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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. So she literally runs around in her underwear and she humps the legs of the player avatar. I can't help but think that the actual writing perfectly matches her visual presentation. And I can't see much appeal into something that seems to be nothing more but a two-dimensional male fantasy because that market is ridiculously over saturated.
  2. Best: Wendell (There doesn't seem to be any pre-Shadow Dragon artwork that does as much as imply that he hides any hair under that hood.) Worst: Oliver Wendell is pretty amazing for a character who literally has no bases on his own. Because the class he is in just so happens to provide him with 14 base speed in a game where stats cap at 20. And a lack of magic growth in general means that the amateur mages in the party will never surpass his meager looking magic. So even when Merrik and Linde finally manage to catch up to him, they will never surpass him by much. In fact, Wendell is literally the only unit in the game who even has the chance to raise their magic. But most importantly, he can use staffs. Which is all kinds of amazing in a game where Priests can only get exp by getting their defenseless butts kicked. It's hard to believe that this juggernaut joins so early in the game. It's telling that he is still amazing in Shadow Dragon, where his speed got nerfed and magic growths actually exist. As for Oliver, well the point of him in Path of Radiance was to show what kinds of awful people the fellows in the senate where. He is completely self-deluded and is even worse then the other racist characters by not only seeing Laguz as inferior but literally threating them as mere objects. So far, so good. And then Radiant Dawn turned this bastard into a complete comic relief character who of course also gets a happy ending. In fact, they provided special support lines for pretty much all characters just for this guy. With all of them showing affection towards him. Even the guy he kidnapped and objectified. And without having done anything but earn the worst punishments that karma can dish out. I don't even know what to say about that. I honestly would like to know what the people at IS were smoking that day they came up with that.
  3. I don't even get how it's supposed to be pronounced. Is it supposed to be pronounced like Selypa from the DBZ Bardock special? Or maybe like Philip? If nothing else I guess I'm going to stick with Celice until I figure out how to spell the official name. I probably spell that name wrong all the time either way but at least it sounds nice that way.
  4. Definitely characters. It was so awesome to have a game where Yoshi can fight Link and you can beat the living snort out of a certain yellow rodent. The game was everything I wanted and more.
  5. I would subscribe to that if it wasn't for the fact that regular DS games are actually louder on the 3DS. Well, at least louder then my DS Lite. Maybe the purpose is to help in keeping the energy consumption low.
  6. I was addressing her outfit as a whole. I merely mean, that the heels look particular painful to me. Anyway, Sariya isn't quite in the same situation then those people. She is in a environment where death is a very likely possibility, especially when on the battlefield. She would need to be foolish enough to think that her appearance is more important then her survival (and given the outfit we are talking about, WAY more important then her survival.) That would make her incredible stupid. Edit: But I just read her profile on this site and apparently on of her important traits is: "Has the nicest body in the army" and that she has a crush on the Mary Sue. If this is important enough to warrant mentioning then does that mean that she is not supposed to be taken seriously anyway and that she is merely a comic relief character? Then she might actually be supposed to be that stupid, so technically her outfit doesn't undermine the writing as a result.
  7. The problem isn't even the fanservice (well, yes... I do feel insulted that IS assumed that I really am just a horny fanboy but that's another story.) but the logical consequences of it in regards to her character and how it undermines whatever effort the writers put into her. If I choose to believe in her, I also have to believe that she is is willingly wearing this outfit. Honestly, it hurts just looking at those heels. There is no way that this can be comfortable, let alone practical. What reason could she possibly have to torture herself like this? How could her appearance make any sense? The writers probably intend her to be dark, mysterious and dangerous or something like that. But to me she couldn't be any less believable and silly if she was wearing a big red clown nose.
  8. If she really is a good character, then it's all the more depressing that her presentation undersells her as if she really does exists simply to appeal to "horny fanboys".
  9. No, they did not. The faces had barely any detail and the rest of the model would not survive the close-up either.
  10. You keep brining that up but you can't possibly tell me that you don't realize that there is a world of difference between guns and knives. But when all weapons are the same to you, one could play this game in the opposite direction and ask why civilians can't have their own tanks or nukes or whatever.
  11. Considering that they have yet to make any 3D models, that are anywhere near sufficiently detailed enough for this sort of thing, I can't see them doing this anytime soon. Heck, in Awakening they even use sprites on the maps despite using 3D models in battle.
  12. Well, Spotpass data is saved separately of the game data, so it should work regardless of the game used. I would hope that it's done the same way with actual DLC. Edit: Nevermind. I'm sorry for posting even though I didn't actually know.
