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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Sometimes I am curios about: Was the game even always so controversial or did it only really start to kick in with Advent Children and the rest of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII ?
  2. As a friend I would consider it my responsibility to stay objective when my friend is to emotionally invested to do so. Trying to make him understand that he is not at fault but also trying to explain why she acted the way she did. Of course, holding such an ideal is harder then actually living it. I'm still impressed how a certain someone I know pulled it off but I hope I will be strong enough to return the favor should it ever come down to it. And in that scenario... well, the kidnappers are clearly at fault. Whats the point in trying so hard to blame one of their victims? And agreeing with someones decision and understanding why they did what they did are two completely different things. Considering how tight the bound to her family was, Est must have been very desperate, seeing how she disappeared completely without ever being heard from again by anyone.
  3. Neat, another units who can make use of swords while mounted. Sadly, he joins rather late and at a low level. And his weapon ranks are nothing to write home either. And his build is rather crappy. However, he doesn't take long to start killing things because of his massive pcc and his Leaf support and he will develop into a neat unit when given the chance. But you won't really miss this guy if you don't use him. 6.5/10
  4. She does have self doubts though, as seen in her conversation with Palla in FE11. And her kidnapping in Mystery was the only time it had and lasting negatively effect on others. Btw, she actually got kidnapped in the book 1 version of the first game and was recruited in the chapter whose boss is Camus.
  5. I haven't heard that she has an official age. Her age is at least not listed at this site at least. But as a soldier and veteran of three wars she can't be that young. I also don't think you ever grow old enough to carry the deaths of a whole civil war at your shoulders. Which I think is more relevant since it's something that actually happened in the games and wouldn't make her ending entirely random.
  6. Oh, for crying out loud... She got kidnapped. People tend to be traumatized and stuff through these things. Victims already end up blaming themselves all the time but in her case it also lead to a civil war in Aritia that cost countless live and made the person she loved miserable by forcing him to fight against the king he was so deeply devoted for as well. Even Marth was heavily guilt ridden afterwards and Est has all the more reason to feel responsible for it. Edit: I'm sorry for the harsh language. It just really upsets me that people throw so much dirt at someone who has plenty of reasons to suffer from PTSD or something and self-blame. I mean, how likely is it that, after all the drama in Aritia, the implications about her leaving Abel in her ending are that she doesn't care about him? Do you guys really think that all the stuff that happened didn't influence her in some way. That the developers simply choose an entirely random ending for the two out of a whim?
  7. She is very useful for killing all those annoying Dragons. Particular the cheating 26 Spd ones in the last two chapters. And thanks to the immense power of her Dragon Stone she does doesn't even need any training to do that. So she ends up being quite the asset during the time when H2 actually decides to show some actual difficulty for a change. 5/10 -1 bias because I don't like having children on the battlefield.
  8. Gee, what's with that language? She is a bad unit, okay. She named a whole category of bad units after all. But "Bitch", "Whore"? Seriously?
  9. Maybe some people just grow spiteful towards dubs when they were exposed to dubs like 4kids's One Piece and they grow irrational biased as a result.
  10. Sure, Uprising had awesome voice acting but... well it's a big budget title that Nintendo heavily advertised and was released everywhere at the same time. It's no comparison. I'm braced for the worst. I hope that at least this time around they dub the whole thing and don't leave the Japanese voices intact when the characters make noises rather then having actual lines. With Micaiah and Rolf you could really hear the dissonance between the Japanese and American voice actors. That shouldn't be too much to ask. Oh, and I hope they don't do stuff like giving the Black Knight a demon voice.
  11. Best: Jahn Honorable mention: Ashnard, Micaiah, Lyn, Karla, Sue Worst: Evayle Honorable mention: Echidna, Dorothy, Volug
  12. Well, I guess it's not "easier"... But it would fix the issue of there being a lot of female warriors so it would actually make sense that way.
  13. Or they should simply not have claimed that Sacaen have issues with Women. Way easier that way and it doesn't make the female Sacaens we do meet feel out of place.
  14. It's even worse then that. Lyn went as far as saying said that her tribesmen were "old-fashioned" and "wouldn't follow a woman". Hanon is a war hero of the Scouring and the founder of Sacae and very likely the greatest national hero of the country. It's embarrassing enough that the games claim that Sacaen have this sort of attitude but then they also add that Sacaen women wouldn't pick up a sword. And yet the game puts female Sacaen swordfighters all over the place. That one of them was the chiefs daughter in an "old-fashioned" clan puts the cherry on top of this nonsense. The whole thing is just hilarious bad writing. Forget what I said. The topic is already off the rails.
