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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. My main issue with Rachel is that she just comes so late that I usually can't even manage to promote her before the end so Priscilla wins this one for me.
  2. I wouldn't have expected to see a Mario Paint song. A really nice one. And the annotation at the beginning is quite funny to me. Looks like the author doesn't quite grasp the true nature of the theme or else he wouldn't be surprised that this composition of his is so popular.
  3. Glad I'm not the only one who is so amazed by this. It kind of looks like such a simple track to me, a happy melody in the foreground and a few dark noises in the background and yet it still manages to be so intimidating that it almost makes me wish Navi would appear yelling: "Listen!" to drive off the anxiety caused by this song.
  4. Guess since there home on the islands requires them to fly, having there houses in the mountains and stuff. And actually transforming costs a lot of enrgie to a Laguz. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe9/cg/37.png In Goldoa nobodys need to fly, since they don't move anyway. This is probably also how the red and white dragons got too fat to fly at all. Edits: added whase' quote who I was responding too.
  5. Zelda: Majora's Mask - Stone Tower Temple theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spAiJM3E5Z8&fmt=18 In my opinion it mirrors perfectly the creepy atmosphere of the colorful world of Termina. Sonic Adventure 2 - Soarin' Over The Space http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKH9LPAJ6hE&fmt=18 The theme plays in Eggmans last level in the Dark Side story. I just love it. If I close my eyes I can still see Eggman walking past any resistance foolish enough trying to stop the evil genius who gets closer and closer to his ultimate goal of taking over the world. Pokemon Stadium - VS Mewtwo or whatever this track is called Mewtwo, he is badass enough to take on an entire team of 6 of your best Pokemon all by himself and that with style, thanks to his awesome theme. While we are talking about Mewtwo, he really knew how to make a good entrance back then: The song alone don't show the epicness, you have to see it in action, which is why I posted the above video. If you only want to hear the theme choose the link below. Man, I still miss this guy in Brawl. Metroid Prime -The theme against that bee hive thing. I hate this thing, it's the first real boss and you get knocked around by bees all over the damn place and of course you can easily drop into the acid. Bees. My god, I hate them, I hate them so much. Couldn't this boss have appeared AFTER I got my first energie tank? But still: awesome theme. You beat all the bosses in "Fire Emblem The Binding Blade" while listening to the same 2 songs, and then those 2 dragons show up and waste 2 awesome boss themes in 2 rounds. Idoun's battle theme takes the cake though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h1v66v7rUo&fmt=18 And since I like the track here are his 2 other incarnations of the game Idouns theme (I could only find this arranged version sadly) and the version in the ending: Her theme is so awesome I can even forgive her for turning the Shamans of Elibe into Dark Magic users. Or it was the work of the "Ending Winter", I don't know. And from "Fire Emblem Seisen No Keifu" - The chapter 5 theme. IS really wanted to let us know how things would turn out in advance.
  6. Best: Restore (Honorable mention for his Thracia 776 incarnation.) Worst: Matrona (I wonder who thought it was a fun idea to give staffs high critical chances, either way this thing is a sorry excuse for a SS-Rank staff)
  7. She is with Elincia. Calil may or may not be in Elincia's army and Largo has turned to stone. Because of this there are actually 3 different version of the info conversation in chapter 4-5 where the girl appears depending if Calil is with the Hawk-army, with one of the other armys or simply death.
