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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. No. That is Rath. It's literally Rath's headband untouched.
  2. D-Duuuuuuuudeeeeeee..... Edit: Seriously though, you made my work lot easier having a reference for me to use. Thanks! Now to adjust my own mug and check your fix to see what I can do with it.
  3. [spoiler=Just Reading a D&D story and losing my sides] Those poor poor knighty knights. He activated it to survive... lol Marisa got an axe to her face. But Marisa doesn't like men products. How many time are you going to do this? Rebecca acquired. Secret Shop. I buy a bunch. don't ask how i have that kind of golds too I love jiggling jugs. These japanese guys sure know how to please gamers. Levels are slow to get now. WHY ;~; Crit 4 life Wake a sleeping beauty with a kiss. Lyn almost cap def, can she do it?! Fat chance Levels. Loot after killing two mages. Levels. LIMSTELLA SHALL FIGHT VIGRADE Limstella and Vigrade have a back and forth. Then he says his battle quote. Interesting. Maybe there's a code in the game that only allows Vigrade to says his battle quote IF someone initiates a fight against him, not him on someone. He dodges and activates great shield. Biggest bullshit luck this guy has... But not lucky enough. Done. Lyon and Lyn has a rhythm contest. Ursula replaces Knoll. Then we get a new additional to our party. No? I'm wrong? Oh okay sorry.
  4. [spoiler=They Wrecks] Just a stats remind. I gave some of them body rings. Don't ask how I got them. This bow is fun. Perfect level for the last level. Guenever, same as ever. Farina. So blue it hurts. Echidna, still op Karla, fabulous than ever. Defensive stats gain each level? What is this I don't even. Limstella being sneak. Farina gains level. Burn! BURN! BUUURN! This animation appears to be made by one of our. Either that or it's fe6's. I can't remember what it looks like. Levels Fiora is a sexy gal with huge tits. #Men's Dream Levels. Female Warrior get that spin too! Lyn caps str Have more spin. Levels more. Open sesame.
  5. [spoiler=New Chars and Promotions] Well... Yeah. Echidna also got full A with Marisa and Anna. Farina finished A with Fiora. New characters now. Pretty weird loots. Fiora S ranked Sword and A ranked Lance. After a bit of on-world grind, she B-ranks bow. Limstella S ranks both. Knight Crown allows you to switch a target's class to three different classes. I switched these five characters' classes. Nohatepls Now I have to go capture Grado. ... -cry-
  6. [spoiler=Tower of Vadni] I go to Tower of Vadni to commit suicide. Levels. Support Levels. You want to know how I survived floor 3? Basically this. Ninian OP Levels. Did anyone get that? Because I AM NOT DOING IT AGAIN. S rank staff now. Levels, before I get evicted out of the tower after killing floor five. I WANTED TO GO ON AND SUICIDE MORE. Character loots revealed next post
  7. [spoiler=Breached] Status Staves everywhere. LUCKILY I HAVE DOLL BAITS. Dodge~ Karla gives 0 fucks about WTD lol Still nope. I get Rebecca. Knight wallmust die Anna levels. Sweet I don't need a key. Karla fancy stuff .... She missed both. I move Guenever deeper. Ouch. Yeah no. These guys are fucking op, I can guarantee it. Serra gains level via heal Smash. Loot! Overkill much Marisa is an assassin mercenary, it's only given she'd overkill anyone. Sneaky thief thinking she can get away with my loot. Echidna shows no mercy to an enemy sage. Thief with spear loot confirmed. #firstlevel Nope. SECRET SHOP Holycrap. Overpriced much? Where's my Silver Card. I buy some boltings. Guardsmen dead. I kill status stavers. Poor Warrior, not even a piece of action. Fiora levels. Oh cool! Last guard dead. All's left is... Vigarde with a Knight Crown loot. Not as dangerous as Zephiel. I decides to grind up Fiora's sword rank to S so she can raise her stats cap. Miss/miss Going well so far. And he fucking activates Luna and OHKO her. What is this shit? Fuck this shit /ragequit
  8. So the siege begins. [spoiler=GRADO CASTLE] Stats boosters. Even this map has ROOF EVERYWHERE WHY IS CHAPTER 5X BACK TO HAUNT ME? Smash first turn. ohai rebe...wait shit Reset. I'm sure you know what I forgot. First turn down. Thankfully this is their only ballista. They're incredibly easy to smash through... Promoted units OP Pls stahp Sigh... Not even fun. Level via dodge STOP YOU FUCKING BASTARD Yawn. No thanks. Echidna op man. Serra gains a favorable level. This map sucks. This sucks too. You know what's fun? Karla's Corrosion. Reinforcement pops out of stairs on both side. I guess I'm sitting here for a while. Marisa gains level. Halberd? Guiding Ring. Oh geeh, this is going to hurt. SERRA SHALL REJUVENATE HER Fiora kills the captain of the gate guard. Hammerne Guenever gains level from killing the two guard aides. toomuchwork.jpg Levels before they finally stop showing up. I prepare for the inevitable bomb. I am ready!
