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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. [spoiler=Chapter 9] This is like some sick loli porno. Cleanse my eyes with acid! That's actually kinda sad, but hey speedwing! Apparently two chests are already looted? Gross. He's wearing a 'Fat-No-More' suit and cosplaying a girl going "moe moe moe!" He does drop a good loot depending on how you make him wield. Nice loot unfortunately... we won't get it. Seeing as she can't hide from anybody, might as well tank the mage. She'll be okay. Fiora smash a fighter nearby, while Guenever unleash a pierce. (That's what it looks like, a blue gash lash from enemy's body while she pauses at the enemy instead of instantly attacking then retreating. I guess that was the responsible for that bug i heard about lot? I'd never got any bug with Pierce while playing vanilla.) I put Clarine here with javelin ready to go. I'm cleaning up a little luna user. Tana get doubled. GG STEEL LANCE WEIGHT Clarine pwns the luna. Put that down bad girl and drink up a vulnerary! I kill the last guardsman and open the door That's a pierce crit. Beautiful isn't it? Florina is flying up to an area I think has a hidden item. Why am I always right about these cases anyway? Guenever is so gud Lol nope She's right there. You know what time it is? THIS GURL 3-RANGE FUCKIN OP Good level I guess? Mounted units wreck. Nah. Wow. 2nd hit miss. Fucking real? Good. 2nd sleeper dead. With the archer on that side dead, I can save vulneraries. (This part is probably what cost me a valuable item later.) I'm getting rid of knights on the line. She activates Pierce way too easily... I hate people hiding in pillars. Good level...if you like a ranged tank. Limstella get rid of that archer behind a wall. Speed!! Oh yeah baby. PRISCILLA PLS Near perfect level So I go to the first area I thinks and finds something. No idea what it was that time. Level~ One max, one is still delaying behind. Priscilla moves forward. Hmm... I go with Paladin in the end. I supply her with a bow. Ninian dances her to make her go deep Oh my god... Ranger animation, why didn't they just use Ranger sword and make a lance animation too? Lazy fucks. Priscilla tanks all of the 0 tinks. Oh yeah baby. I'm saving Anna from her pursuers. Damn cavaliers reinforcement. This hack really like those cavaliers. Guenever levels. Guess what? Yeah, Limstella's skill happened. Smashing. Level Then I notice thief mage looting MONEY, not gem, not items. JUST MONEY. I reset to try and race there. Level again CRIT CRIT CRIT lol Level Things get dicy for Anna. Level Dies.
  2. Gonna have us some Demon King Slaying eh?
  3. I'm talking about people reading my lp >:l I wanted to keep those a secret so I could reveal it to them as time came and show what each one does.
  4. [spoiler=Extra Shenanigan] I feed Lyn another luck. This guy is blocking the way to an armory/shop tile. Might as well wipe it out. I need new weapons and tomes to replace the destroyed grinding weapons. I more or less feed the exps to the pegasus knights, they're going to need it. The exp gains are so minimal you might as well call it needlessly using weapons session. Afterward I buy weapons and tomes.
  5. [spoiler=Scratching at the Surface] Grinds Grinds everywhere. I also gave Lyn a luck. CAN'T HAVE TOO FEW GRINDS. I thinks Lyn look nicer in this. Lyn Route is apparently the only route you can go on. I didn't know that, but luckily I maxed Eirika, because I assumed Lyn would need help so I was opted to go on her route first, beside I like Lyn more.
