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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. And by that time he already was the father of two children. That really just makes it worse.
  2. Well, the game has plenty of units with killer offense, turning her somewhat redundant. And the common soldier is very weak anyway. Who cares when you can dish out 200+ damage with defense negation in a round when nobody even has that much. Marita (Is that name okay? I have never heard of anyone named Mareeta.) simply has way more offensive then she ever needs but she can't take many hits and her PCC only comes into play when she already had to eat a counter. At least she has a personal weapons so her painfully low build is for the most part a non-issue for her. It's nice that she can catch on so easily but she still isn't anything to be exited about.
  3. Well, I wanted to write down a few of the things that bugged me about FE7 but the whole thing ended up being way too long. Let's just say, it's my least favorite game in the series by a long shot. FE8 was okay. Nice story, Nice characters, good fun. Nothing spectacular, though. Fighting monsters got tiresome, however. They aren't very interesting foes. Creature Campaign could have been a lot better, though. I mean, it's an endless game but there is lot's of stuff you can't replace so you end up not using it at all. Why not just make Repair staffs buyable? And you usually loose more money by fighting random encounters then the loot is worth. Normally grinding can be quite relaxing for a while in most games. But because you have to constantly pay attention that you don't get broke it's really just annoying. And whose idea was it, that the player shouldn't be allowed to save in the ruins? It's like a less extreme form of Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded Avatar mode. You know: "All 100 floors in one go without saving or dying to get a Limit break you will never use." Took me a week or so, if I remember. Maybe that same guy in question is working for SquareEnix these days. Oh well, at least in FE8 you can quicksave. FE6 is the best of the bunch. The maps are diverse. The game is challenging and the story works for the most part. But one problem with the story is that we find out that sword of Seals is not a divine weapon... and that's it. It doesn't lead anywhere. So what is the Sword of Seals? And way more importantly I just can't get over the worship the Divine Generals get. They committed genocide, for gods sake! But the game treats the dragons are the bad guys because at the verge of extinction through a war the humans started, they brainwashed a divine dragon. And the Divine Generals are good because they decided to spare that one single dragon. They wiped out a whole sentient species but because they spared a single one, they are the good guys? Are they nuts? And this got even worse in FE7. Athos never had to answer to this whole mess. If a supposed sympathetic character committed genocide I would like to know his story. Is this really too much to ask? So FE8 wins because I can actually play it without it pissing me off. Those games weren't the glory days of the series.
  4. Hey, a level 1 mage coming so late in the game. she must have good growths. And if you put a lot of work in her she ends better then all your other mages in the game, right? Hahahahahahahahahahahaaha! Muhahahahahahaha! Yihahahahahahaha! Bruhahahahahaha! WUHAHAAHAAH!! Kii...Kii...Kiiii... KiiiHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Giahahahahaha!!! Hahahahahaha!!! Ha! Ha! Hahahahaha!!! No! She joins late. She is underleveled. Her bases suck. Even for her level. Her growths don't get her anywhere. Seriously. They suck. Her class sucks too. She can't use any weapons without being weighted down. Her hit sucks as well. At least she never gets doubled but only because it never takes more then one hit to kill her in the first place. In fact she has even less Con then Lilina. Freaking Lilina. Actually even if we ignore trivial things like joining time, Lilina is better then her in anything. And Lilina sucks. A lot. Heck, I would like to go back and give Lilina a 7/10 because the bottom of the barrel is really THAT deep down in this game. What in the nine hecks were the people at IS thinking! 0/10 - A punchline to a joke no one outside of IS knows about.
  5. Well, I have seen the commercial but... Maybe they were just spoilering things there and Martwo doesn't actually claim reveal himself to be Marth until the very end. Plus, Marth might simply look particular feminine this time around to contrast him from Krom's rather masculine appearance.
  6. Personal, I don't see how they expect anybody to trust their reviews when they are made before a games release. I mean obviously you don't get access to a game so soon by handing out bad reviews too them. Case in point: Wind Waker. As much as I love it, the game takes a deeeep dive shortly after revisiting the fortress. 2 Words: "Triforce maps" There is no way it deserves a perfect score with a flaw like that. Well, at least we will probably get some new information out of it.
  7. Percival strives to preserve the honor of the Etrurian generals and he does a darn good job at it. I mean, just look at this guy: 20 Str, 20 Spd with 51 HP and 15 Def. And he is a Paladin. He has access to all kinds of weapons and has the ranks to use every single one of them. The fact that he doesn't exist for half the game means jack. When he exist, he owns. Everything. Without exception. There is no reason not to use him. At all. Alan and Lance futilely pray they ever get as strong as him. And this demigod is still only level 5. He actually grows stronger from there. I can't sing his praises loud enough. 10/10 Sadly, he leaves me no room for bias.