  9. Gender Neutral, but thanks, I'll fix it up in a jiffy if I can be bothered. (Neutral as in it can be male or female depending on the need.)
  10. [spoiler=The Final Encounterment] So... Back here again. I am ashamed Brigands done, time to go pwn knights. Level. CHOO CHOO MOTHER FUCK TRAIN? Levels. Probably the best capture I've ever taken of a W.K ... cool Levels. Bodyguards are dead. THIS IS FOR THAT ECLIPSE ON CHAPTER 8! Done.
  11. [spoiler=Supporting] Echidna now OP Wyvern Riders and Pegasus Knights begin spawning with the latter a turn after. Figured I'd use Wyvern to feed Isadora some exp The W.Ks peel down pegasus while Isadora slowly farms. Pretty much like this. Not really sure I'll use Isadora. Time to burn their bolts. Yeah, Iron Ballista is long range. After burning Iron, I lure Selena. Get Get this weak bitch outta here Let's do this! lolnocrit4lyfe :| Done. ....... IsadoraxTethys 4 steamy scene Apparently you can support same character more than once in a chapter. Cool Damn Marisa. Level. FioraxFarina 4 sisterly love Marisa demolish. But he doesn't die and pwn her face with swordreaver. >:|
  12. [spoiler=Crossing the Plains] I still love/hate this rng. Why is it so hard to prevent brigands from chasing after that village? Doing better! Second wave came! Doll bait op Promoted creeps dead. Loot Limstella and Karla makes short work of the midgets. Canto is awesome. Tethys's first level Pain...! Why do people not like Karla? Loot Then someone die or something. Idk how, something to do with Karla I bet. Damned cancer eating away at her. Fortunately, I savestated here. Wasn't about to deal with Aias again. Doing better this time. Their bait too stronk Oh yeah baby .-. They're more or less wiped out. Just two left. OH GOD She dodges. Tethys level reget Phew. No more will be chasing me now. Time to taunt Selena. Lol
  13. [spoiler=Echidna OP] To hell with this. Real. Not a double hit. Might as well buff up supports now. Fuck you too. Smash Great Level! Yeek. Dead. :\ :/ Level of unneedingly Guenever doesn't have to take this shit. Limstella pls. One of them can't land a hit. Ninian got her covered though, so she hit. Not even close bby There it is. They literally come out of the fortress that I was in control of. lol Nah, you first. WHY ARE YOU HITTING? Tytyty Taking out troublesome hitters. lol Knight Crown. Sure wonder what it is... Ha ha ha!
