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Everything posted by Shauni

  1. As much as I'd love Roy back, I had to go with King K. Rool. Ever since I played and beat Donkey Kong Country 1 I've been yearning for him to show up in a Smash Bros. game. At the very least i'd like to see him put in as an assist trophy or boss and have Roy return with Lucario being replaced by Mewtwo. I'd also like a Dixie Kong alternate skin for Diddy Kong. A girl can dream, can't she?
  2. Hmm... I have quite the list but these are the first three that come to my mind. "Buying gf!" - Almost a given on a nonmember RuneScape world when I used to play. "Lyk legit ur fat i dont wanna b mean but u r. dont lyk act lyk ur hot shit. nd u shoudnt wear a bellyring cuz ur fat in ur stomach cums out" - A question some troll asked my cousin when Formspring was a thing. "If I could buy any country, I'd buy Africa." Some mentally deficient girl that goes to my school.
  3. It's a tiebreaker between Diabetes and diarrhea for me.
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