  13. Thank you. Still, whatever they use as a in-story justification, my point was simply that the 3DS just doesn't look like Fire Emblem. Of course I am aware that, while the design was iconic enough that even the Tyrfing looks exactly like it, they obviously couldn't have used it now after they changed it for this game. And the Falchion was the closest thing the series had for a iconic shape even if it's still a far cry from something like the Triforce so there really is no alternative I can think off. But whatever the reason, the result is that this model is merely a blue 3DS with two dragons and the Soul Calibur printed on it.
  14. But they are actually releasing the game and they have confirmed that there will be DLC. This situation can't really be compared with the release of a whole game.
  15. What reason could NoA possibly have, not to release that DLC? If they get through the effort to put a team on the localization, the extra costs for those maps cannot possibly compare to the profit they make by selling the extra maps. And considering how the DLC works, they would have to turn the whole thing on it's head, which would cause a fair share of extra costs anyway but for no possible benefit. Honestly, they can only win by localizing them. Why would NoA put so much effort into not any making money?
  16. The new players all act very buggy to me and will sometimes crash my browser. And it's just generally awkward that the layout and the players keep changing when I switch between videos. Though, I guess if I had activated cookies, then Youtube would permanently use it, rather then switching all the time. I do however appreciate that Youtube now loads profile image on the comments. Since that stops the browser for like a minute, it provides a good reason to stay away from the comments. I still wonder how they actually do this. If I don't tell the browser to cancel the loading of the page, then the browser will treat it as if the page is already loaded, except it's obviously still trying to get the images since the browser hardly responds anymore. And deactivating Java script has no effect either.
  17. First of all: There isn't anything that implies that humans were near distinction. More like the opposite. The war went like this: -Humans attack and kick the dragons ass -The dragons create the Dark Dragon, which turns the war around. -The humans "soon found out about the Dark Dragon" and created the Divine Weapons and proceed to kick the dragon's scaly butts. So it seems like that except for a short timeframe, humans had the dragons on the ropes the whole time. Though admittedly that is nitpicking. Way more importantly: "fighting to preserve our species" is indeed something I am sympathetic towards. But this game is not. Not when it comes to the dragons. Read my introduction post again where I elaborated on how the game presents Jahn, a guy who survived a 1000 years buried under rocks after his entire species was exterminated. The game does everything in his power to prevent the player from having any sympathy for him or his species. And the closest thing we ever get to a critical word to the humans of that time was Eliwoods: "We share some of the blame" line, when the game actually failed to provide any reason that the dragons deserved any blame to begin with. That's not "the tale of a devastating conflict between two species, both very intelligent and with a right to their own survival"
  18. Well, I don't expect a revisit. The wars are always on such a great scale that there usually isn't much room for another conflict without it feeling forced. Mind you, I hope they don't visit an old setting anyway, as long as they keep the current art direction.
  19. I'm a bit confused here. Do we need to put stuff from Monshu into spoiler tags? That game must be like 20 years old by now.
  20. Honestly, I don't see a point in getting this 3DS unless it's an XL. I mean, while blue-white is a nice color scheme, it doesn't exactly scream Fire Emblem to me. And the displayed sword is the Awakening version of the Falchion which doesn't look in the slightest like the iconic design that the series managed to maintain through all of it's incarnations since it's debut on the Famicom. It's like Nintendo would have decided to change the Triforce's shape into a circle for the Zelda themed 3DS. And dragons alone are to generic to make it look like Fire Emblem. It's really just a regular 3DS with blue and white colors. It looks nice but it's not a must-buy in the slightest.
  21. Is there a reason why the Falchion looks different now?
  22. I don't really care much for most names. But I'm definitely glad that they changed Mark to Morgan since I would prefer not to be reminded of FE7 and it's attitude towards genocide. I hope NoE will have this change as well. Stahl is somewhat awkward but the German translators usually change names like that anyway. For example they changed Duessel to Duennel, Haar to Darahan and Mist to Alja. And they renamed all the replacements characters by simply translating them into Japanese. So I assume that they will do so here as well. Amd I hope that NoA stood consistent with their Radiant Dawn translation and keep Shamans named as Light Priests.
  23. I would bet that the bad reputation comes from Microsoft sticking for 5 bloody years with Internet Explorer 6. On top of never getting certain innovations like the handy ability to have multiple tabs, Microsoft only fixed security holes when the stars lined up properly and often not even then. And once you have a bad reputations, they are very hard to shake off.
  24. 50 doesn't sound too much given the circumstances. And quite frankly, I would hope that I don't have to spend the largest part of the game doing stuff outside of the narrative by recruiting Spotpass characters and stuff like that.
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