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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. I have heard so often heard something along the lines of this Sonic Circle about announcement and actual release and Fan reaction. Sure Sonic 2006 was a pile of garbage (I haven't played it but the length and amount of loading screens I saw on Let's Plays are enough for me to say that it just has to be a really crappy game) but that was only the case because it was ridiculously unfinished because it was pushed for a Christmas release. And yes, that was a really bad move from Sega, made worse by the fact that they wanted to use this game for the anniversary of their moneyprinting mascot and were also fully aware of the rather bad feedback of previous games like 'Shadow the Hedgehog' and even went so far as to give the game the title of the first Sonic game. You would think that they would have made sure that this game would meet certain quality standards but instead the game became as bad is it gets and Sega should definitely be embarrassed about that. However the Sonic games released since then, 'Secret Rings', 'Unleashed' were pretty good games and nothing to be disappointed about. I don't know about 'Black Knight' though, since I haven't played it.
  2. I never got why FE DS is always compared to FE3, seeing as it has always been a remake of the very first Fire Emblem on the NES and not of the watered down bonus-remake on the SNES.
  3. I am planning to start a new game on SoulSilver soon, so I was wondering if somebody was interested to take some of the Pokemon and stuff I collected during the playthrough since I can't keep that stuff anyway. I collected the following legendaries: I currently have the following TMs: [spoiler=I also have:] -A Pikachu which knows Fly and one with Volttackle from the Pokewalker. -1x Cyndaquil and 1x it's final evolution. -3x Totodile -2x Eevee -A bunch of other one-shot items like the Masterball and other stuff. It would probably take me hours to figure out their respective english names and setting the DS to english doesn't work. -a bunch of Not all that impressive, but since you get only one of those things in a playthrough I just thought it would be a waste if I just delete all those stuff. Edit: FC: 3309 7001 0435
  4. Words fail to express how happy this announcement makes me. So far I could never play through book 1 or 2 because the controls of the game were that stiff and slow. I hope this also means we get remakes of the Jugdral games. And of course, it is nice to know that the series still lives. I started to get worried a bit. Actually words are perfectly capable of expressing my feelings about this announcement but it would require way better skills in the English language then those which I possess. Either way, to put it simple: I'm happy and exited.
  5. I can't see Dean as the most amazing Dragon Knight to be honest. For me his personal weapon is ridiculously to get without putting my units at a high risk, not to mention that without this site I would not even know about it, to begin with. Without his spear, he is just the most powerful flier in FE5, a game which just happens to possess the most deadliest and accurate Ballistae in the series, and plenty of them to both, which makes great areas of certain maps an instant death zone for him. So the environment somewhat limits his power. He is definitely good but I can't just see him as the best Dragon Knight. I would have expected more votes for Paola though. I considered her pretty much the most useful unit in book 2 yet alone the best flier. And to be honest, if Paola wasn't in book 2, I would have chosen Katua (Book 2) because the 2 of them are just THAT awesome in that game. For me, Haar and Dean don't come even close to their performance.
  6. I voted for Marcus. Without Marcus I couldn't even beat the first few chapters in hard mode. Percivals godly stats are not gonna help me if I can't even reach the chapter where I can recruit him.
