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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. You know, I kinda missed it before but the trailer is also on the European E-Shop. Doesn't that mean that the game is essentially already decided to be localized? Two series that are very obscure outside Japan, we don't know anything about the game except the franchises involved but we already know that it's coming over here? That's kinda surprising and I think I could get used to that.
  2. Yeah... A massive cleavage window and enormous high heeled sandals. An truly outstanding design indeed. God knows, we don't see that kind of design very often in fantasy. After all, sandals are so underused. Anyway, I hope Assassin isn't a profession that requires her to run or to move very quickly.
  3. Fred is supposed to be overly dramatic? I thought he was supposed to be super serious and not one to be goofing around like that. And I would say, that it's not much of a stretch for an upbeat guy like Rickhart to use unusual expressions. Especially when he tries to act stupid in order to hide his shadiness. It's not perfect, but it does partly blend in with his personality, while this on seems to completely contradict Fred's personality and therefore kills immersion. Also, for the people who care: Well, I do obviously. I have seen way to many awkward lines that turned out to make a lot more sense before they got translated. Of course, referencing memes is a bad idea anyway. They start up bad and end up worse during translation.
  4. Thank you for that clarification. I figured it might be addressed towards me but I couldn't make anything out of it besides the fact that it's emotionally charged. I seem to be a magnet for emotional responses these days, so I am a bit on the edge, insecure and paranoid. Well, even more then usual. I'm worried that my writing style seems to be quite hostile in order to cause such attacks. Maybe I just don't realize that I am actually the biggest douche on the board. Anyway, the point is: I'm sorry for all the trouble.
  5. Do they seriously have to use memes? I mean, they can't expect the PAL translators to know them, so they will probably translate it literally. The script will be rather awkward as a result. In fact, I would say that the line will probably be awkward for everyone who doesn't know the meme. Not that I'm that big of an expert on the language but I would guess that even the "an Arrow to the knee" line in the FE12 patch probably worked better then this to people unfamiliar with the meme.
  6. I don't quite know how to interpret this sentence. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but could you please elaborate?
  7. Optional feature? Not really. It's active all the time. Or do you mean that you don't have to use it? I'm sorry but what kind of reasoning is that? Why should games be so designed that the only way not to break them is to handicap yourself? And yes, reclassing does break the game because they tried to recreate everyones bases and growths from the original game with no regard on how those units would change once you switch classes. So we get all kinds of wired results, like all natural Knights being the worst possible choice for their job because in order to resemble their original incarnations they essentially have neither a defense growth or defense base on their own while pretty much every else's def values skyrockets once they switch to Knight.
  8. More then anything I would like Altina in it. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. But it would be really nice playing as her, seeing how she is probably the biggest badass in Fire Emblem history, riding a massive lion while dual-wielding Ragnell and Alondite.
  9. Well, I guess that makes it the fourth time that Fire Emblem sells a console to me.
  10. Considering that the Wii has Fire Emblem, it kinda wins by default.
  11. So wait: Could this mean, that it's no longer like the previous games where the first few chapters were always the hardest on higher difficulties? They addressed this dissonance?
  12. I became 23 last week. While I played the games in order, I didn't actually start until around PoR's release. So I guess that would make me 15 when I started.
  13. Honestly, I found the hardest part to get the games running in the first place. I eventually got Daggerfall to run but the game ran incredibly slow. Considering that DOS software doesn't actually toggle their speed and that my Laptop should naturally be immensely more powerful then whatever was available at the time, I still don't actually know how to approach this problem.
  14. Just why did they change Dragon Knights back to Wyvern Rider? Especially in Akaneia since Medon's Dragons are actual Dragons that were enslaved during the war and not Wyverns.
  15. Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Sorry. It's just that the German version calls the skill "Nahkampf" which translates into "melee".