  8. I think Micaiah should get one or two authority stars. It would make part 1 which is too hard a bit easier and would make part 3 which is a cakewalk a little bit harder. Not to mention that she just looks silly as a leader when everyone else and their sister (Lucia) has some of them. And after Part 1 Daein's people are close to being fanatics over her, but they aren't fighting better when she is nearby? Also I think her hp growth should be over 50%. She has to be the only Lord outside of Gaiden with an unreliable hp-growth. A Lord should be able to take at last 1 single hit without dying. Otherwise I think her growths are fine. Nothing bad about a Glass cannon. But it hurts her that magic generally sucks in this game unlike enemy res. I guess tomes should generally get buffed. Also allow her class "Light Priestress", to use SS Light magic right away. Since she won't do much fighting in 4E she has trouble to get to SS in time befor the end. Not that it helps her much but it's just weird in terms of design, I mean look: -She has trouble reaching level 20 before promotion despite being promoted very late. No other Lord is like that. And just to tease you about how pathetic the Dawn Brigade is Ike spends most of Part 3 on Level 20 even if just for the reason so he can survive an encounter with the Black Knight. -She has no personally legendary weapon which puts her in a very exclusive club with Cellica and Leaf the latter which was at last is a likely option for the Blagi Sword so he might not even count. -She has trouble reaching her weapon caps which is quite nice in combination with the "no personal legendary weapon part" since it means she has trouble being even able to wield regular SS weapons. Just to tease you she is also the only realistic option to wield either the Rex Aura or the Matrona since Laura's weapon level is even worse, if you actually bothered to abuse her to promotion, Rhys is just bad and Oliver, is Oliver, but it's such a pain to get her weapon level that high. Raising Light Magic goes somewhat but getting her A-Rank staff to SS in just a few short chapters just so she can use a staff which does hardly anything what a Purgativ can't, except the latter one has way more uses? Why bother? Having all of these tings fixed wouldn't have changed much of her performance but it's just really wired design: Which other Lord ever needed to worry about them. They have enough time to get to level 20. Quite often they promote late but tend to get a kickass weapon right afterwards. Not to mention they do get a kickass weapon regardless of late promotion or not. Also I think Sothe should get a personal legendary weapon from Yune. After all he is forced in 4E and he is already in a class with bad caps. (and to make things worse he has bad growths in his class best stat, which is speed and awesome growths in it's worst which would be strength) And his best weapon is a Dagger which you don't find without a guide and to make things worse he even have to compete with Volke about it. Best forced unit since Sophia. Oh and I think I would fix Fiona by making her a prepromote. After all her unit represents the entire military might of Marado and has to be a ruler for quite some time now, given her fathers demise who just happens to be also a great hero. I think that would justify pre-promote status story wise, and gameplay wise the advantages should be obvious. Also, as said in the first post Daein needs more playtime. Look at mission 1-2 and 1-3. There seems to be the highest difficulty spike in the entire game. Also Micaiah getting captured comes also out of nowhere and the next time you get control, she is already free. (I have to agree with Gamespot on that, that was just weird.) The Dawn Brigade could need a additional chapter in order to gain a few levels so how about we not just adding a nice little jailbreak chapter? They actually show you Micaiah's cell when Sothe appears, which makes it look like there exists already a map for it. They could have shown the entire scene in Dialog with the jail background so why did they bother to create a 3D area for that cell just for the like 5 seconds you see it, covered 2/3 by Dialog windows? You could also play as Daein in 3-7 "Rivas Collide". With there high starting levels the Greil Mercenaries can afford to hand over a chapter or 2. Oh yes, and plz give 3-10 to the Crimean Knights, thx. At last that way I don't have to worry that much about our suicidal Queen Crimea. About Tormod, it's quite irritating how his low-level Ass just appears out of nowhere right before the Final with his Gang. I just can't think that was intentional. I just can't help but think they were supposed to be playable in a few chapters that were dropped for some reason. They might have escorted the Diplomat of Galiea but then had to flee after he got assassinated. After all they need chapters more then ANYONE else and it was also irritating how the game just dropped you in a war between the Laguz and Begnion just out of the blue. Or they could be playable in a mission to fight alongside the Holy Guard under Sigrun in order to free Sanaki. Sanaki just appearing out of nowhere in Part 3 was also kind of irritating by itself. But that is not all why I think something is missing: According to the extended Dialog it seems like Tormod was actually in Daein sometime after the rebellion in Begnion broke loose. ( http://www.serenesforest.net/fe10/script/3_13b.html "That's what I heard from Tormod. The empire has been thrown into chaos...") The only possible explanation I can think of, why Tormod would have decided to bring the news to Daein instead to the Laguz who are at war with Begnion, is, that he knew Sigrun and Sanaki were already heading in that direction. And how could he know this? Because he was involved in their actions somehow. It would explain why he was never seen in Galiea and why he appeared at the end close to the capital in Begnion. He probably went to Begnion right after he brought the news about Rafiel, trying to contact Sanaki and then got involved with Sigrun. Whither I'm right or not, they could have just dumped him into the Greil Mercenaries and call it a day. There is no excuse for not just fixing his issues that way. Speculation aside, lets talk about the cats. The cat Laguz bases are irritating. It's already brutal to get Lyre and Lethe on the same level as Ranulf, Janaff and Ulki but on even levels they are still way behind them in terms of stats. So why would you bother with Lethe and Lyre in the first place? And Mordecai's def base (16) laughs on Lethe's base speed (12) and she is 5 levels higher as him and already only gets 1 exp per kill. How could they think this was balanced? Perhabs give Lethe and Lyre either higher bases or a way lower level, so at last they can grow faster. Also allow Laguz to attack while untransformed and make their untransformed stats 0.75 of their original stats, after all they have the reputation to be physically stronger then Beorc and then Lethe puts that reputation to shame by getting doubled by regular soldiers while untransformed, which is more likely for cats to happen then to anyone else thx for their fast-dropping Gauge and have the hardest time to deal with it thx to their shitty bases. They should also have the same exp gain as transformed so they can't abuse their untransformed form for faster exp gain. However getting only 1 exp with a level 21 Laguz who can't take damage and can't reliable dodge is irritating. A level 20 Laguz is not the same as a third tier unit, give them more exp per kill. Also I would allow Laguz the skill "Discipline", Kurth would be grateful.
