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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Sadly I haven't seen that scene so far. :( Back then, when I tried to get it, it was still not entirely known what the requirements are and I just couldn't imagine taking the BK into 1-E would be an actual requirement so I left him at home and just used Nailah. And I have yet to finish my followed playthrough.
  2. Am I actually the only one who thinks that Micaiah is on of the few Lords not beeing a Mary Sue? Marth, Celice, Sigurd, Leaf, Roy, Eliwood, Erika and even Ike to some extend are all kind, idealistic, charismatic heros who are always right in their desicions and therefore never fail suceesfully bringing the light of hope across their world. How can you call Micaiah even a Mary Sue if she keeps fighting on the wrong during the entire game? Isn't it a sign of a Mary Sue that she is flawless? How is she coldblooded? All the killing was the reason that she had a breakdown at the end of 3-7, and another one at the end of 3-11. Remember she is a branded from heron heritage. Herons are the most emphatic from all the Laguz, so emphatic that they can even read thoughts or sense other beeings over great distaces. Beeing a emphatic person is a good thing if everything's fine, but if pain, fear, suffering and pain rules then the emphatic person suffers. In Micaiah's case it's even worse while since she cares about others a lot she is also afraid of them at the same time, that they would find out about her beeing branded. Somewhere in part 1 she tells Sothe how she is afraid to see such hatred in the eyes who currently look at her with love. And the more the people loved her the worse the situation got for her because that would mean they would hate her even more once they find out. Didn't help either that Mordecai, Vika and Pellas noticed something about here, scaring her even more that her secret would leak. It's not like she was afraid being killed in the result. She was afraid of the emotion's which would be behind this act. Seriously, she gets emotionally totured the entire part 1 and completly despairs during part 3 and you think her only sign of regret is when Tibarn fooled Micaiah into thinking Sothe dies. This was just the moment when the mask she used to hide her feelings shattered. Jill talks to Micaiah in 3-E. Jill: Even now, Daein blood spills on the battlefield. You must stop this! There must be another way! Micaiah: I can't, and there isn't. We have to keep fighting. Until the last of us falls, we have no choice Dosn't really sound like someone who prefers the dead of her own over the death of others if she talks like the dead of everyone on her side has already as decided. Not really. But if you say it like that, if you would have to decide between the lifes of all the people of your country and all the lifes of the members of a other countrys army, which would you choose? It's a really stupid decision if "you" have to make it. Is there any decision you could make which would let you sleep at night even if it was the best possible decision. But after all it comes down to a decison between a army and an entire countrys population. Right and wrong hardly matters if it come down to survival and Micaiah was in a position were she was responsible for the life of everyone in her country during a hopeless situation. Whatever she would have decided, uncountable lives would have been lost. There was no way to get arround it. But yes, here comes bad writing into play, since the best decision would have been to side with the apostel. It's stated several times that Daein had no chance against the apostel's army so they would have been wiped out with or without the blood pact so they might as well go down in glory by helping to purge the world of these cruel senators. On the other hand if Daein would have lost against the apostel it would only have been Daein's army and not it's entire population who would have been died so this option might actually be preferable if you judge by mathematics.
  3. Another thing is that both Ike and Mist were born in Gallia. And Ike dosn't remember anything from Gallia, so I guess the age gap between them can't be that big or else Ike would remember something. Since Ike is 17 at the games beginning. (http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=232 The first question asks about Ike's age) I don't consider her younger then 14 or 13 at best.
  4. I can definitly tell you that the ravens drop that stuff once you kill them. I actually never used a different strategie to get to all the chests in time.
  5. I would say F-Zero GX. The stages in the Diamond Cup are deadly as hell and I run out of lives in no time, and the Story-Mode missions are just unfair in so many ways, showing that whoever designed them is just sadistic. There is for example a mission where you have to destroy 30 enemy gliders, which are all trying to kill you and you have less then 2 minutes, and that is one of the more easyer missions.
  6. Male - Ike Female - Micaiah neutral - Sephiran Personally I don't think it would be that much of a problem if we could get to choose between several characters for each category. (Except creating the badges of course.) Wouldn't the background color be enough to see to what categorie a badge belongs to? And about the tiers thing, perhabs if we are lucky and the winners are in the same tier anyway. We will see.
