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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. That doesn't say he's nobility. All that says is that Leonardo has good parents and grew up in a good setting. You don't have to be a noble to be raised well.
  2. Yep. He's terrible, too. Promotes everyone at level 10.
  3. Diggy's easy for me to crush. Anyway, the endgame is basically when the fruits of your efforts show what they can do.
  4. Of course. Cat Laguz are the worst. Wolves are better than tigers/lions/liger laguz, and all pale in comparison to big green eagles.
  5. First one is Priscilla. My first drawing, and her hair is tricky, so I traced the outline and her hair (come on, this is my first one). I haven't drawn the face yet. This one is going to be of me. While I was drawing it, I was amazed. I honestly could not believe that the hand drawing this picture was mine. I had no idea I could draw this good!!!! Definately my best work of art, even if unfinished. Plus, I just randomly sketched it ^__^ If you're wondering why the faces are blank, it's because I can't draw eyes! So, I want somebody to teach me how to draw them. If you do, I'll be uber nice to you and back you up everywhere and you'll be like a saint to me. However, if you DON'T help me draw faces, the final product may end up something like this:
  6. Last night, my brother deleted all of my data for Sacred Stones. I had the following accomplishments: Nearly 50 hours so far. I beat the game and got the CC with everyone alive and even beat the Tower of Valni. I was on chapter 13 (Eirika) on my Peggy run. I had carefully and expertly made Arena teams (four of them). Both files had RNG blessed characters and many items. And now I get to do all of that over again =/ Last night, I was completely emotionless, and I'm still pissed. He's a total asshole, and he claims it was "by accident".
  7. Most of the time, I don't even use Laurain part 1. Besides, I consider it MUCH more important to do better at the end of the game than during the normal stuff, since the end is pretty much the challenge part.
  8. I know someone named Sean Kelly. My name is Mark Twain, but people just call me Mark. Annoying people call me Ryan because a guy on the Phillies has the same last name.
  9. Harvey Berin's? The art is just terrible and the pose is terrible. It's one of the rare pictures that make me wish that there was an option to turn certain people's avatars off, or at least go blind.
  10. Yeah, yours. I could give you more feedback if you wanted.
  11. I could post a faceless Priscilla I traced drew.
  12. I say it like it is, and I think the avi looks terrible.
  13. I'll tell you when you're older. They cut your dick off
  14. Well, out of all the cool characters you get, only a paltry 7 can get to the last level. That's just bullshit.
  15. Laura sucks. Besides, I'd have to heal about 300 times (estimate) to get her around Rhys's level. Besides, healers are terrible because the archsages can do the job better and can still attack great. And Micaiah's enough. I like them :D Nope :D
  16. Well, because of Saint Peter, Christains and religions branching off of that don't have to do it. Personally, I think it's perverted and absolutely fugly and nasty.
  17. Yes, she maxxes out quickly, but she also has the best growths of any character, along with the massive stone boosts. Besides, if you're putting her up front all the time, you deserve to have her rob everyone's EXP. Myrrh's the best in the game, but overusing her is bad. She's just Dibs. Eat all of them at once and you'll have none later and you'll be fat..... *goes to eat Dibs*
  18. I just learned that thanks to Saint Peter, people don't have to get circumcised. Thank you, Sain Peter, for letting my friends and I keep our manhood. Yeah, and the teacher told us to thank him so I did.
  19. Meh. Nolan's good, Aran can tank great, Fiona murders everything if she's babied to her second class, and Jill can be usable after some babying. Everyone else sucks, though, and I wouldn't even take a dump on the likes of Leonardo, Ilyana, and Laura.
  20. 1. She levels up on every kill, no matter what. Once sh's at her top levels, a generic enemy still gives nearly a whole level. 2. She kills them all in one hit; you don't have to set up for her. Myrrh is absolutely freaking amazing. After I finish my science project (which I'm obviously not doing) and force my brother to finish a level (freaking battle saves), I'm practicing the repair trick. Already crushed the Tower of Valni, so I'm going to the big boy ruins :D
  21. To solve this stupid mini-debate: The trainees are at the mercy of the RNG, and any of them can end up awesome.
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