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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. It is Con based. Con let you not be weighted down but won't increase your AS. You need spd for that lol
  2. [spoiler=Grinding My Waifu] Oh boy that's nasty. Idoun's getting pretty weak levels. Poor dog. I really think they should had used Myrrh's father's dragon palette/sprite given that Idoun's dragon form is actually black colored, it'd makes sense and give her some uniqueness from the other twos. Limstella grabs a def. Turns out you can switch between Newt or Kete. Neat. She gains magic ranks as well. Interesting. So it works. Neat levels. I reset backward. Lyn use solar brace and upgrades. After a painful experience, I make her broken. Now I need to touch that skl. Now to finish chapter 19 before I can upload more. The glitch is in 19 chapter as you might expect, but I just wanna finish it...
  3. [spoiler=Freezing the Cave] The usual. How did Marisa miss? 1% fucking chance. Different monsters, even more threatening than last. not She dodged one. Payback! Chip for Idoun :x So mad she has Myrrh's palette though. Japanese hackers are skilled enough to make palette works for the class change second seal, yet they can't for a god damn dragon? #1 Off their rockers. Medic service. Idoun get boots. and resistances. No stoning please. I hear these are painful torture back in old days. lol Might as well call her maxed since her res growth is pretty low. Spectre Dragon! Poor things. I pity thee for attacking in melee range. They really don't like Farina apparently. Rekt of the rekts she get a res. Serra isn't bad now. Things. Still things. Karla and Farina support. another pt of res. This gorgon turned Echidna to stone. @_@ This is... bad REALLY BAD Saving complete. Lyn had pathing issue on this event. lol This looks like it's a rape, but it isn't. Sorry perverts, none of that shits in youngster games.
  4. [spoiler=The Inferno Den] See what I means by maxed out EVERYTHING? I class change her. Mage Knight for mobility, so she can use staff wherever she want. Still max out everything, but hey she has some def to grow. This is how I found how about weapon exps. I savestate back though, not risking the weapons loss. I train her light some to A rank. And so we begins. We're led into the cave by a generic lady. And... we find this strange creature sitting near the entry. IT'S IDOUN! Most likely I need Fa to recruit her. The boss has a starbrace. Get. I fed Fa lot of my boots, so she can go anywhere. Salvation I give her resistance for the gorgons, so she can farm a bit. Lyn op Welp. Reset. I clear a path again. Rescued. Idoun too. Lyn doesn't like gorgons. Ow. Oh hey, an exorcist. Wow, they don't like Guenever. Stupid monsters everywhere. I move Fa to the rear and let Limstella get wexp on staff. Anyone who meets Lyn get the death sentence. Equipped her with spear and let her sit there. Heh. Things. I forcefeed Idoun statboosters. I wanna use her. You could pity these monsters, but seeing as they have no feelings... I love my dodges. I get rid of the ugly. lol 15 hp higher now. SERRA FOR SUCKING DICK TITLE. Karla must do everything. >:( Farina levels. Poor exorcist, useless in the face of awesomeness Marisa makes BBQ limbs I'm only afraid of these shadowshots, they boast high hit. :\ Idoun get the 15% bonus stats growth! I continue to feed her stats. No more summoning for you! I get rid of things. Still plenty more sieges. Idoun get thick. No thanks. It hit. :\ But her regen outheals it though. Anna grabs a level. Marisa overkills for a living. I hate how we're locked to a certain route as ground bound units. Basically we have to go south if we go on foot, but have freedom to go north as fliers, but that would means boss is in range for kill preventing you from farming exps. Does things. Dodge things. Cap lvl Then I get a gorgon to hit itself? Huh. Smash Limstella grabs a level from barrier. I kill the last stragglers while the boss is distracted with Lyn's boobilicious. Then I discover Gorgon can fly and the boss went behind my line to kill Idoun who was preparing to go OHKO the her. GOOD JOB JAPAN.
  5. [spoiler=Nirvana] Fiora levels. Guenever heads back to help our ground force with ballistas. Witch's Black Magic is fun when it activates right? I get rid of the far ballista. Look at all of this dodges. Well.. Serra didn't dodge. Level. Teamwork.jpg Bolting down. Canto 4lyfe Mushroom Karla levels. Huh. Levels. I finish the boss. Karla kills a bolting. She missed two round of this even with Ninian's dance. #terrible lord Lyn best Serra's crazy. It doesn't come back, so I do this with few fliers I have on my hand. Level. She's too heavy to be picked up. lol I can't pick up mounted you know that right? Farina can finally flex her muscles after so long. Farina is enjoying herself. Karla max levels. I kill the ballista nearby. SO MUCH FUN Lyn doesn't take it as a fun but as a job. No.jpg Two chicks. One Levels. Nah. Lyn wipes floor with him. Last few stragglers to clean up. Ends of the story. They don't double either. ;~; Next time... My waifu arrives.
