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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Btw, about Re:Coded, has anybody managed to win on that princesses scratch card or the hollow bastion one? I'm asking because the cards are so rare and the chance of winning is so low that I'm wondering what kind of reward you would get if you do.
  2. Best: Echidna - Though I would say she does have a few unnecessary accessories. Worst: Petrine - The more noticeable of, I think, only 2 females in the series wearing armor with a cleavage window. Also honorable mention for any Ilia Pegasusknight who is wearing a mini skirt even though their country is covered by snow most of the time. Not much to say here. I don't like most of the female designs in the series because they involve tons of miniskirts, heels and other stuff you wouldn't want to wear on the battlefield like that so most of them fall out of my list by default. And most of the ones wearing full-body armor are usually designed to be so ridiculously cute that you can't take them seriously. Either way, I think Echidna is the best looking of the bunch.
  3. Is this really hard to see? Yeah, we have seen the senators covering Oliver's butt but we have also seen Oliver paying the raven's to steal from his fellow senators. They are all rivals, struggling for power and influence and ego. The head of the Begnion government is the apostle and empress. Since she was out of the picture with her substitute being missing the senators were free to do as they please. And they are too arrogant to realize what kind of treat the Laguz alliance is. And that the officers are frustrated about the senators arguments and don't have much faith to them as a result shouldn't be a surprise seeing how they probably have experienced the strength of the Laguz in the past.
  4. But their A-support has them talking about Shihirams' dead. The developers had to knew that this support was unobtainable up to that chapter.
  5. Well, he was a villain who was supposed to have been killed in the previous game. Heck, he even said that he returned from the dead. Doesn't it qualify as a plot twist just because it's influence on the main plot is minimal?
  6. I find that too hard to swallow without any kind of confirmation. Almaheda said that the mark was still on Pellas arm Almedha:The mark is still on his wrist. My son's death was in vain! I'm sure the mark didn't travel even though there is an image with Micaiah having the mark but I'm sure it's unused outside of the Soundtest. If there was a transfer like that I would say the mechanics would be oblivious enough but without it I can't agree. Having to fill most of the open questions with my own unconfirmed theories isn't very satisfactory to me. Micaiah doesn't act like she thinks she can still find a way out of the pact. Micaiah: You're right. If we can stand our ground, there will be hope for another day. Each day that Daein survives is another day we'll have earned for it! She also calls the battle "hopeless". I would put my money on joining the Apostle. They have to move against the senators which will trigger the pact one way or another. Even if they win they will just stay slaves for all eternity and the senators can keep doing as they please. If they break the pact they may as well do it now because a better opportunity (bad as it may be) won't come any time soon. Of course there is also a loophole to the pact but Naesala apparently didn't feel like sharing and Micaiah's gang is too stupid to figure it out themselves. Also if main characters suddenly switch sides I do consider this very important. I can cut some slack for Jill and Zihark for using the same dialog in their recruitment even though the situation is entirely different then in 3-6 but they are in an entirely different league.
  7. I will give it a try then, because my reasons differ from Grandkitty anyway. For clarification, Pellas didn't sign the contract on screen: Pelleas: That's the treaty I signed on the day of my coronation. I don't see how this pertains to-- Anyway First: Lekain said that the contract needs to be signed with blood. Pellas can't be that stupid, trusted advisor or not. Lekain: "In truth, this wonderful scrap of parchment is a blood pact. Once you sign the paper in blood, you can never break the terms of the pact!" I took those above from GameFAQs btw. Second: Pellas isn't even the legitimate king. How can the blood pact even work? besides with the themes of the previous games, about how all people slaves, commoners and nobles are born equal, I don't see how even if he was king he should have this kind of power over the people. They would need to elaborate a bit before I just swallow that. But hey, maybe the Blood Pact only works because the people consider Pellas their king. If they wouldn't think so or maybe not consider themselves Daeins they may not even be affected and so the only way to evade it would be to give up ones national identity. Unfortunately something like this is nowhere said. So for the most important plot element of part 3, we just have to assume it just makes sense somehow. Great... Third: So the people of Daein have to stop the army of Sanaki from passing through Daein. A lot of the dialog seems to suggest that Daein will be doomed regardless of whether they try to stop the army or allow them to stop Lekain. Sothe: No matter what happens, the end result remains the same: the obliteration of Daein. They also relized that they can stop the pact by killing Lekain: Micaiah: It's possible, but very difficult. We'll need not only to hunt down the senator, but find the document, with no idea where to start. Daein could be annihilated in the time it would take to look. So why are they choosing the only possible option that doesn't allow them to win? They just die pointlessly as slaves from the hated Begnion empire. Good job, Micaiah! Even if the chance to stop the senators and destroy their pact is slim, it's still the only chance left. And even if they fail at last they die as free people and will stop the senators from ever harming someone like this again. There is nothing to gain from what they did. But even Kurt and Nailah switch sides as if evening out the sides would do any good besides maximizing the losses of Sanaki's troops and lowering the chances to stop Lekain. Maybe Micaiah just likes coloring her heels with the blood of her enemies and allies. Ok, now I'm really too tired but I hope this makes at last some sense.
