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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Nephenee: "Well, she constantly pesters me, I can tell you that much. It's so embarrassing and annoying so please leave it at that. I know there are rumors that there was more going on but please don't believe those." Hi, Lady Lucia. I wondered, back in the Mad Kings war, how could you fight wearing such long heels?
  2. Sety: "Walk along this street and at the next crossroad go right. After that just keep walking forward and you should eventually see it. I would lead you, but I need to take care of some stuff here in Manster, now that the war is over. Good luck. Also take care of yourself, Tinny." By the way, Makalov. Do you finally have the 2000 gold you owe me?
  3. Tinny: "I'm a little confused now. I would like to go to the arena and thoron a few guys. I think a little workout would clean my mind a little." Hi, Makalov. I wonder, wouldn't all enemy soldiers gang up on you, with such a ridiculous armor and such an ugly mug?
  4. Hawk: "Hmm, I would say this is a result from her traumatic experiences at the hand of her aunt. This lead to her being afraid of binding herself to another person, out of fear of getting injured by them. If you spent some time with her and she gets to trust you, the memories should return in time. But if not consul me again and I will see what else I can do." Zephidel, why made you Narshen a general? I mean, don't you want to actually WIN the war?
  5. Manfroy: "Well, if you want her to "remember" you, that makes 200000 gold. Give me the money, tell me what she has to remember and leave the door closed for 15 minutes." Looks like I wasn't paying attention. I also need to stop getting carried away like that. Hey, Othin. Can you show me what you do to idiots who pester you with annoying questions?
  6. Tinny: "No... I never did... No... Brother? Brother, please don't listen to this person. I can explain! Wait! Brother!!!" Oh, Senator Oliver. Is there another secret to your unequaled beauty besides the rich blessings of the goddess you receive, that might also be useful for a lowly commoner like me?
  7. Tinny: Please... let me be. I don't want to see you hurt. You don't understand how fearsome the wraith of Tordo's descendants can be. Hey, Micaiah! How does it feel being responsible for the dead of thousands of innocents?
  8. Best: Tordo (The family tree insists he is a guy, but I still have trouble buying it.) Worst: Soren (He never ever looked like a girl to me.)
  9. Well, my main problem is that you can't skip the briefing. Since you will have to repeat most stages over and over to get the desired ranks, this is quite irritating. And in the first game you can't skip Copy-Xs intro, which is kind of a problem since the first game doesn't really want you to use elves (even if you don't care about rank, they just cost way to much energy to raise.) so with your low hp you will probably get killed over and over, forcing you to go through the cutscene again and again. I also dislike the first 2 games, because in my opinion the ranking system and having to learn new skills by killing enemies doesn't mix, since those skills are quite import in order to get a good rank. Of course, I'm also so bad that I have trouble defeating Aztek Falcon without the Charged Slash. I assume most people won't be bordered by Zeros limitations at the beginning of those games but in my case, it jut does. On the bright side, slashing Pantheons never gets old. The collections was indeed money well spent, even if it was quite a bit more expensive over here then it was in the states.
  10. Well, I killed off Altenna in chapter 8 for no better reason other then she was in range. And now I'm not sure if I can still finish the game. After arriving in chapter 9, I saw that she was still leading her army so I thought everything was fine but Altenna disappeared after saving and loading, turning her unrecruitable. And, in an act of unequaled genius, I already overwrote my back-up after I saw that she was still there, not realizing she would be gone after loading a save the next time. Without her I probably won't get my hands on the Tyrfing and fending off Arione in the final chapter seems equally futile seeing how hard Binary probably gets near the end. So do you think Binary is still winnable by somebody who is so stupid that he doesn't get the importance of backups or should I restart from chapter 6 where my last save is? Or does anybody maybe know a code that makes the game think I already recruited her, so I can revive her with the Valkyre Staff? Or that the game will play the opening cutscence to make her reappear? I know this is unlikely since I spend quite some time looking for such codes but I thought it doesn't harm to mention that possibility out there.
