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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. [spoiler=Sneak Peek] Just a sneak peek of the chapter beforehand. Here we see a Necromancer in its natural habitat And we have two wild Great Lords stalking its prey. Lyon trying to talk sense into Lyn and have her join his cause to unity mankind. Lyn refuses because feminism. Eep Eep Uno Eep Dos Eep Tres Eep Cuatro Eep Cinco Eep Seis Eep Siete Eep Ocho Eep Nueve Eep Diez Eep Once Eep Doce Map layout. Lyon is at the very top. And yes. I said the numbers in Spanish.
  2. They don't have a cap because Bane and Lethality uses Crit to calculate whether or not it'll go off, the higher the crit, the better the chance of it activating. With 200+ it's pretty much guaranteed as they're halve of the crit for activation. Anyway Update! [spoiler=It's Darkest Before Dawn] And the trophy for the most Overkill possible goes to... Lyn's job is too easy. Ninian dances Anna. I really wish they had better opponent for Idoun, hahaha... The wall shatters! Lyn wish to challenges herself by attacking a dracolich. Not even a chance of hitting. Now there's only four dracolich, three on stairs, one on throne. (Morva) This going to be a painful defense. WALL INTENSIFIES Ninian dances for a living. Bet you can't guess how many Banes are there in that particular shot. Next one! Siege final dead. Enemy turn could be pitied. Poor dolls, dying to invisible force. "I had enough of this shit." "Die in a flametongue fucko" 2nd to last dares challenge her. Another stoner dies. And her too. A crossbow thinks Echidna is an easy picking. Time to lure out Zephiel. Meanwhile at base. Poor dolls once again. No special dialogue between Idoun and Zephiel this time, sorry fe6 fanboys Yep. What a pity. Defense going well. More dolls!!! You all thought it'd miss? as if. Yummy. Just defense and shits. RIP Lot of whispers here. Lyn picks up her new sword! Huehue Going well so far. OHSHIT YES! YES! None of them want to face Ninian in melee apparently. Poor poor whisper. Ninian's safe! Just your typical day. Summon for the hell of it. Let's use Zephiel's weapon against his new buddy! Durandal animation huh. I'd prefer sword of seals one but whatever. I feel sorry for the eyeballs. Yep. Chests time. Not bad. Okay I guess. Fin.
  3. Klok. Just curious, but why do you take ideas from whatever I post in my LPs?
  4. We'll find out when I start doing creature campaign. I'm just getting ready for it by cheating a little.
  5. [spoiler=Behold the Tremble] I pussied out. Everything after the first level clear are wiped. The reclasses however remains. Well what do you know? A bug I reset their levels for amusement. NOW it officially begins. The Grand Silence of the Devious Villain. Oh hi Myrrh's Dad Reanimaton shit going on. Alsonewmap NOW IT'S DROPPABLE. Also his stats increased. Morva's stats. Why can't Idoun have his battle sprite? Dark Protection! It just keep going up and up. Map of Note: There are around 5 siege units located near the center with one being closer to us. There are also eight dracolichs on the map, with the numbers being mainly closer to Morva, with the eight also including Morva. Also unreachable chests. Limstella easily destroy this dracolich. There's another one on the left side as well guarding a chest. This is no contest bow spin I go deep with Idoun. She will be balldeep This is sad. Farina thwomps Are you kidding me? Riev.jpg HOW DARE YOU LAND A HIT ON NINIAN. I SHALL SEE YOU BURN FOR THIS. YOU TOO PLEB. So amusing. HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!! My turn comes and I murder the hero reinforcement that spawned from the wall's summit. I loot this chest. Anna makes a living off her quiver. Marisa however makes living by spinning and spinning. Serra makes a short work of a skeleton with light. Karla get danced to close the gap and reach to kill. Disbecrit Eirika is sad. I accidentally uses fortify when I meant to use Physic but whatever Siege tome #2 is dead. What do you know? 1% landed. Striking at air seems to be what I've taken of lately. This isn't even a close fight. BANE. Seems the hero reinforcement got an extra surprise. She kills him Another one came too. ... Thisisbad Naturally, if one side has whispers, then of course the other side has it too. F-four whispers... Anna makes it her business to get rid of crit monsters, but it doesn't seem to be necessary. Heal is a must. Suspension of Spinning Bow. NEIGH BITCH Third Siege down. I use rescue to get them the fuck out. If you've been watching this LP since the beginning, then you'd know... this game fucking love reinforcements. I make another round of heal on Limstella. THEY'RE SPAWNING HERE TOO? FUCK Uh... ok Fuck you Ohgodwhy Rescue ftw? Latona activates! Smashing Since they're spawning banes. Might as well make baits. I make it a rule to get rid of banes spawning from the statue areas to buy me some time while bottom reinforcement slowly funnel out. I'm Ninian, I'm helping! Idoun and Lyn too deep Yeah this is expected from every foe Idoun encounters. Overkillisfun Have another bolt while I'm at it! Should be fun. Floating whirl will massacre his allies! Nice snap from me I guess? Teheh... ALL GLORY TO BANE Doll wall prepared Just things to be done. To be continued next week at the same time, at the same channel! Good bye!
