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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. -Cough...- First sprite in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong while that I actually finish.
  2. First LPer is already decided, you means second. :P
  3. I can do it anytime. I'm a neet anyway...
  4. You should do it again too. But this time you randomize it :D
  5. But he's not NickT That thread is pretty dead though.
  6. [spoiler=Sword is Life, Sword is Love] Don't you dare lie to me. Fake and gay. Marcus is a female mercenary! OH COME ON! Preparation. BARTRE GET SKILL Marcus does magic. First level to max skill. He got spd which is good, he'll need more badly. He pretty much devastated the problem children. 3 damage. haha Cleaning the area. Merlinus soontm I think Oswin MAY be a permanent resident of my party, but who know. HOW DARE YOU ELIWOOD. Reset to a savestate. Better. Glitch get. Healbots prepared. Turn ends, and nothing big happens. Merlinus get. Hector positioning. They get wiped out. Str. Dodge. But Hector hit twice. More reinforcement. Oh snap, matt isn't in range. FALLBACK Wow rude. Guy get. Seeing as I may not save my healer, I resort to something... SOLO ANIMATION. (at least until they promote.) Everyone pepsi Last one for the turn and healers are safe. Things happen. Level Iron Sword is nasty business. So I smash him. After healing, I equip steel axe and sit him there. Poor pegasus. Bartre smash horsemen. Eliwood crit twice. Nice level. I go to sell the devil axe, and buy a pair of handaxe and a javelin. Handaxes for hectors, and javelin for oswin. Fin.
  7. Why don't you marry him and live off his tenacity?
  8. I already finished a run of this in a LP, i'm just being masochistic and doing another.
  9. I don't need sound, give me the patch with that animation~
  10. Title says it all. I come back with a whole new randomization. I am a masochist for sure. Sure wonder what Ninian I get this run. [spoiler=Masochism Begins] Running with my first word instead. Arulle isn't supposed to be a tactician anyway :O this T͟His/ used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced. There, gave you the definition. Lyn Lord, while I did get Lyn Lord once before when I first got Klok's chaos mode but it didn't go great. Let' see what this one has in store for us. HEAL SLAVE DETECTED Carrying an energy ring is rather amusing. Then again, one run before this (in a curiosity of how items are randomized to each character and class.) He'd got two stats booster, a speedwing and a goddess's statue if i recalls it correctly. First off as usual... WALL BREAKING I shove the ring to Hector, Matthew isn't going to be much use for later chapter anyway as seen with his growths. That hit makes me all fuzzy on inside. MOVE BITCH YOU'RE SO WEAK YOU CAN GET ONE SHOT BY ANYTHING. Hector get hit and repays twice the interest in a critical. I don't need keys to be fair... Switched these two items so Matt heal and Hector open. After thief opens his side of door, I use it. HEY GIVE THAT BACK. Let's do this. Hector tears him a new one. Hector has the speed and power! allplanned.jpg Matthew is having fun with his shaft. Mani Katti crit isn't a joke. Dodge. Then I remembered something. Oops. HOW DARE YOU MISS ONE. Matt loots. He goes and use one stock of vulnerary, that bastard. Not like he'd live anyway. Rooming it up. Now moving along... Hector leads the lone charge. This is basically how much Hector does with Mani Katti... SO OP. MORE OP Lvl for matt Well Unlock is infinite so... It takes at most 3 uses of Unlock to get a level I suppose. (40 xp per unlock i think) No contest. And Hector tops it by critical killing the poor armor assassin. [spoiler=Clones. Clones everywhere.] Violence is best solution in that era though. . . HUH!? Well, in this case, the only follow-up is the fact last time Eliwood was Knight that promoted into a Dragoon, so I guess I should be graceful that at least this time they're identical for real. Hero Marcus inc. Nah. Nah x2 I'll take it. Better than last time.jpg I'll take it as well. MONSTER No.jpg Starting off with this~ Hector become buff Poor pegasus knights. No way in hell am I using her. 15 hp. FIFTEEN FUCKING HP. worse than other pegasus knights. Marcus is worth using, if that speed won't bite him in the ass. Heh. WHY Oh you were just building up suspension. Nope. Marcus can't dodge it seem. Hector one shot everyone in this map. They didn't like him it seem. Top is pretty much cleared. Thing happens at bottom. HECTOR PLS Oswin clean up for his master. Matt hide. Things happen with horsebirds. BOSS FIGHT! And it hangs. How did I forget that one? Back here. Savestate is important! He get hit this time though. But that looks weird. Hector makes her bite the dust. Marcus chips for Eliwood to kill and get his first level.
  11. "I'm right here," the 'soldier girl' calls out waving with her right hand from a nearby rocky seat still eating her freshly roasted snack, she has eaten through half of the meat it provided. "I guess no one want to take the passage I found," she comments disappointingly.
  12. Hair still pops up out of nowhere, it's incredibly awkward to look at.
  13. NickT has a thread full of mugs to be shared, but I can't find it anywhere in last 4 pages.
  14. Did they perhaps updated the hack and used GK's animation? Their theft know no limit.
  15. Just a concern of mine, but her hair just seems as if it... pop up when she throw a spell, you should improve the transition.
  16. Who the heck is going to use that animation anyway?
  17. You mentioned ripping fe7if animation in lunaticscreamer's LP, if I give you a mug, can you use one of the animation from that for it? :v
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