  11. Best: Rezire Well, I couldn't find out where the name comes from or what it means but as long as things stay that way, I would say it's more fitting then Nosferatu. Worst: Wuhalada Gesundheit.
  12. Aideen/Jamka won't get pursuit since Jamka's pursuit is only a class skill and these don't get inherited by the kids. Rana probably won't care much because she will use mostly staffs but Lester would need the pursuit ring. Edit: And I think Lester's accuracy will be garbage.
  13. Sure, Geoffrey doesn't want to fight unnecessary battles given the situation. But even then it would still easily be possible for the scenario to be a playable chapter. It could be an escape chapter with a turn limit, for example. The event doesn't affect the story at all because the player can impossible tell how long Geoffrey should take to arrive at the final battle without interruption. Therefore a justification is not needed. So why else bother to bring it up? It serves no purpose. However if the event was supposed to be playable it would explain it. Not to mention that everyone except the mercs would need additional chapters anyway, so why would a perfectly suitable scenario like this happen off-screen unless it had to be axed during development? Either way I was just giving my reason for my vote in the poll, as weak as it may be.
  14. I just can't see these 2 together. It always seemed to me that Rolf was more like a little brother to Mist.
  15. Well, at last she looks closer to her older self then a certain mercenary leader. Either way I think Catalena doesn't match Astrid's old face at all. Though Catalena's expression does look like someone would, when being engaged to Makalov... Well, at last on a good day. Also I personally think there was supposed to be another chapter. Because the script mentioned a trap being set up for the Royal Knights but they avoided it of-screen. I mean, why bother to bring it up if we don't get to see it and it doesn't change the story at all? To me, this scenario just seems suspiciously suited for another chapter. Btw, here is the dialog I'm talking about:
  16. Best: Reinhardt (FE5) I like this guy. He looks actually intimidating while most later villains simply look like they are just too full of themselves and are just asking for a beating. He looks a lot nicer in-game, though. Worst: Micaiah (FE10) Those High Heels aren't quite screaming "Freedom Fighter". Well at last it explains while she was the only one of the Dawn Brigade who couldn't escape from the Begnion soldiers in the intro cut-scene and why her agility is garbage.
  17. Any country has an entirely different opinion on what is suitable for children and teens, so I know there isn't an ultimate solution for it that's easy to find and as a result I'm not putting that much weight on my own opinion when judging the priorities of child protection in certain countries. But I simply don't like it if it ultimately comes down to censor media intended for adults. In the United States this would be the case because publishers can't simply aim for an "AO" rating because nobody puts these games in stock. As a result they have to make their games so that teenagers can buy them, whether they think that such a young audience should play these games or not.
  18. Best: Bartre/Canas C (FE7) Worst: Mist/Tibarn A (FE10)
  19. In my eyes, the problem is that HMs take up attack slots. I would say that if a Pokemon learns Cut for example, this should just mean that it can cut trees now and not that it has a new attack at it's disposal.
