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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. [spoiler=Burning the Port] Sophia and Nino Caellach's stats. It's actually pretty shitty. Marisa <3 I wonder if anyone remember my fe8 sword/female run. Marisa solo'd Demon King in that, and I feel like doing it again. Wyvern Lord with terrible map sprite insertion is there too. CAN'T YOU PEOPLE HIT ANYTHING? OVERKILL.jpg She activated Colossus and crit in one go. lol Assuming her con is 11... that's 45 x 3 worth of damage. NOPE IT'S 13 35 +13 = 48 x 3= whooping 144 damage dealt. This'd kill Zephiel if she had a swordreaver. This map's enemies are almost nothing. This mage got pigholed into meleeing her. Poor mage. I hate this fucking rng sometime. MONSTERS HATH COMETH Caellach also leaves replaced by this guy. CAN I ACTUALLY HAVE CHALLENGES? Limstella is such a kind heart girl. Dock is pretty much secure. Guenever is ramboing up on her own. Just Fucking Hit Her Thank you. Gain skl to help her land something. I only have Fiora as my horse member, I don't see much point of this haha. Good loot anyway, I hate cavaliers. Wyvern>Dogs Owie. Ninian got her covered. Her mag op afterall I get rid of gargoyles that came from bottom. Pirate is a nasty business Profit No more ballista boat! Sophia get! I really like this animation. Farina got hit pretty badly but she dodgetanks pretty well afterward earning a permanent spot beside Guenever. Serra shall repair you! Perfect kill? Nice level as usual Fiora's growth scares me, but these stats are still bad, weird. Sophia arrives for feast Onomnomnomnom Gain speed. Anna acquires level from killing left skeleton reinforcement Nothing :( Yay another level Lyn's lyn, and she's helping! Clarine grabs a level as well. OH GOD, THEY'RE BACK? BUT I KILLED THEM ALL WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYY You don't know but... Dark has an effectiveness over horse mounts apparently. lol Level Horseslaying sword. I want. :( That reminds me, is there a lance and axe version of those?
  2. [spoiler=The Ghost Ship] Let's see what this thing does. Oh! OH!! It reverts unique class to level 1. Knowing that... I have a need of this for her! I feed skl to these three. We begins chapter. WHY ARE YOU ALIVE? I KILLED YOU GUENEVER KILLED YOU FE8GIRLS PLS Just to deal with this, you know what I'm about to do? Do you really know what I am doing? Are you certain you do? Toorrrrrrchhhhhhhhhh Gliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitchhhhhhhhhhhhhh I drop majority of their weapons except for some valuable weapons I could use. (Unfortunately, they can't reach me yet.) This is the boss apparently. Quite a change from vanilla's boss which was a bonewalker's promotion i think? These type guys are fucking dangerous. I make them drop weapons I'd so much like that weapon, but I'm not risking an accident waiting to happen. Murder. Yep. I'm doing it again. I do things when they show up. And this cheeky fuck steals exp. WHITE GEM WHITE GEM WHITE GEM! That's actually a pretty terrible stats, but that can be fixed with some grinding if I decides to. I recruit both. Their turn don't really do much fun since they're mindlessly walking toward us weaponless. I'm doing it ONCE AGAIN Perfect. Yeah, this guy had a short spear, which seems to be pretty good weapons for my W.Ks I STILL DO THIS HAHAHAH 20 use torch fucking op. They have more of this! I pass them down through the chain of units. Get. This guy's summoning is annoying me, so many summonings. Just like Demon King. You can see it's completely one sided. Levels acquired Fin Yes. I JUST TURNED THE POTENTIALLY HARD CHAPTER IN THE ENTIRE VANILLA FE8 INTO A PERSONAL BEATING YACHT.
  3. Can we at least know that flaw so we can understand how terrible it is.
  4. Moonie is an actual character name in the korea manga, Cavalier of the Abyss, but it's a man. I want to see Seth in the game
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHA Pierce makes his defense completely useless, you do know that right?
  6. in the rom hacking forum, the very first link you see in that section.
  7. I assume level 5 are legendaries. lol
  8. Okay, my real answer is sacred stones 200 years after. I was just fucking around for bit until i found out SS was right. ... Why am I always right?
  9. So we're not some kind of rambo men in speedo killing million upon million lookalikes trying to take over our country?
  10. I think this is Romeo and Juliet.
  11. That's not coming for a long time. lol Assuming the promotion system are the same as fe8.
  12. [spoiler=Calamity] Something happens between now and last update, and I can't remember what. So new run Levels. I get a hammerne doll, I use her immediately to fix Mani Katti. Horsebird levels I had Farina plugs a path where mercenary reinforcement would run to attack us basically getting exp farm, while the rest focus on the cavaliers at bottom. PERFECT LEVEL. IT'S THE FIRST EVER SINCE THIS LP STARTED WHEEEEEE Levels. you know what's next? Do you really know what is next right? THIS GUY DOLL WALL DOLL SHALL DISTRACT HIM. Smash one, another takes it place. Guenever is the only one on my team who can take a non-crit hit without dying and deals damage. Epic Duel commence! Gain a def level. Rinse Cycle Repeat Thunk Dancing Doll I wish I still had the save state prior to this, otherwise I'd record the entire thing for you to watch and admire. Unfortunately it was overwritten by a savestate further down the game. Retreat to satefy The Turn That Decided It All Yes, she double Pierce/Crit! I won! Just look at this stats and compare to his. Mind bogging. Edit Note: I DID NOT BURN ANY RNG AT ANY POINT DURING THE DUEL. IT'S 100% NATURAL FUCKING FIGHT. Levels. Yeah I didn't think I'd win that easily. Grinding Farina. Of course I'd go W.K do you think I wouldn't after that whole duel? That's the end of it.
