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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Just asking out of curiosity. Is that female hector and did you ask the creator permission to use it?
  2. Idol name certainly. Idols have both real name and idol name for sake of privacy in their personal life. Idol's name and appearance are publicized while in private life name is different and appearance may be slightly different to hide from public eyes so people won't be like "SIGN THIS FOR ME PLEASE!" at school harassing the idol.
  3. feif feif feif feif feif

  4. You made me lose my side. Good throw in. I'm going Nohr too. Just because. I-it's not like I likes boinging boing bewbs or anything b-baka.
  5. I like Nohr version of the dancer, ngggh dark blue dress.
  6. It's just a shadow of its own former self. /shot
  7. it matters if you plans on using it. i'm pretty sure you don't have the tolerance to add in pixels to those sprites missing the dress and hair.
  8. it's not 100% finished. look at map sprite lol.
  9. Now do FE6 dancer if you dare. lol
  10. Give him a white beard, and a red coat and slap a ho-ho-ho word balloon on there and you got yourself a deal.
  11. Those are amazing. You might be approached by someone who's making a LoL rom hack for those LoL mugs.
  12. it better be a teaser to his deletion, not a skin.
  13. Does anyone know why Female Slayer isn't available despite the rest being available?
  14. Already, I can see a lawsuit coming. Better get rid of them before you get a shitstorm coming. It's not the question of knowing if it's available, but rather the question of decency. If the makers did not publicize them as open-source, you DO NOT use them, no matter what, even if you have good intentions.
  15. For the first three maps, they feel pretty large. Usually, first few chapters would have nice and brief missions like rout or defeat boss with a few enemies on map. I suggest you to think those through a bit longer. I would also recommend you to develop the story first, a band of younglings in exile isn't exactly unique. What exiled them? Why are they thieves, who is Desmond? These sort of introductory can help us understand what you want to create.
  16. two is a lot for early game. just revert it, and buff her hp growth by like 5% and give her a pt of str. She'll fare better for late game when she can actually soak a bit more damage, but to each their own.
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