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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Since Thracia it had been stated several times that pegasus only accept a female as a rider. Male pegasus enemies in FE3 aside, by now people pretty much see them as a women only class and would probably be irritated if that would suddenly change. However there really is no reason to restrict the Myrmidon (Or Swordfighter), Mercenary and Armored Knight classes. Playable characters from both genders belong to all of them. Why would you restrict the players freedom in such a way? Gender-specific restrictions for the sake of having gender-specific restrictions?
  2. Best: Strength I would say a 0 spd playthrough could be easier won then a 0 str playthrough. Worst: Res Considering all the FE games where this stat doesn't even exist in the first place, I think it can't be that important.
  3. Well, I guess that would explain it, sorry about that. But still, even assuming I would like to get ride of stuff for realism, I wouldn't remove stuff like magic and pegasus. A fictional world doesn't need to run on the logic of our world. It just needs to run on it's on logic and in the Fire Emblem universe magic and stuff exist. However stuff like cold temperates, illnesses and injuries also exist there. In fact people die quite often on it. In this way the series was always quite believable. Also suspension of disbelief works different with gameplay elements, then it works with story or character art and in my case it can be less stretched for the latter. Unless the character design is so off that any exceptions of practical clothing will be numbed instantly like Guilty Gear or Final Fantasy. Edit: In those cases you could say it's covered my the logic of it's world, but Fire Emblem with it's depiction of war and it's consequences on the people and stuff has been kind of realistic enough to leave me with at last some expectations in terms of realism.
  4. I just don't feel like having my avatar wear clothes which just feel unfitting to me. After all an avatar is kind of supposed to be... well me. And I know I wouldn't wear something like that on a battlefield. Also, I don't quite get how you equal my personal issues with the character designs with wanting to remove gameplay elements. Those are two completely unrelated things. Especially since I don't want anything removed in the first place, I would like stuff added like the ability to create a male myrmidon or at last a female myrmidon who wears pants. Edit: I edited the last part out since I didn't think it was necessary but since it was seen and quoted already I guess I put it back in before it gets confusing. The rest of my edits are still in effect, though.
  5. Call me crazy but since Ike's ending in Radiant Dawn, I kinda figured that IS planned a crossover, since it was so unexcpected and random and therefore I figured it must be supposed to serve at last some purpose. So I thought maybe they set it up this way so Ike could appear on a different Fire Emblem continent.
  6. I normally wouldn't mind to pick a female but I have issues with the design of them in FE games since the ones on the GBA. Female characters will always wear either shorts, skirts, stockings, hoses or similar and the female player character is, according to the scans, no exception. (Heavy armored or magic using units are usually a exception, though.) In other words, Clothes that would leave their legs with little to no protection to the environment, leaving them vulnerable to weather or to certain hazards in environments which can be rather difficult to travel through, risking nasty little injuries or illnesses that could have easily been avoided by just wearing some robust pants. In my eyes this makes these designs look kinda wrong and out of place.
  7. The topic is about Sothe being forced in endgame, not Sothe being replaced in Endgame by a different unit. If we just assume, Sothe is not forced in endgame, then this just means we will have 1 unit less.
  8. Let's see if I can give advice thats actually good for something. Ok, I can not. Don't bother with that text here. It's annoying that the enemies are pretty much equipped with Javelins for the sole purpose of wasting your time in order to allow the mage sisters to arrive before their group is wiped out. I wish I knew if the Troubadours move before or after the Lance Knights. If they move first, then put Fin in the single field that leads up the hill, equipped with a Javelin. I don't know the Lance Knights levels, but considering your Fins high strength, he might even kill all of them on his counter attack in one round. If not then, well then they should be at last low enough on HP to be killed easy on your turn. If the Troubadours move last then forget about that. Especially then, you will need reinforcements up there to kill them fast enough. Johan and Aless and Oifey can run up to Lenster and should arrive before the Lance Knights. Other units can be send up using the warp staff. Just make sure you leave enough units to deal with the army which moves in the direction of Alster. Also don't forget that you need to find a way to get Patty up there in order to recruit Faval. However if the Troubadours are the only enemies left anyway, then just ignore them. Just block the single space to the Hill or the entrance of Lenster with Nanna and they can't do anything except healing units which should not life long enough to see the start of their turn anyway. In order to deal with the mage sisters, using Shannan and his personal sword should do the trick. The sisters might face got hit rates and can kill him in 2 or 3 blows, however this will only apply as long as long as Vampa is alive. Since she is the leader, kill her first so the other sisters loose the hit bonus of her leadership stars. Once this is done, their hit should be rather crappy when put against the Balmunk. Warning, unlike all other mages in the game, whose 3 WILL attack at melee range when given the chance. They don't do this for the sole reason of allowing Shannan to kill them on his counterattack but also because they can Triangle attack (Yes, they can) and bypass a units evade that way. A critical with magic should be pretty much lethal for any of your units so watch out for that. However, if you take out Vampa before they get a opportunity to attack, you should be save but I just wanted to point that out because I don't know if they will still attack at melee range after one of their sisters died. If they do, they are just food for the Balmunk. Also, be careful with Ishtar. If she survives with less then half hp after a round, her ambush will have her move first. In combination with the Thorhammer and her Continue skill, this pretty much means certain death for anyone who tries to attack her after that. Either way, she is nothing that Aless and Shannan can't handle, just make sure she never gets below 50% Hp and survives to tell the tale. Also I don't think you can use Faval against her. He might be able to kill her in one blow but with Jamka as his father his skill will be complete garbage and even with the +40 hit support of Celice, Delmund and Nanna, it still won't be reliable. Edit: The Lance Knights are level 18 with 48 hp and 11 def.
