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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. I would say this list needs: "Decisive Attack" from FE9. The attack theme for the secound half of the game. "A Knight's Oath" from FE7. A alternate reruiting theme for knights like Isadora or Wallace. By the way, aren't the recruiting themes of FE9 and FE10 the exact same one? Oh, well my vote goes to: "FE11 Come, Join us" and "Decisive Attack"...if it will be added.
  2. Posted 2 facts about my avatar, already.
  3. Corrected the gramma error I pointed out, which is kinda ironic in consideration to my own grammar skilltzs.
  4. On the friend-list of a katua lover.
  5. Thinks of Fiona so low that he wrote her name with a small F.[s/] Again to slow... Was faster then me.
  6. You mean probably Fee in the secound sentence. Well in my game, Fee as Claude's daughter started with such a low amount of HP that she still got 2-shotted by magic, during most of the game. Then again: "Personal experience means......."
  7. BrightBow-User was just visiting his profile to find a fact.
  8. Has no Avatar. Too late.... :'( Damm this is progressing fast now. Was using a Katua avatar a few hours ago.
  9. I seriously don't know about Claude for Lachesis. You could take any physical unit which you haven't used and the result would probably better then Claude. Why not just use Alex or Noish. At last Alec has Pursuit, and Noish's Critical gives them at last a bit killing potential.
  10. I guess you know the recruting requirements, so allow me to go right to my strategie. If an enemy army lost most of it's members, the leader will retreat to get more reinforcements from his castle, and of course Hannibals army is no exeption of this rule. Once Hannibal retreats Celice should have the time to ride past him. You might want to take Leaf or Nanna with him so you can warp Corple back to your main castle once you freed him, and have him talk to Hannibal.
  11. I would give you gold if you kill of my Nino... and Jaffar... just in case. Well, guess I take everything for every character I am not going to use anyway. It's the 42 post for me again. :)
  12. From what I have heard the PEGI seems to have a problem with the casinos. In the european platin edition you can no longer use the machines there. And I guess it will be the same for further Pokemon games. First link I got from google about the subjekt: http://www.gamespot.com/users/RPG_Hacker/s...=m-100-25675730 Haven't bothered to read it. Hope it coveres all the stuff up. To be honest, I have never figured out how to actually WIN money there so I could care less... but this is just stupid.
  13. Sadly this list is missing Fiona. (What? This is not about gameplay, so I fail to see where the ovisious reasons are the TP talked about.)
  14. True, but saying he has only one support would be technically wrong I guess, even if one is not realistic. Still he has 1 bond that will basically always be used. I think Oscar's durability raises over Titania's rather quick thx to the earth + earth affinity, not to mention this also supports Ike. About Titania's early game: Atlast it seems to me that attacking anything with Titania that is not a Armored Knight until at last the part of the game which allows you to get Oscar's B-Support, will result in a kill and therefore waisting valuable exp. Therefore I usally have a hard time to use Titania except as a meatshield, but I guess this is just bad strategie on my part.
  15. Oscar comes just as early, has 2 bonds a earth affinity with "Ike" ("prepare yourself") which raises in rank quite fast.
  16. -Beyond good & evil 2 -Fire Emblem/Zelda -Pokemon Soul Silver / Sadly it looks like there will be some censorship in the european versions. Atlast this is what happened in the platin edition. :( -Starcraft 2 -Starcraft Ghost /I still haven't given up hope :'( Edit: Metroid: Other M Serenes Forest 3: The Lost Age That pretty much is it. There is currently not much I am all exited about.
  17. Ross: Berserker. Because he is the only true options for a decent berserker. Amelia: Super Recruit. Because the Max States fit her growths better and because of the +15% critical bost. With that she is almost like a myrmidon with better defense that uses spears. Thats just awesome. Ewan: Sage. i just don't like Druids to be honest. There is no other reason.
  18. Most things alredy mentione didn't surprise me because they already got spoilered by other forums befor I played the game. Why does Europe always get the Fire Emblem games so late? :( I guess I better mark the entire thing as spoiler. That was more then I excpected. Sorry about that wall of text.
