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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Look at my failed chapter run, 3 spoilers ago. S/he's using a iron sword, but I put it away on the finished one so it can taunt even harder.
  2. Also unlink it if it starts to link us to another website. If it links it will not be able to display the image. You can delink it in the forum menu above the post board, it's between what looks like two iron circle connecting together symbol and a photo symbol.
  3. Okay, this contains SPOILER, and I would recommend to watch knowingly fully that you are seeing what my units promote into. [spoiler=SCG] Edit: Yeah I know what Nephy promotes into, but afaik, I heard that Soldiers doesn't promote into anything.
  4. [spoiler=Nephy's Wrath] Bors get better while whathisface sucks still BENCHED AGAIN Rebecca chips down and... whathisface still can't land a hit on a slow brain lover. Elinica throws a flying kiss. Yes, SCG can dodge. Rebecca is forever in my team. I go for Nephy now. Yeah. YOU ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENS HERE. DAMMIT VANESSA. Elinica is doing great, more physical than magical though, kinda amusing considering Tellius has her as more magical iirc. Floating organ get a good pounding. whathisface, still failure as always. Dammit fleshrender, leave Elinica alone! Hehehehehe STILL MISSING LIKE THERE'S TOMORROW Noooo, Eirika. Noooo, Why. They goes down. Nephy. Get. Oh SURE you land one. Farm time? Farm time! First level Perfect. She's below half. >:D Level. She pretty much crit everything. Oops. There we go. DON'T TELL ANYONE I RNG ABUSED. Might as well give her health back now so she can slow grind. Grind of slowness Level This bonewalker can't land worth a damn. Level once again. Not bad! Now to move her around. Don't even try. Levels. If you see this kind of screenshot. He crit whenever you can or can't see it. Now to make a cheat engine! Another crit. Too bad, SCG is immortal! Good! Now to slowly grind my shitty units. Lame. These flesheaters' crit are fucking terrifying, they LAUGHS THEY FUCKING LAUGHS. That's what... 10th crit now? ... STILL MORE CRIT Bors gains a level of suckiness Crit again. Levels. Elinica takes the boss kill. FIN. Edit: I'll make a recording and show you what SCG is like. (These are the such case of glitches in same regard to SCG, and Glitchstella.
  5. Okay, I'll go ahead with the batches. [spoiler=Risens] Benched Good job you two! Elinica being a show-off Vanessa. You filthy deadweight. ALL HAIL OUR LORD AND SAVIOR ELINICA. SCG still amusing as ever. Figured I'd keep SCG equipmentless save for those glitch items, can't risk putting them in convoy. Eirika dodging. ReDead music activates. Going to make a separation assault to give my ground more room to breath since SCG can only taunt so many units. Good job I guess? These two need new lives. The girls are fine. Sothe need to rethink his life though. 'I'mma stab you! Stab is fun!" Vanessa doesn't take it. Decent. That hurt ReDeads taking them hits hard These two need strs. Dang it Bors. Whathisface makes a workout sweat from that undead. Rebecca take a deadeye shot. (looks around for sensible chuckles in anticipation) Risen begone "I kneel you." Vanessa gains level from having a worshiper. Beholder needs a new hobby aside from staring someone to death. Elinica gives Vanessa a good spanking. What WTD? Never thought you'd see a thief having more skl than spd? You're officially benched. Eirika, you don't need worshiper, you have Sothe Sothe is jealous. That was an unnecessary crit. My blade shines like a morning's tomorrow. EVERYONE'S BEING SLAUGHTERED! oh it's not my guys. never mind. I think I need to bench this guy too... I love mounted units. Elinica's first level! More worshiper recruitment. But Elinica doesn't want worshipers, she want friends. Fuck you eyeball eyeballing her. Doctor Sothe throws away his medical license after seeing all of those deadwalkers. He aint gonna deal with more corpses. Horsebirds make smashing run. Lance get sworded. So he's lancing in return. WOW LANCE THIS IS WHY I HATE YOU.