  16. Well, all the promo material since the release of the Tiamo artwork did nothing but convince me that this game is an insult and absolutely disgusting. But unfortunately I'm still eagerly waiting for this game. A lot of things about it sound very bad in my head but since I can't tell with absolute certainty whether they really are, I desire clarification. ...and closure. These days, work and school does do a good job of keeping my head of it. But even if not, there is no lack of games to keep me busy in the meantime. I'm currently playing Dragon Quest IX. And I intend to restart Chrono Trigger one of these days. I also have a Baldur's Gate 2 save that I put on ice for a long time. And I own but have not yet finished both Tales of Symphonia games. And if that somehow won't be enough, I can still try getting my hands on Super Mario Galaxy, Xenoblade, Sonic Colors or Pandora's Tower.
  17. Well, I haven't tried it in Oblivion but I can say that the Morrwind version it a bit tricky to use. Melee combat drains the targets endurance. As the value falls, all their abilities go down the drain until the endurance value goes into negative numbers making them fall completely immobilizes them until the value regenerates back into positives. Once an enemy is immobilized like that, melee attacks will do damage to health instead. They don't stay down for long but bince you can immediately knock them down again when they get back up and, endurance drained enemies are pretty much helpless. The problem is that attacks in Morrowind actually miss. Since those misses give the target time to regenerate their endurance, you will be unable to do anything with your melee skills until you spend a fortune on a trainer to hit enemies reliable. Well, or you could spend an hour or so trying to beat up a Skrib or a Kwarma Scout or something like that. Also, melee hits take ages to kill downed opponents, so once you knocked someone to the floor, you should switch to another weapon to finish them off. There are hotkeys to switch to different weapons in the PC version so it's not much of a hassle there. But if the console versions don't have that, it could be quite tedious there. And it's probably very inefficient against groups, since it's a rather slow way to kill enemies. The beauty in melee combat lies in the ability to drain enemies until they can't do anything but it can't quickly reduce the numbers of enemy combatants.
  18. Only in the rarest cases. Radiant Dawn got really lucky in that regard. (But just like the English one, the grunts weren't dubbed. So there is still quite a vocal dissonance.) Heck, even text translations aren't always happening. For example the whole Megaman Zero wasn't translated in anything but English. And the 3DS release of Tales of the Abyss is also entirely in English.
  19. Having anyone act all shocked about the revelation about his identity would have been all kind of awkward. After all, we had two years to find out which PoR character could actually fit into that armor. Even in Radiant Dawn, the question is not "who?" but merely "why?". After all, there really aren't to many people who possibly could be the Black Knight in the first place. Besides, it's kinda nice that characters actually do the logical thing for a change. Way to often, characters act like idiots for the sake of forced drama.
  20. Btw, does anyone know, what Arnemalists in IX need their magic stat for? It's very high and class exclusive gear raises it even further. But they have no damage dealing spells so I don't see what good it does them. Speaking of Arnemalists, I finally got the Red Mage outfit after finishing the first Arnemalist quest in IX...and it's gender locked. My female Arnemalist has to settle for a light blue version. And after all that trouble with that quest... Why restrict that awesome Red Mage suit like that? Even weirder, considering that the accompanying hats have no gender restrictions. Oh well, it still looks cool. Anyway, I just love how my Arnemalist totally exceeded my expectations. I mean, the game presents them as Jack-Of-All trades but they are really more of a rather unique combination of status affecting magic and high physical abilities. My Arnemalist is currently my main damage dealer with the Paladin dealing relatively little damage by comparison. And to think, that I expected the class to be nothing more but an upgrade to the Bard class.
