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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. I don't see how this is much of a problem. Marth is ridiculously fast in this game. He moves as fast as a GBA Cavalier to be exact.
  2. Well, I had to completely restart Lyn mode. Do I need to add anything else? ...Well, I figured that units would only be absent temporary since they all get dialogue after the chapter, which states that they are merely injured, so I just kept going. By the time I caught on, my team was pretty small. Also when I meet Guy, I didn't know how to recruit someone. In Lyn's mode, it was only done briefly and it was scripted anyway. What I did remember was, that units talked to each other when they were fighting. So I put Matthew into his attack range. That's part of the tutorial's problem: It's misleading.
  3. Best: FE5 Worst: FE6 Thracia might not have the best compositions but it sure as heck knows how to use them. I mean, it's the only game in the series so far, that uses dramatic music as a player phase theme. And another theme, for when you about to loose. Even the player phase battle theme is way more dramatic then any other one. Also, the dark tone of these songs make the triumphal ones better by merely existing since it makes them stand out more as a result. FE6... Well, they really didn't make much use of the system's sound chip. It really doesn't sound all that good. Which is a bit of a shame since they had quite a lot of good character themes. FE7 definitely used the systems capabilities a lot better but it also definitely recycled way too many songs from other installments.
  4. Average? The only people lower then her are Mages, Generals, Thieves, Rolf and units who come so late that they couldn't get high on the tier list no matter how well they perform in the few chapters they are available. That's still very bad in my book.
  5. I had a very easy time in H2 for the most part. But if I might note: The difficulty skyrocket at the end, when all those 26 Spd enemies showed up. Granted, my team was far from optimal because the whole game had been so easy until then but it might still be wise to prepare for that.
  6. For me, the Wii U isn't on the plan any time soon. I actually think the Launch lineup is pretty impressive. Especially compared to the N64/GC/Wii. Lots of games here, that I would like to give a shot. But so far there is no game I really "have" to play. The 64 had StarFox 64, GC had Melee, the GBA had Golden Sun, the Wii had the sequel to Path of Radiance (which ended up taking it's sweet time, especially in Europe), the DS had Shadow Dragon and the 3DS had Awakening... hmm, funny how Fire Emblem is the reason for my three latest console purchases. Speaking of Fire Emblem, well we know that IS wants to have Fire Emblem on the consoles so with Awakening being as successful as it is, I would say that a Wii U Fire Emblem isn't too far off... well, unless they planned ahead for several games like they did during the GBA era. Still, things being like they are at the moment, there is no such game. So far I would rather spend the 300€ to play all those awesome games on the Virtual Console which I missed back in the day because I kept buying glitchy PC games instead of a Console.
  7. That's not what I'm saying at all. I consider it a tribute to the original game rather then an update to it. If this wasn't my perspective, I would have quite a bit to complain about the fact that Marth is replaced by Chris as the main character. As it is, I don't spend much time thinking about whether certain changes make the game "unfaithful" to the original or something like that. And as for Chris, I simply consider him to be the Sora of this game.
  8. Lowering the Wii score seems fine to me. I bet the logic was, that the Wii as a next-generation console should be held to a different standard. And as for Radiant Dawn, I blame the localization. After all, they baited you into playing "Hard" mode by renaming it into "Normal". No wonder people thought it was insane. But how could they possibly have known any better? It's not like this decision made any sense.
  9. When I write a program for practice, it's probably always Fire Emblem themed.
  10. I'm not really to bothered by the inclusion of every single character for two reasons. The first one being, that a lot of characters probably simply didn't appear in the original game for hardware limitations. After all, Wrys wasn't in book 1 either. Even though he was quite important in terms of gameplay, being your first healer and all. When you get Lena, she doesn't even have a heal staff. Now this problems don't exist anymore, so there is no reason not to have him and the others included. The other being... well from my perspective, this game essentially treats the original Monshu the same way that Kingdom Hearts treats Disney movies. In the original game Marth was the protagonist. Now it's all about the Mary Sue you created at the beginning of the game. And unlike in FE7, this time it's not even optional. And then she becomes a member of the Royal Guard before even finishing his training. I think Marth even asks him the first time he meets her. And all the other characters instantly become friends with him too. In the "How is everyone" Menu, it's always her who talks with the others. She is even in the remakes title and it's the person the whole opening narration revolves around. It's the whole premise of the game. He is the main character of the remake. And I think that's fine. It's fun toying around with a classic, just like it is in Kingdom Hearts. But that also means that I think, that they can do pretty much anything they want with this game. Sure, I think it's bad that the Wolfguard can be recruited. And don't get me even started on Michalis. But then again I don't think I am supposed to take it seriously in the first place. They can go crazy all the like with this game. It's all just for fun. Now for the story structure, I think it's fine. Sure, it's not really driven by big villains but more by a mystery about what's actually going on. I don't think that this is worse. It's just different.
  11. 42 Since it's the amount of Dragon Ball volumes.
  12. That's probably a good idea. Thank you. Still, I will have to try if this glitch can be reproduced easily.
  13. Staying with the group wasn't really an option. At this stage, you are always alone at the beginning. Once the enemies are all gone, the party gets warped in. When that happened, I got stuck.
  14. So I just wanted to raid the Thief Hideout a little. After finishing of the last guy of the very first group of enemies I must have moved through the tight passage in the room just when I got warped to the rest of the party. Now the game still thinks I'm in a tight passage so I can't progress. The good news is that I can move through walls now. But that only does so much good if you can only move forward and backward. Camera control is also limited. Also, the menu can't be opened while in a tight passage, so I can't just leave the area that way. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get out? Edit: After walking long enough into one direction, I now ended up back where I started. Somewhere along the line, Zael made a 180° turn but hos model only moved by 90°. So his stance no longer matches his movement.
  15. For me, the emulator ran quite a bit smoother after I told it to skip frames. Not a very elegant method admittedly but at least it keeps it's speed now.
  16. Best: FE4/5 Thoron Worst: GBA Fire Not that the Fireball is that bad but why must the projectile just disappear when an attack misses? It just looks so silly.
  17. The costs are negligible and since Steel isn't available at the beginning, the weapon level will be high enough by the time they can be bought and stop being rare. If weapon level and costs are the only factor by that point, it makes them little more but mere upgrades to Iron.
  18. I figured you were speaking literally because you said I was wrong when I said that a boss automatically equips a weapon which can counter.
  19. ...How does this not crash the game? And how does the game know which weapon to use in the battle, when there are no scripts for it and it just uses them all at once?
  20. I'm not a fan of the people who designed her.

