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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Bet you didn't expect a new twist finding in the board. It's beyond the twists possible ever thought up by any of us.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alphine


      Do you mean when he dies? Comes back? Or when Kamui's dad takes over his vessel in the 3rd route?

    3. Fateborn


      The CG shown in Vincent's 3rd route thread.

    4. Fateborn
  2. Dunno, Camilla wasn't there, so maybe something's wrong with the choices made by Hama, perhaps Camilla being there could had changed something.
  3. [spoiler=Choices] Perhaps we should gather all information of how each character in either route dies, so it's easy to prevent it? So that way we can be perfectionist and keep our favorite character alive first try.
  4. Wrong. It's a meme coined from a joke.
  5. Yup. But, I'm going to take every precaution to not let any of Nohr dies. .-.
  6. don't care, he actually went on elise but refused to strip. HE did strip her but it was only for a nano second before he left the window.
  7. Maurice's stream. Tries to strip elise, chat screams at him to NOT strip her. lol this chat
  8. From what I saw from that CG mentioned a couple pages ago, it doesn't seem like Camilla was tricking Kamui in the hug, it was probably an attempt of a tiny fruitless hope of Camilla to bring him/her back to Nohr as seen she was hugging him/her a couple of time much to Hinoka's objections, but Kamui wouldn't budge so she figured she'd better give him/her a peaceful death so her memory of him/her isn't tainted. (Probably isn't right, but with her personality of doting on Kamui A LOT. I'd say it's accurate.) It's sad though. ThisiswhyImgoingNohrmostofthetime. I can't stand leaving people I've been with most of my life for strangers that I barely knows. If there's a reason that I left, it'd be so they understood my actions, but it doesn't seems that they agree leaving warrants betraying. They wanted Kamui to stay with them so they could fix the corruption together, not from outside, since outside means force, and inside means secrecy and knowledge which are what Xander and Camilla alongside with Leon's experiences would have. Going with Hoshido in my opinion is beyond stupid in this instance.
  9. He's a filthy casual. You make spoiler by doing [.spoiler=][/.spoiler] remove periods and you're good to go.
  10. Major Spoiler, do not open the spoiler unless you wish to be spoiled crucial plot. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED [spoiler=DO NOT OPEN UNLESS YOU ARE VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY CURIOUS] Consumed Garon. Enemy Mikito (via 3rd Campaign I assume from a chapter summary.)
  11. Your wish is my command. Want more? Have more! Pouting Kinu is cutest I've ever seen. Yes her name is Kinu, it've been around for a while.
  12. Crimson is a girl that much is certain. (Cuz if it was a guy, he'd have a kid regardless lol)
  13. [spoiler=] No matter what, we lose someone in each route. So fucking shame, guess we can't have 'em all. (Nohr route= hoshido units, hoshido route= nohr units, 3rd route= Crimson and a few others I imagine. Edit: Who's Rontao anyway?
  14. Camilla joined in early if i recall correctly, probably by 10th chapter, since Kamui wasn't promoted.
  15. Keep in mind Aqua/Azure did not fight on Kamui's side in Hoshido's chapter 7 yet, so it's fair to assume she will appears on his side at the same time in Nohr for to parallel Hoshido's recruit.
  16. Marrying Camilla on both route and genders. Let me dream please. Lucina as well if she's a candidate.
  17. I have a theory about this. Paradox. Things that aren't meant to be there (aka the world of FEF) Noteworthy explanations. Luna, Odin, Not!Inigo. (They all looks so like the 3 characters from Awakening, even Luna has the same voice actor) Lucina, Marth, Robin, Ike amiibo keeping their ideal self and logic, very unlike Einherjar who doesn't know they're false copies. [As proven by Lucina's dialogue that a very devoted translator translated for us that said she came from her fate to see us(Kamui)] (They're not in this world, rather they all come from their own worlds yet they came here, Paradoxical meaning.) Aqua's tendency to suicide via her expression and feelings (Proven by her trying to drown herself, and uncaring for her life when trying to settle down Kamui's berserk state during dragonform.) To be explained later down. Purple Energy on Aqua's arm for a wound and around the bad hooded guy in trailer. Why do I believe they're all paradox? Well, because I played 13-2/13-3 of the Final Fantasy series so I know a good deal about Paradoxes. Let's expand into that particular realm. We all know Time-traveling re-use would be a stupid story element, and I'm certain IS know that. So it won't be a thing, which is what I believes. Paradox, to be more defined, is a term used to describe something that should NOT be there, for example let's take a more loose idea. A gun in ice age. That would be a paradox, they're simply not meant to be there, men hadn't discovered it. Perhaps an alien planted it there? Or it was warped into a wormhole ending up in Ice Age? Or it's simply an illusion that never ends. That's probably a poor example but nonetheless the concept is there. Let's explore how paradoxes can be in FEF without the obvious look-a-likes. Aqua. I believe she's, to a loose form, a paradox in the world of FEF. Why? 1. She follows Kamui for no reason, she doesn't even know him, yet she follows him even if it means betraying Hoshido where she was raised in. This expands into the next point. 2. She's never shown to be talking to ANYBODY BUT KAMUI. Does this means other siblings doesn't even bother recognizing her, or perhaps she's just as unknown to them as they are to her? Which THEN expands into the next point. 3. Aqua is very likely to be a part of Kamui, that wasn't meant to be split from him. If you remember, Aqua is a princess of Nohr kingdom kidnapped at a young age. At the same point, Kamui was kidnapped at a young age as well. Which raise a question. Is Kamui or Aqua really related to either kingdom siblings? If third point is true, then no matter what, their separation occurred at birth. In the other word, the Light and the Dark Dragon avatars are one and the same entity but split by unknown means, leading to my speculation that it's caused by the strange purple energy that seems to emit from that guy, and the energized wound on Aqua. (which no doubt is either healed or sealed away.) However this does not confirm whether or not that Light and Dark dragons themselves are a same entity as well, for all we know, they could be different side of a coin opposing each other unseeing each other and may be very well the final boss of neutral route where Kamui decides to explore his origin with Aqua while stopping the war ending up fusing with her and obliterate the positive and negative dragon from existence leading to unity that we all adores and loves in both kingdom and Camilla can finally husbando Kamui. Edit: I believe Aqua is simply Kamui from alternative world of FEF, as you know two same entity cannot exist on same plane. E2: This is why children from another "future" are able to enter this world, Parallel world will track each other, but one is always ahead. Oh boy, this makes my brain explode now as I think more.
  18. Dat Camilla personality. She locked my route from day 1, and the lock has been enhanced with reinforced steel door now. Nothing can get in now. Now all we need is marriage.
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