  21. Do the higher difficulties make it necessary to grind?
  22. I've only played IX so far. In fact, I'm actively playing this at the moment. I played a Monsters spinoff on the Gameboy back in the day but I got bored quickly. I don't even know which game that was. IX did a better job keeping my interest. I think IX is a very good game but I found that it's dragged down by the incredible annoying side missions which are more a test of patience rather then anything resembling a challenge. And for some reason, you can only accept 8 of those at a time. And handling the inventory is an absolute nightmare. Once you empty all of them, filling all the slots takes ages. And it gets automatically emptied when someone is left at the tavern. I thought Baldur's Gate was annoying with that but this is an enitrely diffent level. I mean, does the game really need to give me an unskipable message every time I move a potion into someones inventory? You can't even move several items of the same type at once. In fact, everything in regards to items or menus is kinda clunky and slow for some reason. It's very similar to playing the NES Fire Emblem games in that regard. Even the first-gen Pokemon games were faster with this kind of thing. Oh, and why would there ever be ONLY ONE SINGLE SAVE SLOT. Seriously! With all the post game stuff, you most certainly don't want to throw all the stuff away just to start a new game. For the positives, I really liked the visuals during battle are really well done. Once it gets going, it's appropriately chaotic instead of the usual "everyone stands in a row" thing. And it's always nice that equipment changes the look of the characters and there is a lot of equipment to hand around. And I absolutely love that you can actually attack a boss' status for a change. I wonder why it's such an iron rule in the genre that you can't do this kind of thing, considering that Dragon Quest is the JRPG series. You would think that if they have it, everyone else would copy it. I found the party system to be a bit off a hit-miss thing. On the one hand, having a fully customizable party is awesome. On the other hand, that means that they aren't actual characters. In fact, it can be downright awkward, that the rest of the party doesn't get acknowledged. I just got past the part where you have to perform an investigation at a school. So I got a uniform to go undercover and make the other students trust me. So far, so good. But the fact that I had 3 heavy armed guys with no uniform running behind me made that whole scenario a bit unbelievable. In fact, that whole scenario was so silly that I eventually just left the team at the tavern. Anyway, I'm really curious to play a few more games of the series. Especially one where actual characters are involved. I guess I'm going to pick up VIII next. I can't believe these games are so obscure in the west. But please tell me that the other DS games have more then one save.
  23. So she literally runs around in her underwear and she humps the legs of the player avatar. I can't help but think that the actual writing perfectly matches her visual presentation. And I can't see much appeal into something that seems to be nothing more but a two-dimensional male fantasy because that market is ridiculously over saturated.
  24. Best: Wendell (There doesn't seem to be any pre-Shadow Dragon artwork that does as much as imply that he hides any hair under that hood.) Worst: Oliver Wendell is pretty amazing for a character who literally has no bases on his own. Because the class he is in just so happens to provide him with 14 base speed in a game where stats cap at 20. And a lack of magic growth in general means that the amateur mages in the party will never surpass his meager looking magic. So even when Merrik and Linde finally manage to catch up to him, they will never surpass him by much. In fact, Wendell is literally the only unit in the game who even has the chance to raise their magic. But most importantly, he can use staffs. Which is all kinds of amazing in a game where Priests can only get exp by getting their defenseless butts kicked. It's hard to believe that this juggernaut joins so early in the game. It's telling that he is still amazing in Shadow Dragon, where his speed got nerfed and magic growths actually exist. As for Oliver, well the point of him in Path of Radiance was to show what kinds of awful people the fellows in the senate where. He is completely self-deluded and is even worse then the other racist characters by not only seeing Laguz as inferior but literally threating them as mere objects. So far, so good. And then Radiant Dawn turned this bastard into a complete comic relief character who of course also gets a happy ending. In fact, they provided special support lines for pretty much all characters just for this guy. With all of them showing affection towards him. Even the guy he kidnapped and objectified. And without having done anything but earn the worst punishments that karma can dish out. I don't even know what to say about that. I honestly would like to know what the people at IS were smoking that day they came up with that.
  25. I don't even get how it's supposed to be pronounced. Is it supposed to be pronounced like Selypa from the DBZ Bardock special? Or maybe like Philip? If nothing else I guess I'm going to stick with Celice until I figure out how to spell the official name. I probably spell that name wrong all the time either way but at least it sounds nice that way.
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