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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Really like the sixth one. You should continue working on that, who know what could come to you. Edit: Unless you simply don't care for it anymore, and I'll take it off your hands?
  2. If you're putting that here, I would assume you wants to make it free to use. So in that case, you should create a download link to the feditor animation file of it. So people can actually use it.
  3. they're skin area that cover ribs.
  4. 261 Poochyena I guess that works. I had a poochyena of the same color before he died two years ago. still miss him.
  5. It's inevitable About some of the skills in the link, I have a fair bit of concerns for a couple, mainly because they have potential to break the game. Enemies's understandable because they're for challenge, but a player's options might as well make that feels neglectable. I could be just paranoid because I didn't experience them yet, but then again neither have anyone, including you, yet. You may want to continue thinking some of these through. It's your hack so it's fine if you want to keep them, but I urges you to think them out more and see what you could change if something came to you.
  6. Looks better. Now that I had another look, her neck is pretty long. Also, the hair out line, when you consider the top where it meets the tied up area, it doesn't match to the free hair beneath it in outlining wise, making it feels unusual. I'll point it out in my edit. 1sec See the blue arrow and blue circle. Looking at the darkest hair shade on that particular spot makes her hairline feels larger than usual compared to what outline displays. Might want to consider less darkest color and more 2nd shade.
  7. Now do Shion Asuna seems to have pretty large eyes... maybe it's just me. Her right shoulder (opov) connecting the arm and the chest looks bit caved in. And her tied up hair area need fixing. BAD.
  8. I already won Valni before Final, don't you remember? It was after Orson.
  9. Just a head up. I'm not done with this thing yet. I still have to smash Ruin a good one. I'm certain... you might love this episode more than any thing so far.
  10. It wouldn't be necessary if it was first time he've heard this before. But given that he've heard this a thousand time, he's justified. He's just tired of people asking for the program to be given out when it's not even remotely finished.
  11. I dunno, CrazyColor might be crazy enough to try that.
  12. [spoiler=Final Stage of Utter Despair] Snake get pigholed into melee lol This is hilarious seeing range units being forced to attack up close. Another one in the bag. Things of unimportantness This might as well be the most dangerous one. roflmfao Done. After what 2 turns of confusion I realize I missed one. Lyn shall solo! Oh god, nononononononononononononononono LEL I'm done. Annnd nothing happens. How am I supposed to reach the boss? After what... 5 turns of patience I remembers something. Why did bosses not move from their positions? Did they have reasons? Because if they didn't have any, then they'd move and rape me from all direction. So... I step on where they stood. OH HALLELUJAH! I lure an eyeball after a while of stepping on the triggers Just a few more triggers, using dolls suck. Look at dat crit dod Minions all dead. LYON YOU SHALL PAY Ultimate FE7 Dark Magic vs Ultimate FE8 Dark Magic. lol Chip This is a bit longer but I shortened it. ALSO LYON HAS 12 CRIT VS LYN WITH 50 LUCK WTFRIGGEDBBQ Get He... uh... isn't lying down, he's standing. lol fe8girl fucked up that one didn't they? Oh noes, it's the Lord of Darkness himself! Oh hey, he made a new Lyon. And a monster summoner too. We get battle preparation apparently. NOPE TO THE EXTRAS Obey me O' Pact of Lucifer, heed my calls, heed my needs. Summon thee fiends and do my biddings! Things Idoun shall slays him for us! How could you punch that fluffy little cutie!? Anna chips. Annnd... Done in by Lyon's own magic. 40kek ... thiswasdisappointing. Thing you can ignore This bugs out apparently, you have to restart. Go to Extra and click Map option to launch creature campaign. Annnd here we are. I promised a surprise didn't I? A surprise of fucking disappointment. http://youtu.be/NsHad3a5r1I You noticed DK trying to summon didn't you? No clue why he couldn't. In my previous recording attempts he was able to just fine. Maybe something's different.
  13. [spoiler=The True Definiton of Disappointment] Party! Ohfuck I send the OP girls to do business Limstella make things. Fiora moves down And get danced to Do this. First hit, First Crit Nice enemy palette for a dancer don't you think? This spell animation, holy shit, it's... beautiful... Of course she miss. This is also why Flare Staff does not double, Dancer doesn't loop, if she attacks twice... game breaks. After killing the dancer, I end my turn, might as well anyway. Poor skeleton took the bait of Idoun in range. This eyeball doesn't move to attack apparently, poor minion. One minion move, another don't, weird quirk on their servants. The two skeletons minion move though for Idoun. OH YEAH IT'S ON! One succeed, one fails. I also test out her range before hand with save state. This too, turns out it's a purple bolting, I stay with this one. Limstella slays the blocker to allow Idoun passage. Insult to an injury, getting outsped and outdps by a fucking fragile girl that can mutants into a god damn cute fluffy So. Guess what happened between enemy turn and mine? None of the bosses move. NONE OF THEM. NO REINFORCEMENT NO AGGRESSION NADA PFFT Bow shot Poor Hero room. None of them lived. This is actually pretty pathetic... Anna snipes. Marisa pls Echidna takes care of her. Burning Ray, it's an edit of the old range animation by the same weapon, it's red instead of green. This. Is. Sad. Serra fix up everyone. Idoun get danced. Yeah. Poor warrior. 3 hp isn't enough to save yourself, young deadlord. Minions fight Luce user is pigholed into melee thanks to her dumb minions. Nabbed it Partia time Get Things Lol, brave effect war Poor druid, not able to land a blow with a black hole.
  14. Lyn doesn't because she's not Eirika... Bane is just a Lethality that only bring you to 1 hp. Invisibility isn't a skill, they simply didn't give the class any map sprite, Crit is modifiable. Black Magic is NOT the FE2 one. It is a status effect bonus on attack that activates based on your skl or lck, I'm not certain which one. Flare is just a mage version of Pierce.
  15. Yeah, I don't plan on having that, the sleeve is a modified kimono that you see in japan's ceremony. At least that what it's intended to be.
  16. I don't know who you are, but I already like you. Thank you very much. Nowfixallofmyframesalloveragain
  17. Sure hope you're still reading Assassination Classroom :)

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Kinumi


      no but it sure was something

    3. Fateborn


      yep. Korosensei never did what he claimed to did.

      Quite an interesting mind set of blaming.

    4. Fateborn


      OMG. the new chapter.

      full of feels ;-;

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