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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Man, this sounds really messy. I mean, how difficult can this be? Personally I don't imagine it to be more complicated then a multidimensional array. I guess they added the feature late during localization when they were pretty much done with playtesting. Still, I usually expect higher standards from Nintendo. Anyway, Nintendo should really patch this one. After all, they can do this these days. And if nothing else I expect this to be fixed by the time of the EU release.
  2. Meh. I appreciate the additional time and effort they put in. I mean, we already know that there are changes from the US localization so I'm pretty sure that our version is going to have it's usual share of fixes and improvements over the US version. The voice acting glitches sound like they are particularly annoying.
  3. Well, technically the EU version was announced very early on. But admittedly, I didn't have much faith in it until E3.
  4. And the tightest atmosphere. I particular love it's really dramatic player phase theme as the enemy hunts you down in the early chapters. The ending was lame, sure. But you have to consider that Thracia was limited by Seisen's storyline.
  5. For me, it's essentially the same as the old ones: It doesn't look much like Fire Emblem so I'm not really exited about it. But since this one is an XL, I might actually considering buying it, since I want to upgrade anyway. But considering that it has no physical copy, I probably won't getting it. Since the old 3DS is smaller, the new one would merely be my home version, where I have the peace to really enjoy the screen size. So I would have to do data transfers all the time and I'm not going to bother with that.
  6. Personally I am not really hoping for Majora's Mask. The game is awesome and all but I'm not going to pay full price for a game I already played. If it was at least ALttP, the third dimension would allow a complete re-imagining of it. And I think that they are kinda overdoing it with remakes at this point. We have Ocarina 3D and Wind Waker HD already.
  7. Personally I rather hope for a for a Four Swords game. Adventure was the best mutliplayer fun ever and the handy DS screams for it's own installment.
  8. Well, If they already made a model, maybe they will also sell it on the Japanese market.
  9. Anyway, I can't watch it at the moment so I would like to ask: Does anyone already knows if the bundle has a physical copy? Edit: Ninjaed or whatever it's called. Nevermind.
  10. That has to be a joke. If they invested in an XL design, why didn't they use it for the US bundle?
  11. Technically it's just consequent to have Camus in Mystery since Gaiden already established that he was still alive. So it's not really that game's fault since a person of his statue couldn't possibly stay out of that conflict without it being awkward. Michalis doesn't have that benefit though. It's very hard to imagine that he survived. But I more hate the fact that New Mystery made it possible to recruit him and even gave him an awesome ending. And this in a game where the endings had their fair share of unexpected tragedies like Arran's death and the fate of Abel and Est. But the guy who killed his father and sold out his sisters along with his kingdom wins the jackpot.
  12. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Of course, the AI also has the bad habit of taking the Elixirs in a bosses inventory. But bosses die usually too fast for them to care anyway.
  13. Best: FE9/10 Cavalier/Paladin Worst: FE13 Catria
  14. You sound like I want realistic armor. These changes above would merely create some consistency between the male and female designs. None of these changes would even affect a male character. (Except sorcerers ) And there has to be some room between fighting in entirely realistic armor or in bridal gear. In my case, I just prefer the side of that scale that doesn't have high heels.
  15. The thing I would change is to change everyones character's art and models so that: -everyone gets proper footwear (so not like the Pegasus Knights or Panne or everyone who uses those wired sock-sandal thingies) -in particular, no one wears high heels! ...except maybe Anna (so not like pretty much everyone outside of Thracia) -there are no formfitting breast plates (so not like all the Pegasus Knights) -female characters have no skimpy custom versions of an existing armor of a male character (so not like Sully compared to Stahl) -nobody with armor or Emmeryn has bare legs (Again, Pegasus) -nobody wears armor that emphasizes cleavage (Dark Pegasus) -the negligee of the Dark Mages is replaced with something easier on the eyes -Nowi gets a wardrobe change clothes -Cellica gets aged up Also, My Unit would be excluded from all of these things, as long as those designs take the form of entirely optional customization options. Oh, and weapons would look a bit more like proper weapons (so not like Sumia's spear or the new Falchion)
  16. It's really just about what you get for your money, just like with full games. And I guess no matter the amount of content, it shouldn't feel like you are buying the rest of the game. But on it's core, DLC is not really any different as the addons that PC games had since the 90s. It just allows companies to sell new content in smaller packages. Which is okay as long as it has the appropriate price tag. In Fire Emblem's case, I guess you could call out the DLC for requiring you to buy certain DLC before you can buy others. And it makes me worry that they will make the games non-linear just so they can handle it the way they do with Awakening. But what I actually hate is the unpaid pseudo DLC. Stuff that is on the module the entire time but requires one to go online even though they don't even want money for it. Like the bonus missions for FE12. As far as I am concerned, If you don't even want my money, then there is no need to bother me with this. I should never need to go online to get the most out of the single player experience. Especially since not everyone has online access in the first place.
  17. I don't see how this is a problem. Games drop very quickly in price these days. Shouldn't take long for them to fall below 35$.