  19. Jill removed Haars eyepatch causing Telius and all its inhabiants to be destroyed for good. Except Haar and Chuck Noyce of course. And Ashera thought all the time Yune was responsible for the desaster 1000 years ago but know she knows better.
  20. Same here. Renning was also often mentioned but served no real purpose. Then Elincia mentioned here uncle at the beginning of the chapter who you fight Bertram. And then when asked about him Soren said that Bertram appeared first AFTER the invasion of crimea and became quickly one of the Four Riders. However I started to doubt this since no other of the Crimean servants had a boss conversation (well, exept with Elinica of course and this one hasn't explained anything.) I thought it would not make much sense that a mysterie like stayed unsolved and Bertram really looked like Renning but there was no way to get the game to (Argh, I must find my dictonary :( ) to make the game to say that I was right. However there were a lots of other unanswered questions like: Who is the person Sothe is looking for. Why dosn't he promote? And why dosn't the worst possibile event happen: That the Dark God frees himself from the Medalion. And at the end they give the song to release the Dark God to Sanaki. (To be honest I was expecting here to become evil and the big antigotanist. Oh yea and I expected Ike to become insane and Volke to fulfils his contract ore at last that he trys to)I figured that I was right and that this all smelled heavily like stuff for a sequel.
  21. Kevin dosn't gamble, he is just an incredible hothead so makalovs skill would suit him more. Also since Kevin is using Axes gamble is of NO use of him. At last swords have accuracy. Gambling is indeed Makalovs habit, ask Marcia. Today I joked arround somewhere that the only thing i don't understand about the POR-Plot is how Marcia travels arround the entire continent just to meet her brother back at home. And the pirates in chapter 2 did know about her brother and hi habit to gamble so it seems he was in crimea as well. My theory is that at some point during development Makalov was supposed to be the one imprisioned. Perhabs he might have even been supposed to be the "Red Knight". Edit: Sorry about calling Kieran Kevin. I was going with the names in the german language setting.
  22. Actually Radiant Dawn felt pretty unfinished to me, unlike Path of Radiance. (Well almost !Spoiler!: I was surprised that after Marcia was looking over the entire continent after her brother she found him right befor her homes door, begging for money. ) Well the story is awesome I like the entire theme about hatred (It was awesome to see Lethe and Jill change during the game but I better don't spoil too much here. Oh but in my honest opinion Deghinsea's best line is not "Hold,Hold, I say" but " Revenge is only another name for murder. ") and beeing born into a certain social status and lots of other good stuff You only have one team here by the way so you don't have to plan ahead to make units like Fiona in Radiant Dawn usable. There are no units you could call bad anyway. (Though Mia is mercilessly outshined by Zihark.) Oh and something important: The skills system is a bit different here. If you unequip a skill it's gone for good so be careful about using them. And Mastery Skills require Items called "Okkult"s. But they more ore less suck (exept Aether) and use up many, many skill points. Something that really pissed me off was that "Nintendo of America", (Ore whoever is responsible for this) made the Black Knight english voice sound like Darth Vader. What were they thinking? This dosn't make sense in the slightest. With BK english voice Ike should be able do find out about the Black Knights true identity as soon as he heres Zelgius voice saying: "You are the leader of this army? My name is Zelgius. I am in charge of..." Well, I think you got my point. But while we are talking about the versions difference: The NTSC and PAL versions are missing the Sword of Seals character illustrations. Oh and Maniac Mode is missing.
  23. Well then, allow we to say mine: -The Strong (Too bad you don't get to hear its full awesomeness outside of the Sound Room. Why couldn't Skrimir last a little longer? ) -Hymn Of the Righteous -Stalking Menace (Alternate Version) [The overused Track which always starts in Part4 Endgame when Ike goes to a Villian rises his twohanded-sword with only ONE arm and points it at his opponent befor he says something like: "I am going to f***ing pwn you, pheeeeaaar meeee!!!." Too bad its not in the Sound Room :( ] -Time of Action (Not that I think the Apostels Army desperatly needed their own Battle Theme.) -A Grasping Truth -Road of Sorrow -Zelgius the Brave Radiant Dawns Tracks are all more ore less godly including the unused ones. It's hard to name only a few favourites.
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