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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. ...This is fiction. All women have nice asses there. As just another oversexulized female, all she does is to add to an already insanely oversaturated market. Personally, I prefer characters that don't look stupid. And I prefer games, that don't look stupid.
  2. Personally, I think Sothe is a nice addition to the game. As a street kid, he is as low on the social ladder as you can get without being owned by someone. This allows him to offer an unique perspective.
  3. Btw, did anyone else notice, that Nono's clothes look really just as the ones from the little Anime girls in "No more Heroes". She would fit in really nicely with them. Except of course, those oversexualized little girls were intended as parody of the otaku culture. And now this kind of design is the new standard. (Rated A by ZERO) If Suda makes another NmH, I wonder if he could still parody this, without it turning into porn. Edit: Btw, I would like to say that if this art style stays, there is a really good chance that this is my last Fire Emblem. What do I care if the series will still get localized as long as it looks like this? It might as well die.
  4. The Spider mini boss in Rosparck's stage in Mega Man ZX Advent. Like Aztek Falcon, this thing is a wonderful example of "who thought it was a good idea to put this guy here!". It's right in the 2 or 3 stage, depending on which one you do first. Defeating him, requires to hit the head. With this beasts size and arms, it's difficult to even jump without hitting something. The Spider takes takes up most of the screen and therefore requires you to use trial and error to find out which parts of the body won't harm you. He loves to spin his arms around, and trying to jump over the hurty parts without hitting a hurty part, requires very precise jumping and needs to be done several times in the row. And he drops spiders into the stage from all over the place. And he will throw a massive load of electric charges at you. For added fun, the sides of the arena contain instant kill spikes. For even more fun, he loves to destroy the platforms below you. Take too long and you will find yourself on the ground of the elevator, which is electrified. And of course, you only have Model A and Buckfire at this point. With only the Buster and Missles, you will probably be mislead into using the missiles. You will find out, that you can also aim for the spiders arms and shoot missiles on all of them at once. That doesn't do any good and you will probably die a few times, learning this. I have never seen any effect in attacking the arms and it definitely doesn't deal 5 times the damage to the body as one might expect. And Buckfire is huge and is even harder to maneuver here. And you can't get back through to a savepoint, like you can on Chrono's stage. If you defeat this thing and then get crushed before defeating Rospark... Well, don't die to Rospark. Just to add insult to injury, you fight the same kind of spider again later on. But without the spikes or the falling platforms. And you will have Model F, so you can just shoot upwards and annihilate this thing in a few seconds. It could be considered sweet revenge... if it weren't for the cutscene afterwards, showing that you were unable to even damage the damn thing... Admittedly, it was still pretty therapeutic.
  5. Well, it's a bit difficult to tell through text. The caps didn't really help.

  6. Rolf is actually pretty cool. When his hands go numb from his training, he is like "meh" and just keeps going. He can make bows that sell for more then a Silver Bow and he threatened to feather Marcia and told Boyd to shut up.
  7. Best: Ike Worst: Yumina For Ike, well... Tauroneo: "General Ike has reached us... We've failed." Micaiah can kill 5000 Crimean soldiers (I love how they give exact numbers) but once Ike enters the battlefield, it's all over. Ike > 5000 Crimean knights. Oh, and he killed God. That's always a bonus. And I guess Yumina is an example on how to portray children in war in a bit more plausible manner. Still, her interaction with Yubello is very similar to the one between Rolf and Mist in chapter 2 of PoR and she doesn't come out very positively by comparison. The difference is, that Mist acted like a big sister in that scene. She acted tough and tried to keep Rolf's spirit up. Which is all the more impressive, when we learn at the end of the chapter, that Mist is actually a crybaby. The two of them were entirely powerless but Mist did what she could, given the circumstances. In that scene, she proved herself to be a very responsible and mature person. Mist realizes, that when caught up in a war, everyone needs to work as hard as they can or they will loose the people they love. No matter the age or gender. Yumina simply completely lost her nerve and started crying after making demands that her little brother offers significantly protection in the face of a whole army. Again, that's understandable. They are both children and a war is a pretty big thing, to say the east. She definitely doesn't deserve to be shamed for it. But it just doesn't make her look to well in comparison to all the tough soldiers or the other kids who have proven to be more responsible. Heck, I would rather choose Narshen but I don't think he is allowed.
  8. Are you seriously consider it theft because we both coincidently used the same piece of official artwork?

    Even if so, how was I supposed to know what all the 4720 members have as their avatar?

