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Status Updates posted by Junkhead

  1. You must really like Elemine.

    1. Rafiel's Aria

      Rafiel's Aria

      I do! Lucius is one of my fave characters, and Elimine always seemed like a pretty cool gal. I think I just fell in love with her art when it finally came out.

    2. Junkhead


      I sense lowkey LuciusxElemine.

      I like it.

    3. Rafiel's Aria

      Rafiel's Aria

      Probably not. XD It'd be odd for Lucius to crush on his goddess/saint.

  2. That sig is amazing.

    1. NekoKnight


      Thanks! It only took 800 hours in MS Paint

  3. 'ey, you up at the FE10 draft

  4. Good fucking lord dude

  5. That Fa is amazing.

    1. Emeraldfox


      Yes, yes she is

  6. That's so cute.

    1. Cute Chao

      Cute Chao

      The cutest of chao - the peridot chao! :D 

    2. Junkhead


      I got a stone egg.

  7. I love my avatar.

  8. How do I make those.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SatsumaFSoysoy


      shut up staffbot

    3. Junkhead


      How dare you.

    4. SatsumaFSoysoy


      Celica learns Recover

      How does unemployment feel

  9. yo buddy, still alive?

    1. ruadath


      yeah sorry, I just haven't been on here in a while. Been focusing on senior thesis (done), playing non-fire emblem games (TASing is fun), and learning Japanese (not as hard as I thought it would be). How have you been?

  10. Emily is amazing.

  11. Not sure if Nina or Cyntha.

  12. Chickens are so cute.

  13. Maggie Lewd.

  14. Future Gohan SSJ2.

  15. God fuck Faye is so fucking cute/pretty I want to eat her up.

  16. Is that a blonde Shinoa.

    1. Leona


      A what?

      My avatar's Saber from Fate/Apocrypha, if that's what you were asking about.

    2. Junkhead


      She kind of reminds me of Shinoa Hiragi, at least from that angle.

    3. Leona


      I'm not seeing it

  17. FE Heroes meta, 

    Rank characters at how badass they are at lvl.40 instead of their actual overall performance

  18. That's a God of Destruction.

  19. That's so cute.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Junkhead


      We need more of those.

    3. Chen


      I need to collect all her yays

    4. Junkhead


      Why is she looking at me. It's so funny.

  20. That's so cute.

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