  7. Mist 20/1 HP 28.5 Str 9.65 Mag 17.5 Skill 9.75 Speed 17.6 Luck1 7.4 Def 7.85 Res 16.6 Elincia 20/1 HP 27 Str 9 Mag 12 Skill 16 Speed 18 Luck15 Def 11 Res15 Growths HP Str Mag Skill Speed Luck Def Res Mist 50% 35% 50% 25% 40% 60% 15% 40% Elincia 60% 30% 80% 45% 40% 60% 25% 35% Both are about equal weak in terms of offensive and defensive. But only on equal levels. Once Elincia joins Mist is likely to be way ahead of her in levels and supports and therefore beating her offensivly and defensivly thx to superior avoid, not that either matters for a healer, they shouldn't be fighting at all. If she wants to trie anyway Elincia has Amiti, a sword that slows her speed for 3 points. And with 30% growth for str this is not likely change too soon, putting her avoid onto a very unreliable level. She has the Skill Heal... which really dosn't make much of a difference. She can also fly... which dosn't help her at all. You have her for only 3 chapters. The first is a wide open field, rendering flying pointless. The second is a indoor level... again flying dosn't help. The 3rd. In the next one she can't even be used and the last one is the final chapter and flying hasn't much of an use here either. However she is vulnerable to bows... so atlast she has all the disadvantages of beeing a flyer. However I found her quite useful in some Trial Maps. So Elincia comes late and can't do anything that Mist can't do equal or better at this point, so sadly I will go with Mist.
  8. Lord: Celice Royal: Elincia (FE10) Mounted Knight: Fergus Armor Knight: Bors Soldier: Zack Fair Mercenary/Hero: Skashar Archer: Rolf *jumps into cover* Sword Masters: Lakche Bandit: Dart Axe Fighter/Warrior: Nolan Mage: Lugh Priest/Bishop: Micaiah Dark Mage: Yulius Thief: Sothe Mamkute/Manakete/whatever: Fa Pegasus Knight: Thany Dragon Knight: Jill Dancer/Bard/Heron: Lara Laguz: Lethe (FE9) Trobadour: Nanna Cleric: I don't think we need Clerics. They should already by covered with Priests and Trobadours........ Mist.
  9. FE3: Jeigan, Chaney FE4: Yuria, Celice, Levin FE5: FE6: , Zephidel FE7: Erk FE8: ,Neimii: FE9: Jill FE10: Micaiah Sorry, for pointing out the obvisious but these emoticons are awesome.
  10. Best: Swordmaster, because it's a meteor-sword cameo. Worst: Eliwood, Lord - Critical with a magic sword. All it does is making his blade blink for a secound. Good thing you can't see this animation during regular gameplay.
  11. Well, if some people can even mistake Soren for a girl, mistaking Celice is probably not too far of.
  12. I didn't know that Celice only gets those 490 love points, with Yuria once you resetted the game once. I always thought if they both get ANY loverpoints they should fall in love after 11 rounds by using the formation with Rana and Lakche, so why should it take as long until you reach chapter 9? Great, now things finally make sense, awesome find Vincent. Those priority lists seem pretty random though... guess this Jealousy System is another victim of the game beeing rushed. Well, perhabs it can be used it to have other silblings in the second generation fall in love with each other. BTW, can you also steal Lover Points that are earned in events? And MidaylexEthlin for canon pairing. ^^
  13. I think it would be helpful if at last thiefs would get Pursuit as a class-skill. Otherwise I am quite happy with the game mechanics, atlast as far as Pursuit is concerned. By the way, what kind of patch are we actually talking about? If it's just about Pursuit then potential fathers like Azel or Alec will get in trouble once everyone gets that skill.
  14. BrightBow


    Well, censorship is a general problem these days. I actually stopped watching the anime at all after the first 20 episodes or so. Censorship being only one of the reasons, however others are for example is that the anime loves making random stuff up like Sora Inoue beeing transformed into a hollow by Grand Fisher not to mention the way the anime putted it, also made it look like all the hollow-attacks at the beginning were the work of some kind of hollow-organisation which was interested in Ichigo. You can't even excuse that as filler, it's almost a completly different story then the orginal.