  7. Best: Paola (FE3, Book 2) Worst: Est (FE3, Book 1) At last DS Est is still useful for Wi-Fi, which is better then anything she could do in the NES/SNES days
  8. Gen II for me all the way. I was around since the first generation, however my Nostalgia Goggles are not pink enough to not realize how many problems the first generation had. As for the III and IV Generation, I never played it enough to compare them so it's Gen I vs Gen II. Both the inventory (20 items) and the PC (50 items) were unable to hold the amount of items I would have liked, after all the game gave you 50 TMs and 5 HMs alone, leaving only 15 slots for special items, healing items and other stuff and Pokemon couldn't hold Items back then. And since the first generation had the missingo glitch, you wouldn't want to use up your TMs entirely (And I hate to use one-shot items anyway, let alone throw them into the garbage). And the Pokemon storage system was a mess. In order to swap to a different box you had to save first which by itself isn't much of a problem. The problem was that you couldn't look into a box unless you swapped to it. So if you were looking for a specific Pokemon you had to save and swap, save and swap, save and swap unless you found the Pokemon in question. But it gets even better. The game doesn't allow you to look into boxes when you have the max amount of Mons in your team. So I to take a Pokemon which you taught HM1 Cut from your PC. I save and swap to the box you believe contains it. Once I am there, I find out that you can't look into the box since my team is at max. So I look for a box with less then 20 Mons. Then I swap to this box, I save first of course, and deploy a Pokemon of my team there. Then I swap to the Box I originally wanted to swap to, and of course I have to save to do so. Then I open the box, look inside and it turns out that the Pokemon I was looking for, is not in the box. So I have to search through all the boxes, which means: save, swap, save, swap, save, swap up to 12 times if you were really unlucky . As a result, something that should have been done in like 10 seconds might end up taking up to 10 minutes at worst, and all just because I wanted to visit one of those areas which are behind those annoying regrowing plants. I swear, Pokemon Stadium was worth it's cash, even if just for how easy you could manage your boxes with it. The second generation gave you a feature to trade Pokemon between any boxes you like and as a result you could see in any box without needing to actually swap it. Only downside was that you had to save after any transfer, but I do think to remember that the game doesn't ask you if you want to save which would make it less annoying then the usual saves you have to do. And if your PC actually has a limit of storageable items, I never eached it. Part of this is because your inventory now was parted into several categories. And the category for TMs and HMs was big enough to contain all of them. What...a..relief . Those changes alone made the game so much more enjoyable to me then the first generation ever was. (And I actually knew how to play the game and as result made an actual team instead of soloing the entire game with my starter Pokemon ) What else did the second generation have: -improves sprites (especially the sprites when watching a Pokemons back, which were just a pixxelated mess in the first generation. -actually having color (while still working on the old Gameboy without color.) -the ability to hold items -more Boxes -the Pokecom (especially because of the included map. Back in Red/Blue I never picked up the map in later playthroughs in order to save valuable space in my inventory. and lots of other stuff but those were the ones that made the game better for me, by default. In other words: Gold and Silver were already so much better before taking the actually content of the game. And I found the adventures in Johto way more enjoyable then those in Kanto probably mostly for the for the above mentioned improvements though. And the pacing is absolutely awesome. Especially once you collect all the 8 gym badges and defeat the Elite 4 and watch the credits roll, you would actually think you were done. Time to complete the Pokedex, I guess. But no, you are not done yet. Not even close in fact. Because the whole Generation I world, Kanto is waiting for your visit. Time to meet all the old gym leaders again: Brock, Lt. Surge, Erika; that supid bitch with the Bubblebeam Starmie... suddenly the tiresome round based battles became interesting again. I mean, of course you want to give those guys another beating. Especially to the Bubblebeam-Bitch. Not only that, but Kanto came with it's very own musical score. Wild Pokemon, trainer and Gym Leader all had different battle themes then their Johto counterparts. Especially the Gym Leader theme was awesome and made the reunion all that much sweeter. The citys got it bad though, with all cities of Kanto having the same monotone music. But hey, thats pretty much the max limit of awesome, a Gameboy cartridge's memory can handle. And once you defeated the 8 Gym Leaders of Kanto and took revenge on that Bubblebeam-Bitch, you are still not quite done. You now have access to Silver Mountain. And guess who you meet there for the real final battle. You still remember, do you? Red: "..." Short story: The second generation games were an amazing experience from start to finish without all those annoyances of the first generation. Not only that but the only reason you might prefer the first generation over the others I can see would be for nostalgic reasons. But with the inclusion of Kanto, Gold/Silver satisfied this nostalgic desire and took a place inside of me that would probably otherwise holden by Red/Blue. Sadly I haven't played the Generation III or IV games so I can't say how they compare to Gold/Silver since I am limited to talk about my own experiences. I did try to play the third generation once but it went pretty much like this: Me: Nothing, to special for now, starts like the other Pokemon games I played. Ok, got my starter and my first objective... May: Hiiiii!!! I'm May, your new neighbor. Nice to meet you. Me: You look more like the female player character model. May: Yup, and I will also be your rival in this game. Me: Really? You seem way to nice to be the rival. May: Yup. Btw, I have a dream to become friends with all Pokemon in the world. Me: ...Okaaay . Sorry, but I really need my jerk rival. *Turns the GBA of* I didn't got very far in that game. I blame my Nostalgia Goggles.
