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Everything posted by lonelyVoxel

  1. I suppose, but it would make more sense to bunch up on a squishy. They're not terribly accurate, anyway.
  2. Ah man, I love how the old translation translated Chagall as Shagaal. Didn't even make sense. Anyway, I'll remember that for next run. Could you please put this in a spoiler? I feel like this is borderline revealing for TRS. Dang, I wish Kaga put more of that stuff in FE. Especially the first one so things could have made it into Shadow Dragon. Wish I didn't know that just yet, though, since TRS is a game I still have yet to play. Wish I had the next update out, but this one has a record 440 images associated with it. They're only getting longer from here on out, fellas! I've decided to have Chapter 5 as only one update so Gen 1 can go out with a bang.
  3. The problem may be that you have the wrong version of FE5. There were two different releases. I don't know which of the two versions Super Thracia is supposed to work with, but try the NIntendo Power version if it doesn't work with the regular, or vice versa if you are currently using the Nintendo Power version.
  4. Try doing [ youtube ] and [ /youtube ] around the links that don't work, sans the spaces between square brackets and letters. These sound pretty sweet! I haven't gotten around to buying STEAM yet, since I'm saving up money for a cosplay, but the gameplay style is really intriguing to me. Shame the FE characters stink...
  5. I've been watching a stream of someone blindly playing FE4, and he is also very confused about the AI, especially Ballistas. Ballisticians didn't seem to take DEF or remaining HP into account when attacking and would almost never double attack someone for him. For me, it was a bit saner, but still haphazard.
  6. Welcome to FE4, where ground units are trash tier. The prologue map is the smallest in the game. Every other map is a giant square, which I believe are all the same size.
  7. I'm back earlier than expected. Have an update! Roxy.OS: Dayo~
  8. Ch. 3 is the only really challenging one. Otherwise, you should be good as long as you don't screw yourself over.
  9. catches it Now to build up my Dark rank. throws Helswath
  10. I like this! I'm using Snes9X for my run, but the screenshots are at the normal size. How are you taking the screenshots? I'm using the screenshot hotkey and the images are this size.
  11. It's going along slowly but surely. Kind of like how Cave Story's development went, now that I think of it.
  12. I'll wait until I get to the end, then. As of Friday night, all Generation 1 gameplay has been completed. I leave for a week on a backpacking trip tomorrow and will be back on the afternoon of next Sunday. I'll likely start typing up things then. Depending on how much time I can take out of my school day and time at home, I will push out updates as I have before, by castle, or if time allows by chapter. If I go by castle, Chapter five will have only two updates since the last two bosses were lumped into one set of screenshots as there wasn't a ton going on for the first. Once I push all of these out, possibly while I do, I will start play of Thracia.
  13. I ended up doing a ton of RN burning just for the heck of it, but it was somewhat necessary because Sigurd was not countering. Even then, the RNG wouldn't give up killing Sigurd for a number of turns. He got a great level that allowed for better survival once he went after the peggies, fortunately. I had Noish in the castle as well, so I think that did the same thing... if he were ever to attack. 1HP guarantees getting attacked first.
  14. I don't really have the British royals on my mind ever, but I think part of what keeps us fascinated with us is that they're the only thriving family from back in the good old days of {almost} total monarchy. You know how it goes with our intrigue for fictitious and dead royalty. My parents used to get me to get me to behave at the table by making some reference to "tea with the queen" or something, so I suppose they're sort of ingrained in culture, as well as being role models, as stated before in the topic. When things get out of hand with them, as with the Kardashians, Clintons, etc. I really only see those kinds of things on tabloid covers. Maybe I just don't care too much about celebrity, but I think it's cruel to exploit anyone like that just to make a buck.
  15. I feel like they might do amiibo cards for FE, if anything. Maybe such cards could go along with Cipher?
  16. It's alright. I'll probably forget while I play Thracia in between generations. What I meant by mentioning the Pally trio was that unless you have a happy RNGesus, one of them will die due to non-friendly Canto shenanigans before you can even get to them. By the way, I heard that part of FE5 happens during Gen 2 of Genealogy. I'm doing my LP chronologically, so about when should alternation start?
  17. I saw it in the e-mail SF sent me, sorry bro. I didn't know what it meant, though. The Paladin trio in Ch. 2 tho
  18. Mind if I use this in my sig? To all: Thanks for the help. I wish I'd thought of that last night instead of wasting a whole half hour trying not to die, but I think I know what I'm doing now.
  19. Future Force: Update 18 or so will have the pun in its full glory. A certain Ethlyn and Quan convo will make it VERY literal. To be completely honest, Roxy.OS and I pulled the pairings out of our asses. The only times I've looked at resources were for determining whether or not a pairing was possible, for Tiltyu and Briggid mainly since they join so late, and after I complete a chapter or section to see what I missed. Otherwise, I think I only looked up repair costs for staves since I overuse them. Danku c= Roxy.OS: Please stick around for the mega update!
  20. I suppose either a Brigand or Shaman. Brigand because all-out offensive and sort of a free spirit, so maybe more of a Marty, Gonzales, or Garret Brigand in personality. As for Shaman, again, all out offensive. Based on my body type I'd probably have a good enough CON to wield those heavy-ass GBA tomes, at least not being weighed down by Flux at base. To be completely honest I can't abide by base weapons weighing anyone down.
  21. I managed to get myself in a place where the RNG will not go my way, thus killing Sigurd no matter how I vary my situation. In the attached Snes9X savestate, Sigurd is on top of Thove in Chapter 4, with eight Pegasus Knights with Javelins around him. They all have 27% hitrates with his Iron Lance equipped, 29% with either his Steel or Silver Swords. In three turns, if I leave him there, he will die. I currently have the Assassin group completely intact to the south, where the rest of my army is, so I could potentially waste some RNs that way, but one attempt in which I killed all of them off, Sigurd still died to the Peggies. All of the units I'm using are promoted except for Tiltyu, who is going to Sailane to get her promotion. If, for whatever reason, the RN string I'm on makes it impossible, even with RN burns from skills, I am willing to temporarily use the 2 RN roll patch, since a savestate I have prior to this great idea I had is pretty far back, before I even captured Thove. If there's a script that would allow me to see the RN string, that would be very helpful as well. Other than RN burning, would there happen to be any way to get through bad strings of RNs? I suppose I could just have Noish at the home castle go to the arena and waste RNs by dying over and over, but I'd rather be more tactical than that. The savestate {may not work with emulators that are not Snes9X}
  22. I believe someone is working on a complete retranslation of the FE5 script, but hasn't been very public about it. If it was in my power I'd certainly make an attempt to retranslate and insert the text, but if I were to be involved in any kind of translation I'd probably be editing the text post-translation to make it sound a bit better in English, localization I guess you'd call it. FE12 as higher priority? Please...
  23. This is just my say, but I think it'd be worth your time to go back and get your version of the ROM without the world map issue than to start from base. I suppose since you already have everything that it wouldn't take a ton of time if things got too broken, but we'll see how it plays out.
  24. Y'know the thing where the guy threw the lance that looked bigger than it should have been? It was simply probably I might be wrong-ish the wrong spell animation assigned to the class. Ranged axe, lance, and boy animations, not so for swords since they're never thrown, look like one animation, but are actually two. Same principle as spells, though the animation isn't directly attached to the weapon, like spells.
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