  14. [spoiler=Skills are gay] Same cycle. With a mild difference of Ballista kill Those unfortunate knights. Two fighters at the river over near the peak are wiped out. I make a nice ransacking group. Horseslayer>everything She dodges, no worries. This took a bit longer than I would thought. See them? These poor horsemen again, even if they hurt Karla, they get 10x the pain in return. Dodges. Sure Strike'd FUCKING SKILL
  15. You're supposed to apply it to the rom BEFORE you randomize...
  16. [spoiler=Myrrah x Selena] Myrrah enters a small village alone. And Selena leaves it to confront peeping toms. Ain't need no men in her taco making business especially not cross dressers. Ouch. Party. Lyn and Serra are at the top. I feel sorry for Primefusion if he see this. Look who showed up. But it doesn't matter, they're terrible. No really, they're HORRIBLE. Dance to give Guenever a distance closure. Some guy appears to Pablo boss and talk things then walk left. Disappearing to somewhere. The problem? I'm in his way and yet he's nowhere to be seen. Sure wonder where he went. Nice level. Isadora gains level from killing two fighters. Rat's ass chance of landing a hit on this darling princess. Here's your reward for mounting a siege. Let's brace ourselves for some cavaliers buttfuck I gave Farina Horseslayer beforehand and had her go help Guenever while other slowly catch up due to this terrible one tile bridge design. I means, one tile bridge would be okay if you only had few units, but when you have this many... Cavaliers business Burn in hell you faggot. This is cake. Isadora gains yet another level... from killing a fighter? S rank Bow. STILL can't use ballista. This archer has C rank. And she's sitting on a ballista along with four others. (Yes. Five ballistas. One iron, one killer, and three regular.) He reappears with this cool item. You wanna know where he came from? Between my party and Fiora who went left to see if there's a findie in a fortress. How did he get pass MY PARTY WHO SO OBVIOUSLY BLOCKED THE BRIDGES BETWEEN THERE AND BOSS'S PALACE? So Fiora is soloing him and his band of merry men in dress. I break snag to let Isadora and Tethys cross. This village contains Talisman. Yeah, she's soloing them pretty well. Aias doesn't even stand a chance. Skl is important. Then Selena one shot Tethys. Get what I means by HORRIBLE?
  17. [spoiler=You thought I was Chapter 13 but it was me Dios!] One of them carried this apparently? I had to be extremely careful and kept reseting because the monsters in the fow skirmish were extremely dangerous for Marisa. Her palette. Both are so sexy... The decision is hard. Difference. I chose Swordmaster because Karla is already a hero.
  18. [spoiler=Sophia Grind] Levels I was sorta tempted to go Sage, but. I figured crit+10 was better.
  19. [spoiler=It's all Ogre now] Get. Cool flip though. Lyn chip for Marisa. Ouch, poor Ismaire 90 hit, and you miss. -.- Cool. Crit 4 lyfe First level, while not bad, it's not good. Done. Buy lunas. THEY SELL MINES. OMG OMG OMG! I might buy some later. 30k golds get Marisa need this BAD. I give Limstella a shot of it though. Off to the grind. I decided no, either one are terrible for Sophia, despite Druid being her original. I decided to go Apprentice
  20. [spoiler=The Ghost Ship...Second] Teamwork! Five more to go~ Limstella makes a very quick work of a pirate Damn you crit. That bow doing 6 dmg, #40kek Fiora getting good level but less so now that she capped speed. (To be removed when she hit S rank in something) GOOOOOOOOOOOLDS That bend looks so unnatural. Earns a kill again. Ismaire gains level Dancing doll is fun Four more now. Monsters are still coming. Damned Exorcist. Levels via monsters. No prob. She's getting same level almost all the time. Beautiful GG Better.jpg Two more to go. Monster dropped guiding ring. Finally. The choice is obvious. Bishop has better role-wise. Dat E Dark/Light One more. Ha. I start pushing toward the north dock to wipe out Exorcist and get Marisa. I did it! Farina 2 gud. I move Farina onto the boat with the summoner. The exorcist doesn't stop summoning, just a warning. Get some spd will ya? Monsters thinned down. I finally hit her now. Annnd dead.
  21. Don't do fe8girl dancer if you do add something to the dancer. summoning is fun, but not that IDEAL for your gameplay.
  22. Hmm wonder where I could find them... Maybe I missed them already.
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