  6. Considering that Klok has... Blade Lord in plan, I'd think that would be a case. rofl Anyway! I'll have next few batch coming. soontm as soon as I decide what the hell to pick. (If anyone can read Japanese lettering, let me know.)
  7. By the actual standard of a fe8 fucking japanese patch, he's not. If you saw fe8girls enemy stats, they applies here too. The difference being is that I can't use the same exploit because it doesn't exist here.
  8. Are you fucking ready!? FOR SOME FUCKING SCG ACTION?! [spoiler=SCG IS OP I SWEAR] Huh. Eirika can use it too. >.> <.< MAP CHANGE Oh god, it's Elinca! That means... her companion is Ike right?! wait blue hair nm Who else had green hair... BITCHIN' Falcoknight Elinica it seems. So pre-promote. Yep. Nice palette though. GASP! A HEALER? AT LONG LAST! MERCY MERCY! What are those though? They're not weapons, they're probably some kind of glitch non-usuable items ... What? YEAH! CAN DEPLOY SCG! ... 1 dmg with a slim sword... The str is a lie Well, that's lot of hp. It won't stop going down. Then she disappear like mist as every death does. W-wat?! ... IMMORTAL SCG IS IMMORTAL EVERY DEATH ONLY MAKES HIS/HER RESOLVE EVEN STRONGER AS S/HE TRANSCENDENCE LIFE AND DEATH! Turns out this weapon is effective against monsters. But it's heavy. I'll put it away for the time being. Rebecca put in the hurt. SCG SHALL TANK EVERYTHING Monsters get their sense of pain back. Sothe<3 nohomo Bors being useless as ever. HUE Elinica is good at dodge, but her dmg is shaky... Oh hey ... what was your name again? La'Tachel? Dorza stays but... that fucking enemy sage from fe7 came too? whythefucknot.jpg I don't like monsters. Decent? Just pretend this is my laughter for every hit on SCG Trust me, they target him/her whenever chance present itself. Eirika nabs a level. That's quite a lot of monsters. They pack quite a punch too. Skeletons especially have high defense... VANESSA PLS REBECCA PLS SO MUCH HATES Elinica was a very good choice for this map. They fucking hurt and almost always lands. Fuck you both. Not bad. ;\ Does it need explaining? Rebecca takes a good shot? Lance, still bad Eirika needs help. BAD Look like this village has a torch. Btw. the vision range for all but Sothe? it's 1 tile... Whathisface gets a level. Wrath activated (yeah he crit this one) EIRIKA PLS Elinica's first level is pretty good i guess. Vanessa. . . Okay... Vanessa and Elinica are pairing up to get Nephese... what was her proper spelling again? Nephemese? fck what is it. I'll just call her Nephy. DAMMIT VANESSA, GET A STR OR SKL STOP GOING TANK ROUTE Too many fucking hp. Level. Of suckness Get! Oh a trainee! PERFECT.JPG Also, Wrath Nephy. lol Train time! Huhuhuhuhuhu Levels. Then when I put down Nephy to get a minion kill, this fucking boss pops next to her and kill her in ONE shot. FUCK YOU ENTOMBED. (he has 22 fucking str.)
