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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Hello this is BrightBow-User but you could as well call me randomFireEmblemplayer Nr. 2095151. This is actually the first forum i joined which is not in my native language and i have not much confidence in my english-skills. Gets even worse because i have the habit to write long sentences. :( However feel free to point out any grammatical errors in my posts if you like. I would actually prefer it that way since i would indeed like to improve my english. Just because it is bad dosn't mean i like to stay it that way ;) . But plz don't be "too" mean about them. Otherwise there is not much to see here. As a lot of non-japanese i first heard of Fire Emblem through SmashBrothers and until now got my hands on 6,7,8,9 and 10 however since i am not planning to get a DS i probably won't play Shadow Dragon.
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