  20. Before calling Micaiah a Sue I would advice that those Sue traits usually don't work out in her favor. There is for example her ability to read people's feelings. Micaiah trusted Pellas because she knew he had Daeins interest in mind. Thats why she was loyal to him even though she didn't like the orders he gave her. Her feelings where correct but they were not taking into account that Pellas was way to trusting and naive in order to be any good for Daein. He spectacularly proved this by being stupid enough to subscribe a contract with his own blood. Once he knew he screwed up he was to afraid to tell anyone and just followed the orders of Lekain. If Micaiah would have refused to carry out his orders, chances are that the truth would have been revealed sooner and there would have been more time to find a solution. And her ability to read the future lead her to return to the boy Nico in chapter 1-1 to heal him after he was gunned down. This lead to Jarod gunning down all the people present. Her heron empathy also made her way to deeply attached to the people of Daein. In a base conversation of 1-8 Micaiah said that during the time she was separated from Sothe, she learned to love her country because of all the kindness she revived (the girl who was alone and on the run for most her life) just because she was from Daein. Given who we're taling about that's a rather weak reason to be patriotic. They were only kind to her because they didn't know who she really was. Of course they were kind to people of Daein. They are all racist. Racists are perfectly nice and kind people as long as your are one of them. If you are not one of them, then bad things will happen to you. They only loved who they thought was Micaiah. If they would have known the real Micaiah they would have grabbed their pitchforks. And you are not obligated to love somebody who would kill you. Either way because of her deep attachment to them, she accepted to become a general of Daein. Her heron-empathy made her unsuitable for being a general and she proved it by never questioning Pellas just because she could feel he was a good person as mentioned above, randomly fainting and when she thought Sothe died she completely despaired. And the worst of all is, that in the previous mentioned base conversation she said that she knew she wasn't suited for this. Yet her "love" for Daein made her push herself far beyond what's reasonable and you can just push yourself that far before you break and if you break you don't help anyone. She also decided it's better for the apostles army to be wiped out, allowing the senators to put the continent under their rule again and to make all Daein die as Begnion's slaves, instead of taking the chance to stop those genocidal fiends once and for all. Many Daein would have died as well, but at least they would have died as free men and Daein would have a chance to have a future. In short, she decided to save nothing over the chance to save at last something. To me it seems it was the point to make her flawed in contrast to the actual Hero Ike but I think they succeeded a bit too good in it, ending with her not looking symphatic at all. I would say this is mostly because of the really bad storytelling in RD though, like the whole unexplained mess that is the Blood Pact. Where does it come from? How does it work? You would think that since the Blood Pact is supposed to justify the games most major conflict, they would flash it out as much as possible but they didn't and as a result Micaiah's reasons aren't very convincing which I consider her main problem. Well, at last it is nice how she contrasts with the usual idealistic wide-eyed 15+ old Fire Emblem hero who somehow manages to have even the most experienced of generals follow his lead and ultimately succeeding in bringing the whole world to peace and harmony.
  21. My current H2 playthrough turned into an Epic Fail. It was almost way to easy up to this point but now that I have reached chapter 24, I'm facing of with Fire Dragons having 24 agility who can double most of my team. Also the final chapters Fire Dragons have 26 agility. (Don't know how this is even possible since their speed is shown to cap at 20 untransformed so their agility should only be at 24 but complaining about that won't save my 22 agility units.) Currently they can double anyone in my team except Tiki and certain units when re-classed, a feature which I originally planned not to use. Seems like I have no choice but to go to 24x to get some extra training and I might have to re-class a few units. I also still have all my speed wings to help me out. Sadly I didn't bother to buy those from the secret shop. Forged Dragon Slayer weapons should also help out. But still, the Final and probably even chapter 24 aren't going to be pretty. Of course in the worst case I can just warpskip, but I would really like to avoid that.
  22. "New Mystery of the Emblem"'s remix of "Holy War" seems to be my favorite now. I also like how they merged Tiki's leitmotiv into the song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=388hXmBJnyQ&fmt=18 And honorable mentions to the chapter 5 theme of FE4 and "A Hero's Destiny" from FE SD as unoriginal of a mention those 2 may be. The board doesn't allow me to link to them if I also have a Youtube video linked here but both songs have already been posted here, so whatever.
  23. Wait, why is there a Take Two? The last topic was about A/S/SS weapons but this seems to me like an entirely different question, since you usually can't buy S-Rank weapons in shops so it can't be because the question was misunderstood. Well, either way: Best: Steel Sword (in any game) Strong, reliable, not to heavy and rather cheap. Worst: FE9 Slim Sword Find me a sword user in this game, that gets an agility boost by using those, instead of the more stronger and cheaper Iron Swords. Also, do FE4 weapons count? Seeing as you can't have an infinite number of them and each of them is unique.
  24. Best: FE3 Miracle Sword Worst: FE6 Aureola I just hate how hard it is to have a unit which can actually use this thing.
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