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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. What I meant is that the story seems like a whole mess to me, because it has been thrown arround to give Ike more screentime but because time was running out... well parts didn't really fit together. Thats of course just my theorie but it would explain a few things, like Tormod and his gang joining incredible late but not with Est-like state grows. I wondered why they just didn't join the Laguz Allianz. I think they might have been part of the diplomats who traveled to Sienne and then the Senators try to assasinate them ore something like that. I mean when Ranulf said a war against Begnion has started I was like "Why did nobody tell me. Why does this appear from on secound to another. And why is everyone so eager to throw 4 years of diplomaticy into the trash-can". Of course they had a good reason to go to war but I would have expected theme to hesitate at last a bit. And why does something like this happening offscreen, anyway. There would have been quite some room for additional missions to even things out between the characters... (In terms of balancing and not in terms of story) Well this was quite Off-Topic now, I am sorry. :( But I guessin the end I don't have enough information about these things to come to a real conclusion ore whatever Ranulf said to Ike after they safed the prisoners in Crimea in PoR so I guess I quit now with the hypotheses.
  2. Yes, I was expecting him to appear as well. But more like Skrimir is in the finished game, beeing a NPC for most of the part and joing the actual team rather late. Ore that he and the Greil Mercenaries, (Ore at last a few of them) are working more in the background and having a few single missions spread arround the other parts befor they join the rest of the brawl. And I think his tale was kinda over. Not over enough to not enter the battle again but after he went from beeing a small mercenarie to becoming an charismatic leader and great hero of the Laguz and Beorc he just couldn't grow anymore characterwise. He should have been an important character of course but not the "sole true" main character of Radiant Dawn. ...oh my, I wrote a bunch of nonsense here...
  3. It was a mistake on my part. If Pellas survives, the conversation between Sothe and Micky differs a bit. The dialog between Tauroneo and Pellas in 4-5 dosn't replace it, like my post suggested.
  4. Sure, thats what i do but I think it just dosn't suit the maincharacter to become powerleveled like that. The same goes for the rest of the Dawn Brigade. They were introduced as the main characters of Radiant Dawn in the trailers and the manual but the greil mercenaries have the same amount of chapters + they start at secound tier. For me, the games main probleme is that someone decided to make Ike the main character again. And Thani is not a super weapon on the level of SS-Ranks, its more like a magic rapier.
  5. Ups, sorry. Looks like the two conversations have nothing to do with each other. The one i mentioned happens in 4-5, I think.
  6. Yes, but at last they have lots of time to reach that level. Micaiah only spends 5 chapters in secound tier befor she promotes again.
  7. That surprises me. By the way, if Pellas survives, Tauroneo and he will talk in the info instead of Micaiah and Sothe and Tauroneo will also note that the mark on Pella arm faded a bit... I have the feeling the story was incredible rushed. <_< I mean why DOES the mark fade of all sudden ? Oh my, I think I just used the Edit-Button a dozen times.
  8. Well, after visiting GameFAQs and this guide it seems like that the mark didn't disappear from Pellas arm after his dead. "Almedha: The mark is still on his wrist. My son's death was in vain! Micaiah: No! It can't be! Sothe, tell me that it isn't true... Almedha: Murderer! Give me back my son! You took my only son! Give him back! Bring him back to me!" So if Pellas still has it Micaiah shouldn't just get it out of nowhere. So i guess I stay with "picture scrapped during the development of the game".
  9. sorry i was talking about part 3...I wished i had a safe left from the start of the tower... but anyway when was it that picture 21 was used? It's not in the tower since Micaiah is wearing the robe of her secound class.
  10. I am almost sure it was the wrist of the dead Pellas and not Micaiahs. Edit: Of course I would not lay my hand in fire for this since I am not even close to that part.
  11. Well... did the picture appear in part 4? I still can't remember seeing it. Edit: Not to mention I was just asking when this picture appeared and i am sorry for starting to argue about the mark, since this wasn't the point of my own question. I guess it's just the leftover of some story changes and there is no meaning to it.
  12. They knew it because they destroyed the contract and killed the senator who signed it. Back when Pellas was alive all they had was a book Pellas found in a libary which was not soemething you could call a reliable source but in Part 4 Almedha already shared all the info she had about the Blood Pact. And she saw the work of the contract 20 years ago, and she also witnessed how Ashard stopped the curse. I think she is a more reliable source then this book of Pellas..... Does this CG perhabs only appear if you meet the conditions to recruit Lehran?
  13. The mark we saw back then was this one. The mark just didn't disappear from the arm of the dead Pellas. Edit: Well, the entire Blood Pact thing seems pretty rushed to begin with. I can't belive Pellas signed a contract with his blood. I wouldn't do that even if my lawyer says the contract is ok, like Izuka said to Pellas.
