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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. An aggressive strategy is the better choice in in this game, which means Tethys bites the dust with her terrible move speed.
  2. Awww :( I'll get started on the second one now.
  3. Don't drink alcohol :o Enjoy your right to vote!
  4. Eh. I can't stand computer art.
  5. I'd love to have been there :o I took some beautiful pictures (I can take pictures like a professional) last winter (can't wait to look at the snow!!!!), and I guess I'll start trying to find them. I'll post them if I find them!
  6. I play for fun. I realize that playing just to have fun is a very confusing thing for you people, but that's why I play Fire Emblem. Not to win or to be better than everyone else, but to have fun. And having almost no units to choose is no fun.
  7. Well, that's what the world gets for not having a big un-cut-off picture of Valtome on image searches, so I had to resort to giving him a dumb hat.
  8. Can I get some, er, more precise feedback? I'd also like some suggestions (PM me, because my PM box is very lonely). But Colbert beats Stewart, no further discussion. Plus, the Daily Show can't be Fire Emblem-meme'd or whatever. Comments like, "I liked so-and-so", "So-and-so was lame", "Make it longer", "So-and-so should guest star/so-and-so should be a news story".
  9. I like Chuck Norris, but Eddy and Leo got jipped.
  10. This thread is so that people who don't crawl into the lonely abyss of the forgotten "Creative" section still get to see the Culbert Report. I'll be making a sig with these comics in them, so watch out! So, just an "ad" for my new series to let y'all know it's there, are hopefully it'll attract more people and increase the tiny population on the Creative section of the forum. Just keep in mind that Valtome is the Duke of Culbert, and the Colbert Report is awesome.
  11. ^_____^ I hope you all enjoy my new series! Keep in mind that Valtome is the Duke of Culbert! This is NOT a carbon clone of the Colbert Report =P
  12. I'll skip a nasty part of it. I had my friend's pug instead of my dog, and she came with a pug starter kit. There was a bag of crap in the kit. To throw it out properly, I was to attach it to my shirt collar (I was like WTF who has those?) and walk to the trash outside. Well, the kit had doggy poo in it, so I was realy nervous about opening it. *skips nasty part, which surprisingly has nothing to do with pug poo* Then I was at my kitchen counter, looking for some battaries so I can watch the tiny TV from the kit that has the shitty keyboard I'm using attached to it. I wasnted to watch the Colbert Report, and Stephen Colbert was sudden;y next to me, and we just talked. REALLY lame.
  13. No, I say we used the (not) cake to feed the mods.
  14. Instead of working on the genious ideas I have laid out (literally) right in front of me and could make me rich in a few months, I'll be doing everything but that.
  15. The cake is a lie, the gam hates me, I hate it, and it will always hate me.
  16. Well, there's a person on nsider.com who knows me, and I have to start virutally stalking them to figure out their identitiy.
  17. Yeah, I know that >_> And conveniently, just as I'm about to ditch Fire Emblem, the game gives me the absolute shittiest luck I've ever had. Oops, just missed 5 times in a row with 83. And yay, may level 10 Colm has yet to gain a single attack point.
  18. Mac is a stupid name. Your avatar is of a fugly shit, and so is your sig. Boxing is for fags, and nobody cares about what time go time is. Did I do good?
  19. The last one. If the last level of a game is bad or overly restricting, then the game itself is just meh.
  20. They both have ugly names and are ugly, but at least Dorcas has SOME character developement.
  21. You got Micky to 20 THAT fast? Daaaaamn....
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