  6. [spoiler=Things get Done] Priscilla helps Guenever and Clarine moves to punch a fighter. Limstella heads down further. Ohboy Abandoned Clarine and Guenever to deal with it. I pass over the last key to her I wait here instead for her to attack. I kill on my turn. I get ready to run out. Gains speed WALL BREAK I put Karla in front to soak damage some. Ow. Three does things. Healhealheal Reinforcement pops up. YES! PRISONERS RELEASED Eirika grabbing kills whenever she can. Anna get a level, only three to go. Newly met teammates learns teamwork. I murders. ONE MORE~! LET'S SEE WHAT AWAITS US. Ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh!!! Lol nope Nope'd on me I get her on the next hit. You know how there's never 100% hit? I think they coded it to only hit the max of 99 and 1% so anyone has a chance to hit and dodge... Three more levels to go. Stabbed Ninian gains a level I grind Guenever for that last level. Perfect! Wyvern Knight is indeed the best. #Brotherhood This is why I wanted to show them in screenshots. I WANTED TO INVESTIGATE HOW SKILLS WORK DAMMIT. But as said, this halves the damage taken. Perfect. Now to promote her! Sniper's Sure Strike taken from and given to Ranger. I go for Sniper regardless. I was curious about that skill, as said, it is 3 range to any bows. I give Lyn a hit of angelic robe. I dances Lyn for a level Sorry I missed level 9. This is me burning his weapons. Did you know? You can only have five dolls on any given maps. Not sure if this works on both Dollmaster and Ninian in total. Never tested it later I watch in horror as Lyn get bad level after another... Max support for the two lesbians More grinding coming
  7. [spoiler=Breaching the Castle] AS EXPECTED. Very few people to bring... I sell gems I buy flux for Limstella when I see it... CHEST KEYS Now I don't need to worry about it ANY LONGER, if I really needed a steal unit, I'll train Sonia up to sufficient level and use her for that purpose. I PROMOTES TO WITCH. Time for our own witchcrafty. (Klok, this is one of the few class that has 3 branches of promotion aside from trainees) ...SO SUSPICIOUS. That two spears are rather dangerous. But... you know what's kewl? 3 speed. Guenever will break it for our purpose. Apparently, they get captured in this game. #realism I means... Ephraim and two horsemen with nearly depleted weapons MANAGES to escape a huge fucking blockage around the castle? This will be a while. Wasting no time, I use Priscilla. Anna grabs the chip. Taste her magic! Ninian levels. Teamwooooooork Echidna supports the newly recruited member. Enemy turn... This guy warps in. Right next to our imprisoned units. :\ He's on the pillar there. This is why I gave her mag stats guys. She'd be just doing very minor chip otherwise. ;( Anna grabs a level. I forgot to mention, but this map made MAJORITY of the entry way locked to us via magic pillars. We're literally forced to walk AROUND the map to reach the boss and the cell. I breaks it but it doesn't seem to open a path to us. MUST MEANS SOMETHING'S THERE. Limstella's doing chip for our other unpromoted members, so she won't matter much until later in games. SEE? SO TINY PASSAGE. He actually landed a hit on our dear tank. :( Anna takes the kill. I summon for amusement. I rescue/drop chain the doorkey guy. One more round left. Eirika is the chestkey carrier. Yep, wall wall everywhere. This is tiring. I like how all soldiers are moe. His last tome miss. Then he says something... and... walk off? He warped in to siege, only to WALK off? Ahh! It's a silver! I slowly move units through that stupid passage. Healing Florina. I wish they'd fix this map, so small so stupid. Yes she crit twice. 9% lol Echinda grabs the kill from her. Karla kill the mage who so much gave Clarine a funny look. SO IT BEGINS. I put fiora next to door with javelin equipped since one of the cavalier has their own javelin. 4 more levels~ Her javelin breaks. Moving. So Slowly. We might as well be knights on this map. Nice level. TEAMWORK CRIT IS LIFE CRIT IS LOVE ...wait where did her portrait go? I reseted to take a better snapshot of that crit. Guenever goes to manmode on a knight and the cavaliers reinforcement. Two more level~
  8. Witch's Black Magic is basically Status Effect attack on top of her damage. It can berserk, sleep, silence, poison depending on rng. Also.... THANKS FOR SPOILING MY FUN I WAS GONNA KEEP THOSE SECRETS.
  9. They did break the limit. I'll show it when i get to the particular chapter showing it. They have three trainees (ross's class is replaced with guenever's just so you know) these of course has three promotion. However there are other classes that receive three promotions as well. I'll show which later.
  10. Not every. Some only get two, while others get 3. It's interesting, I think they're adding more 3rd options, but who know?
