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Everything posted by Shauni

  1. Own your look. Go get a big barrel of hair gel and turn yourself into a supa kawaii sugoi bishonen animu warrior!!!
  2. It is not an insulting statement as something being "off" in someone's head is basically what all psychological disorders entail. Does that mean having one is wrong? Of course not. The fact of the matter is, a lot of what causes GD just isn't known. All that we can know for certain is that HRT has been proven to treat it extremely well with SRS being involved for the more dysphoric cases. All we really have to go by right now are theories from various sources so to link you to any one website probably wouldn't be the most responsible thing to do. Is there only one way to fix it? We don't know yet. But so far the only successful way of treating GD is HRT partnered with SRS in some cases.
  3. This post shows that you probably don't have enough information on what you're talking about although the one you responded to didn't really explain how that fix happened. Just getting SRS isn't what "fixes" GD. HRT also plays a major part and most people who undergo HRT do not go through SRS for various reasons and are fine with their new feminine body, even with their male reproductive parts. HRT is what "fixes" the chemical imbalance although some people may have to go further and engage in a SRS to ward off the anxiety of GD. The surgery isn't the only portion of this "fix". Transitioning is recognized as medically necessary. Furthermore, one does not simply "go trans". You are born trans and must discover that you're trans yourself. I don't like a lot of the PC bs that is commonly shouted about by social justice warriors, but facts are facts.
  4. I only casually skimmed the majority of the posts in this thread so forgive me if I give information that has already been given as I will just start from the basics. [spoiler= (May be NSFW)] Sex reassignment surgery (AKA, a sex change operation) is a serious procedure. MtF transexuals go through vaginoplasty, a procedure in which your genitals are modified into becoming those of a biological female's. Before a sex change you'll generally have to go through HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) for a certain amount of time. HRT is a combination of estrogens (female sex hormones), antiandrogens (block testosterone, the male sex hormone) to feminize the body. The result will be changes in weight and fat dispersal, breast development, clearer skin and a generally more feminine appearance. From what I have researched, estrogen will not reverse the damage that testosterone has already caused to your vocal cords so your two options are vocal therapy or vocal surgery. If you decide to go down the surgical route for your voice, please keep in mind that complications can result in loss of voice altogether or an extremely raspy one (Which if you love Joan Rivers like I do, would be a blessing but chances are you and almost all other people would not want one). Also note that after a certain amount of time undergoing HRT, you will become infertile. If you would still wish to have biological children, consider visiting a sperm bank. Keep in mind that this is a permanent, life long treatment. If you stop HRT you will most likely begin to produce testosterone again and re-masculinize. Before you can undergo HRT or sex reassignment surgery you must go through psychological therapy to assess if you are suffering from GD (Gender Dysphoria) or if it is another underlying disorder. You will be required to transition in public and keep up a generally feminine appearance for a year to confirm whether or not you feel comfortable as a woman. As difficult or embarrassing as it may seem, it is the biggest way of stopping people from rushing into something that cannot be reversed. If you browse the internet you will find quite a few ways to skip over these restrictions, however I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO SELF MEDICATE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. HORMONES ARE AN EXTREMELY RISKY THING TO MESS AROUND WITH AND YOU WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY END UP OVERDOSING IF YOU ARE NOT GIVEN A SPECIFIC AMOUNT OF HORMONES BY A CERTIFIED DOCTOR. When you're finally able to receive sex reassignment surgery I stress that you think long and hard about this decision. You will need thousands of dollars to afford the surgery, and possibly even more if you travel abroad to get one. You must also seriously consider the risks: The surgery is not reversible. This is a permanent and life changing decision. Do not take it lightly. Like all surgery, death is a real threat. Just because it isn't open heart surgery doesn't mean you can't still die. Loss of sensation in your genitals may occur, thus sexual pleasure can be lost if the surgery is not fully successful. Size does matter. Your penis tissues will be used to make a vaginal canal. If you do not have enough tissue, you will likely not have a wide or deep enough vagina for penetration. Bone structure is also a factor. You must keep your vagina dilated via dilators of slowly increasing size on a regular (lifelong) basis or it will collapse. Sexual intercourse is not enough. A botched surgery's results are too graphic to post here. The chance of one being botched probably isn't that high, but keep in mind it will not be pleasant and it will not be reversible. You must also realize that civil rights for trans people are vastly limited with only slow, partial progress being made. You will face discrimination or persecution during at least one point in your life. Violence against trans people is common so I would also recommend you carry (legal) self defense weapons on your person at all times, and perhaps attend a self defense class or two. As sad as it may be, the truth is there are people in this world with incredible hatred toward the LGBT crowd and trans people are perhaps the most vulnerable target. Good luck with everything and keep in mind that I am not a doctor. Do not substitute this information for medical advice. Do the research for yourself and remember: SELF MEDICATION IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND NOT ADVISED. IF ANYONE RECOMMENDS YOU DO SO, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM FOR YOUR OWN WELL-BEING. PM me if you want any more information.