  9. It is specifically said: Lekain: Once you sign the paper in blood, you can never break the terms of the pact!
  10. BrightBow


    Well, my main reason for using spoiler tags was because I usally end up writing long text. I didn't mean to say that I actually buy Aizen's claim. (Yes, I did write that but it wasn't what I actually meant. ) Just that Aizen being the answer to questions that have been left suspiciously unanswered so far, is as a rather small surprise and while unoriginal, does by no means "slap the earlier portions of the manga in the dick". I'm just saying that I have little trouble buying Aizen was involved in Ichigo's development, I don't think that he was the gamemaster who could set the rules as he fit, but just the best player on the board who carefully moved a few figures, to push the game into the direction he wanted. I think that claiming he was behind every battle is something that suits him. Exaggerating his own powers, intelligence and planning ability is something he has done before and is therefore in his character. The most blatant example was when he claimed before the battle between his Espada and the Goto 13, that he successfully halved the military strength of the Soul Society. While this was true, it didn't matter at all since the captains trapped in Hueco Mundo killed just as many Espada and therefore he didn't got any kind of advantage out of it, since his own military strength was also halved. This can also be backed up by chapter 249 where Ulquiorra explained in detail how Orihime's feelings were manipulated by Aizen in order to get her to Hueco Mundo. Ulqui concluded that Aizen considers the whole thing a game and doesn't care that much whether things turn out as he expects or not, which makes sense given that he could have just kidnapped her forcefully and be done with it. So Aizen just gets fun out of manipulating people and screwing with their heads and at the moment he is testing this ability on Ichigo. So I just consider his claims he uses more as exaggerations rather then flat out lies and said claim "I planned all of your battles" just sounds to me like "all your battles that actually mattered" so I don't consider that not being the man behind small fries like the Shrieker contradicts his claim at the core. I was referring to the fact that he impersonated the Central 46 whose orders the Goto 13 have to follow which allowed him to order Byakuya's squad to deal with that affair. I'm sorry but my text at this point is a bit of a mess since I originally wanted to deal with Ichigos first encounter with those 2 separately to his latter encounters with them but then I ended up merging those parts together. Yes, he learned from Ikkaku the name of the strongest ryoka, but he would have tried to track down the strongest of them anyway, and that person would be Ichigo anyway so a battle between the two was likely. I haven't skipped him, I talked about him in my earlier part about Renji and Byakuya. Well, I will use the opportunity to rephrase this then: Byakuya is Rukia's brother but he didn't do anything to prevent her from being excecuted and even went as far as to announce that he would do this by his own hands at one point. Since Ichigo cannot stand it if brothers behave like that, it was to be expect that Ichigo would try to beat some sense into him. While I'm not sure if it can be considered planning, he clearly excpected parts of the Espada to go against his orders. This can be seen in chapter 255 when Aizen finds out that Szayelaporro Grantz went against his orders and sended the Exequias after Ichigo. Grantz tried to make up an excuse for this but Aizen actually encourages him to keep going, by making clear that he knews his true intentions, but accepts his excuse anyway. And Grimmjow was guaranteed to go after Ichigo, seeing how the 2 of them engaged in battle a few times already and he even attack Ulqui to get to his pray. Aizen should know Grimmjows behavior good enough to see that he would not miss that opportunity to duke it out with Ichigo. About Niotra disobeying his orders was not something you could know for sure, but Aizen should know him well enough to at last expect it. And as Ulqui said it, if things turn out for Aizen as he expects, it is fine. If not it's also fine. So he doesn't care that much if things turn out exactly as he expects them to do. Also Aizen could indeed have expected Nell to save Ichigo. He has the habit to know what all of his subordinates doing so he probably knew that Notra took out Nel and she ended up transforming into a child. (And how do you think Niotra explained the disappearance of the 3rd Espada back then? I doubt he could have fooled Aizen.) He also can monitor everything that happens in the area so he could have also known that she accompanied Ichigo and that she might turn back to normal if she is desperate enough, which would be the case if somebody tortured Ichigo. And