  6. [spoiler=Bloody River] And so we prepare to cross the rivers. Flashback and thing. They still get whooped like in vanilla. ...Wait, there's something different in this and I can't tell. No citizen escorts apparently. We shows up here. Oh boy that's lot of guards... and two bosses? That's what was different. Morph Boss lol. Now for the actual boss... Seem normal... At first I thought we had to recruit both of them, but... apparently Vanessa auto recruits herself. THAT MAKES MY JOB EASIER! Now you're both benched lol NO MERCIES. defget Ground force moves slowly, while... Aerial force are vanguarding it for us. You know you should uninstall game when a ballista can't even damage a flier. Fiora likes this map. lol YOUR BOWS ARE USELESS BEFORE MY MIGHT Limstella maxed everything. jic you were wondering. Ah the pleasant noise of their death screams as they know they can't match up to them. Fiora continues to be amazing. Karla needs armor. What a pleb. Eirika can't take a hit of anything. Well it's a good grind for Limstella's wexp. We all know which lord is better right? These two are strong! Farina levels. Nothing. I get rid of some pesky insects who can't be reached via melee method. There's still ballistas that I can't reach without Yoichi Bow or Fliers. UGH Serra can fly anywhere. Witch4lyfe Fliers op WUT NOOO THE BRIDGE! HOW DARE YOU MAKE IT GO POOF :( itbettercomebackoririot Okay good. One still can't dodge. THE SECOND BOSS AND HIS BITCHES ARE MOVING! WHO WILL STOP THEM? The fliers of course. Fiora can buff herself real good. Marisa mvp dodger This is the best animation you guys. You scrubs need to appreciate the real skill. Grindagain Levels. I take out one ballista from range, but others are still untouchable. Both fliers get hurt. perfectlevel Serra is just having her fun with Thani on cavaliers. She levels. tink, your inferior magic cannot compare to my supreme incarnations. These bolting guys can't give up. Serra op vs magic?
  7. Force, how the hell did you know I'm at chapter 19? This LP only has 16 chapters logged. [spoiler=Grind Time Grind Time Final Edition] Hey... I think Lyn's broken. So I'm here. Last Level. See what I means? She doesn't care about anything at all. Nothing. Maybe I was wrong. Well shit. Those killer bow aren't a joke Reget Farina can't you Colossus crit for once? Marisa get again. Spinning bow for life Nothing. SO THAT'S WHAT WAS KILLING FARINA. FUCKING BOWS I hate restarting. I finally convinces myself to have Farina Brave Sword everything with her S rank sword. (Knight Crown keeps your weapon ranks unless you use Ankh to turn to mage/cavalier to which you'll lose those since you can't use the weapons. Hadn't tested the switch back though. lol lol
  8. [spoiler=Grind Time Grind Time Third Edition] Last of the levels on a certain level. Farina's sexier with Berzerker, and Fiora's even better with W.K Poor Echidna, and those Lyn levels on another are basically her soloing a level lol
  9. Good morning... -yawn and rubs own eyes- I hate waking up. [spoiler=Grind Time Grind Time First Edition] Just training wexps Class Change Guenever grabs a couple while miserably gaining wexp [spoiler=Grind Time Grind Time Second Edition] I think I hit the image post limit?
