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Everything posted by lonelyVoxel

  1. School decided to be a thing. Just so you know, Holyn has been switched with Beowulf in the pairings. For whatever reason, I kept putting Beowulf's face on Holyn in my mind... I did think of a potential short FE hack based on Holyn, though!
  2. Recently I've taken to speedrunning FE13, which I believe will eventually be the end of my 3DS. I've found myself bored with the avatar design I'm currently using, so why not ask the swood great community of SF to give me some ideas? With each Avatar submitted, I'll give you a summary of how they did along with high and low points. Because of how the run works, if I have to reset before Ch. 8, which is about 70% of the time, your avatar will get another shot. Unfortunately, because of how the strategies work, the Avatar must be female and must have her asset set to Magic. For the flaw, it can only be Defense or Strength. I normally run with Str as the flaw, but I need to test Def anyway. Other than that, everything is up to you! Name doesn't have to be appropriate either, since I think everything gets past the name check if you press Yes.
  3. Manuals used to be a thing. Then... well, just look at the manual of the next Mario game you buy. My best guess is that there's at least a little bit of worldbuilding in the guidebook, but you'd need to be able to read Japanese or find a translation.
  4. I've heard a lot about how people, for whatever reason, absolutely refuse to play other games after Awakening. Personally, I don't see why not. I've had quite a bit of fun trying the older games, even if I can't get through them yet. Maybe it's because of how Awakening puts everything together {except the Trinity, of course} as well as it could and nothing could possibly be better. In any case, Some awareness needs to be created of the older games, through more than Einhenjar, of the older games. It'd be nice to have some kind of international releases of Japan-only games in the series, which could be possible as there have been VC releases for 1-5 {there may have been one for 6 in Japan}. However, other than Binding Blade it'd be hard to localize them well, especially Jugdral with the canon incest. One could argue that the cameos in FE13 through the Bonus Box and Outrealms helped boost awareness for the series as a whole, but the section of people who refuse to play any FE games besides, at least in my mind, seems to detract from it.
  5. Kirby inhales me, gaining the power "Dingus." Somehow I manage to persuade Dingus Kirby to throw a bowl of Froot Loops at the next poster.
  6. There's a new TRS translation going on, which has lead me to wonder where it and Berwick fit on the FE timeline. I'm not sure how much Kaga has said that connects FE and the Sagas, but I believe that Jugdral is mentioned at some point. I think it's even said that settlers from Jugdral inhabit the continent where TRS takes place in, though it is mentioned as Jugd.
  7. Especially with the hexagonal grid. I should look at some footage of that to see how it works.
  8. I did a small update with my pre-Ch. 3 grinding and item switching. Not really necessary to see. I have prom today. Hype! Roxy.OS: Force is actually super freaking nervous. By the way, has anyone attempted to put all of the FE4 maps together in one image, or at least all the ones that go together?
  9. I don't really know what to say here. You get fair representation from all age groups, though it does seem that 16 and under has quite a few characters in it. This is an interesting question, so I'd love to see some elaboration as it goes on.
  10. Sorry if this has been brought up already, but with RAM hacking would it be possible to manipulate the RNG?
  11. Roxy.OS: DarkGold777 used Screech! Forceman's defense fell greatly! Roxy.OS: Forceman used Thunderbolt!
  12. Roxy.OS: My randomness! Here's the plan for pairings: Have everyone sit next to each other who's paired up for the first 50 turns and try to have everyone else do the fighting, but mix in paired units if at all possible. I figured that I'd take the time to sum what's been going on and express some thoughts before starting on Ch. 3. In the linked doc is current stats of all units, thoughts about them and the game, and grades. In the spoiler is my current situation and why updates may or may not slow down. Roxy.OS: Current stats [spoiler=Irl things that may or may not matter]At the moment, I'm currently slipping back into school and in the second week since a long Spring break. As such, there are obligations I must tend to, as the norm. There is a big project, however, which requires a ton of work pretty much until the end of the year. My school is having its yearly Spring Arts Festival next month, so I need to practice my part in the performance as well. In the non-obligatory department, I'm trying to find time to start speedrunning Awakening, and I'd like to complete Alpha Sapphire and Final Fantasy X if I can. Then there's time wasted by Pokemon Shuffle and Rumble World to factor in. I suppose I'm just bad at time management, but it may be that I stop working on this Let's Play for a while if any of those obligations or non-obligations hinders me.
  13. butt of sword hits my head Hey! Throws Windows 8
  14. Cavs officially limited to support. I already have pairings, which aren't optimal, which I put in the OP. Noish makes a good virgin I'm not anywhere near being able to pair anyone Afaik. I'm now done with 2, and did not get it. Speaking of which, it's time for the end of Force's Jugdral Ch 2! Roxy.OS: Dayo~
  15. Uh... Y-yes sir! I will promote her, since nobody but Arden {and maybe the cavs?} is benched. I only figured out how to grind staff users recently {have someone lose in the arena, heal, rinse and repeat} so I may do that at the end of this Chapter Tbh I'm surprised that I'm interesting anyone at this point since Ch. 2 isn't interesting to me. Ch. 1 was the only one that really interested me, since it wasn't just "kill de banditz!" The one I'm on now I feel is "Sigurd's helping Nordion so he's the enemy let's throw our armies at him!" Sounds like Ch. 3 may be less of that, but only if the Loptyr thing floats to the surface. Glad you got the joke, I could turn the Hooked on Anphonics joke into something more if I could just think of something...
  16. catches Wh-what IS this?! throws Pokéball
  17. Quite a few things, actually. It's quite hard, even on easy. The two things that might kill you are not having enough Strength on your main and not changing/fusing your monsters enough. If you level up your monsters to a certain point, they'll start to guzzle more EXP than it's worth to raise them. Also, there are a few decisions you might find that you will regret. Heck, even choosing who to give someone's purse to has a bit of an effect. Basically, it's a live and learn game that you may need a test run for.
  18. Glad to see you've picked up this translation! I've wanted to play this game, and have the old translation, but was turned off from going too far into the game because of some of the faults in the translation. I know absolutely nothing about Japanese except desu, but I'd love to help in any way I can.
  19. WHUMP Roxy.OS: Force was never heard from again, but managed to throw a Dreamcast at the next poster.
  20. It's Saturday or so Roxy.OS: Take it. Roxy.OS: Please note that this update is pretty long. Kinda boring as well, as the Mackily charge is very quick.
  21. I this this will be great, especially once FEXNA is released to the public. I'll make sure to keep an eye on this! You may hear from me as part of a team eventually.
  22. Wish I had the wall of text emote from another forum, but this emote still describes me well after reading that post. The only thing you didn't touch on was the Outrealm Gate, but, like the Dragon's Gate, its existence is lightly explained. The FE canon works much better without those two ambiguous sites, but Nils and Ninian sort of force the DG to be important. In any case, that was a great summary/timeline of events. I have not seen anything that does not theorize two worlds, which is the way most people worked in Dragon's and Outrealm gates. Thanks for taking the time to write this. =)
  23. Ah, I see. Multiple button presses are hard that way, especially if Start/Select and, probably the norm, A and B are near each other.
  24. Here ya go! It's a FCEUX state, so it might not work with a different emulator. In that case, I can get you one from BizHawk. I'd check where your keys are mapped just in case it's your keyboard instead of the emulator.
  25. In FE4 the AI would sometimes take long periods of time to make things move, so maybe the long chunks of time in Shoeshine has something to do with the base programming?
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