if Ichigo actually died without his hollow showing up to save him or some other miracle, Aizen might have simply considered him a failed experiment. And it's not like that Ichigo being useless for him would stop him from kicking the Goto 13's ass with his cheap illusion powers and to create the Kingskey thing. As far as his planes are revealed, he doesn't need Ichigo. I only speculated about Ulquiorra's motives and pointed out that Aizen did set up the final fight between the two. The purpose of all these examples was to show that Aizen might had his hands in Ichigo's important battles. How he could know that Ichigo would get as far as he did without dieing for real, is something that I also want to be explained in detail but since he knows more about Ichigo then Ichigo himself it's not impossible for him to know what he would become. But I could actually just accept that he simply expected Ichigo to succeed, and if he didn't simply would have tried something else to reach his goals. I'm soory but I don't quite understand this. Are you saying that Aizen could not have known that Ichigo was a Vizard? If so then why wouldn't he? I just wanted to point out that Urahara didn't need his help, yet he arranged fights for him, which he knew he couldn't win, like his first one against Renji and Byakuya and gave him a training that could have easily killed him. Anyway, whatever motivations for his actions are, doesn't change that he manipulated him to do what he wanted him to do. I was more thinking of just hiding Rukia somewhere. And shouldn't he have tried something to prevent her from getting captured in the first place? This would definitely mean he would have less to do with the Seireitei then when he allowed her to get captured and then having to bust in and face the whole goto 13 to get her out. And Yoruichi told him in advance that the Shinigami were coming so he had time to make preperations. But you are definitely right that this doesn't support my claim in the slightest, and I can't even prove that Urahara was purposefully allowing Rukia to be captured. -He did send Ichigo to fight Renji and Byakuya and directly admitted that this was for the sole purpose so Ichigo can experience their true strength. Which mean he knew, he would get his ass handed to him. -He did send him through a training that could have easily killed him, which would have been an especially bad thing to do if, like you assumed, only served to satisfy his own curiosity about Ichigo's strength. -He used Ichigo to save Rukia despite he wasn't needed to archive this goal and just made things more difficult then they needed to be. -He didn't told Ichigo about his ties to the Vizards, and that they could help him with his inner hollow. -He lied to Orihime about his reasons that he wanted her away from the battlefield, saying that a comrade without a sword his only a burden for his comrades instead of just telling her the truth. The truth wouldn't have hurt her at all and otherwise the effects would have been the same. -And of course, he used Rukia to hide the Hogyoku. His plan would have transformed her permanently into a human, making it forever impossible for her to return to her home. In short: Urahara is perfectly capable of using people in such a manner. As I already said above, he had him go through a lethal training that could not only have killed him but also turned him into a hollow. And he had also no problems to send him after Byakuya and Renji, Two Opponents who could have easily killed him. In other words: He is perfectly fine with risking Ichigo's life for his plans. Why would it be different in this case? I'm not doubting that Isshin cares about Ichigo. And I also know that Isshin didn't have the powers to assist him in combat until recently. I never said anything opposite to that. I talked about Ichigo's fears. You know, when he was afraid to be consumed by a hollow? And since people usually have a reason for what they do, Isshin must have had a reason why he thought it would be better to leave things running by themselves instead of supporting him in any way, which easily qualifies for me as using Ichigo. Yes, I was just speculating here about why he decided to harm her feelings despite he had no known reason to do so but I can't prove that he wanted her to get caught and therefore this has nothing to do with how Ichigo has been taken advantage of so it doesn't help my point in the slightest to be honest. Do you mean 180 of Urahara or Aizen? I mean Urahara acted definitely like a jerk as established when I listed some of his actions above and Aizen is just a bastard anyway. Well, I think that some of the holes in the plot were indeed big enough to put Aizen into them, so I don't consider it that silly. But like I wrote at the beginning of this post, I do believe that he just exaggerated there but not that his claim, as cliche as it might be, is directly ridiculous and contradicting.