  5. Yes. And then the politicians that caused the shutdown yelled at the national park workers for following shutdown protocol. shutception
  6. Generally, fanboys from all fanbases are annoying as hell. Just remember to differentiate between regular fans and drooling fanboys. From personal experience, the most annoying gaming fanboys I have come across were the PC ones that do nothing but sit around flaming console owners but Nintendo is definitely up there. Don't even get me started on pokemon fanboys.
  7. I watch anything Joan Rivers related or gossip with my friends. Sometimes i'll eat junk food but I want to die after because I always go overboard. >_<
  8. Fe11 Marth looks like he had an amateur plastic surgeon put too much filler in his cheeks. Samius pretty much described what I think when I see his portrait. Fe12 Marth looks much better by comparison.
  9. Information from an article on examiner.com . How dumb must they have to be to think that they'd get away with such obvious trickery?
  10. Girl - Bonshaquitalafondriakeishabonishabreadquandaniqua Boy - Bob
  11. FE8's protagonists and FE7's villains made it an equal tie for me. I keep quitting FE6 halfway through because the characters are honestly the most boring and bland I've come across in the series so far. After playing Super Smash Bros Melee I thought that Roy would be some god-like uber warrior of unparalleled excellence and an epic history but nope, he's just some generic white knight who just happens to be Eliwood's son with a non-existent personality and shitty stats.
  12. The taste and texture combination is enough to make me gag. And the smell...ugh.
  13. I find the fact that the RNG is so easily abused (In the gba games at least) is a large flaw that can replace the strategy element when done correctly. It's a flaw that should not have been overlooked and it's a shame that it's even possible to do. That being said, I don't really give a fuck if anyone else abuses it since developers overlooking these problems isn't their fault, I just refrain from doing it myself. As for resetting to get better growths, I see no real problem with it. I used to do it myself so that Lyn would have decent strength before entering Eliwood's story.
  14. Damn. I thought this would be some kind of breakthrough in NESFE hacking. Also, am I the only person that got distracted by the thumbnails of 3d anime girls with giant boobs? >_>
  15. Can you please make Roy less of a generic white knight? I'll love you forever if you do.
  16. Seeing as neither side is really budging, would it be too much to just have an updated script translation patch and an optional name-change patch for the five or so people that want the names to be changed?
  17. Guy because he turned out very well the second time I used him. At least one critical per turn.(Rngblessed) Truth be told, I've barely played through the non-gba games so my opinion doesn't really matter though.
  18. I agree with Orange Crush. The names were one thing, but the unnecessary censorship is another. Please don't tell me you'll be doing that throughout the entire game.
  19. A bow-less, melee ranged Wil is about as effective as Wallace, but he'll still always hold a special place in my heart as he was the only reason I got past Lyn's Mode when I first started playing Fire Emblem.
  20. I used to actually like grinding until I started playing FFV Advance and wanted to get all jobs on all characters level capped. In games where it's not required I tend to avoid it since it's much more fun having to use creative tactics rather than outleveling a boss so you can kill it in two turns. That being said, I don't mind it if it's required as long as the requirements aren't too insane.
  21. Playable character goes to Lyn. Her personality, while somewhat bland is very calming to me. Also, her animations are my absolute favorite in the entire franchise. If non-playable characters count, then i'd have to say Limstella. Her cold, heartless personality coupled with the fact that she's something of a "perfect" weapon is something I enjoy very much. I love how that, unlike Sonia, she doesn't find the need to boast about herself and her power and she is completely fine with the idea of her being nothing but a construct created only to destroy.
  22. Keep us posted! I'll make sure to try this sometime after I finish my Girl's Only and no promotions runs.
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