  9. Sothe is so useless that I don't even know how to get trough part 1 without him. Also, why is it a problem that Sothe is forced into engame? Unlike all the previous chapters, having Sothe die here is not failure condition. So having him with you doesn't hurt you at all. If you are really despearte to kill of your allies, you can just leave him in a corner to get him killed.
  10. I will hope for the miracle that males will be allowed to become myrmidons after all. Otherwise I guess I have to take the mage route. That way it will hopefully also be easier to deal with all those Dragon Knights at the beginning.
  11. Round 42? Yay! Best: O'Neill (FE8) "Do you think you can take me, wretched lording? Come! It's time you high-and-mighty knights learned to respect a true warrior!" *attacks Seth* Worst: Lawrence (FE3, Book2) Using a broken lance in battle might not be such a good idea.
  12. Thank you. I didn't know that. I will remember that for next time.
  13. I am a bit irritated though. Is there a reason not to peek on someones Pokemon?
  14. No reason. This was just my first time using that room so I was just trying things out.
  15. FC: 3309 7001 0435 Also you will get a item. Like I said, I can't use that stuff for anything.
  16. I am ready from now to, I think midnight. So I have to register your friendcode and then enter the wi-fi club below the Pokemon center? If so I will be on in a few minutes. BTW, do you want me to give it any nickname while I have the chance? Or any any item I should give it? Edit: And what is your FC again?
  17. I will probably get pwned badly but I guess I will join regardless. How can you even forge a swarm without hacking?
  18. BrightBow


    The entire battle had horrible writing from start to finish. It almost seemed to me as if they were trying to loose.
  19. @AstraLunaSol The Latios' nature is 'Careful'. @AceNoctali I don't want anything in exchange since I will restart my game and therefore can't keep anything.
  20. On my first playthrough Ike got owned by the Black Knight in chapter 11. It wouldn't have been so worse, if the Black Knight wouldn't have called out Ike for attacking him. It's not like that guy wasn't the only reinforcement in the whole game who appears on the start of the enemies turn and is therefore capable of moving and attacking in the same turn he appears and I had no idea he would show up once I would defeat the boss.
  21. That might be right but they are also the only actual new maps. Everyone who played the original game would probably like to take a shot on those maps, but those requirements really make it difficult.
  22. Unless I messed up with the translation those should be: Zapdos: Relaxed Suicune: Gentle Lugia: Timid
  23. Best: Defend When done well they are easily the most fun of the bunch but sadly most of the time you will end up routing all the enemies anyway. Worst: Rout the enemy
  24. Actually about new gimmicks: The Sonic Adventure games on the Dreamcast are pretty popular (And judging by you wanting Chao Garden back, I guess you think the same.) but they were just as filled with unnecessary gimmicks like the chao garden you mentioned. The games problems are the same as Unleashed: The Sonic levels are awesome, but most of the time you won't play as Sonic and will be forced to play as other characters with different gameplay which just ain't all that fun. There is no way that the Werehoge levels are worse then the fishing levels with big or the treasure hunting levels with Knuckes and Rouge. But I agree of course that all those gimmicks just make the game worse. Even if they could only make one or 2 more Sonic levels by ignoring the Werehog gimmick the game would still be better but my point is that Unleashed ain't that much worse then those two 3D Sonic games everybody seems to love.
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