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Everything posted by lonelyVoxel

  1. Aww, I'd much rather garbage... I didn't expect too much from the convos anyway, since apparently IS was too lazy to have personal lines. cx Would anyone happen to have any footage of the old Edda shenanigans? wait whos edda That shall be Quan's nickname, pun completely intended. Future Force: I'm currently at Chapter 4, but I just haven't gotten around to writing updates yet. At this rate, with my schoolwork ramping up {4 big projects at once~} all resources that would normally go into writing updates absolutely need to be conserved for finishing said tasks. As such, I may end up finishing the first generation of Genealogy before getting out the rest of the LP. Normally I wouldn't do this, but knowing myself I'm going to slack off for a while. As such, I may as well help myself with this as well if I'm not going to be doing the "important things." Edit: Pairings updated!
  2. Alright, thank you! Please take your time in making this, though I am very surprised at how fast it seems you've been getting through this.
  3. Dang, this is looking pretty nice! I'm available for beta testing if you need another guy on the job. Keep up the good work!
  4. I suppose I should have specified, my current 3DS, the original model, is what I'm looking for a Capture Card for. I just hope I didn't throw out the original battery and backing when I got my Nyko battery.
  5. I'm thinking about getting a new 3DS and getting a Capture Card for my current one. However, I'm not 100% sure what it does, or what it costs for that matter. Is it true that the Capture Card allows you to stream to your computer from your 3DS and take screenshots? If so, that's what I'm looking for.
  6. Y'know, I always thought when your units got Defense they took a piece of the enemy's armor. Funny that! July 15th just so happens to be my birthday =O
  7. Yep... That screenshot was the worst of them, the rest were "X to spouse" and "Y response to spouse." Good placeholders, eh?
  8. Azel's taken bruh Ooh good idea So uh, this happened... Wtf?
  9. Oh duh She's gonna wreck the game. Plus, Axe doubling! u lil spoilerbro. Holyn, I guess, since they're both foot units. {I think}
  10. Warning: Huge update ahead! Roxy.OS: No really, it's bigger than your mother.
  11. In that thread someone linked a cleaner version. I like how they filled in some of the holes and fixed inconsistencies in coloring and tiles between the maps. Props to the creator, it looks like it could have taken a long time to recolor the maps. New update coming your way tonight, school internet is slow today.
  12. I suppose so. I think that an Awakening run in that category would be more of a showcase, so rather than skipping enemy movements, just speed them to max? Maybe, I'd love to show off this game some day on a bigger stage than Twitch someday.
  13. It very likely does. I didn't know about the renown gains until now, thanks Kuroi, but I suppose that an extra tome purchase and whalloping a weak Spotpass team could secure a run in a no-reset situation like GDQ.
  14. Not sure what you mean about the Renown thing, but for this category I think it's better just to reset until a favorable Anna appears. Otherwise, 1 hour plus is likely your time. While you're here, why not give me another Avatar to trauma- er, run with?
  15. Yes, I did. I followed every FE game on Twitch and that's how I ran into him. Since at this point I'm not timing myself, I'll take the Renown Second Seal so I can practice the route if a favorable Anna doesn't show. Having too low MAG is easily fixed. Hope for a Spirit Dust Anna, use Magic Tonics, or Second Seal back to Lv. 1 DF. Your run won't be very good if you have to resort to that, though. I suppose so, but unless the runner uses a fresh cartridge, Renown will be carried over.. It simply wouldn't be worth the time invested in 5 maps for the free Second Seal.
  16. STR is only needed for Chapters 7 and 8 in this run. Every other chapter in the game requires as much MAG as possible, partially for tome conservation, and especially earlygame and for Grima. I'm doing Any% no Extras Normal/Classic). It's usually stylized as Any% Normal, since using Renown, as far as I know, would go under New Game+, and the Classic/Casual choice means nothing. I, as well as the speedrunner I learned the route from, go for Classic so it looks more legit, I guess. I might do some New Game+ at some point, but it requires nothing but Renown grinding to max on one file and BSing your way through Ch. 3. After that, you can buy DLC Micaiah, and that'd be game over. Hard and Lunatic any% would probably be what I'd look into next for Awakening, though I'd like to stream something. Since my 3DS hasn't been modified, I'd likely go for Thracia because it looks interesting, or one of the GBA ones for practicality. /end ramble
  17. Alright, so far Yololi has has been used in five runs. All five died to human error and forgetting parts of strats. For whatever reason, the one that got the furthest decided to cap Str as a Pegasus Knight. Really useless!
  18. Ah, yeah. Iirc Anna has a pot on her head like Donnel, so that's sort of what tipped me off. I suppose this will be a question for Vincent to answer once he's gotten deeper into the code. Thanks anyway!
  19. Basically what Yoshi said. I feel like Soldiers might just be a reskinned Villager/Anna, since all three classes share the same animation. However, Anna's level cap looks to be 20.
  20. Thanks for that. I'd love to play that sometime if a translation ever comes out!
  21. Is there any data in the game for skills and promotions for Soldiers, Revenants, and Untombed?
  22. BONK. Oww... But you should've thrown this! Throws Corrupt Theocracy
  23. Hmm, Skl flaw is an interesting choice. I'll try that sometime, but I just want some random aesthetics right now.
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