  21. I would say the Fire Emblem 4 AI is underrated. -Enemies will always conquer the players castle when given the opportunity. They will also always charge the castle. -Enemies move in squads around their leader. This makes it a bit risky to attack head-on since they can dish out a strong counter with all their units. Particular when the enemy has mounts and they all charge your squishiest unit. -Enemies will not attack when they have no chance to hit. -Army Leaders will retreat to get reinforcements when they are loosing. -Bosses will automatically switch to a different weapon if they can't counter otherwise. Granted, it's kinda cheating... -Trio-Bosses will go for a Triangle Attack when possible. ...Unfortunately for the Mage Sisters, this means they have to enter melee range. Besides the fact that enemies are just too weak, it's just that the AI attacks a bit randomly on the standard setting. But that also means, they are harder to predict.
  22. BrightBow


    Well, I only played up to Gen II. I merely got a call from the doc that a Pokemon is sick but that it doesn't seem to have any harmful effects.
  23. BrightBow


    Man, makes me remember my second attempt to catch Ho-Oh. It seemed to have a different color palette then before. I pondered about using a master ball but I restrained from it and restarted since I wondered if this was supposed to happen. Such a waste... Oh, and I encountered a shiny Meowth once. Looked just like a normal Meowth to me though. Anyway, during all my attempts in the 2 Generation I obtained eventually Pokerus. Did me no good though, since I always got rid of it asap. After all, the game portrays it as an illness and suggests nothing about it having an positive effect. It's a dumb mechanic anyway. You try to keep your Pokemon sick? That's just all kinds of awkward.
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