  18. Well, I've used to do that. But I've made too many bad experiences with that kind of thing in the last few years so I became more critical in that regard. Two games in particular changed my mind on that. One is Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, where the whole sidequest system is essentially based around asking you for a certain item without giving any idea on where to find it. Essentially, the only thing you could do, was to kill every single enemy on the massive monster list over and over and over and hope that they drop the required item... or of course, it might be hidden behind a breakable wall or even a breakable roof. You don't know that. You can't even tell by what kind of item your looking for. That's a game where Zombies will randomly drop Ice Cream or something like that. It could really be any monster. There is no direction whatsoever. I mean, I can get a certain amount of enjoyment out of actively searching for stuff like the Skultulas in Ocarina of Time, especially since the game will conveniently tell you which areas don't contain any Skultulas anymore and they make loud noises when you are nearby but simply making you kill enemies over and over is just no fun. It's like doing assembly line work. Then I played the Mega Man Zero collection and since I actually got to play the X series since I originally played Zero on the GBA, it made me realize that finding and collecting an upgrade is a lot more satisfying then finding an upgrade and then spending an hour killing the same four guys over and over until I have enough random drops in order to actually use it. What made those two games special, is that they are all really short. Spending an hour or so doing repetitive tasks in a game that otherwise only takes two hours to complete kinda makes you realize that the game was just manipulating you to make you think that you got more out of it then what you actually got. Especially after playing Zero again, which is exactly like X but with grinding. Bottom line: I'm still okay with playing for 100% if it involves quests like killing a specific group of ogres in a cave in the southwest forest to retrieve a certain amulet or something like that. But when it's about simply being told to go and kill zombies until a random number makes them decide to drop a slice of strawberry cake? No, thanks.
  19. And those are already five of the eleven mothers. And I would contest most of the remaining Women as well. It's not just about the clothes but also about posture and perspective. Therefore I would like to list a few things in regards to the ones you didn't list. -Tiki shoves her butt towards the screen and bends her body so we can see her breast. And since she apparently really wants us to have a clear view, she goes out of her way by crossing her arms on her back while also keeping them out of sight of her butt. Her artwork doesn't seem to be intended to express anything else. At least I can't read anything from her facial expression. -Sumia wears breastplates and the camera is positioned at a lower angle so we can see up her skirt. She also bends her body really awkwardly. As far as I can see, her lower body looks like she is standing perfectly still in a diagonal position while her lower body looks like she is walking right towards the camera. To me, it's kinda painful to look at. -Cordelia's is pretty much the same: breast plate and the camera is positioned low. The body is also all kinds of messed up but I would say that it's a fair shot to say that the swinging of her hips is supposed to be titillating. In contrast to Sumia, I will grant her that she at least she has an actual expression on her face and a proper grip on her weapon. At least as far as her hands go. -Sully's armor is different from Stahl's by wearing her arm armor like long gloves and her leg armor like long socks for no reason other then the obvious one. The latter results in something that I think is referred to as "Absolute Territory". I assume that Aversa is self-explanatory, though at least she is properly the only one who expresses her character properly that way.
  20. Suspension of disbelief is great to allow fantastic worlds to exist that contain unreal things like dragons and magic. I think that it is a waste to use it to imagine that somebody can move in high heels or by accepting that a male warrior needs full plate armor while a female warrior somehow does just as well by covering only little parts of her body. Personally I decided not to tolerate this stuff anymore. I mean, left ignored this stuff just keeps getting worse. For example it's absurd that characters like Ivy and Talim from Soul Calibur kept getting more and more sexualized with each installment, even though they were wearing so little to begin with. People seem to take it for granted that this stuff exist and that "sex sells", yet nobody seems to actually want it. And I don't see why. They can't really show anything anyway, even when aiming for an M rating. And actual porn is widely available for free, which probably includes drawings of every female Fire Emblem character. In other words: This fanservice serves no purpose besides making the characters in question less convincing. Stories end up worse for no actually benefit.
  21. As for being worse then everything else, I was particularly referring to the fact that the last time I had seen a girl like Nowi, it was in No more Heroes with the Bizarre Jelly Girls anime girls (By the same artist. He seems to have recycled these designs for Nowi). They were an exaggerated parody of the Otaku culture's tendency to sexualize cute little girls. But thanks to Fire Emblem, this parody is now kinda outdated. Thanks to Fire Emblem, little girls as sex objects is now perfectly mainstream. Yes, I think that's worse then the whole competition.
  22. The fact that there might be good things about this game is what I'm worried about since I would say that the art goes indeed a long way to discredit a lot of the things that the game has to offer in regards to story and characterization. Stories and settings need believability, which is unnecessary strained by having people go into combat using a wardrobe that can impossibly allow movement or armor that can impossibly protect. Especially in a series like Fire Emblem, where death tends to be more then a minor inconvenience and happens outside of the script. Also, there should be no place in the mainstream for sexualized little girls.
  23. The only ones we had so far were all dancers and they didn't have to fight.
  24. I wouldn't call it refreshing, considering that letting women fight in lingerie is pretty much a standard in the fantasy genre. It was Fire Emblem which was very refreshing in that regard. It it's particularly painful to me that Fire Emblem avoided this for two decades just to suddenly be worse about it then the whole competition.
  25. Path of Radiance tends to get me with a few scenes. One of these scenes would be in chapter 8 when Mist shows up at the end of the battle. It's so painful seeing her pushed so far that she actually prefers death over survival. Another would be the battle conversation between Mist vs Black Knight. Especially in Mist's case. She does such a good job hiding her feelings all the time, that I never really internalized that Mist was in the same situation as Ike in regards to the Black Knight. The realization kinda hit me like a brick. This also applies to Titania, who also once lost her composure at the subject of the Black Knight. It shows how hard they push themselves for the sake of the group.
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