  10. [spoiler=IT'S A TRAP!] DARKNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS It's Lyon and he opened the hidden area! I can roughly infer his dialogue. "Hmph. Orson... So you failed in your duty. That waste of a corpse will soon rot away. ...Well, I might as well grant these children a pleasant dinner." ...orsoithinkDemonKingwouldsay. So the boss is... azombiedragon I hurry to regroup my crew and feed Marisa some str. Ninian's over there, and I need vision. After some trade chain, I have her reveal this spot so I can move along it. They revealed monsters of all sort. Not much trouble... OH FUCKING GOD IT'S THEM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH, may god save us all. Crit everywhere It's worse when you CAN'T see them! None of them can touch Ninian lel I guess I'll have Limstella break out the heavy. What the fuck? Great Shield twice? Jesus christ. Nah. You're not surviving that. Echidna and Limstella could solo this but where's the fun in that? What happened here! Hint: It's not Bane. Poor Serra. Limstella get a level. Farina doesn't like Pseudo Lethality. Safety First! Also, Lyn die=Game over. So... Farina grabs a heal. Fiora levels. This thief was going weird direction, so I helped her get to the right place. ifyouknowwhatimeans lol Farina rekt. FARINA GET BANE'D BITCH YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT. Farina dodges. Thankfuck Limstella's just enjoying throwing universe on top of someone. Echidna levels. Poor Ogre. Serra levels. I torch to reveal the boss area. He's not that op :( Echidna levels once again. Loots time? Nope. Hidden Whisper. Crossbow and a knight crown. I smash the guards to piece with wind. Boss not so epic. Well, maybe the entry part was but the rest? nono. LONG LIVE PRINCESS LYN! GASP! THE CASTLE IS LEERING AT YOU, RUN! IT'S A GIANT EVIL MOVING CASTLE! I change their classes obviously. Lyn and Eirika. Lyn's better though. Shots fired? Areyoufuckingkiddingme.jpg Note: Lyn uses Sol Katti animation for Siegmund and Eirika's weapon. You know what's worse? Mani Katti is included too ~.~ Sol Katti is the worst animation of Lyn's... Well, she does have that jiggle but still!
  11. [spoiler=So Angry I'm Seeing Blue] Crit4lyfe Anna levels reget SERRA STOP SUCKING DIK I make a bait for the inevitable bomb Levels. Perfect, now to wait for the present. Karla levels. Heh, W.K line. BOMB More or less back to where I was. I feel sorry for the unpromotes. Quick get Sora and Riku to help you dodge these. Not this time son. Karla gains a level. Everything got it all up their rectums. Level is life. Leveling is love. Sloth is a sin, Echidna. So don't fall for that again. Sword to the face for a level. Rekt Guenever becomes lazy. But she dodges asleep. But she can't dodge the unity of moon and sun. Ninian is hard at working. 3-4 range is fun. Marisa speedier. Guenever dodges this time. Sure wonder how the stave can be at 3 uses and never run out? Everyone get levels! DAMMIT. Levels. Loot time! Eh... No mercy 4 you. Or for you. I hurries Lyn up. Loots. I decide to inspect this. She has a door key, doesn't work it seems. I port Limstella too and use her Pick ability... Doesn't work either lol. Rekt like a pancake. 'Monica...' Shut up, doesn't justify your betrayal. HEY WAIT A MINUTE. Doesn't that says Defeat Boss?
  12. Request Denied [spoiler=Orson the Treacherous Dastard] Orson back in all of his corpsey glory and face Oh look, ANOTHER manakete, but not really. apparently... she's a newt. lol See this and mfw Orson really got buffed hard. And he has W.K guards. Serra are you fucking kidding me? Farina must do everything apparently. Karla in all of her glorious palette. Echidna max almost everything. :\ My turn ends. Overthewall.jpg Nice level shopkeeper! Ah no no noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kidding. Marisa levels. Limstella get the bitch's hp back. Booyah Anna get danced. Limstella loots. Karla and Marisa gains level from breaching the gate. Then we get surprise cavalier bomb... the rage. Notevenachance I clear out the cavaliers trope OH FUCK YOU. OH FUCK YOU TOO Karla makes my life bright. Perfect level.gif Echidna profits. Levels. Ohfuckohfuckohfuck Karla makes me proud. I don't remember if it's a hit or miss. Tiny blue spirits nom. I rescue Lyn and run off toward my restorer. I don't drop her yet, too much risk. I continue the breach. And because the first breach was interrupted by the cavalier bomb, they're more than grumpy enough. Karla levels. Nearperfect.png No. Nah. Nope.avi Double Knights op? She get luckier. whydoyoueventry Overkill much Echidna? Marisa levels. Pierce is fun to use against generals. I make Limstella hurry her ass up. I supply her with a bolting and fuck a thief. Serra grabs her tome as well and brighten a goth's day. And her too I guess? This bitch miracle'd twice and survived... GG RNG NOT THIS TIME Anna levels. Wakey sleepyhead. You have a boss to kill.jpg Oh god, more of them... HOW DARE YOU LAND! Purge stop. Gotta love having a magic sword. Whose W.K is better? Mine. Ow. Ohshit Howdareyoulandthattoo.jpg FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK
  13. [spoiler=They don't double :(] So Jehenna SS sells... training weapons? BUT WAIT, THEY LET YOU GAIN MASSIVE SHIT OF WEXP IN ONE SHOT AT THE PRICE OF ONE USE. I of fucking course go to test this. That... was disappointing usage of one train. Maybe you need to continuously do it. WHY IS GRINDING THIS LONG? I gain a level tho. Useless whore gains a level too. Fiora bulks Marisa? Farina doesn't like magic. Serra promotes. Echidna goes back to her natural class. Karla's palette is FUCKING nice. Trust me. The hint of blackness makes it all more gorgeous. Sniper4lyfe
  14. [spoiler=Scorching Heat] The heat is getting to me. Wind wind 4ever So Caellach moves from his position, that's different. Rekt. Hard to determine where all the desert loots are. I get these two lords out of there. Fliers on Valter's side starts flying toward us after Caellach died. :\ Did anyone order a can of whooping? Spinning bow spinning bow~ Limstella gives 0 fucks about fliers. Terrible heats indeed. Crit 4 lyfe Might as well get a bit of my life back. Right after killing him... I find this. Yay! Biting gust is fun. I spends a large amount of turns seeing if I can find more loots, unfortunately... I only found four prior to killing the last boss. I didn't look hard enough I guess. I did find this though. WTD can be fun to end the chapter with. Better double.
  15. [spoiler=Depression Time calls for Depression Measure] Time to use Rescue. Long distance salvation device is fun. Both fliers kill enemies between bottom and top, Echidna happens to find a pair of boots. Limstella stronk Breaking third wall and turning into a ghost, now that's what I call a dodge. Thank fuck she dodged one. Oh sweet jesus SHE DID IT. SHE CAPPED DEF Colossus is fun Especially with 15 con. Imagine the body rings I could feed an end game berserker. Lot of 1 hit % around. Rescue one. Fliers gain levels. So many 1 round level each promoted enemy. Safe and sound! Sisters reunion. Levels. Village gives you crown instead of master seal. Huh. Wow rude. Karla solos a mean w.k. Anna fails to kill a lord and ends up feeding Lilina. Louise finish off a great knight. Lots of 1 stats level around. Only given considering they all maxed offenses. Loot detected. Levels. Sisterly loves. Levels. Fiora! Gains muscles! She dodged one. srs! Louise can't pay a dead mercenary, so she must kill the bad guy. She wants to pay so badly. Why don't I have more interesting battle screens?
  16. [spoiler=I sucks dick] Well then, here we go. We comes from the south instead of a corner. Left half is more or less the same as the original, the right half is completely changed. Look at all of this enemies! Fancy meeting you again Eirika. Eirika is still the same. These three however sucks. I noticed something. Eirika, to Louise. Louise back to Eirika... Not. Eirika is missing in the stats screen rotation apparently. You have to manually select Eirika to see her screen. #best hackers japan? Karla rekts a shaman. Limstella rekts this map's only berserker. Three fliers do their part, but one fails miserably. These three try to be useful. Boom, chuck testa Repeat. Both op I also find out that Wyvern Lord's Glide ability is an enhanced canto basically. She started there basically. Nifty. Anna kills a druid. And get a nice surprise. Loot. Farina is actually pretty op as Swordmaster. Limstella is doing well after the whole terrible mag thing. Dodges. Doubled. RUKIDDINGME? IBAD
  17. I got too far deep in the game... Ended up finding a hilarious glitch that made me stop playing. Unfortunately... it'll be a while before we get to that chapter. [spoiler=Muh Wurld Mip] Huh. Exorcist can appears as boss in skirmish. What is this bullshit? WE'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DOUBLE WITH EPIC ANIMATIONS? respects for japan now lost. Anna class changes. Ursula comes bearing a gift apparently. I buy a buttfuck load of this. Brave weapons OPaf Look at those golds draining down. Marisa becomes horsebow Wow, that's a weak boss. OVER half of the map is empty. #1 Wexp grind? Wexp grind! Serra throttling monsters with Slayer. I guess all exorcist has a code programmed into them to summon. Maybe one of us could look into this. Best animation ever. Karla levels. I love this fucking animation so much. Just average wexp and levels here. That ends the grind.
  18. These colors are pretty terrible choice, stick to the gba colors instead.
  19. Uh Uh... Uh.... Chapter Goal of Cattleya solo? Steal a certain Item to finish chapter?
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