  8. I would so love that. Give Thracia 776 the ability to change the units starting position and give me a bigger storage and I might have a new favorite Fire Emblem. Edit: A few problems here. First, he trusted Izuka, foolish as this may be he just happens to be very naive and Izuka helped him a lot. Second, we didn't see him sign the contract, it happened off screen and not in the scene where Lekain warped into the building. Also I do think Pellas is dumb enough to sign a contract if he is tired, stressed and overworked and a trusted advisor says it's all fine. What is a problem, however is that Lekain specifically said that the contract needs to be written with blood. That is suspicious and no amount of trusted advisors can change that. It doesn't say anywhere that Naesala was the one signing the pact. It was probably a previous king but like with Pellas, the kings dead didn't end it. As I said the Blood Pact is a big reason why I don't like the game but writing that up would take some time and I'm very slow and too tired for this night.
  9. Sorry, I fixed the link now. It's one of the pinned topics in the Radiant Dawn forum, just in case I messed this up again. But he said he saw "immediately" that he wasn't his fathers equal. With him being so much stronger but him he probably didn't got his armor damaged by accident so he staged his defeat. Why did he risk his life like that instead of doing the simple thing and warping away? He doesn't seem to have that much respect for Ike: from PoR chapter 24: "You're not as overly clumsy as I had feared. It is regrettable that your weapon is so poorly made." And from Vincents translation of their confrontation in RD: "Did you believe that you could kill me with that level of swordsmanship?" What I want to say is that I think he thought he could take him anyway. And he wanted to duel him because while not much of a threat, he would still be more interesting to fight then all those other grunts. The Laguz Kings may be strong but they don't use swords so it probably isn't the same. In fact he might have thought now that he was handicapped the battle might actually be interesting and winning under those conditions might actually be worth it. Not to mention that he might not even have noticed that he is weaker. Maybe not even after he messed up killing Ena with a clear cut like he promised.
  10. Except that localization usually takes a year or so. You could probably already start translating the text before the game is even finished. I wonder what's always taking Square-Enix so long. Edit: Not that I think localization is easy. But it still seems a bit too extreme for me.
  11. BrightBow

    London Riots

    I fear that is probably true. There were quite a few times where I had a negative opinion on certain people while they were in a group. But when I talked to them alone they seemed to be entirely different people. Effects like these really scare me. People simply forgetting about their responsibility as individuals and embracing their rage and frustration. We should be smarter then that.
  12. Since the dialog isn't on the page for localization changes may I guide you over to the topic where Vincent posted a translation of the dialog in the first post, in case you are interested? http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=15866/html]Also on the BK-topic: Either way, after Radiant Dawn Telius just pisses me off so much that I don't want to see this continent again. I could spend pages just for rambling about the Blood Pact. Edit: Fixed the link, which I messed up because I'm a clumsy idiot.
  13. I could buy the whole thing with Brendan and Sonia if it wasn't for Jan saying that Brendan never trusted her. If it was implied he became suspicious over time it would be okay but the way Jan phrases it leaves no room for interpretation. Also I don't know how hard it would be for me to resist seduction but seduction into marriage? That's a stretch.