  11. BrightBow


    For me it actually makes some kind of sense. Ichigo is an incredible straightforward person who never asks any questions no matter how important the answers seem. He can be easily predicted. Ichigo's enemys? Well, let's through them: The only thing that I have trouble with is that Ichigo could have easily died during any of these fights but since Ichigo's hollow seems to kick in when he is in trouble, this seems like a risk that can be handled. And during a lot of these fights Urahara, Yourichi, the Vizards and even Aizen had the means to keep Ichigo save, if things got out of control and they did so a few times. Edit: So for me it seems the was enough foreshadowing in advance, and therefore I don't consider it an asspull but rather good writing. But then again my final judgment on that matter depends on how things develop from here.
  12. While the blood pact seems to me like a cheap way to make the Apostel's army and Daein, I must also say that the idea did have some potential. The problem is that they never established how the Blood Pact works. PoR theme of why the races of Telius think so low of each other, also ended up leading to the question why once position in society is predetermined at birth, may it be as a slave or as a king. So therefore I had quite some problem with the fact that a king has the power to kill all of it's people through some kind of vague magic. Why can he do that? Why is he connected to the people of Daein like that? By Beorc rules he is not even a real king since he is not Ashnard's son. So was it the ceremony that gave him such literal power over his people? Was it because the people belived in the order of their society and therefore considered Pellas their king after he was crowned and that way allowed them to be affected by it? Would people like Sothe who don't really care enough to consider him their king, be affected by the curse? Or people who consider him their king but are not loyal to him like Jill and Zihark? Nothing about it is explained. If there was any explanation about how the curse worked the way it does, it would actually be a nice plot point and it would fit in the theme but in the way it's used in the game... well, it's just not that good of a plot point. I wonder if the extended script containes at last some information about the Blood Pact but at last with the script we got there is nothing to work with. Btw, how come Pellas signed a contract with his blood and didn't think that there is anything odd about it?
  13. Of course it's even more hard to consider them funny if you actually speak german.
  14. Man, that was harsh. My first time playing this map, I thought I could do SOMETHING with that guy. If not spare him then maybe that the game would at last acknowledge him as the guy from the cutscene but of course he just died without a word. Well my entry: FE PoR Chapter 11. Kill Jill with Lethe. Jill: Ur...rrgh... Done in...by a sub-human... Lethe: ... Jill: My f-f-father... Lethe: Sympathy... I feel...no...sympathy... This really got me, since I already knew how good friends they became in the end.
  15. In my SoulSilver edition my Quilava and a Ditto just created a pair of Cyndaquils in hope to get my hands on the other 2 starters. Searching: for Chikorita or Totodile Offer: Cyndaquil Man, the GTC is so unreliable to get the other starters. You can only look for them if you have seen them but there is not a single trainer, except for the Rival, who uses them in battle so you will never see them unless you already traded it. Edit: FC: 3309 7001 0435 Edit: I'm going to restart the game soon. So there is no point in keeping this request up. However that also means that I don't need any of the Pokemon or Items I already collected in SoulSilver so if anybody is interested in some of them, like the ones that can't breed and you only get one of them or into similar rare items and TMs, I would be happy to give them away. Not that my collection is impressive or anything. I think I only have a few Legendaries you can catch in SoulSilver (I will restart once I got all of them) namely Entei, Suicune and Lugia, a few lv 1 Chikoritas and Totodiles, and a Pikachu with Fly from the Pokewalker from where I also got a Light Ball. I also haven't used any TMs yet, except those which you can easily buy from the shops.