  9. Sothe is technically the leader of the group until you get battle preparation. It's the same case as vanilla.
  10. Might as well upload this batch. Having too much fun and stress trying a chapter. [spoiler=Green Ham and Eggs] Here is where I found out I can view that sixth character guy. You know what? I'll just call him SCG now. Remember who he is now. (or she since it's eirika class now lol - permanently.) Teamwork Again Rebecca gets a nice level out of it. Lance being pro. We all know who lost. Reset because Brigand killed Whathisface on their turn. Good. Nice! Lance still pro Vanessa pls Rebecca. . . Lance why Cure yourself. No. Ow. Don't you dare go for Thief Ray. DAMN YOU Route to the chest for thief, maybe he'll take the bait? NOPE, he didn't budge. fucking thief ai Reset of course. zz zzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Rebecca taking an axe to the face like a man woman crit 4 lyfe I do this. Rescue ferried Sothe there. Might as well test something amirite? She missed the first hit btw. dat rng They hate Lance more apparently. Archer goes for Ray huh. Damn exp theft Yep. I can steal. Also can steal weapons too apparently? (Later found out you can't steal equipped, it's exactly the same as tellius series.) Heal bitch heal! WOW VANESSA Making Sothe do all the work, fucking scrub You sucks Might as well loot this now, I have lockpick anyway. Get WHOO DRAGONSHIELD! Seems normal. Feed FEED FEED!!! Steal handaxe. TIME TO GRIND AMIRITE? This is how I found out. Rebecca grabs level. Feed her dragonshield, she might as well have defense. Little later... I finds out it's not a dragonshield... It's a god damn 1+ movement boots in disguise. She has 9 movement now. Fuck that, I COULD'VE GAVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO NEED IT LIKE SOTHE. (Didn't have savestate prior to that, wasn't in mood for more rng nastiness) Levels. Might as well end it there. Look at all of that turns efficient!
  11. Are you ready for more green spam? [spoiler=Attacking Mountain Fort] Oh hey, the sixth character guy is a village child now. Sold. Bors take the javelin. Fucker's heavy. I buy a couple swords of vary style. (Slim and Iron of course.) Confirmed, Ray for shaman. Yep. Luigh. Hey, is that a thief on the wall? Seriously, he's inside a wall apparently? Look like Ray's a prisoner. I kept thinking their low str was mag and was bitching at green patch for having them suck when I realized. Anyway Ray's skill appears to be a vantage of sort where he attacks before anyone regardless of his hp. Pretty nifty. No idea what Luigh's is, there's a matching skill in fe9/10 but I'm not sure what it is. I start off with a very brutal brigand ignition. Sothe and... whathisface works on the brigand near a chest. Haha no. Hmm mhmm try again please, she'll love more training. He talks then... WHERE DID HE GET A TOME? Still no succession, poor mad men. Ooo!! Yep. Sothe's weapon apparently. No idea what it is. AT THE TIME. Go Lance go! Not bad. Apparently, the weaker Wolt isn't worth the brigand's trouble as he goes for Luigh who can counter... DAMMIT EIRIKA These two chests out in the hall aren't worth anything, just an iron sword and iron lance as from Vanilla. Yeah this happens. Luigh takes a sip. Merc dead and mage goes for Ray. Apparently, he get doubled. That hurt! Well shit. I need him to loot the last chest to see if it's worth something. Reset.
  12. Well, that works. But why isn't she wearing lewd clothing? Do Lucina and makes my day.
  13. T-This is the best character ever. I never thought I could... rejoice in the glorious epicness of this! It's the sixth character guy. Just saw him in action. I'm... Awestricken.