  15. Well, it does have atlast as much RPG elements as Fire Emblem, probably even more. The addon even has it's one fullblooded RPG-campain, which has however on the other side not much to do with strategie.
  16. So far I can say that if Jill has a B-support with Mist, she will switch sides if she talkes to her father. If she has a A-support with Mist the talk-option is avaible too but she won't join him.
  17. Easily Warcraft III. Considering the way the campain is set up, it should easily hit all the requirements for a strategic RPG.
  18. Ok, I have got quite a bunch here, I just can't decide. Pokemon Red/Blue ~ Final Battle Theme ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biqub2kWeFs&fmt=18 Beyond Good and Evil ~ DomZ Battle ~ Golden Sun ~ Saturos battle Theme ~ Zelda Majoras Mask ~ "Song of Healing" ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUNbm3vO4Cg&fmt=18 The version of said song that was played in the Clock Tower ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93sULuUyDMg&fmt=18 Fire Emblem Thracia 776 ~ Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu ~ Chapter 5 Map Theme ~ Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix ~ "The Other Promis" ~ Donkey Kong 64 ~ Mad Jack ~ Goldeneye 64 ~ Antenna Cradle Theme ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyqNMNNaLsU&fmt=18 Guilty Gear X2 ~ "Existence" ~ Megaman Zero 2 ~ Final Boss, first Form ~
  19. Micaiah. Sadly, she is so hard to reach making it difficult to actually fight her.
  20. In chapter 3-7 an attempt to attack Micaiah's army from 2 sides proved to be more effectiv then I thought, and I almost wiped out her entire army with the exception of the Black Knight and Micaiah on the last turn. Under these conditions I wanted to take at last Micaiah down aswell. The Black Knight was no longer a problem since he was blocked by Ulki who could take a hit of him and was in no risk of getting eclipsed because the BK is stupid. Ike was the only character left to use on the last turn but he was already damaged by the BK and could be killed by Micaiah and he needed 2 hits to take her down. For some reason I didn't felt like battlesaving and attacked her anyway and enjoyed the only time these 2 would be able to fight on even terms. Ike attacks with Alondite 100% hit. Hits! (Sorry, but I just dislike the nameswapping nintendo did with the swords) Micaiah uses Light! Arround 50% hit. Miss! Ike finishs her off and in a raw case of luck gets +1 in all statts he hasn't capped so far. Enemy Turn: Black Knight attacks Ulki with a ranged attack. Deals arround 1/3 damage to his HP. What an idiot. Most satisfing risk I ever took even if just for the awesomeness of that clash. In 3E I accidently had Marcia attack Trueblade Eddie. Marcia attacks. Miss Edward attacks. Miss Edward secound attack: Astra and Adept Edward Astra 1 Slash. Miss! Edward Astra 2 Slash. Miss! Edward Astra 3 Slash. Miss! Edward Astra 4 Slash. Jumpattack. Hits! Arround 1/3 damage dealt to Marcia. Edward Astra 5 Slash. Miss! Edward uses Adept. Critical!!! "Oh, Crackers!" Marcia dies.
  21. Well, Alvis' silversword is basically better then Azels entire performance. But... Beautiful girl? I beg to differ: http://www.serenesforest.net/media/tcg/A/fe5-an-003.jpg
  22. Well, I would say Swordmaster should be above Murdoch, if only because he looks like he is using Meteor Sword.
  23. Best: FE5 / Chapter 14. That's what I call a defense chapter. In 2E of RD all you had to do was to protect to points to stop the enemy from progressing and from there you could do whatever you want without much risk, which was a bit dull and easy. The defense of Tahra was harder since there were over 4 entrances as well as a bunch of Ballista and Bosses with lots of leadership, forcing you to take some risks in order to get the advantage you need to win the battle. And for some reasons the enemy Dragon Knights give you a shitload of exp, so you want to be preapered in time to shot them down. The enemy dark mages also give lots of EXP but are harder to kill without getting killed. Man, there is so much to consider. What a fun chapter. Worst: FE7 Prologe / Because it gives you the wrong idea how the game works. Situation: The enemy boss can kill you in 2 hits. You would of course let HIM attack first and then decide how to proceed and not attack him on your turn so he can finish you off on his turn.
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