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Everything posted by Shauni

  1. So still no Mewtwo army. *Cries* bich you betta back on up outta here before i stomp the yard on yo body
  2. ??? your profile picture depicts a dog that is both white and male check your privilege Damn. At least I have my army of Jynx.
  3. i dont think genderless pokemon can breed even with ditto unless they changed it in which case fuck yes time to breed an army of mewtwo
  4. i only lay my eyes upon politically correct feminist anti patriarchy non-sexually objectified porn that doesnt trigger my trigger that triggers when i see sexual acts being performed
  5. This but comedic relief character no one cares about.
  6. Might as well move this thread to fftf and rename it to "Memoirs of a Gregosa".
  7. Are you trying to say Batta did 9/11 or something? No seriously, I have zero idea how you're even attempting to make a connection between a terrorist attack and a jrpg being released 2 years later.
  8. They aren't supposed to be more powerful than trained units. They're more of a safety mechanism just in case you fucked up so bad that you have no other way of completing the last chapter(s).
  9. I was thinking that i'd just make robot form his legendary weapon or possibly an endgame forced promotion.
  10. I one day want to make an FE7 romhack based on the michael jackson trilogy.
  11. Sadly, I've stopped holding my breath. All I pray for is that a leaked beta is released or something.
  12. Anything aside from Fe7if chapter 27 difficulty when it comes to fire emblem and the respective hacks. In regards to other games I want just enough difficulty so that the entire game isn't just move forward but with an incremental increase during the halfway point of the game. If it becomes luck based then I will lose interest quickly, however.
  13. Monday is my least favorite because of school starting at 7:30. If it started an hour or two later i'd be fine but fuck that waking up at 6 to get ready shit. Wednesday is a close second because it's the day that trolls you because you think it's thursday and there's only a day until friday but nope.jpg you still have 2 days to go. And also the people shouting "hump day" make me want to electrocute myself with a wii controller.
  14. The sword of seals boss theme is still one of my favorites to this day. Before Fire Emblem I would mainly just played platformers and the occasional adventure game here and there. Metroid and FE have been my top two favorite franchises since I first got a GBA.
  15. Wow. Fire emblem's USA birthday is only 3 days earlier than mine. If only they would have waited just a little while longer! >_<
  16. I just looked up what Partia is and i'm really quite interested. I wish I had ios so I could play it. I've never done anything in the game design field but I used to RP quite a bit back in the day. If you need help with dialogue, PM me.
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