  11. Oh wow. I had lot of thrill moments on the later chapters. Forceman and I had giggles over them. So look forward to these moments. Final part to this chapter at last! (Sorry for late delivery was busy enjoying myself on this hack) [spoiler=Crossing the Moat] I get my shits moving. Ninian levels. 3 more to go~ Ballista 1 down. Cheeky little shit think she can fool around with Priscilla. Ballista bolt 1 down. Note... Ballista has more than FIVE bolts, I would assume they each have 10... I move Priscilla back and rescue/drop Ninian Heal! Time to get those last few levels! Guess I can't use Ballista. THANKS OBAMA. Knight dead. Time to afk. Burn a ballista's supply Next ballista Better luck on that ballista due to lower dodge, but hey level. Poor Limstella. That's last of shots now np. Let's charge in Poor peasants. I steals energy rings. ONE MORE~ That's rude. Chip knight. This cleric doesn't go heal him. >:c I opt to kill her anyway. MAX LEVEL Yeaaaah Good stats But... Dark is grey'd out? See the difference? That palette tho. Nopenopenope I reverts to before I promote and continues on. Level~ Might as well give her mag stats. Anna get one too. Then Limstella get the last shot. beautiful Support. Grind PROMOTE~ SUMMON HAHAHAHAHHA THIS IS PERFECT MASS DANCING! (also good for weapon burning) Levels. Fin
  12. He's talking about fe8girl's femzerker. trust us. you'll love it when i eventually post it for my lp. :v
  13. Fateborn

    My sprites

    The sister has an awfully huge head, buff her shoulder.
  14. what about killers and the likes of tomahawk? if you get the meaning.
  15. All weapons now legendary type and can only be acquired by dying.
  16. [spoiler=The Onslaught Continues] MVP Healz Fa gives 0 fucks. Eirika doesn't know how to give none. Back to where Guenever heals herself. Fa looks sick. Poor Cavalier getting it all. Fa has no patience for women on horses. Sieging from distance Fucking love how iron swords does no damage to midget After getting the red gem, I send Clarine flying up to reunite with the main group while Guenever sits on the edge of balista range and recover. Pitiable fool Limstella leveling nicely. I put Priscilla on the frontline instead of Eirika. Things Fa level Kill things Gain level Echidna gains a good level. MORE TINK Anna grind is slow and dull Priscilla get low so a good shot from Serra comes on. Almost twenty! Almost cap speed. More level Clarine catchs up to the group and ends up getting attacked by a cavalier in range. Their numbers start to thin. Eirika covers for the hole that Fa left to plug a bridge. Echidna is doing well I suppose. Anna get her lv 2 again. The cavaliers finally die out. Anna lands a finishing blow on the last cavalier fleeing south. (Cavaliers started getting reinforcement from south, but by the time they reached us the north side were more or less dead.
  17. Does this randomizer have mobile device support? Out of curiosity.
  18. ...Please don't tell me you're getting that glint in your eyes.
  19. [spoiler=Sieging Rivendell] I give Echidna one bite each. SO WE STARTS HERE EH? THEY HAVE THREE BALLISTA (I missed two on first look around, but there are three) STEAL TIME I compared two spd, Limstella's faster. STEAL SHALL SUCCESS They have loads of fliers near us. Mvp lvl Guenever pokes. Mag get Two horsebirds are dead, only few more to go... One of them had guts to target Ninian. Another targets Clarine but fails. Teamwork! Skl? I start to move Ninian and Echidna to catch up to the main party. The two fliers will head down to a ... suspicious area. I moved in range of a Balista that I missed. I do reach two villages, but only one will be visitable while another locks out. I makes a choice... OH GOD. BOW EFFECTIVENESS AGAINST DRAGON MIDGET :c Eirika and Fa works together to deposit of this trash. Fa get a cure. Double is life, Double is love. Get speedier. Then cavaliers start spawning from north in batch of four each turn. I'm fuck aren't I? Echidna grabs a bulk level It become an all out war with cavalry. You see that island? It's suspicious as fuck. I do my best against the onslaught of horsegirls Eirika and Fa are plugs thinning down cavaliers' attack. Even so they still take damages if lances are used. I heal Guenever again. I need to push them back somehow. I bet you know by now what I picked. GOLDS GOOOOOOOOOOLDS MONEY MONEY Even they have limit. Guenever takes two ballista shots. Anna grind is slow and cruel. So troublesome. Anna gets her first level, and it's not bad!
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