  14. If things would be like that everyone would have figured out the secret of Lekain and Pellas way quicker, so i bet they don't have one. Edit: Oh, and i am pretty sure Micaiah dosn't have the mark. Like I said I can't recall seeing this picture anywhere in the game outside of the soundroom. So I guess it was indeed scrapped during development if no one else recalls seeing it.
  15. At first I thought it was a picture that got scrapped because of story changes during development but then i noticed that one of the CGs in the list on this site is marked with "(unused)" [which is the 32 by the way] and its not the one with the mark on micaiahs hand so i thought it would appear somewhere in the game.
  16. Hi, I was curious about this CG. I can't remember seeing this im the two playthroughs i did. Do you know when this CG was used in the game ? (well, ecxept for the sound-room of course.)
  17. I always had a hard time to belive that such an emotiondriven and naive girl was with 19 years the oldest of the three maincharacters. When I found out about here real age things made a lot more sense to me. I just don't understand why her age was changed anyway. It's not like there are any dirty scenes in Blazing Sword and the ages of other characters stayed unchanged. I wish NoA would finally stop to change things without a good reason since these things will always bite them in the rearend sooner or later, in the case of Lyns age this was with her trophy in brawl. This was "fixed" in the PAL version of brawl (As if you could call something fixed when it was done wrong on purpose...) Oh, about the poll? Well I go with Karla. She needs all support she can get considering there are not many units that come with a low level, bad bases, bad growths, bad avaibility and are so hard to recruit.
  18. Ok, I admit it's not good at all to kill Naesala. I can't say Rolf is a good unit just because I decieded to play the game a bit differently by sending Reyson away which is obviously a decision that gets you no advantage at all. And even then, the best beat to win is probably to run to the boss and finish him of bevor Naesala is coming at you. But in my opinion Fire Emblem is a lot about useless satisfaction which is enough reason for me to take him down but without a Triangle-Attack your chances to even hit him are really slim.
  19. Oh. I always that every Laguz has 2 classes... Anyway even with state-up items and bexp the from 90 exp to level up to make sure they raise the tight stats, there is almost no chance for them to cap anything. Mordecai might cap strength and HP but only with a seraph robe. Reyson can cap a few stats. He has at last an insanely high chance to cap skill. *YES*. Well, I agree, Laguz are probably not worth it... :( But I would be curious if Leanne and Nealuichi could technically get state-bonusses.
  20. Great. I didn't knew that. Thank you for the fast reply. :)
  21. I just readed the epilog scripts of Blazing Sword and noticed that I haven't seen some of them before. I mean the ones marked with "(Tactician absent)" Well, I have played through the game a few times but the tactican was always present. Do you know how to make the tactican absent? ( I don't like him anyway... he is a Gary Sue and has no character development. :) ) Edit: Perhaps by getting the worst possible rank ?
  22. Might it be that Calil gets both her and Largos bonus but not both at the same time ? So if Calil caps speed in PoR she gets +2, if Largo caps speed she gets +2 and if both cap it she only gets +2 as well ? By the way: If you train Laguz in PoR... Do you need to get their stats high enough so they can cap them in their untransformed state ? And if they need can cap their stats at last transformed, does it matter if they are transformed at the end of the final chapter ? Not that they are likely to cap anything. If so they would technically get a +4 boost.
  23. Thunder is far from useless on shinon because he can survive direct attacks easily and with the double blow he can't counter so there is not even a reason to keep him from the frontlines driving the use of his affinities to a whole new level. Also others want to get his support as well. Edit: Oh, everything I said was said already. Well then I add that crowsbows and shinon are an awesome combination to disarm enemys so there is even more close-combat for the ponytail.
  24. However Astrid won't hit her speed cap and her allrounder growths prevent her from capping anything else for a long time so BEXPing is difficult. However she is one of the few beorc units who can equip both elite and blossom. Also she has Elite in Path of Radiance as well, which makes her an easy choice for state-transfers. As for Meg, she has problems hitting both her strength and defense cap so it dosn't help her all that much, that she can have the highest possible defense of the beorc-units and neither will she hit harder then the other sword users.
  25. Well I don't really think they are great at endgame. However they have their good points. I know they can't really make up for their enormus disadvantages like meg beeing stuck in an army whichs leader might be the only Fire Emblem Lord who has a late promotion-time and has actually problems to hit max level before that, which shows just how short the straw is, the dawn brigade got in terms of level and exp. And the more experienced Greil Mercenaries got Gatrie who has an high speed growth (60%) while having an equal high defense growth. However its also wrong saying that they are just aweful just because of that. Meg has high speed, luck and resistance growths which is far from beeing useless. By the way. Does anybody know if it is possible to recruit Meg in 3-7 ?
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