  15. In this games Nanna might lack her mothers strong arms but thankfully not her powerful Earth sword. It goes a long way to make up for her rather pitiful bases because it has a lot of attack power and attacks magic resistance at range. Oh, and it has 60 charges now, more hit and absorbs life. Which helps her durability a lot. And she is mounted, so she is essentially a Mage Knight with that thing. And it helps that Nanna has a decent enough magic base to begin with. Also, being able to use both Swords and staffs puts her into the unique position of profiting from the Elite Sword without actually using it up. And her promotion gives a huge boost to her admittedly lackluster Spd and Magic. Being a mounted healer is awesome and she is the only one who can do it until Amalda might join. And Charisma allows her to hand out a +10 Hit&Avoid bonus to everyone in range. And that is even more awesome and not something you get everywhere. Sadly her staff rank is so low that despite her early join time, it's not very likely to get it to the very valuable A-Rank. Though C-Rank is definitely doable and allows her access to nice staffs like Sleep. And she has a lot more HP so less fatigue trouble. And she has more options to level up anyway. And she has some nice supports, including Fin, Homer, Leaf and her brother. 10/10 - An awesome unit with tons of rare and valuable options. Lack of high level staffs is the only thing holding her back. +1 bias because this is such a beautiful day.
  16. I'm really not getting my hopes up on an European release until we get at least some more confirmation. You know, it would be kinda hilarious if the very first game would end up being the last game released internationally. Still, this was worth the wait... sorta. The tension wouldn't have let me sleep anyway. Good night then, everyone.
  17. Well, Nintendo is obviously going to make FE13 a big surprise because Nintendo intends to make it the next big thing outside of Japan. Ah, who am I kidding. It's over now.
  18. How is he is "Overrated"? As far as I can see Felgus is about as good as a units who does not provide staff hax gets. Anyway, he joins in Manster and one might thin that his bases are slightly lacking. However, that doesn't mean all that much as one might think. For one thing, he is just a few slashes away from an B rank in swords. This allows him to use the Flame sword and the Brave Sword is just around the corner. The only other contender is Leaf. And he has a PCC of 5. And he gets supported by Karin, who conveniently joins right alongside him and provides him a 50% crit bonus right away. She doesn't have much else to do without a horse anyway. And unlike a certain orange knight, he actually supports his partner back. If Karin sees combat, she relies on dodging to survive. So if it happens she appreciates the avoid bonus. And he has good growths all around so he just gets better. And you already have the Odo scroll. He gets more out of it then anyone else, because of the 5 PCC. And there is even a skill ring in Manster for +15% crit if you can afford to pick it up. And there are a bunch of Rapiers around the corner. And he makes good use killer swords. And his early access to powerful weapons gives him the option to be an effective boss killer. And once you are out of Manster he get a freaking horse which runs on his awesome sword rank. So yeah, this guy can dominate outdoor areas just as much indoor ones. Which he will gladly do, for the reminder of the game. 9/10 - This guy can do anything, while still being awesome at it. Overrating him is a difficult task.
  19. The site says the Sol Katti is for Myrmidons and Swordmasters.
  20. It's saying something about how sadistic this game is when this guy is the one who keeps your groups sorry butt alive during Manster. He's got worse bases then Othin and Halvan, for crying out loud. And then you open the door and a bunch of armors with Battle Axes and Mages are immediately charging at you. Yikes! Anyway, as I said he is the toughest guy in Manster for a while, so he is very helpful there. Afterwards, he gets his horse, and as this wasn't enough, his growths turn him into a tank. Many units in this game can kill, so one who is strong in the defense and being mounted on top of that is freaking awesome. Sure, the other growths are lackluster but thanks to Wraith he has never trouble killing things, so it doesn't matter at all. He also gets supported by Machua, who he doesn't support in return. What a jerk. 8/10
  21. Then I guess it's no wonder I missed it. I didn't even know the word "simpering". Time to take a look then. It still doesn't excuse the usage of the word "collective" though. I do know what that word means.
  22. Who are you talking too? I would like to think that I payed attention thorough the whole thread and haven't read of anyone saying that Eirika shouldn't or wouldn't marry. Or that getting married makes her somehow less capable.
  23. She will still be stuck with the portrait.
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