  8. I'm sorry for editing that part out. It was off-topic and I was pulling stuff out of the air and all. I hoped nobody read it. That explanation would work for the spell. But why would they just turn a class upside-down? You really don't think this had anything to do with the oddities of the setting? When the same game coincidental also had a shaman who turned out to be a corrupted divine dragon? When the only two other members of the class shared the blood of divine dragons? And they did turn Nosferatu back into Light magic anyway so I doubt the reason was because it fitted better. Not that I really believe they will bother to come up with an explanation for the change. I would just prefer it that way. And btw, they probably did use spell books in Gaiden, they just don't appear as items this time around. It's stated in the Erk - Nino support that learning a single magic spell takes a lot of time, reflected in Gaiden by needing levels for using spells whose books they probably possessed all the time but hadn't learned how to use yet. The Erk-Pent conversation also had him collapse from exhaustion because of him casting too much. Gaiden just so happens to be the only game reflecting this in it's game mechanics. The laws of the universe didn't change there. Just the game mechanics.
  9. If the new game is set in Akaneia, I would really like to have an explanation how the spell changed from white magic to dark suddenly. Granted, black magic isn't just dark magic either but considering it was the sister class most basic spell I can't see it associated with dark magic. I'm just guessing that when they screw with the rules of Akaneia like that, then probably because the game mechanics require it. A separate magic school doesn't have much else to show otherwise and they probably figured they rather need dark then light magic.
  10. If they threw Nosferatu among the dark magic tomes then I can only imagine that light magic is not going to be present at all. The setting categorized it as a white magic spell after all. I don't think they would violate consistency without reason. I find it unlikely that Aura is not going to be present, though. But that probably just means the spell is going to be a personal weapon or a regular spell rather then light magic.
  11. How come Cath's votes are so much worse then Astohl's and Chad's? Don't they have the same utility? Do bases and growths really matter that much for thiefs in this game?
  12. Male: Forde, Rief, Valter Female: Ismaire, Natasha, Neimi
  13. They do seem a bit blurry to me, though. Older Elibe ones like the Hugh one seem to look sharper in my eyes. Not that I feel like whining or anything. They do look pretty awesome.
  14. Trying to beat Mania without this guy is a daunting task. Heck, even hard mode without him is a daunting task. You need him. Plain and simple. Sadly his performance goes down as the parts move on, so he doesn't quite deserve a perfect score. 8.5/10 -0.5 bias for not slapping Micaiah at every opportunity.
  15. Well, here we have Rolf. The worst unit in the game. Technically his bases and growths would be quite good for an Fire Emblem archer, not to mention that they get a crit bonus over here, except that the other shitty archers usually at least have the benefit of joining in the first chapter while our little buddy here joins way too late which which seals his fate. He has a personal bow which has essential the power of a Steel bow while being far more accurate with some added crit for good measure allowing him to chip at enemies reliably while not caring about his weapon rank. He also gets some bond supports. This, along with bexp makes it way easier to turn him into a decent unit then let's say, some more infamous units from FE6 but even so there is still no reason that you might actually want to do it. 2/10 - As far as FE9 units are concerned, he is the bottom of the barrel. Said barrel isn't particularly deep this time around, though. But it's still a bottom. +1 bias because the writers actually tried to treat the issue with children seriously rather then just having them tag along as the series usually does. Rolf is pretty much the exact opposite then, let's say Fa in that regard. Fa: Yes, Fa's having lots and lots of fun! Fa gets to play outside, now! Rolf: We're not fighting targets. I know the difference. Targets don't squirm on the ground and gurgle in pain. Targets don't make the grass slippery with blood. I learned that lesson the first time I took a man down. I would also like to note that Rolf along with Mist joined the battle shortly after one of those they both consider family died. This, along with the fact that the whole band was almost entirely wiped out by the Daein army shortly after made it painfully aware of them how everyone they loved could easily loose there lives anytime. They didn't just enter the battlefield for shit and giggles or to "play outside" but because they felt that they had to do whatever difference they could do, no matter how minor or else their family won't come home anymore.
  16. But since she gains experience through staffs, she doesn't get exp any faster then hard. Maybe even slower since less healing is required.
  17. What about the Archer class that already exist? They even have different sprites with a different stance.
  18. I thought that he meant, he would have been angry at Evayle. I didn't even think of Lachesis. This part is really to vague.
