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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Bet you didn't see this coming. What do you think? Aside from the obvious cape, is there anything wrong with it. (Don't worry about weapon colors, I'll fix it... eventually) Edit: The hand apparently, need a transition it seems.
  2. No. Black Magic is definitely Status Effect on attack. It's Poison, Berserk, Sleep, or Silence.
  3. How should I approach blur frame between these two bits? Trial and Error?
  4. keep it normal stuff.
  5. So far, I made small progress of having three frames. ... i'mslow Referenced from Necromancer's first two frames. I don't intends to portrays necromancer in her 100%, I plans on having her do something else instead, just the cape idea worked with it.
  6. Made in my spare time while doing my own battle sprite using the same sprite shown in my thread but customized a bit more. Brunya Edited [spoiler=OA]
  7. I don't think it'll be used really. Unless I can tolerate that flapping cape and get it working for a hack, then perhaps.
  8. Yeah, it's difficult to make good quality color for this sort of work. I'm already working on that specific after noticing it when I posted the image. Advices would be nice to go with it.
  9. Hmm. I spliced this sprite, gonna see if I can make an animation of it. Gonna be a quite painful experience. +1 to anyone who can guess what this is.
  10. I want to try my hand at battle sheet, how large do I need to make an individual frame and how many colors? Any recommendation for starting out?
  11. Latona probably requires more than one injuired unit to work. It's weird. Anyway! I'm more or less finished with the game, and I have a special surprise for the final for you to wait. I'm working on the images right now. You might get the batch tonight or tomorrow.
  12. [spoiler=Bonus] I don't get the Latova. But hey, Thunderedge! I caps her skill too. :v she has 3 more points of defense to go, but that can be remedied with 3 reclass.
  13. [spoiler=New Plan...] Lyn go right. Thatsit. I have Limstella carry her set of keys for the chests Lyn would originally looted before. #tonofdamages Wall open for Fiora to says hello to an old buddy. Whoop. Forgot to equip her. THE ONLY USEFUL GREEN EVER DONE THIS GAME. ONE BOLTING HIT. RNG'S NOT GOING MY WAY! I hate this game. Bait once again. Work done. Wall down. Guenever deals with her hero-senpai Fuck Enemy Turn Fuck Great Shield Enemy turn can be nasty. My positioning before boss at the moment, two chests in this area, one right there, another on the opposite side of the room. Green fighting each other is amusing. Your turn is important Their isn't. Karla got berserked though. :\ More smash It doesn't end... Oh no. Last one has golds. hmm... Nah. Idoun vs Zephiel for lolz I wish I could understand Japanese. Smash then dance. He speaks his default quote lol He doesn't shut up in his death quote either.
  14. Reading your comments about stats cap makes me giggle. Considering I don't need to fight or level to go to 50 stats each. I found an exploit but I'm not about to reveal that.
  15. [spoiler=RNG can be so cruel] Look at dem damages! Bitch miracle twice. NO MERCIES. Bye doll. Nice knowing ya. So hard to pussssssssssssh Damn reinforcements. Brunya heals an unlucky victim. Enemies doesn't have a very good luck do they? Poor Serra. Good dodge you stupid bitch. Fun fact! Staves have weight, so she's weighted by her own physic lol. Generic Female Pegasus arrives with Frelia reinforcement. Who the heck thought it was a good idea to have a playable generic? Ohsorryprimefusion. Spin Bow Crit is for believers. Aura in the chest. Everyone get fucking demolished. Robe in chest So good so far. Goes to attack someone else. 2% crit. the fuck bro?
  16. [spoiler=Helms Deep] Same deal. Only I break this wall earlier to get rest of my units funnel out quicker. Fiora rekt a hero below and move toward right. Red Magic is neat You know it's bad when Green Units can't even compare to me or enemy. Poor sage. Bait time Breaking wall. Well now that's not very nice of you to come for the mages. Rekt Brunya helps Serra You know i'm winning when WTA doesn't help enemies. This hits <_> Ballista bolt 1 down. She dodges first hero then get Corrosion'd by next hero. NICE... Well now that's not very nice. Summon again. Should I be sorry? She crit twice as payback. Doll bites the dust again. She got silenced. :\ No worries though, throne removes status. I hate sieges. I decide to give one green a helping hand for exp. Trade restore, summon, then Serra wakes.
  17. It's not, just an unfortunate limitation in hacking.
  18. [spoiler=PROTECT THE CASTLE! *spam ping on nexus*] You know what time it is? Defend Mission! New map as usual. ANNND THE PLAYABLE EMPRESS IS BRUNYA HERSELF. THE IRONY! ZEPHIEL FOR ENEMY, BRUNYA FOR ALLIED, TWO FATE FORSAKEN LOVERS OF ROMEO AND JULIET SCENARIO /shot Please don't tell me Zephiel turned into Riev for a minute... HE DID. That's beyond old school dude. Defend time A foot unit that can canto. That's new and unique! After setting up shits and stuffs. So Brunya must survive and Zephiel must be beaten within 15 turns. So unlike vanilla's where Riev's defeat was optional. Fortify will be useful. I go left with Lyn. Chests to loot after all! Limstella move ahead with a tome prepared Another one of this. It's only logical considering we have 3 manaketes. now we need 1 more I didn't need to say that because... Zephiel is carrying the last one lol. Two stones in one chapter. I'm not going to bother showing level up anymore, it's actually taking up spaces now from the battles due to mostly maxed units. All of the siege items doesn't like greenies lol. Marisa and Limstella are too strong for them. IF they're using a weapon. (Yeah if Limstella carry staves, or Marisa using an axe, they get owned) Interesting. Lyn makes a certain someone cry. Berserk time! Op Op Uber Op Limstella taking weak punches. These poor poor greens rekt Right side passage are enjoying molten metal dinner. 60k gold get I wipe out the berserked unit. I restore a berserked general. Need fodders. Limstella making someone's day a very tragic. See this bishop? Why did she get berserked? lol Limstella murder. Huh, that hp? Probably sucked more hp than she wanted. Enemy fortifies. Wait wut. What just happened? -restart- WTF This kills her. And I somehow can continue playing?
  19. Alrighty, it'll be a while... Because I'm crying to myself alone terrified of the final. Might as well upload the screenshots during then.
  20. lol, knowing you, you'll want to top fe8girl's final. I could send you a screenshot of what the first half looks like in pm if you want to have something to work with?
  21. Animations, because how they're used are completely up to you.
  22. I made to Final. If there's one thing to describe it... I could say I shat more bricks than I did for Klok's final in fe7cm. >.>
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