  9. Yep. I casually took the test on her behalf. She got a 130. Anything over 50 is considered to be start over, kill the character dead territory. lol. Proof enough you little defenders? Can we take a test for Sanaki as well? The numbers only even have a chance to tell us anything if can figure out the average score for Fire Emblem Main characters. As far as i can tell they are all descendants of great heroes or sometimes gods which is why they are usually also nobels. They are the leaders of giant armies and are an inspiration for everyone who follows them. And of course they are always saving the entire known world of a great evil. I'm pretty sure they would all score pretty damn high.
  10. I think I have lost track somewhere. So this is no longer a discussion about who is a Mary Sue. It is now about who is the greater Sue? Edit: Also I think that if the term Mary Sue can even be applied outside of fan fiction then isn't it only a question of their role in the storyline and not about their game play performance. For example Meg was the favorite of the designer team as stated in the "Background Q and As" which are pinned on this board but that didn't stop here from being a crappy unit. Depending on this some situations need to be judged differently. By gameplay Ike killed dealt the final blow on Ashera, by story it was a united effort of Ike, Micaiah and Yune.
  11. She gets Thani, which is both powerful and unique. Still, your point stands, since it's not nearly on the level of Ragnell (PoR) and certainly not the FE4 holy weapons. But Fire Emblem Main Lords usally have a personal rather weak weapon which is effective against cavaliers and armored knights and has a small critical bonus. But this usually never prevents them from getting a personal powerful legendary weapon near the end. (Marth: Rapier - Falchion, Roy: Rapier - SoS, Eliwood - Rapier; Durandal; Hector: Wolfbeil - Armadas; PoR-Ike: Regal Sword - Ragnell etc.) Micaiah is a strange case since she only gets Thani which is merely a magic version of Ike's Regal sword or all those Rapiers but not a superweapon like Ike's Ragnell. Edit: Looks like I was a bit too late here.
  12. Isn't a Mary Sue only a character that appears in fan fictions who quickly become close with the main characters of the universe where the fic is set in, becomes the center of attention and solves all problems that appear thanks to their flawlessness, kinda like a personal wish fulfillment of the author? Like if I write a fic about a girl which joins the Greil Mercenaries, defeats 3/4 of all enemys who appear, singlehandly saves Queen Crimea of an assassination attempt and becomes the girlfriend of Ike. If we also include that are favored by their universe to be in an important position, like Micaiah thanks to her powers explained by being a descendant of Lehran or Ike who is important thanks to his extraordinary talent as a fighter which he got for being the son of the best sword fighter of his time, then a Fire Emblem Main hero will always be a Mary Sue since it requires them to be the leader of an entire army and free the entire world of some kind of evil. You either need to be a noble or from some kind of bloodline like Marth, Sigurd or Roy or earn you a place in leadership like Ike and Micaiah for example. However if a character is able to earn an important place like that, then he needs to be blessed with extraordinary abilities in order to pull that of (or tons of luck). So a Fire Emblem main-hero always has to be favored by their universe and therefore automatically enters Mary Sue territory.