  19. It's Mist. Ike's sister who entered the battlefield after having lost her father. She is determined to use everything in her power to protect the rest of her family. Unfortunately said power isn't very impressive at the beginning. But she is low level, has low bases and even a low staff rank. She heals only 14 with the only staff she can use. And of course her move sucks. Her performance is not much to write home about. Of course, once she promotes she will get a horse and swords. With Canto and a lot of move she can reach everyone and move away to safety outshining any poor schmucks that might try to compete with her in the healing department. She can also use Steel Swords from the get go and do some additional damage, which can be useful sometimes. She can also deal far more damage with the Sonic Sword then anyone else. Getting her rank there is not an easy task, though. Because of this dissonance in her performance, I find her difficult to rate. It makes it very tempting to use a lot of resources on her. Giving her BExp early is also sort of a bargain since she will keep growing just as fast, since her exp gain through staffs won't scale down on higher levels. And she could use one of the Master Seals, though they would help everyone a lot. Without these, though her performance is nothing too spectacularly. She also helps in the battle against the Black Knight. He also won't attack her. But even with Mist, failing is still very possible. And I'm not sure the outcome makes much of a difference anyway. Still, I think she deserves a good rating either way. She is still a staff user from the get go, which I always appreciate and she has the potential to get a lot better from there. I just wish she could use Mend immediately. 8/10 +1 bias for being a good character in my opinion. Her reasons for entering battle are unusually relateable. Most of the time, children in Fire Emblem just sort of tag along but it was way better handled here. I found the scene between her and Ike during the battle in chapter 8 quite hard to bear. A kid shouldn't look forward to dying like that, dammit. And as a person she is very admirable. Even though she is deeply troubled herself, she is always trying to act cheerfully and help others. Even people like Jill who otherwise don't get much sympathy.
  20. Micaiah's reaction to Ike is really quite cute... sort of. She didn't quite said you wrote. She didn't say he was a good person but that she can see why he is important to Sothe. And she didn't said she considers him her enemy but that "some people" would consider him their "Archenemy". If her harsh reaction is anything to go by she obviously shares that attitude but doesn't want to bump her heads with Sothe to directly over it. Heck she puts the "hero" in quotation marks. With Sothe being the only person she ever was close too, it's understandable that she is jealous. "Go marry Ike, Sothe. I've got a bird." It doesn't matter how old she is. She simply has no experience with these things, hence her immature behavior. But I think for the most part it's just that she adapted the attitude of the Daein when they helped her out. Ike? Empathy can be a bitch sometimes. Btw, in her boss battle with Ike in 3-13 she says that she can finally understand why Sothe sees him the way he does. It's such a shame that important character development is restricted to boss-convos that are ridiculously hard to get.
  21. I know you can calculate the whole game in advance to know exactly how much money is needed and everything, but in praxis nobody will probably know so I would find it to be good to have money to fall back on. Not saying he is bad just that I don't think that needing money should be entirely ignored. Edit: Besides, scratch that. I would say forged Dragon Lances, forged Wyrm slayers, forged bows and magic. Anything to help against those 26 spd dragons.
  22. As the only person on this board who deserves to be described "retarded", I would have thought because he needs forges and and dies easily while others don't. This objection comes from somebody who is honestly and unsarcastically an idiot so I don't need anyone to repeat that, I don't disagree, but I'm still curious why this would be a non-issue.
  23. I must have expressed myself poorly. Not allowing the staff on a guarding member wasn't what I wanted to say. But of course, it's besides the point. My objection was probably more about the fact of making scores dependent on strategies that allow you to bypass essentially the whole game rather then that it is a glitch (Which it is. I still think that it only works like this because nobody thought about that scenario or because it was to much of a hassle to fix it.). I'm sorry for the trouble I caused here.
  24. Yes, they are not the same thing. An oversight is a reason why a glitch exist, not the glitch itself. Sure you could find a solution for a lot of glitches. So could I and I'm probably a lot worse. Most of time the difficult part is to find glitches. Think of the bug in FE4 that allows you to have a unit move several times by rescuing it out of the castle because the menu option for "leaving the castle" doesn't disappear. I could come up with a simple solution: When using the staff have the game check whether or not the unit is in the castle. If it is then remove the option from the menu the same way they do when having the unit leave normally. There might not be the best solution but I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult either way. But they just didn't notice. The Rescue staff is hard to get. Most testers probably didn't got it. Those who did probably never thought about using it on a unit in the castle and so the glitch went unnoticed. Or they were on a tight schedule and had no time. Either way a simple easy to fix glitch found it's way into the final version. Yes, he can hold is own for the most part but I don't think it's anything outstanding that validates vote above average. Silver Lance is awesome, though. And if the difficulty spike turns out to be a brick wall, what good does Jeigan do me then. Other units are just are just as good at the beginning but later can still keep up with 26 spd dragons. (Man, I want to know how the code works for those. Maybe they had 22 spd all the time but the game can't display attributes that are higher then what's max for the class. The game probably doesn't force max states on enemy units, like with those above 60 Hp enemies in the gba games.) H2 Jeigan also isn't quite like FE6 HM Marcus in that he is pretty much essential to get through. I haven't given a score yet, but I probably would hand out a 5 or so. But even then, that's just because most units recruited later aren't fancy either. Otherwise I would put him visibly below average. But scores above 7 without bias?
  25. It's an oversight. It could have been easily fixed. Just like the 255 crit bug in the japanese PoR. I probably don't need to explain how a bug like this can come to pass. Or the easy mode glitch during Data Transfer in Radiant Dawn. I bet they just forgot that that mode in the international version existed. The history of video games is full of glitches that could have been easily fixed but slipped through the testing and went unnoticed.
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