  9. Thank you for the clarification. I guessed that casual is about restarting a map when loosing a unit or something like that so that definitely helped me out here.
  10. But the trainees start weak and end up merely on par with everyone else. Consequently, this would make them worse then everyone else. And you can't be considered "good" if you are worse then everyone else. Btw, what does "Casual" and "efficiency" mean? Those terms get thrown around a lot here but I don't think I know what it means in this context.
  11. Well, okay. But you were still able to buy and forge all kinds of them regularly while you were stuck to buy unforgeable Wind Swords.
  12. I guess that would make more sense. But honestly, no matter how often I go through them, all of his posts essentially still seem to me like he laments that thieves can't keep up with dedicated combat units because of the low might of daggers. Anyway, personally I would keep them if just for the reason that Thieves wielding broad swords would look silly. I don't want swords to transform into dual daggers again. And the whole argument could be made for any weapon type since it only makes a difference for the units who can choose between several weapon types. Otherwise we only need a melee type, bows and a magic type. But if nothing else, since you never know what you can buy, you need to make sure that you have lots of different goods in stock. And I actually think, knives are more unique then most weapons, let alone swords. They have low charges and can only be bought extremely rarely. It emphasizes them as emergency weapons and forces you to plan ahead and tempts to buy several of them for later use. Also, they have no rank, so they don't need the thief to be regularly involved in combat to use them. And since a thief might want to steal weapons, you might not want them to carry too many of them to make up for the few uses. And in the sequel, they became a lot more useful anyway, because of the addition of easily available throwing versions. Ranged swords were rarer, lower on charges and couldn't be forged. Knives on sage are beyond redemption though. But that's why they took that option out. And dancers would never choose to fight over refreshing a proper fighter to do the job. But if thieves don't have stuff to do, they might as well help out in combat.
  13. Okay, I still don't get it. Why does a thief even need to compete with a fighter? He is supposed to steal, open locks, lower bridges and and all that stuff. Fighting is just a bonus. Volke only competes with Sothe. Mia competes with everyone else. Honestly, it needs to stop that a units value is solely depending on their ability to kill an enemy in one turn. What's the point of even having classes, when they all do the exact same thing? And it would be pretty pathetic, if even the iconic utility class needs to have just as powerful combat abilities as any other class. If that utility is not enough, then the last thing that should be done is to make thieves more powerful. Instead they should get more abilities or more opportunities to use them. Also, what's with all the talk about forges? They don't exactly exist in a limitless supply.
  14. People here, use the term all the time for stuff that has nothing to do with rape. When a unit is good, that unit "rapes" When a unit is better then another unit, then that units "rapes" that other unit. When a unit is bad, that units gets "raped" And lots of other fun stuff. Thankfully this has mellowed down since the Rating Threads are over. Of course, thats merely the case because the right context isn't brought up that often anymore. Since I don't want to call people by names by quoting them (and since I need to go to sleep. All that coffee can't be good for my health), you might want to take a look yourself. Go to the search here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=core "Search in section": "Forums" "Find in forum": "General Fire Emblem Forums" "Display results": "Posts" Search for "Rape"
  15. I can't recall, that I ever had problems with her. I guess I always fought her late. I think you need to wait for the city to be liberated so she is probably the last on the list before Giovannni. And it probably helps that trainers used random attacks in that generation. And even with Alkazam, her Psy Wave was pathetic.
  16. Speaking of Pokemon: First Generation, Misty, Starmie, BubbleBeam The sound of BubbleBeam in that game is the sound of hell... and followed by the death scream of whatever Pokemon you send, to be feasted on by Starmie.
  17. Please don't get me wrong. That line wasn't intended as a "That's just how these things are" kind of line. Admittedly, it is this kind of line, now that I took another look at it. I can't deny that. I was merely trying to express my puzzlement over this without it turning into that other thread in "Serious Discussion", where people insist that the usage of the word "faggot" has nothing to do with discrimination anymore, since that one was already pretty painful to read. What I do think about this issue is: It is unfair if the members of the gender that forms the majority of a community speak and joke so casually about a crime, which in everyones perception is performed exclusively against the outnumbered gender. Because I can't help to think, that members of the smaller group would often be made uncomfortable in such a case. Which, of course, is the case with rape: a) Most of the time, women are the victims of the act. b) In the perception of most people it's even a crime committed exclusively by men against women. Not true of course, but that's how people perceive it. To the point where the male victims aren't even acknowledged most of the time. c) Women tend to form the minority in a lot of nerd communities, like this one. So from my personal perspective, I can't say I am surprised when females don't want to make their gender visible. And that the rape joke actually helped to illustrate that issue. Of course, I might be completely wrong since my perspective is highly limited.
  18. The existence of mindscrews and time travel probably just means that the whole story will make no sense at the end. Yeah, it's very judgmental towards a game I haven't played... But time travel breaks most stories. Most of the time, they require you to ignore something in order for it to make sense. Sure, there are good time travel stories... But I can't imagine, that IS pulled it off.
  19. Well, it's to be expected on this forum. People here, use the word "rape" as an replacement for pretty much any word. I wonder if this is exclusive to these forums, gamers in general, or maybe even the English language as a whole. This is actually something that puzzled me since I've been here.
  20. Are you talking about the 3DS version? Because, while it's been years since I played Master Quest, I am still pretty sure that they didn't change the abilities from bosses. They stuck cows into walls, torches into the roof and other creative stuff but they didn't change the properties of any objects.
  21. Well, since FE13 is taking it's sweet time, I decided that it's finally in my budget to import this game. My DS Lite is still in top shape, so I should be able to pay it. But this would be the first time I ever imported something. I'm afraid I overlook something and accidentally end up with a 1000€ import or shipping fees or something like that. Could someone with experience on this issue give me some advice on what to pay attention in regards to imports? Btw, I'm from Germany. So if someone would have coincidently specific information on the laws over here, I would be especially grateful.
  22. I would have figured, that it's there to give Sanaki a chance to survive the physical versions of Ashera's Judgement attack.
  23. Well, I just went through some of the class stats. (Impressive work Othin. That must have taken a while.) Archers still have worse stats then Cavaliers without having the advantages of a mounted unit and probably still have way lower exp gains. Viole even has a negative speed base. Is it just me or are Archers still as bad as usual?
  24. Do people even say that Lachesis is any good? I have heard plenty of good things about Leaf but I can't recall anything about Lachesis.
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