  13. I would like to see the Shamans who appeared in FE4 and FE10 again. But yes, we could need a few good dark magic users as well. In Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon they were nothing but jokes. I'm not so sure about Summoners though. I just can't take a supposed powerful Summoner seriously when all he commands is an "army" of 1 little Phantom with one hp. If they change the mechanics I would like to see them again.
  14. In this case it's no surprise they assumed that though. It was stated in FE6 that Sacean women don't use weapons and if they do it would be a bow (Which is quite ironic considering the founder of Sacae was female). So considering how unlikely it is to meet a sword wielding female Sacaen, it was quite likely for here to be related to a sacean female we already knew. Either way the thing that speaks most for Lyn being Sue's mother is that she is Rath's only female supporter with a paired ending. Unlike with Eliwood and Hector the game doesn't give him any alternatives. Sure it could be a random person but if there will be ever a canonical clarification for Eliwoods wife for example I would say they would choose either Lyn, Fiona or Ninian instead of making up a random girl from Ilia nobody ever heard of. As far as pairings are concerned they would probably choose a possibility covered by the games. Edit: Not that it is likely that there ever will be canonical clarification so it really doesn't matter.
  15. Fire! Fire! Don't let them through!
  16. Sure he is a bit annoying but more useful then the others. His only disadvantage is that he has somehow less health then Falco in All-Range-Mode Missions.
  17. I wonder why Slippy is so unpopular. In the orginal Starfox there was no difference between the members but in Starfox 64 Slippy was the most useful of the bunch, allowing you to see the bosses lifebar. Peppy was also quite useful since he offered you hints how to beat the bosses. Falco however did nothing like that and he actually complains sometimes if you save his ass from enemys that would otherwise drain 7/8 of his lifebar, like in Zoness. Edit: Btw, Caiman here. No problems.
  18. On my first playthrough I went through Lyn NM in Blazing Sword. I restarted after reaching chapter 9 because of the characters I lost which include Florina, Kent, Dorcas, Erk and Sain and probably a few others. By that point I finally figured out that lost characters are gone for good, despite them appearing after the battle, declaring they are merely injured. After managing to get through all the levels again without loosing anybody I was pissed to find out that the campaign almost reached it's end anyway and Wallace would have been able to solo the last 2 maps making me restarting entirely pointless. But how could I have know at that point? Another example would be in Sword of Seals. I already struggled to beat the bosses the chapters 7 and 8 but in chapter 8x I couldn't even hit the enemy boss, yet alone damage him, so I was forced to restart.
  19. Snipers in pretty much every game except FE4 for some reason. Sadly they are so hard to train while they are still archers.
  20. BrightBow


    Well, I will give it a try: Kind of funny how I wrote all of this down because I think you are damm right. For example... So there definitely are lots of open questions in regard to Ichigo's power and after all this time I'm doubting that Tite Kubo will ever explain them. Btw...
  21. BrightBow


    Makes me wonder who was thinking that it would be a good idea to leave the 4th division at home and sending it's captain AND her lieutenant to Huerto Mundo, leaving the front lines without any medical support. The Goto 13 should fire their tactician.
  22. I don't think this matters. Even when we exclude those barechested pictures there were still quite a bunch of pictures which definitly went against the rules. As far as I can see looking the thread really was the best option. The only alternative would be to ban the people who posted them. And I think nobody really wants that.
  23. Up there you always assumed Fee and Sety will have Continue with Noish and Claude. This is wrong. Neither of them provides them with Continue and Fury does only have Pursuit. So in those pairings the only child with access to Continue would be Fee after promotion since Falcon Knights have Continue as a class skill. Falcon Knight and Sage have Continue as class skill. They have 30 mage, 30 speed AND Continue? I am sorry for not making proper preparations. I just couldn't grasp the possibilty of them beeing even more overpowered so I didn't bother to look. Guess this will teach me. I can't belive I had a Claude Sety once and didn't notice. In fact I was actually SURE he didn't had this ability back then. But since the damage is already done: I don't quite get how Mekkah calculated the chances for a Continue. From my unterstanding if Sety has 16 AS he would from my have a 36% percent of activating (16 for his attack speed + 20 because this game calculates Continue like this in FE4) and not 21% so could somebody plz explain the numbers above for me? I guess I got something completely wrong... again.
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