  14. And again adapting the logic of saying "You are not allowed to criticize a story without being able to write a better one" would mean in this example, that you are not allowed to criticizes beer until you can brew better beer. That's what you were saying, remember?. You can not criticizes something until you can do the same thing without the flaws you described: Edit: If I failed in applying your logic to the beer example, then please explain how this is the case. Edit2: Or how you said anything but 3 friggin times in the above quote alone that you are not allowed to criticize something without being able to create the same king of thing without the flaws you criticized.
  15. Localization is a topic that can easily drive me nuts if it involves changes that I can't comprehend. Take for example the altering of Lyn's age. I can think of reasons why you would want to raise the age of a character but none of them apply there. So what was the point? But if it's just about names, well it's just there to label something. Just use something that fits and pay attention to consistency. And as far as I see, well something with rainbow seems to come the closest to it's original intent. Either way, I don't see what a multicolored potion has to do with stars. I wish I knew there was a poll on that matter. Edit: Some typos because my english sucks just as much as it did when I joined.
  16. Going by your own logic, the reason you would not be allowed to complain about the gameplay of a Zelda game would be because you can't program a better game, not because you haven't played many of them.
  17. Well, some of the flaws in the plot are pretty nasty and simply can't use their medium as an excuse. For example I still remember playing the game for the first time, pondering about what Elbert's intention was when he left Pharae. It's a mystery that drives the plot for like 10 chapters but it's never resolved. This isn't one of those cases where any of the possible explanations would get in the way of gameplay or turn the rest of the plot nonsensical. He was either was planning to join the rebels or to stop Nergal. There is simply no excuse for this being left out. It's a really annoying, itching plothole even more so because it's hard to miss and could have easily been filled. Edit: Well the point is I think the game deserves quite a bit of criticism. You don't need to dig deep to see problems.
  18. Of course I know what an analogue is. What I don't understand is why you are objecting towards the very idea of talking about the games story. I mean nobody claims that Fire Emblem stories are some deep meaningful addition to human culture or should strife to be that but there is enough plot to talk and argue about it. Edit: To run with your analogy, the purpose of this 58.000 words in Fire Emblem serve mostly specifically to tell a story. Not to teach one how to cook.
  19. But Fire Emblem always had a relative strong story aspect. And why do you suddenly comparing the story of FE7 to a cookbook. Earlier in the thread you were fixing plotholes, but now all that stuff you argued about earlier doesn't matter anymore?
  20. I think it's kinda consistent with the Elibe universe. I mean, this is the world where 12 individuals alone defeated the dragons in a war that spread across the whole continent. It's a world where heroes of legendary proportions really exist. And people like that might very well have an insane amount of lifeforce or whatever.
  21. Because unlike Julius, Nergal actually cares whether the heroes live or die. For once he wanted to kill Eliwood as revenge for getting injured by his father and on the other, he wanted their quintessence. Julius on the other hand was just fooling around like the omnipotent teenager he is.
  22. If I may add a few things. You guys are fast, btw. He was sending Petrine, and a Dragon. Those seem to be pretty big guns to me. Especially considering there where probably remaining crimean forces that needed to be taken care of. Besides, I don't think he cares much about here. A princess without a country is hardly a treat to him. He only wants to create war. He didn't seem to have any men with him. Even a Dragon Lord can't defeat the whole remains of the Lycian army by himself, so he was probably going to get reinforcements before Zephiel would find out that he screwed thins up. Especially seeing how Zephiel ordered him to take out the Phearan army and he simply left to amuse himself. Julius is arrogant and doesn't think the rebels can kill possibly him, even when all soldiers under his command die. Which is mostly true, it's said several times that without the Narga tome he can't be defeated and the tome is sealed in Velthomer and only Yuria can use it. And even when he does attack you in chapter 10 he is still only playing a game with Ishtar. Until he saw Yuria with Narga, I doubt he ever considered the rebels a threat. If I was a sadistic military head of an occupation army I would if possible want to execute the rebels figurehead in public to let anyone know what happens when they oppose me. She already surrendered, so why not?
  23. Why not? If he is the only one who can deactivate then it seems reasonable to me that he must be the one who created the seals in the first place. But as @Acacia Sgt said, he probably just died. Or maybe he simply left the seals deactivated because of Athos prophecy.
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