  14. [spoiler=Unity of Orange and Green] Forced movement 4 lyfe WHY CAN'T THAT MUG BE THE MAIN CHARACTER INSTEAD? GREEN PATCH PLS (attempt to rip mug for personal use because fuck japan) Didn't rip yet sorry We better get to use her. Well this is new. This event isn't in vanilla that much is certain. So I decides to go to manage items to have a look at stats and items and rearrange however I like when... This sixth character is NOT introduced in the event, you only get Vanessa. No boulder sorry fans. HOWFUCKINGEVER If you even attempt to move on that sixth character... you crash. You are taken back to start menu, no question asked. Anyway, time to have a look at Vanessa shall we? I have no idea what that skill is. If it's Canto, then Lance should have one, but he doesn't (And he does canto) I couldn't find anything related to it in fe skills that serenesforest has information on. Map change as well. Welp. I'm assuming this is in regard to fe7 and fe6 family chain where Rebecca is the mother, but... the age are so wrong. Same old, same injury business Lance launch the first attack. Vanessa grab a red gem from oh so great Camus girl Brigand had the brilliance to attack the one who fucked him. He heals of course. The question is... Why the hell did he leave the fort? I never thought I'd see a knight doubling a brigand at chapter 2. This was before I knew about Slim Lance's crit, I was in awe of this crit happening. HE DOES NO DMG. We face boss on the 2nd turn. Seem legit. He of course get his ass handed to him. Not bad! Good! He actually does damage to a brigand. Joy! Things get done. Wait a fucking minute... Archer doubling a pegasus knight? WHAT THE FUCK? 18 WT? OH H TO THE ELL NO! Welp. Restart. I stay here instead of cantoing away. Gonna rush forward. Vanessa goes here, barely out of the archer's range. Diggle Biggle The archer comes for the cavalier, no problem. Good level too! Going tank this time eh? This is when I notices Slim Lance's crit SO GLORIOUS STR! Brigands falling one by one. Then Wolt has the brillance to go close and personal. !!! I'm putting Vanessa here instead, it's not like she'd die to one brigand right? You're not benched. She crit twice, what do you expect? Archer hurt though. Oh yeahhh STR AGAIN Teamwork! DAMMIT LANCE, DODGE! He get close and personal again. NOT THIS TIME THOUGH. Sorry Rebecca, you're going to have to suck up a punch. Bors you fat fuck. Lance pls Eirika 4 lyfe ... I take it back. Sothe get shits done. Perfect.jpg, I'll have Vanessa tank one. Bors get red gem. No Brigand, you may not. Ouch. Sothe kills the brigand at bottom, giving Rebecca a breathing room, and a chance to send Vanessa toward Eirika. Elixer in this village, which means. Holy Water is in the last village. Not this time macho brute. Get. WAIT WHO ARE YOU? Instead of a holy water, we get this... Jo... Uh... Whathisfacefromfe5 Is his hair even green? It looks black. Drop to recruit next turn. That Brigand must really dislike pretty boy. Lance isn't one though, because he keep getting his face smashed. And his level isn't helping. Lance chugs up. Lot of missing here. NOT HELPING STILL. Rebecca takes one to feed Wolt some xp. Sothe finish so he doesn't kill either midgets. Wow, fuck you Lance, that was going to be a farm. CRIT.JPG Oh hey it's Ray. I guess Neimi is Luigh then?
  15. I know, I can tell that much. Anyway chapter 1! [spoiler=More Green] Cecile replace Tana it appears. OH SURE. CECILE DEFENDS GATE AND GET CRIT'D AT 0% REAL FAIR. Also, yes, NPC are orange now. Look like the map is expanded out. Those forts are suspicious... As is this tile. I send Eirika toward center, while Sothe will facecheck that tile. Ew Bors. His face is disgusting. Well what do you know? NOTHING HAPPENED Is it too much of me to expect some secrets from this japanese patch? I guess I'm too used to Fe8girls's early chapters. He's... actually pretty threatening. Lance is good too. I end my turn by positioning them onto protective tiles. The fighter wasn't wise. And Eirika got a killer level. Ouch I KNEW IT Bottom came, but the exact event from vanilla wasn't triggered meaning... still more coming. Lance and Bors has a great teamwork cooperation. Eirika finish off the fighter that tried to hit her again. The brawler who chunked away Lance's hp couldn't land a hit thanks to sword shift. You know what makes those very threatening? Their hp. But it's okay, Eirika is doing fine in that regard. The next one has even less hp and fails her hit check. Sothe get a javelin chunked against himself. WHO CARRY JAVELIN IN CHAPTER 1 THAT ISN'T ALLIED? A fighter that came with that bottom reinforcement has a handaxe. :\ T-That was unnecessary crit. WOW I failed at capturing. I'm certain she gained a str and maybe spd? Next level up should tell us accurately. You know what's great? No WTA or WTD. Now Sothe can dodge tank. Ha. ... Not very successful are you Bors? Your face need fixing and you know it. Eirika makes a short work of a fighter. Ouch, but hey Eirika's done... Wait seriously? She didn't get anything at fourth level? GAME PLS Not bad youngling. REAL YOU DON'T NEED SKL YOU NEED EVERYTHING T-Teamwork! WHY... Wait, he need spd, nevermind. Huhuhuhuhuh I send Eirika to deal with Fighter while Sothe take out soldier. lol Lance pls Okay the event triggers, but it's at this side instead. Eirika slays the soldier. Did I fail the capture or is it another empty level? ...please be a fail Lance finish for Bors. Bors get greivously wounded. Lance to rescue! THIRD LEVEL WAS EMPTY TOO FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK Bors grabs a level with help of Lance. He's pretty speedy now. LANCE NO HOW DARE YOU MISS BOTH Eirika'll take care of him. Ouch WOW TWO HITS, AND YOU MISS BOTH Filthy slut Eirika Crit! Meh. How do Bors know Cecile in vanilla again?
