if dropping down. so my main point was that it's unlikely for them to keep going with a 5-star vs. map above LvD. As for FE8, its problem is being standalone. The earlier vs. maps pitted Archanea's three teams against Jugdral's three teams, and Elibe's two teams against Tellius's two. Magvel doesn't have a real counterpart like that, with Valencia being absorbed into Archanea. --- Humans vs. monsters just doesn't sound that impressive after Light vs. Dark, heroes vs. the actual villains. Besides, we're already fighting monsters in the non-character maps. Seems to me we'll see something like this: RvB2: Lyn RvB3: Ike LvD2: Cellica LvD3: Sigurd
  12. I added some more theories to my previous post while you were posting. Here's a question. Who is plausible to join at the end of RvB 2? Someone from Elibe, certainly, and Elibe is apparently red. Will it be Hector representing them? I'm guessing no. Regardless of the financial sense, Eliwood has appeared instead of Hector in the Spirit Talisman maps and in LvD 1, and in a week, he will be announced for RvB 2. Could Hector make some sense? Perhaps. Will he appear, especially instead of Eliwood? The odds say no.
  13. Character portraits do not change when reclassed. Callum keeps his giant armor as a Thief.
  14. She is not on either of their support lists. Just MU's and potentially female Mark's.
  15. Ah, so you actually have that MU.
  16. We're going to get SpotPass Celice anyway, so where's the problem? Elincia is a concrete demonstration that they're not going for one representative per game. That and Cellica's likelihood of getting in. With that in mind, even if my two-per-game theory is off, there's no way they'd go for just one from FE7, and certainly not someone so insignificant. --- Edit: Rethinking things, I'm having serious doubts about my 20-character theory. If we look at the Dark team, it has the villain team plus others. Meanwhile, the Light team likely has DLC characters plus others, and the Spirit Talisman case was part of that Light team. We're seeing now that they aren't just using simple teams, since the Dark team had the Villain team but also a mix of characters from other teams. Looking at things, I'm sure they'll round out Red vs. Blue and Light vs. Dark with another four characters. There are also four characters we can be certain will show up: Eliwood, Ike, Cellica, and Sigurd. Eliwood makes sense for the character to show up at the end of RvB 2, and Ike makes sense to show up at the end of RvB 3: it is Red vs. Blue, after all. It may be that Light vs. Dark will be the final set, and this makes sense, as they don't have a whole lot of room to keep going. I mean, once you've fought off all the villains and all the heroes simultaneously, with some of the highest stats, best weapons, and best skills, what's next? So this would leave it at the end, with 12 DLC characters and 15-17 maps. If there was another set of maps, I would expect to see Lyn, Eirika, and Sothe fit in somewhere (rounding out the NPCs in ST2 and LvD1), but I don't think the odds are in favor of this. What I'm certain of, though, is that Caeda, Dierdre, Julia, and Nanna do not match up to the importance of the characters released so far, and there's no longer strong evidence indicating their presence. Lillina is borderline, but the others are more likely to get in, I think.
  17. These DLC chapters also have progressively higher star ratings for difficulty. I imagine we may not have seen the last of the lower ratings: if they just keep going in this direction, they'll quickly run out of content. Ephraim's 4-star map has characters that could overwhelm endgame teams, each with five powerful skills, some of the best weapons in the game, and often a capped stat or two. I assume 5-star is the maximum, and if not, 6-star would probably consist of all capped stats, all ultimate weapons, and skillsets consisting mostly of Lunatic+ skills. Of course, HM would probably still do this for 5-star. There just isn't a lot of room to keep going.
  18. Man, I never noticed how detailed some of the SpotPass teams are. Roy's subordinates on his team are three Paladins, a Sniper, a General, a Hero, a Pegasus Knight, and two Warriors. All are LV20. That part's no surprise, after Sigurd and Prince Marth also had teams based on their starting teams. What was surprising was looking at them in detail: -One Paladin has 32 Str, 38 Spd, a Brave Lance, and Lance Expert. -One Paladin has 38 Str, 31 Spd, a Brave Sword, and Sword Expert. -One Paladin has 24 Str, 24 Spd, a Silver Lance, and Slow Start. -One Warrior has 65 HP, 35 Str, 38 Skl, and 35 Spd. -One Warrior has 74 HP, 43 Str, 37 Skl, and 28 Spd. Doesn't seem like most of the teams get this kind of attention, but it's a fascinating touch.
  19. [spoiler](spoiler text)[/spoiler] I don't think this is really a spoiler, though.
  20. Well, let's see. If we try to fit everything together without redundancy: Marth - Star Lord Caeda - Pegasus Knight Alm - Demon Fighter Cellica - ??? Sigurd - Paladin Dierdre - Sorcerer Serlis - Swordmaster Julia - Mage Leaf - Trickster Nanna - Troubadour Roy - Mercenary Lillina - Sage Eliwood - Cavalier Lyn - Myrmidon Eirika - ??? Ephraim - Great Knight Ike - Hero Elincia - Falcon Knight Micaiah - Dark Mage Sothe - Thief Assuming Cellica gets her own class, the only one who seems to have issues fitting is Eirika. The possibilities remaining are Bow Knight and Dark Knight for sword users that aren't Assassin - they're both possible as variants of her Great Lord class, but they sound really odd.
  21. He was, but he didn't do much there from a gameplay perspective: he seems to be present as an FE7 representative. So while his propensity to having a horse is worth noting, his pre-promote status isn't so applicable. But then, Leaf and Ephraim don't really have a reason from their own games to start promoted either. Regardless, it seems more plausible for an unpromoted character to become promoted than for a promoted character to become unpromoted: so if one of the two has to be unpromoted, it's Eliwood. The main thing that stands out as odd to me with the idea of characters all having separate started classes is the Mages: Dierdre, Julia, Lillina, and Micaiah. I mean, we could see Dierdre start as a Sorcerer and either Julia or Lillina as a Sage, but it seems odd. Of course, the potential redundancy of those characters might also be a strike against my theories that would place them all as DLC in the first place, but I like those theories. Cellica is of course not a concern due to her apparent likelihood of getting her own class, as well as having greater importance in her own game than the three of those four who have not yet seen a DLC release.
  22. It's an easy mistake to make, but the difference is important here. The bonus characters like Gangrel and Valhart were already programmed into the game, likely with their supports already written: people first figured out their presence from looking at support lists and seeing additional silhouettes. That's how we've been able to know ahead of time how many they were, who, and what order. For a DLC character to have supports, IS would either need to patch the supports into the game as part of the DLC, which seems farther than they're willing to go right now, or add the content into the game but seal it unless you purchase the DLC - a practice which has gotten other companies backlash with their own DLC, and makes sense for IS to avoid as well as again not seeming to be the direction they're going. So either way, it's not really applicable.
  23. True. The skills seem to be showing up on the higher-leveled third conclusions, so the possibilities on the field right now are the Red vs. Blue final (4-star) and the Light vs. Dark final (5-star). I'm guessing they'll loop around and add more lower-star maps after they finish with all this, though.
  24. Order isn't fixed. If Tiamo had the option for an S support with Krom, she could get that first, then get other supports up to A rank - and it's my impression that they do indeed address it, if not as directly.
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