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Everything posted by Robert

  1. 2:Bird 3:Cain 3B2:Palla 4:Sety 5:Eyrios/Brighton/Carrion/Fin/Asvel/Dean/Shiva/Halvan/Othin/Dalsin/Sety/Galzus. 6:Alan/Lugh 7:Raven/Oswin 8:Seth/Franz/Geric/Cormag 9:Ike 10:Haar/Nephinee
  2. add "what this is I don't even" and my personal favorite "prep-remotes" to the great wall.

  3. You are right, it is taking time away from all the other hundreds of threads.
  4. Ok! Lets play the poke holes at a poorly written quiz game! Fin is trying to capture enemy Conomore (base level) with his brave lance for Conomore's manuel. If Fin has 15 Bld, 14 skl, 15 spd, and 12 luck, what are his chances? (They are both standing on plain terrain with no avo bonuses, or supports, and both have no status conditions and the game is not hacked to allow conomore to do anything he wouldn't normally do in the game.) (leaf has one leadership, and fin does have a leadership too)
  5. Fin is trying to capture enemy Conomore (base level) with his brave lance for Conomore's manuel. If Fin has 15 Bld, 14 skl, 15 spd, and 12 luck, what are his chances? (They are both standing on plain terrain with no avo bonuses, or supports) (leaf has one leadership, and fin does have a leadership too)
  6. Really? Why do you think that is?
  7. OMG y hullo 2 u 2!

  8. 1. 2. 3. 4. What are lv. 20 Fin's chances of capturing beldo with his hero lance? 4.
  9. I made a few stupid Thracia questions. If you've played the game even the slightest bit, this is nothing. You may use this site as a reference. You if care to post, use spoilers. Cheaters only cheat themselves! 1. Fin is trying to capture enemy Conomore (base level) with his brave lance for Conomore's manuel. If Fin has 15 Bld, 14 skl, 15 spd, and 12 luck, what are his chances? (They are both standing on plain terrain with no avo bonuses, or supports) (leaf has one leadership, and so does fin.) 2. What is the highest possible AS? (Hint, caps are 20) 3. Asvel has 10 speed, and 6 build. An enemy soldier has 3 AS. Asvel has Grafcalibur and Fire. He wants to preserve Grafcalibur uses, but needs to double with either tome to defeat the soldier. Can he defeat the soldier without Grafcalibur? There are likely flaws in the quiz mechanics because I made it. And I know Ryuzaki knows the answers if he tries to show off his skillz.
  10. I like both Brigid and Adean, but both of my votes go to Brigid.
  11. You are amazing.

  12. Can I request minor forging in the first round? By minor I mean Hand axes and longbows only because they are terrible otherwise like the levin sword.
  13. No scrolls. 3 more levels of awesomeness to go.
  14. My Eyrios is better without abuse. 5 def? Ha. 8 AS? Ha.
  15. Support conversations are ok, but are annoying having characters have to wait next to each other. I like what they had in thracia where there is automanic support, but only one level of it and maybe add in conversations time to time for items.
  16. I really would like a Thracia remake. But any new FE is welcome. Heck, any FE is welcome.
  17. One more thing- my team has a merric(sage) with maxed def, and a paladin with maxed def. This may seem RNG abused, but it is not. My merric sacrificed levels as a mage for levels as an archer/cav/pally/sniper. He ended up with 16 defense (2 def boosters) and my frey ended with 24 defense (I admit I gave frey one level as he ended with 23 defense on level 19) The team is not RNG abused (except that one level with frey), but I am pointing this out if you don't want me to use the team or think it is RNG abused.
  18. Is 5 o'clock 11 in EST? Can you list the exact date/time please?
  19. Small error- Duessel's strength cap is displayed as 29, while it is 28. Not really much. http://serenesforest.net/fe8/average/duessel.html


    BTW-Daim thunder is stupid because thunder is just a sound. Oh, Olwen, you are so cool you can make a really LOUD SOUND.

  21. Azel, he is playable (the only time alvis helps you is the prologue)

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