  16. Hey Folks. Yep. I'm back Again. With another Japanese Patch. So, FE8 Girls was one thing. But this is extreme. I'm sure you'll get what I means when you start reading it through. Download: http://ux.getuploader.com/FE4/download/96/%E7%B7%91%E3%83%91%E3%83%83%E3%83%81.zip Am told the latest patch is always here. [spoiler=Be Green for Earth!] So Start Menu is green. Even difficulty are all green. I take the bottom one since it's the hard one right? ...right? Still green here. Oh good it's not green. GREEEEEEEEN WHO ARE YOU!? Green Hair, make sense. Green sprites instead of blue? THAT'S NOT A GREEN GIRL. SHE'S BLUE GREEN PATCH PLS Sothe Lance huh. W-why does he have 100 hit? I guess we're the NPC color this time. Good fit I guess If memory serves correctly. It's in order of Str Mag Skl Spd Luck Def Resistance is on Mag now or so I believe. Sothe has unique weapon apparently. I would assume it's called Kard since it's strikingly similar to FE8girls's... nightmare crit engine of a weapon. Also, Sothe doesn't have steal ability I believe. Pretty lame. But seriously though. B rank in sword, level 10 thief. Practically begging us to use him. EVEN THE MOVE TILES ARE GREEN, Arrow is dark green. EVERY THING IS GREEEEEN I skip my turn. He miss, I land both. Skip turn again. Miss again and I crit. On the former's death, the next one has a landing punch. She returns the favor with a crit though. 'All that's left is their leader..." lol I move forward and heal. I heal agai to lure him off the forest tile. He lands a hit, I hit both, I move to forest tile and... WELP Unusual. Oh brilliant. Die. Is kill. Fuck this shit. Better.jpg Wonderful! DAMMIT EIRIKA. I decide to just fuck it and have Sothe be a bait. BUT HE DIDN'T CARE AND WENT FOR HIGHER HP EIRIKA. At least she dodged Phew, Sothe dodged the 10 dmg kill and chipped for Eirika. The leader after a while of catching up miss her. Not bad...? Yay Remind me again... How is she green?
  17. Tell that to Warrior bow crit. Tell that to Swordmaster line Tell that to Hero Crit. The point is, it looks too plain if it's realisitic. It's fine to blob reality within a game, just look at GTA, do you honestly think someone can be sent flying only by a bat swing? As long as it's within Human possibilities, these animations are fine. (Yes, Humans irl can actually do these, they just need life-long training. Look at Bruce Lee for goodness sake.) Edit: I didn't make sense did I?
  18. Holy shit. Those animations. Holy. Shit. Also, I'd recommend using a image hosting site instead of the forum attachment. That way we don't have to click to enlarge/see it. Imgur.com is reliable source. Edit: Is the first one a dancer using sword by any chance?
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