  13. [spoiler=Obstruction Clear] Cavaliers bomb. I makes it fairly easy Formation. Why can't you stupid bitches hit a fucking healer? You're forgiven. Wave 2 clearing out. Formation broken, must meld. Easy pz Fortify Doll op not PLEASE JUST HIT ONE. Echidna, Karla, and Fiora are just stomping them. Guenever is a whole different tier on her own. Karla gains a decent level. Lot of beautiful levels in there. They stopped for now. I go exploring with Guenever when... Oops. BACK TO THE START. Moral of the story... Savestate often. Levels. It was here that I realize Witch could fly. (LONG BEFORE SOMEONE MENTIONED IT MKAY? SO JUST DON'T POST ANYTHING RELATED TO KNOWLEDGES OF THE GAME. IT GETS ON MY NERVE.) Levels. I take a different approach to the cavaliers bomb, thinning them out seems to be better than risking one dying to onslaught. Levels. Promote. More coming.
  14. Killing Edge locked to myrmidon? What have you done?
  15. [spoiler=Hurricane Katrina] Farinaaaaaaaa Cecila carrying that crest. I want. Stillwonderingwhyshe'saknight Not bad stats if you consider the current situation. PERFECT And she's right there in 1 tile out of range from Fiora. Dance time? Dance time! This boat can sink itself for all i care. Gettarino CRIT ON THE KILLER BABY! FemBerserker so macho they only needs one arm to hold the axe instead of 2 like wimpyzerker do. Hero crest! Clarine grabs a level from a mercenary. Levels I rescue Cecila to ferry and drop for easy recruit. Loot get Rather useless as we already have one in supply. haha... last boat dead. Level and Get First level. Then sudden buttfuck load of cavaliers reinforcement drops on top of us and rapes cecila causing gameover FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK Back to the start. Levels Semi-perfect. I feels pitiful with these levels. I prepares myself for the cavaliers bomb.
  16. http://youtu.be/20yz8GLvmhA Thanks me later klok
  17. @Nintales, I'm leveling her for thief purpose. It's not like I plans to use her, it's a just in case measure. [spoiler=Calm before the Storm] Still grinding here, I want Amelia to promote to t1 Levels This is what I basically have to do to make sure my shitty guys are alive, using dolls and cannonfodder to hold them off while my shittiers pick them off one at a time. Just so you get the idea of how strong they can be. Levels. THIS is what I'm talking about., she dodged don't worry. I had Echidna kill the other entombed just in case. Done with grinding. I'll continue if I have a need of Thief Sage's role. Not going to bother with knight or cavalier.
  18. [spoiler=At the same time] At the same time as Echidna's promotion and shenanigans. Skirmish is hard, trust me when I say it. It's highly discouraged to just have chipper and people you want to level. Because they WILL massacre you. Some of the skirmish carry 45+ hp entombed that can deals pretty mean damages, or hounds that will gnaws at you to death. Even when I'm doing this, I get death on my hands and am forced to restart the skirmish all over again and plan better to level the newbs. Also, the world map mobs refresh when you enter and exit tower of vadni, so it's ideal grind if you want to levels the characters that need push. Also, I got Thany from Tower of Vadni apparently, it seems they edited Tower of Vadni to give you characters at early level. Cool. Only three level below Tana, and she could overshoot Tana if used.
  19. [spoiler=It's class time children.] I'm not going to use her as W.K, she sucks too much to be one. I makes a decision... I choose Hero, alternate option for axe is always nice. Ho-ho-ho Is that a female berserker I see~? I don't promote because... Echidna has 99 exp at lv 19. So solution? Good! Nice promotion. Map sprite change! You know what's the best part about this...? http://youtu.be/20yz8GLvmhA THEY BOUNCES! Bonus: Seems like they switch hands for an instant.
  20. That aside... Next part. [spoiler=Why can't I hold all of this rng] I'm sending Guenever toward Anna more earlier. No crit this time. :( This area is just Priscilla's personal bullying pit. Lyn got criticaled :( Back here. FUCKING Back to Ninian dancing Guenever I survives this area. Anna kills a horseman Oh god. MVP MVP MVP Levels. See that fucking thief mage over there? I'm stuck :\ No matter what I do, I can't rush over there without risking Amelia's death or risking one's death. So my only option? I let her have the 4250 golds. This is hell. This is hell too. I tried using Lyn, but turns out she doesn't work, so I go with one other option seeing as... Tana is on the same map too. I kill the knight blocking way. Yeah fuck you thief Status Magic is fun. Black Magic is life, Black Magic is love. Good feed I guess. Priscilla need a heal treatment Why couldn't the thief loot this one instead? Guenever is enjoying a fine horse meal. Anna thinks the meat is bad though. They decided to chase after someone who can fly. Levels. This is disgusting. Oh handy. Levels. LOOK AT THIS PRISCILLA GO. USING HER HORSE TO HEELKICK THAT FUCKER IN THE FACE! Good level. These three still have foes to fight. After a couple of turns of cavaliers targeting Anna, and slow cleaning up with her shitty damage due to their armors. Fin
  21. I already know that. Did you not read "at the time"? And let me explain the damn things.
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