  6. [spoiler=This is OP] So... Reclassed Again One more defense before full cap. lol Limstella becomes Ninian's backup Doller. Dolls are best bait amirite? Fiora become the new OP One of them returns to their original promotion, another becomes their FE7 self. I'm going to use my party this round, since it's in FOW apparently... safety first. We all know what happen here. Miss and Idoun thwomps. I decides rather than charge out, I'll just sit at base until all chargers are dead. I also finds out you can't summon dolls right away, but can a little later. Enemy phase goes well for me, thankfully. 31 damage. JUST 31 DAMAGES. Regular lances would be more benefit. Yeah... Even magic doesn't do much either. Not even Limstella has much power. Con solves everything? Yeah, they got more buffed, Lyn does even less now. I ends turn here. Ho-ho-ho... Ho-ho-hox2 Well one connected. One takes the bait! And new one take its place. Burn and Crit burn! They also have chance of carrying dropable stats booster like usual it seems. Wouldn't do anything if it lands lol Ninian and Idoun doing the work. It's fun being a sniper when you can use Nidhogg at 3 range. Teamwork on one single centaur. So bulk... I need vision to adjust accordingly, I don't wanna glitch. Not very much of a hit chance on legendaries. Then this guy decides to be a dick and great shield magics. All's good though, she crit with wind. Border break is fun to find. Marisa pls. At this point, Pierce is crucial... Ninian and Karla A now I think. I fix up Serra I get more vision. Ah ha~ I wish they'd spawn darktribes rather than monsters. Slow kill is slow SIGH Pwn. Get baned Then she repays the debt. IRON RUNE DOES NOTHING ;~; Ninian mvp Serra too I guess Hue Slice and Dice! Wow okay. I have dancing dolls so it's k Karla clean up though. :\ APPARENTLY YOU CAN DANCE DOLLMASTER LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Two free dolls out of one character in a turn. Imagine the possibilities. Wall break by invisible force Hero doesn't stand a chance. Neither did he. Fucking ow. Bane For The Loss Dodge Doll bait She can make it! She can make it!!! YES YES! YES!! NO
  7. Two pages went by without game updates. This is heresy. I'll have what's completed out in a couple of days, sorry for inactivity, was... uh... busy with... uh... Games. Yeah games. And spriting. And having fun with family. [spoiler=FE8Girls Return!] Nope, not Final just yet! Let's see what this has in store for us. A DROPPABLE STONE? WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN A whisper exists in this dungeon as well. -cringes- Party set up? Lyn and Idoun. Ain't need no wimps. BLARGHHHHHHHHHH So maxed she can't enjoy levels. Idoun, how I love thee. Lyn does some... decent damages with Brave Sword? I woe the day Crossbow would inevitably hit someone. Lyn's a crit machine. Burn to ash! You know what's different in this game? Take a look at Berzerker's crit rate. 7. When you think about it... it's actually an odd number. Why? Idoun has Iron Rune as you may remember, the loot and exploits given. In this game... Iron Rune HALVES enemy's critical rate in combat. Which means... Whisper will HAVE their crit, no matter what you do. Lyn, how can you get hit?! APPARENTLY... SOL LYN ANIMATION FOR SHAMSHIR. FE8GIRLPLS NOSOLLYNPLS Lyn having issues apparently. Yeah. No one can hurt Idoun. The Demon Dragon best unit. If only her palette would change... Lyn got her hp back now. She's lv 20 now. After only what...? 5 turns? Keep in mind she reclassed again beforehand, so she was lv 1 manakete. Best exp game na jp Idoun's sick of this shit. You know what's sad about this? He lived. I finish him the next turn. Ouch? Crit? Crit! This is the droppable one. Annnd get! Also, we're still near the start of our deploy. That's how tough they are. lol I am thankful none of the poison one hit Idoun. Or Lyn. Of course Lyn can't hit either. Poor skeleton. Teamwork of two best girls. Look at her damage. SO LOW THAT'S WHAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU HAVE A MAX DEF SKELETON STANDING AROUND. THEY'RE INCREDIBLY DURABLE. ONLY IDOUN CAN HURT THEM That's a crit. Met an unfortunate end at the breath of Idoun. We reach this guy now. Another stoner. Well look like I found a weapon that can reliably damage them. Light Brand. I KNEW IT WOULD BE OP So op she broke the border. Poor centaur. Finally, we come to face with a dracolich. They have dark protection, so no one on my team save for Idoun will be able to damage one without gangbanging or being OP in general. Poor lyn right? I try out a Crossbow. Doesn't crit. Lame weapon So either I suck or the enemy are on par as a player. Well what do you know? We get two chicks.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4B4VKDc3M0 What a time to be alive.
  9. Doesn't look like a treacherous swine.
  10. Jesus christ you crazy mother fucker.
  11. So using an example. Demon King can have a portrait and talk trash?
  12. so where did everyone places in the new season? I placed gold 3.
  13. Last minor update before I dive into more frames. Added two frames in the place of the blur. Dubbing this class type - Slayer. Unless someone has a better name?
  14. I didn't care either way. It's your hack.
  15. Quite a change in your demeanor. Sure wonder what caused it.
  16. 100 milliseconds in the gif maker. It seems to be at the same speed as your fix so I guess it is.
  17. How fast should it be anyway? I have it set at 230. Perhaps 100? Edit: Also has a reason why she has an odd standing, it's to let her use the spear's weight to shift around to point it the right way. I'm trying to smooth that specific. Unless you have a better alternative standing?
  18. Fairly minor update. Edited cape and fixed hands for when she starts to grab it, and a new frame. Thinking of how to pose her for combat, currently three in mind.
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