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Everything posted by Othin

  1. This falls under more of the "unnecessary" area than the consistent, official translations.
  2. They are here, but they aren't as uniform in all the maps. Haven't tried Sumia as a General. She does have excessive Spd and not enough HP/Def in her regular classes, though.
  3. Every unit in every character DLC map is named, so that's a lot of bosses and really stops being meaningful. Camus also has Holy Shield; they all have five skills.
  4. You're right abut HP; I used the Dark Mage 50% growth. My Skl and Spd values are correct, though: 25+15 and 45+15.
  5. And Vengeance, yeah. And 80 HP. And Gradivus. He's not the boss, though; Camus is.
  6. Vengeance. The actual number is 11 of the 30, but it feels like more.
  7. The 4-star monster DLC is not yet available; it was announced last Thursday for release this coming Thursday. I plan to buy it immediately and take a look when it does come out, though. There's a screenshot of getting Mercurius there. Don't know about others, but I assume it's strictly limited to items that are already available in some form.
  8. I'm not sure about how that works. I have 600 Fame in my earlygame Lunatic run, and I'm certain I had more than that on my Normal run at the time. I guess how to treat the bonuses really depends on how the transfer works and what you can get out of it, neither of which is certain. This all said, there's a lot you can abuse with the wireless aspects, which Fame is counted as part of, although I'm not sure why. I've never been big on drafts, but I do think the best thing is probably to avoid it altogether along with other world map stuff: in any competitive context, the only world map use should be buying any desired items from the shop in the chapter you just completed, then proceeding immediately to the next chapter or sidequest.
  9. Well, all we have to go on is a map sprite, so no, we really can't confirm anything.
  10. I heard that something similar applied to growths.
  11. I'm certain it has some impact; we just don't know what.
  12. Oh, they're real. My results with Donny lined up near-perfectly with the projected ones. More likely an issue is that Vincent is just busy; I've been seeing to that.
  13. I don't see anything about it on the ChinaFE page...
  14. There would be a lot to rig in an "anything goes" run. For example, Sigurd is a LV20 Paladin with ridiculous stats: beating his team to get him to join takes a postgame team, but hiring him is just 17k gold, and either way gets him a spot on your team for as long as you want. Not cheap, but it shouldn't take too long to get that much cash if you focus on it. The DLC characters also sell whatever items their team uses. Their stock only contains one of each weapon, and once you leave their shop after buying anything, they disappear, but you can summon them again anytime you want at no cost, and they'll have a full inventory. So you can use that to buy unlimited Brave Lances, Tomahawks, Slime spells, etc., as early as you want. The items are expensive, but not prohibitively so. Then there's where it gets really ugly: time-based events. You can just wait a while for merchants to appear, sometimes selling items you want like Master Seals and Change Seals. Other skirmishes and merchants disappear over time to make room. Meanwhile, Everyone's Room also updates periodically with the same benefits as the sparkly tiles, and there's no penalty to waiting to get more items, more Exp, more WExp, and more Bond points. A competitive run with free Everyone's Room access would just wind up taking forever to abuse obscene gains from it: I don't think anyone wants that, so it would probably be easiest to just ban the room from any such runs. The shops and characters don't have quite the same potential to go infinite for free because of the gold cost, but they could still be seriously abused, so there are questions about how to address that. Of course, if DLC use is counted, that lets you spend a few turns to get all the cash you'd probably ever need to hire allies and load up on enough Brave weapons to last through the story mode. For a standard run, it may be easiest to constrain world map activity to buying from the shop of the chapter you just completed before moving on to the next finite map, whether a story chapter or a sidequest.
  15. Can't follow conversation... too many comments...
  16. Depends on how you define "cover" and how you define "the entire game". Also, not all weapons last quite that long. Inverse's Darkness is without a doubt the best weapon in the game, and it has only 10 uses. You can get more rarely and at random, but those won't retain any pricey forges you add to it, and Hammerne staffs as well are very rare.
  17. Let's keep in mind that with All Stats +2 and a Luck Potion, a character with a modifier of just +1 can get their Luck all the way up to 50. 150 gold per map to get unlimited use of powerful weapons is a very reasonable price. Luck Cry and/or Rainbow Cry can also help even more, although Luck Cry is worthless otherwise and generally not good to bother with unless you have other Cries coupled with it. In the higher-level DLC maps, you can have capped stats and still have trouble fighting with your best weapons, so Weapon Saver really does become valuable there. But you don't need to make modifiers a big concern in order to do so.
  18. dondon how exactly is "exists forever except Manster" availability issues when it's entirely better than like 80% of the characters? Othin has 3 PCC, while Halvan has 4. Not too special, but solid. 7/10
  19. Hmm. Base stats (Hero) HP 22 Str 11 Mag 1 Skl 12 Spd 12 Luck 11 Def 10 Res 3 9 Villager +9.45 +6.75 +3.15 +5.85 +6.3 +9 +4.5 +3.6 9 Mercenary / 1 Hero +11.5 +8.5 +3.5 +8.5 +8.5 +10 +5 +4 Total (10/10/2) (actual) HP 42.95 (41) Str 26.25 (26) Mag 7.65 (5) Skl 26.35 (27) Spd 26.8 (27) Luck 30 (30) Def 19.5 (23) Res 10.6 (9) I don't know how they calculated those growths, but the projected results seem completely accurate with what I actually got with Donny on my file. So I'd say they're correct, as insane as they look. But no, he can't really be considered an Est with how early he can join.
  20. That wouldn't come close to addressing their real issues of not killing anything and dying to everything. It doesn't even have Tier 1 caps. It has Tier 1 GBA caps, when the actual Tier 1 classes have Tier 2 GBA caps. So in FE13, it really has Tier 0 caps.
  21. Valhart's map is right above Ch20, and connects to it and S7. Gangrel's map is below S10 on the same island, and connects to it and Ch23. Are those two of the ones you saw? If so, that sounds about right. Odd that the rest would all be on Varm as well, but it makes sense with how much room it has while Iris is packed.
  22. Not really, other than Fame and bonus unit lists from past playthroughs, which you can use to hire characters if you have a lot of gold. There is the difficulty levels. You can access Normal, Hard, and Lunatic from the start, but I strongly recommend playing them in order just because of the large difficulty increase with each successive one. Completing Lunatic unlocks Lunatic+, which seems to just randomly distribute a certain list of immensely powerful enemy-specific skills and player skills among enemies to build on top of the existing Lunatic mode, which was crazily difficult already.
  23. Ambush nullifies Wrath's effect completely. There is no reason whatsoever to use the two together.
  24. Mostly SpotPass: the full SpotPass sidequests and many of the enemy SpotPass teams are designed for postgame levels. Also plenty of skirmishes, which you can use for all sorts of things, like building supports, which can in turn unlock regular sidequests you missed during the main story to get any remaining children characters; that was one of my first postgame goals. I'm also planning on ultimately going for 100% Support Library completion, but that's many playthroughs away.
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