  16. I'm more disgusted by the fact that they except me to make a hundred clicks minimum in order to see through the whole list.
  17. BrightBow


    Well I'm a happy owner of dozen of Diskworld novels as well as several other novels of him. You can't go wrong with that man. However I haven't read any of his more serious books in their original language so I can't really judge how entertaining he can write outside of the Diskworld. Otherwise as far as entire series are concerned there would the "Hitchhiker to the Galaxy" novel adaptions. Also I have arround a dozen volumes of One Piece, a shonen which always confuse me with it's lack of popularity in the USA. Personally I consider it the best currently running shonen series by far. However the german translation sometimes makes my facepalm (my favorite: Luffy's "Gomu Gomu no Gatling" became "Gum Gum Kalashnikov". I'm not kidding.) but it is by no means bad. I also have several Bleach volumes, though while the story tends to be so forced at times, the characters are quite likable. Still, I can't help but think that the series is generally overrated but at last the german translation is good.
  18. BrightBow


    Filler ain't that bad. I mean it's not like they can air much else when the manga doesn't progress fast enough. And in the case of Bleach they really aren't less creative then the canon arcs which really are kind of repetitive. I wonder what Yanamoto does. Did he die of old age while no one was looking? Has he fallen asleep? Or was he never there to begin with?
  19. Is wrong. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/poofter
  20. Speaks quite often in 3rd person this evening.
  21. 755. The "Serious Discussion" board, appears and disappears at the will of god.
  22. Out of curiosity, how can you tell how many times you posted in a gigantic threat like "Fire Emblem 4 Thread"?
  23. Too bad they don't fight back by default. I once tried to fix that with Nightmare but if I recall correctly I could only make around half of Velthomer troupes to move.
  24. She screamed his name because without Geoffrey and the knights, she doesn't have a really huge chance of beating Ludveck, plus Ludveck originally lured Geoffrey and company into a trap. Elincia should obviously care about how the freaking commander of the Royal Knights is doing. As for the honor, I'd respect it too because he heavily supports her. In fact, I do respect Geoffrey for that and can't entirely hate him, although I do dislike him for taking Elincia away from her Ike. xP KS: I agree, Boyd is epic. <3 Also don't forget that she just recently lost her milk-sister Lucia. (Or at last had little reason to believe Lucia would survive to reunite with her) Since she and Geoffrey are the persons that mean most to her, it must have been an incredible relieve to know that at the very last he is fine. Also Nolan 'Chuck Noyce' is the most awesome. He can take several hits in the part of the game where everyone is as fragile as a Heron fist and he shares a sexy Earth affinity. What more can you ask for? Exactly, Geoffrey means a fuck ton to her, unlike Ike. Thats a bit overdoing it. Elincia even said in PoR that Ike and the mercs are irreplaceable to her: "Elincia: As you said, Lucia and the others are very important to me. They are family. I may presume too much, but...well... My lord Ike, you and the others are also irreplaceable to me, so... I ask for your continued support!" (Quote is from the end of chapter 24) Also at one point she asked Ike to simply call her Elincia. Which he ultimately did at the end of their A-Support, so I can really see why people think they are romantically interested into each other. And she, Lucia and Geoffrey pretty much grew up as siblings so of course he means a lot to her but that doesn't automatically mean she is romantically interested into him. But since they are the one to share an ending, IkexElincia really is out of the window (While she also shares an support-ending with Lucia, Geoffreys is the only one that directly states the 2 married.) but I'm just saying the "unlike Ike" is too harsh.
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